Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket. I don't make money with this fanfiction.

Kyou: You mean, you don't make money at all…

Melrose: So I'm a bum…

Free talk: Things are getting interesting, ne? More startling truths will be revealed this chapter.

Special thanks to: Sliver Flame: Cool name! Anyway, Kazuma isn't Kyou's father (Kyou's real dad is a Class S bastard, by the way). I'm sorry if I caused you some confusion. I'm writing this fic assuming everyone has read the Fruits Basket manga. Sorry. I'll try to explain Arisa's remark in this chapter! Anyway, thanks for the review!

Mizaya: Hey, fellow BI/Fruity ML member! I love how the manga's turning out! It really has some MAJOR surprises. I wish Natsuki Takaya would end Fruits Basket with a Kyoru (it looks like it will end that way!)! Thanks for reading.

Little Anime Princess: Well, I hope you like this part!

Shadowcat15: I have a friend who likes Ritsu as well! It's not as nuts as it seems. Thanks for the review!

SwtRose: Well, here is another one. Thank you for reading!

Angel-Tinuviel: Thanks for reading! I do find Kyou as the cutest character! And I definitely want a Kyoru ending for the manga.

Rekka's Angel: Well, to have an 'aunt' like that, Tohru is quite lucky! The girl deserves some good luck after what's happened to her!

Yukako: Thank you! I love you too! (though not THAT way) I'm sorry I haven't updated quite as fast as I had intended. You'll have an explanation why it takes me so long to write after the chapter!

Yumyum: Yes, I'm still writing. Hatori and Kana is my biggest frustration in FB. I want to put them together, but I can't bring myself to do so! It's weird, I know!

Kagomeinuyasha123: Here's the much-awaited continuation. Enjoy!

This chapter is dedicated to Sliver Flame. I hope you like this.

Chapter VIII: The Theory of Relativity

Stunned silence filled the room as the others tried to understand what Masako had said.

"A–anou," Tohru began, brown eyes wide with astonishment, "you're my mother's–"

"Aunt, Honda-san," Masako supplied, an amused smile on her lips. She was clearly enjoying everyone's confusion. She shrugged. "Well, not truly, not in the strictest sense of the word, but by blood, I am your mother's aunt. Your mother is a Hojo through her mother. Your mother's maiden surname is Kannuma, isn't that right?"

"Yes, but–but–" Tohru couldn't think of anything else say. This young woman was her mother's aunt? It was so…improbable. Masako-sensei looks so…young…she should be–

"I look so young when I should look old?" Masako laughed when Tohru blushed a deep red. "I thank you for the compliment, but I'm quite older than I look. In fact," she added, indicating Kazuma, who stood silently behind Yuki, an indecipherable look on his face, "I'm a bit older than Kazu-chan, which mean I'm actually in my late forties."

Another stunned silence followed her announcement. "But you look like you're only in your twenties!" Arisa blurted out, staring at Masako's face, noting the smooth, wrinkle-free skin with its rosy complexion.

"I know." She gave a smile that made her look like a wily cat. "Doctors have ways, you know, to keep looking young." To their disbelief, she winked at them.

"And they can afford to pay plastic surgeons for their services," Kazuma added with a straight face. Everyone stared at him, including Kyou the cat.

Masako let out another peal of laughter. "True. True. But we digress." She gave Tohru a kind smile. "It's a rather complicated story. I'll tell you some other time. Right now, we have to discuss about where you'll be staying while you're recuperating. It's been decided you'll be staying here as you recover, which would take…a month or so."

"Oh." Tohru blinked. She couldn't really say anything else, could she? She was still stunned from finding out that Masako-sensei was her aunt. Tohru had never met any of her mother's relatives; her mother rarely mentioned them, and whenever she did, her voice would always be filled with pain. "Uhm…anou…what about my schooling?" she asked, suddenly remembering.

"I've arranged to have you home-schooled. I'm going to your school tomorrow with Hatori-san and Shigure-san to talk with your teachers." Masako reached out to take her hand in her grasp. "Don't worry. All you need to concern yourself with is getting better."

"That's right, Tohru-mutti!" Momiji said in a cheerful voice. "Get well soon, OK?"

Tohru managed to nod slightly. "Ha-Hai." It still hurt to move, and her arms were beginning to get tired holding Kyou the cat. It hurt even more to see her friends worrying about her. "I'm sorry, I made you all worry about me and–"

"Don't be silly, Tohru-kun. It's not your fault," Shigure said, then he added with a cheeky grin. "We'll visit you everyday–well, maybe not me, but Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun sure will. After all they are both so in lo–"

Yuki cut him off with a sharp jab on his stomach. "Shut up, Shigure," he hissed. Then he turned and gave Tohru a warm smile. "I'm glad you are all right, Honda-san."

Tohru tried hard not to blush. Yuki still had that effect on her. Then she remembered the cat in her arms. How will Kyou-kun change back with all the people around us?

Masako then cleared her throat. "All right. I'm afraid I'll have to ask everyone to leave now. Honda-san still needs to recover and that means getting some rest. You can see her tomorrow."

There were some murmur of complains at Masako's order, but they obeyed. Hanajima and Arisa went beside Tohru's bed and gave her a gentle hug. "I'm happy you're okay. We were really worried," Arisa whispered. Hanajima just nodded gravely. "We'll visit you tomorrow."

"Okay!" Momiji leaned over and gave Tohru a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, Tohru-mutti! And I'll bring food and Kisa and Haru!"

"What about the cat?" Hanajima said, pointing at Kyou. Again, Tohru blushed.

Masako shrugged. "Oh, just leave him there. I'll pick him up later." She gently herded the crowd out of the room, shutting the door softly.

Finally, it was just only Tohru and Kyou the cat in the room. Kyou jumped out of Tohru's lap and as soon as he landed on the floor, there was a soft poof! Surrounded by a cloud of smoke, Kyou stood naked. "Sorry," he muttered when he heard Tohru make an embarrassed squeak. Grabbing his clothes, he dressed himself. Silence reigned in the room, broken only by the rustling of clothes.

Tohru closed her eyes when Kyou went back to his human form, so she was surprised to feel something soft and wet and warm touch her forehead. Opening her eyes, she found Kyou leaning over, kissing her forehead. There were tears in his eyes. Tohru's eyes widened.

"I missed you," Kyou said. "Get well soon." Without another word, he noiselessly left the room.

Tohru stared at the door for the moment, then slowly, tentatively, touched the spot where Kyou kissed her. It was still warm, like her cheeks.

"What do you want, Kazuma?" Masako's voice had grown colder, just like the temperature in her office. Kazuma stared at her for a moment. She was sitting in her chair, a calm look on her face.

"You know why I'm here."

"You weren't here for my niece, were you?" Masako's violet eyes narrowed. "How much does Tohru know? How much was she allowed to know."

"Know? About what?"

"Don't play games, Kazuma. How much does Tohru know about the Jyuunishi curse?"


Free talk, part 2: I'm SORRY I took so long and that it's rather short. I was busy with several stuff, which includes my undergraduate thesis. There will be more next chapter, including a few flashbacks on who exactly Masako and Tohru are! And oh, did you like the Kyoru moment?

Anyway, there have been many developments in the manga recently about the curse. Be warned I will mostly ignore those developments (AKITO IS A FREAKING GIRL!!!!! HOLY CRAP!). Just to be clear, this fanfic is mostly anime-based, sprinkled with some manga-based facts or events. So, for the sake of timeline, let's just say the fanfic takes place a few days after the summer vacation in the Souma house (that's in the manga, vol. 11 or 10, I think).

Kyoko's surname: Yes, this IS her real maiden name. She's a Kannuma.

Next Chapter: Tohru's recovery begins…and Kyou starts to sort out his true feelings for the girl. Meanwhile, Masako and Kazuma are up to something.