Disclaimer: I do not own Ed, Edd n Eddy or any of the characters. Ed, Edd n Eddy is the property of Danny Antonucci and Cartoon Network.
Edd's first REAL Date
Chapter 4: Movie Date Dilemma Part 2
Edd and Marie soon arrived to their theater and found their seats.
"Here we are, Muffin..."Marie said as she sat down and patted the seat next to hers, with a flirty look on her face.
Edd gulped, but steeled himself.
"Okay, Eddward...You just had dinner with her and now you are going to watch a movie with her...oh, dear...'Edd thought, before he braved forward and took his seat.
Right next to Marie as the previews of the film continued until the film was starting.
There is no going back now.
Present Time
It has been about five minutes since the movie began, but to Edd, it felt like an eternity. Not because he was having an unpleasant time, hardly.
He was actually having a pleasant time with Marie but because he is nervous.
And when he is nervous, he feels on edge.
And him being around a Kanker didn't help matters, even though he tried to remind himself that Marie promised to be good and was actually very well behaved this evening but still, the traces of it is still there.
He thought that after breaking the ice earlier, things would be easier, but watching a movie with a girl...well, it means being next to her for a prolong period of time, and in a dark place such as a movie theater, where no one can see you unless you are loud enough, anything can happen.
THAT is what is worrying him.
Even if she had agreed to his terms for this date, this is Marie Kanker, a very aggressive female who has never hesitate to do whatever it is that she wanted, whenever she wanted.
He knew that from very personal experience, which only adds to his nervousness.
He tried to relax himself with logic, like he always does.
"C-Calm down Eddward. Things have progressed well so far. The first half of the experiment has been a success and Marie has kept her promise, which itself is a small miracle. Things ARE progressing nicely..."Edd reminded himself to calm down.
For now, it is working.
He kept looking at things from a logical point of view.
Marie HAS kept her promise and so far, she hasn't acted like the same obnoxious, unwanted admirer she was before, and that was a relief.
She even MADE AN EFFORT to be polite during this date, in her own way. She didn't force herself on him, cruelly teased him or acted unsavory in any manner. She just acted...like herself, but without the unwanted kissing, mocking, teasing, bullying and uncouth behavior.
It was actually a surprising but not unpleasant development.
While it was too soon for conclusions, these facts also gave him the confidence that this experiment was not a mistake and that was enough to give him confidence to continue with the hope.
For now, at least.
Unknown to him, he wasn't the only one trying to calm themselves down. Marie is in a similar boat, but for different reasons.
Edd's reasons was nervousness and slight paranoia.
Marie's reason is hormones.
While Edd was like a college graduate going for a job interview, Maire was more like an animal with the cage door flung open. She didn't know what to make of the opportunity but she knew that if she ran out, well...she didn't know what would happen after that.
As soon as the lights turned off and the movie began, Marie had recalled the reason WHY movie theaters are such a popular date location for teenagers.
Mainly, they come here to NOT watch the movie, if you knew what she is saying.
She knew.
Oh boy, did she knew.
"Relax Marie. You made it this far. Don't scare him off..."Marie yelled at herself on the inside.
Marie however, is having trouble. She was struggling to stay in control. She is a teenager and a Kanker, who are naturally very hot blooded and passionate people and she had to wait for at least two hours at the movies with the guy she wants badly and can't jump because she made a promise, one that is probably the only reason Edd didn't back out of their date.
She knew that she had to keep her promise but at the same time, this was driving her crazy!
She knew that she couldn't lay a hand on him or kiss him like she so, desperately wanted to.
Sure, it had brought in the reward of Edd's company, willingly, which is totally amazing but at the same time, she had to fight the urge to pin the boy down and assault him with her amorous feelings.
And the theater was the perfect place.
THE perfect place.
"I mean, sure, It's Edd. The smartest, nicest, cutest guy in the whole world...who looks so hot in a suit right now...and who already took me out to dinner and treated me to this film...who is also looking REALLY cute and shy right now...Oh~..."Marie internally swooned.
She smacked herself in the head for letting herself think that, reminding her to keep it low.
"I can't give in...I want this to go well..."Marie thought.
It HAS to go well.
She didn't want to risk scaring him off and losing her golden opportunity. She didn't want him to keep seeing her as that same girl who used to chase him around and invaded his personal space constantly.
She wanted him to see her as more than that.
She wanted him to see her as a woman.
A woman that he could fall in love with.
To ask to be his steady girlfriend for real and to go on dates like this all the time, and kiss, make out, hold hands, snuggle, make out, ride the tunnel of love, make out, go steady, celebrate Valentine's days and other holidays together, make out, attends dances and other events together, eat out at a fancy restaurant, make out, date through the rest of high school and later get married, have kids and live happily ever after.
Did she mention make out?
Marie's mind was filled with all these wonderfully, romantic things involving her and the boy that she has loved since she first moved to Peach Creek four years ago and she knew that this date is the perfect way to show Edd what she could mean to him.
So, she resisted her hormones...which is WAY easier said than done.
Edd noticed her silence...and the look on her face, like she is daydreaming or something.
He had a feeling he knew what it is about. Despite it all, Edd dared to speak right now.
"The...the movie is getting off to a f-fascinating start, wouldn't you say, Marie?..."A nervous Edd asked.
All the while, Marie snapped out of her lovesick moment and realized that he had been speaking to her.
"Uh, yeah, sure..."Marie said, having not really paid attention but she nodded.
They went back to being silent again, at least out loud. She did regret not paying attention.
"What did he say? I zoned out for a sec, what did he say?..."Marie thought, actually feeling something she rarely.
She is worried that she might mess up her golden opportunity to get this wonderful, irresistible brainy hunk to fall in love with her after four years of chasing after him.
She can't let that happen, not when she is so close now.
She had to control herself.
Edd noticed that she was quiet and her face no longer sported an amorous expression...but...well, he can't describe it but he is not used to seeing this sort of look on Marie's face.
Or any Kanker's face to be honest.
"Is she alright?..."Edd thought.
She looked uncanny and it was nerve-wracking. He wasn't sure what she'd do next and that was his main concern. After all, the saying goes: you can trust a dishonest man to be dishonest.
And you could trust a Kanker to be dishonest too.
Still, Marie has had many chances tonight to do what she could have done, but didn't.
Is it because she was being genuine when she made her promise or was she trying to make him let his guard done for something she has planned?
He is probably being paranoid again, and shook those thoughts away.
"It's okay… she's not going to do anything. She promised and she has surprisingly manage to keep it so long.…"Edd thought, trying to keep his nerves calm.
Still, there is that little part of him that is screaming at him to run away.
"I do so hope that she doesn't end up jumping me for an amorous attack...this evening has been progressing so well..."He thought.
All the while, this is going into the blue haired girls hormone driven mind.
"Must not jump him.! Must not jump him! Must not jump him!..."Marie repeated in her mind over and over again.
They were nervous, and it was getting worse.
They both want tonight to go perfect, for their own personal reasons, but it seems that some things are just too hard to forget.
Like old habits.
Unknown to the two teens, someone had just entered this movie theater.
But not to watch the movie.
Not at all.
While Edd and Marie tried to focus on the movie(and not their internal struggles) Lee and May had just managed to sneak inside the theater.
"Finally..."Lee said once they were in and spotted her sister and her man.
The two trailer park girls hid about four rows before them. Far enough to not be noticed by them but close enough to keep an eye on them and to make sure Double D didn't get any ideas of what he could do with THEIR sister
Or...at least that's what Lee would say if they got caught doing this.
Secretly, Lee came because she was both jealous and curious about how this evening would turn out and May came, because she both wanted to know how it would turn out and also, because she usually just goes along Lee's ideas without much of a fight.
"I think someone left their gum here..."May said as she noticed her hand touching something slimy
"Quiet!..."Lee hissed, since they can't afford to get caught here, they had to see their sister's date.
As the two girls spied on their sister on her date, Lee couldn't help but frown, feeling a flare of jealousy surge once more at what she is seeing.
Don't get her wrong, she is happy for her sister and she and Double D are soul mates, as far as she is concern but still, why did Marie get all of the luck?
Why couldn't it be her and Eddy having a date like this?
Some people get all of the luck.
She also noticed that both Marie and Edd had just been sitting there, looking at the screen, not saying anything, not even whispering to each other.
Lee raised a brow at that, which was covered by her curly bangs.
What is going on with her sister, here?
"You seeing this May?...'Lee asked.
"I know...The Mackerel is really stealing the show..."May said, referring to the movie.
Lee punched her in annoyance.
"Not the movie, I am talking about the lovebirds..."Lee whispered harshly.
"Shush..."A movie viewer behind them said.
The two girls ignored him and focused on the Edd and Marie.
The two girls remained in their row, keeping out of the sight of any ushers or guards and trying to keep an eye on their sister, on what is probably the most important night of her young life.
And it is their job to make sure that it goes well.
"Wish I could get a closer look…" Lee said to her sister.
"Me too..."May said but if they got closer, Marie might see them and they did NOT need that to happen right now.
May and Lee continued to spy on them and keep out of the sight of any movie theater employees, unaware that they are not the ONLY ones in this theater without a ticket.
Unknown to the two girls, they were not the only ones sneaking into this theater to spy on the "happy couple".
Ed and Eddy had just managed to sneak in as well.
"Finally..."Eddy said as he finished crawling on the sticky flower and decided to sit in a chair in the fifth row.
He then saw his targets. His crazy best friend and the Kanker witch that is corrupting him.
Now all he needed to do was catch her in the act of corrupting Edd and they can prove her wicked intents. Then go home resume their usual routine og avoiding her and her crazy sisters as much as possible.
"Ed, come on..."Eddy whispered.
"Wri-ght, Ed-dly..."Ed said while chewing something, no doubt something that had been discarded on the floor.
Eddy, being used to his disgusting habits, ignored him and paid attention to Edd, who miraculously, is still in one piece.
Eddy is honestly surprised.
He had expected that by now, that Kanker freak would have pounced him and kissed him into next Tuesday, capture him, tie him up, subject him to an endless selection of horrible, humiliating and outright traumatizing "lovey dovey" torture, like the ones that they have been subjected to in the past.
"Maybe she just didn't get a chance yet with witnesses..."Eddy theorized, still really paranoid when it comes to a Kanker.
He could try to get them to be the only one in the theater and maybe do something to make Marie leave, but that would take a lot of work and a plan.
One that would have formulated by now, if Ed's loud crunching didn't distract him.
He tried to think but he is not good at this stuff. Sure, he is the idea guy of the group, but stuff like forming plans and details, that is Double D's shtick.
Still, he is not going to give up. He has to show Edd that he is making a big mistake and that this just isn't natural
Eds and Kankers didn't mix
Never have, never will
Too bad his buddy forgot about that and is literally flirting with disaster right now.
It just ain't right.
"You seeing this Mono-brow?..." Eddy asked in disgust.
"It is to laugh, The Mackerel is so funny..."Ed said, chuckling to the screen.
Eddy flicked him behind the head.
"Not that, stupid! I am talking about that lousy Kanker and out crazy friend..."Eddy said harshly.
"Shush..."A movie viewer next to them said.
"You shush!..." Eddy whispered
Eddy went back to spying and trying to think up an idea, unaware that just a few seats away, Lee and Marie were spying on the couple too.
May laughed at a funny scene the movie is showing, so is Ed, who have yet to notice each other's presence yet due to how dark and loud it currently is in the theater right now.
"Oh, that mackerel!..."Ed/May both laughed, much to the annoyance of their partner in crime .
"Quiet stupid!..."Lee and Eddy both said at the same time.
Eddy smacked his friend once more while Lee punched her sister in annoyance.
Both still unaware of the other's presence.
"Shush..."A movie viewer next to them said.
"Shush yourself!" Lee snapped.
She is unaware that the exact same thing happen to Eddy.
"Shush!..."Another movie viewer said and Eddy got annoyed.
"Shut up..."Eddy yelled.
As the remaining Kankers and remaining Ed's tried (and failed) to be inconspicuous, the "happy couple" had plans of their own.
Double D, who was unaware of their presence, decided to try something.
He got the idea from watching a scene in the movie and had spent the last five minutes mentally debating it.
"Should I?..."He thought, feeling nervous once more.
What he is about to do...is a little bold but this IS suppose to be a date and he IS suppose to be gathering data here, to help both him and Marie in their so-called "relationship".
However, if he does it, he might either give Marie the wrong idea or risk offending her.
He didn't know which is worse.
On the one hand, he probably should play it safe but on the other hand, he needs the data in order to see if he and this girl could EVER possibly be able to be romantically compatible.
He didn't know what to do..
"This is quite a conundrum..."He thought as he kept weighing his options.
Both sets of spies were getting frustrated.
Eddy because he still couldn't figure out how to separate his friend from that Kanker girl and Lee, because NOTHING interesting has happen yet between the so-called love birds.
"This is the longest time Marie has been around Double D without trying to make out with him, what is she waiting for?...'Lee said, confused.
"Beats me..."May said.
"There has got to be a way to get Sock-Head's attention and get him away from that harpy..."Eddy said in frustration.
Just then, something happened that got all of their attention.
Shy, nerdy, neurotic, laments at the drop of a hat, Edd, has done something unbelievable.
The shy Ed boy had nervously...and slowly...placed his hand on top of Marie's.
Eddy's jaw dropped at the sight of it.
Ed blinked in confusion, wondering what is going on.
May smiled happily at the sight and Lee smirked now, believing that things will speed up now.
And Marie...
Marie, who just felt this, felt her face turn red.
The two continued like this for a while and they were still unaware that they were being watched.
"Aw...that's so sweet..."May whispered, finding it so heartwarming.
"Aw...that is kind of cute..."Lee said, no longer feeling so jealous and maybe happy her sister.
Eddy saw this and wasn't sharing their sentiments.
"Ew! What is wrong with him?!..."Eddy whispered in disbelief, disgust and maybe worry.
"Ah! That mackerel is so funny..."Ed laughed again.
And like before, Eddy smacked Ed upside the head.
Back with Edd and Marie
"Oh, my heavens..."The nervous boy thought over his most recent act.
Holding Marie's hand during the movie.
You see, he had earlier had been wondering how to handle this part of the experiment..to see if he should play it safe or venture forward in order to see how much he and Marie can tolerate each other.
These had been the thoughts that convinced him to do this rather bold move...or, bold to him at least.
Anyway, Edd felt another variable needed to be added to the experiment in order for it to be truly accurate.
With that in mind, he gathered his courage and placed his hand on Marie's.
He was worried how Marie might react to this, as she could either slug him or regress to her old self and jump him
Would she do that?
He tried not to think about that.
He just hoped that he won't regret it.
He wasn't the only one.
The hormonal teenager girl felt the soft, warm touch of her true love's hand on hers as they watched this movie together.
She had been trying hard not to give into her hormones but tonight has just been so wonderful. The dinner, the car ride, taking her to see the movie and now, her precious little Edd is holding her hand.
"Aww...Double D...You're so...so..."Marie blushed more as she enjoyed the warm feeling on his hand on hers.
She sucked in some air through her nose to calm down but it is hard.
She wants to kiss him.
She really wants to kiss him.
She has been wanting to kiss him for hours but had been resisting because she didn't want to spook him
But he...and right now...and she...and...and...Oh, he is just to hard to resist.
"Oh, Double D~..."Marie whispered out and Edd flinched when he heard it but did not let go of her hand yet.
Marie giggled, as her hormones started talking now.
"Maybe just one little kiss wouldn't hurt...after all, he seems to liking me right now...maybe it can seal the deal..."Marie's hormone driven mind theorized before turning her attention to her Edd.
She decided to try.
"Hey, Double D~..."Marie said in a VERY flirtatious voice.
It made his face turn red and he began to sweat.
"Y-Yes, Marie..."Edd said in a shaky tone.
She smiled.
"I really like this..."Marie said with sultry eyes.
Edd gulped and felt that he is in DANGER now.
Kanker Danger.
Marie Kanker type of danger.
He saw a familiar gleam in her eye and panicked.
"Oh dear! Oh my! Is she going to kiss me?! I knew that this was too much too soon!..."Edd thought nervously as the blue haired Kanker girl, who's eyes were full of infatuation, looked at him.
Like she wanted to make out with him.
Marie said nothing else as she puckered her lips and slowly leaned forward.
He gulped.
"Well… I may have given her the idea. Perhaps… I can try to-..."
However, before anything could happen between them, this happens.
"Huh?..."Double D said and Marie stopped and pouted.
"What gives?!...'Marie said as she looked to the source.
To her and Edd's surprise, she saw her sisters and his friends a few rows back, with some security guards.
"Eddy/Ed!..."Lee and May said happily after seeing them.
"KANKERS?!..."Eddy shouted and Ed looked scared.
"What the heck?!..." Marie said, looking peeved.
"Oh no..."Edd said in dismay.
Both of them were surprised, and insulted, to see them here.
"Eddy! Ed! What are you both doing in here?!..."Edd exclaimed.
"Rescuing you, Einstein!..."Eddy shouted.
"Rescue?..." Edd questioned..
"Lee! May! What gives!?..."Marie demanded, hating that her date is being interrupted.
"Sorry Marie, we had to keep an eye on ya..."Lee answered.
"It was her idea..."May pointed to Lee.
In response, Lee punched her in the shoulder.
The security guards, on the other hand, did not care about this and continued to scold the trespassers.
"You punks have a lot of nerve sneaking in here..."The security guard said as he grabbed Ed and Eddy, while his partner grabbed Lee and May.
"HEY! PAWS OFF!..."Lee shouted but as strong as she is, this security guard is stronger.
"LET ME GO!..."Eddy shouted as the guards began to drag them out of the theater.
After Edd's friends and Marie's sisters were taken away, both of them dragged a hand down on their faces. Though, Edd felt a little embarrassed and maybe slightly relieved.
"Was Marie really going to-..."
"Man, those guys had to ruin the mood..."Marie thought, before she realized what she did.
"Oh man! What is wrong with me?! I almost kissed him! I can't do that unless he gives the go. I can't scare him off again!...'Marie thought in a panic.
Maybe there is a chance to save this.
"Uh...so...your friends spied on us..."Marie said, regretting it immediately.
"Um...so did your sisters...'Edd pointed out.
"Yeah...sorry about that..."Marie said, feeling awkward.
"No need, it's not like you asked them to do that…"Edd said, still feeling awkward here.
"Did your friends really think you'd need rescuing?..." Marie asked, a little offended but at the same time, she didn't blame them for thinking that way.
Edd sighed and rubbed his temples, before answering her.
"Likely Eddy did and convinced Ed to go along with it..." Edd explained, knowing his friends inside and out.
He knew that in many ways, this whole thing is strange and it is, and his friends thought they were helping, so he can't be too mad for that.
Marie, on the other hand, was just mad at her sisters for spying on them and she knew them inside and out too.
They didn't think she was in trouble, they just wanted to spy on them for kicks.
"Just wait until I get a hold of those two when I get home..."Marie thought in anger, before realized that they needed something to get their mind's off the betrayal.
"Hey, look..."Marie laughed as she pointed to the screen.
Edd saw what was going on and laughed.
There was a particularly humorous scene happening on the screen involving the mackerel doing very amusing things that everyone in the theater was erupting in laughter.
So is Edd.
"Oh my, that is humorous..."Edd said, laughing.
Marie felt things were back how they should be now and sighed in relief when they both sat down and Marie was just glad that she had control of herself again.
So is Edd.
He and Marie sat watching the scene for a moment, neither of them speaking but both of them were surprisingly calm again.
Marie decided to go for it and try and keep things going well.
"Want some popcorn?..."Marie asked, offering him some.
"Why yes, thank you..."Edd said as he gingerly took some, eating the popcorn one kernel at a time so as not to make a mess on his suit
Marie laughed watching him do this and Edd raised a brow at her laughter.
It wasn't the cruel, mocking kind. Just the amused kind.
"What?...'Edd asked, confused as Marie kept laughing.
"You're just so funny..."She said, but not in the mean way.
She meant funny in the cute, endearing kind of way, like he is now.
Miraculously, Edd was able to tell the distinction of her laughter and smiled slightly.
"I suppose I am, not that I try to be..." Edd said, laughing as well
As the two teens laughed and enjoyed the rest of their snacks as they watched the rest of this movie, Edd felt his nervousness and tensions slowly melt away.
And Marie...
She tried to keep herself calm again by watching the movie, making polite conversation and eating candy.
Lots and lots of candy.
"OH, COME ON!..."Eddy yelled as he was unceremoniously kicked out of the movie theater, along with Ed.
"YOU LOUSY PUNKS! IF I CATCH YOU SNEAKING IN HERE AGAIN, I'M CALLING YOUR PARENTS!..."The security guard shouted at them, before slamming the door in their faces.
Eddy cursed under his breath.
"THIS STINKS!..."Eddy shouted.
They got caught sneaking into the film before they could save their friends and what's worse, DOUBLE D, the shy, can't lift a butterfly Sock-Head actually tried making moves on a Kanker
Eddy knew that he had to stop this, but he didn't know how! That's when Ed tapped his shoulder to get his attention but Eddy is being irritable right now.
"Not now, Lumpy!..." Eddy barked.
"But… Eddy?..." Ed asked, pointing at what he was worried at.
Eddy turned his head towards where Ed was pointing.
"I said I-"
He lost his anger and most of the color on his face when he saw WHAT made Ed so scared right now.
"Hiya boys..."Lee and May said flirtatiously.
"KANKERS?!..."Eddy and Ed both shouted frighten, while the two girls laughed.
"I didn't think we'd find you good looking guys here..." Lee said, eyeing Eddy like a piece of meat.
Eddy step back in fear and so did Ed, as the two love crazy girls laughed again.
"So, our sister and your friend, huh? I always knew that it'd be one of these days..."Lee said.
"So, you guys were planning on trapping Double D when he was alone?! I bet you were just finding any excuse to get your Kanker claws on him, weren't you?..."Eddy accused.
"Actually, we just followed them to keep an eye on then, and because we were curious how far this would go..."Lee explained.
"Too bad that we got kicked out before the movie finished..."May said, bummed.
Lee, however, nudged her and had a sly smirk form on her face.
"I wouldn't say that. I say the show had just begun..."Lee said and May got what she meant.
Both girls grinned at the Eds.
"You know. I think Marie has everything under control. So, let's have some fun..."Lee said and May nodded in agreement.
Eddy and Ed both realized what she meant, where this is going and both reacted as accordingly as possible.
"RUN AWAY!..."Eddy and Ed both shouted as they ran for the hills, while their respective Kankers looking at their retreating forms and grinned.
"I love it when they run, don't you, sis?..."Lee said with a grin.
"You bet..."May said with a giggle.
The two Kankers then ran after them, determined to make sure that their sister isn't the ONLY one who'll be having fun tonight.
A few hours have passed and the movie had come to it's conclusion.
After the credits ended, they left and Edd and Marie walked towards his car.
During this walk, he glanced at Marie, who was still being well behave, in spite of her near slip up and Edd felt more confident.
So far, in spite of his friends and her sisters spying on them and that near kiss she did on him, the experiment has gone on without a hitch.
"I am actually amazed to have made it this far..."He thought, feeling a strange sense of contentment here.
Double D glanced at his watch.
"Oh my. It's almost 9:30..."Edd said.
Marie was surprised by how quick the time had just flown.
"Is it really that time already?..."Marie said.
"It is..."He said.
Marie then from for some reason as she asked the following question.
"Is your curfew soon?..."She asked
"Not quite but it's soon..." Edd admitted, and to his surprise, a part of him was rather sad by the thought of it.
They had spent that time at the movies quietly conversing and commenting on the film, sharing snacks and just...getting along?
Did they really get along in all that time?
These two?
It was astounding to both of them that they hadn't fallen back into their old routines but it seems that they managed to get along with each other so far tonight and...
It was kind of nice.
Edd thought that and so did Marie.
Her surprise soon turned to depression.
She didn't know why.
She has been having such a great time...and now it is coming to an end.
Perhaps, she was genuinely enjoying this more than for the reasons she thought. Maybe it wasn't just to make him fall in love with her.
Maybe, for the most part, she was just happy to be around him and have him NOT run away from her.
She liked that.
She likes it a lot.
She knew that this was part of an experiment but she didn't want it to end so soon.
Not yet, anyway.
Edd saw her expression and realized that Marie might not want to end the date here.
Soon a thought came to him, and make him start thinking about something.
He really shouldn't
He is certain that he has gathered more than enough data for his investigation. Besides, his curfew is in half an hour and even if it wasn't. Well, Marie has managed to resist kissing him again his will, despite her near slip up.
What is she has another?!
Though to be honest, would it TRULY be so horrible if she did?
No, she promised and he can't risk encouraging her.
Still, he saw the look on her face when he held her hand, it was a look that once terrified him and if he was very frank, still did.
She looked so enamored at that one little thing he did.
It scared him...but it also intrigued him too.
He once again weight his options and unlike the last time, it didn't take him almost ten minutes to decide. The shyest of the Ed's, who once more, did something he knew was very out of character for him, but decided to go through with it.
Summoning his courage, he did what he thought was right
He spoke to her.
"Excuse me, Marie?..."Edd said.
"Yeah..."Marie asked.
He took a breath.
"Well, it's just...uh...you see, my curfew isn't for another half an hour...and...um...well, I...um..."Edd stammered, losing his nerve.
Marie won't let him, though
"Come on, spit it out!..."Marie said with her arms crossed.
That did worry him more, but he went through with it.
"Yes, um...I was wondering...well, if you are up for it...would you care to take a...a w-walk with me?...'Double D asked, taking the plunge.
Marie's face instantly brighten up and smiled when she heard that.
Did he really ask her that? Did he wanted to spend more time with her?
"Is he actually...actually...Oh, Double D!~..."Marie thought smitten as she instantly snatched onto his right arm.
"I'd love to..." "Marie said, trying to sound casual, and trying to hide her own excitement and struggling to keep it in.
She still couldn't believe it!
Double D wanted to spend more time with her!
This was like a dream come true!
Edd blushed at her closeness but nodded.
"Very well, shall we..."He said, still blushing and Marie giggled.
"Lead the way, cutie..."Marie said, still feeling over the moon right now.
The two teenagers soon left and knew that soon, they would soon reach the results.
However, he experiment and most of all their date is far from over.
-To be continued-
Next time on Ed's First REAL Date
Is This Love?
A/N: Special thanks to NeoMark, BeConFuzzled Writer and 61394 for helping out here. You guys really are the best! :)
REPLIES to my loyal and totally awesome reviewers:
Derekctomlinson: LOL!
Invader Johnny: You can say that again.
Boris Yeltsin: Thank you :)
Ace of Spades 1980: Thank you :)
Mr. Legoman: Thank you :)
:) Till next time beautiful people, remember to read and review :)