I can't help myself.

Something about The Good Hunter from Bloodborne appearing on a Zerg-World in Starcraft just...makes me happy. This should hopefully not be too long of a story, but who knows at this point?

This is going to be an OP character, just warning you now! Akari is an end-game Bloodborne character, as well as something else happening to fuck with her and make her even stronger. So if you don't want that, I'd recommend you not read this story, since Akari is going to be strong as hell. Why? Well, it's simple, I enjoy writing Overpowered characters, it's fun. God-Hunter has a being literally above all other gods as the Main Character, because I find it fun to write!

Hope you boos enjoy!

"Good Hunter."

Tipping her hat up with the point of Rakuyo, The Hunter bowed to The Doll, who matched her. "Hi there Doll." She responded with a thin smile, ignoring how the Doll clasped her hand around the ornament in her hair, instead letting her eyes drift towards the graveyard, where Gehrman's corpse lay beside the eviscerated, butchered, and slowly-disintegrating form of the Moon Presence. "No change?" The beautiful white-haired homunculus shook her head sadly, her own head merely tracking Akari's slow motions towards the graveyard.

"None, my Hunter." Akari sighed, sheathing Rakuyo then pulling three rather grotesque strands of decaying intestine-like matter from one of her pouches, the Doll stepping back hurriedly in surprise, one hand raising to her mouth to cover it. "My Hunter, is... could those be...?" Akari frowned, her fingers clenching around the items tightly, small rivulets of black fluid flowing endlessly from either side of the tubular biological waste.

"They are. It took me...so long, to find that nightmare bitch. But...I think this will be worth it." Nothing made sense right now aside from her need to hunt those items down. The Moon Presence had grabbed her whilst Rakuyo was still lodged deeply in Gehrman's chest. She felt its energy seeping into her, binding her to whatever contract Gehrman seemed trapped by.

But then, something changed. The overwhelming energy receded as if burned by her mere presence, the Great One recoiling violently, its grasp flying open and flinging her across the Graveyard, sending her smashing into Gehrman's still-warm corpse as she flew across the Graveyard. Then began the hardest battle of her existence. Even staying alive was a challenge, until The Doll did...something. She didn't know what, and for once, even against her practically begging, the Doll refused to speak of it, apologizing to her with tear-filled eyes that she simply couldn't speak of it. But, whatever she did, it harmed the Great One greatly enough that it became disoriented, giving Akari the opening to plunge her re-acquired Rakuyo deeply within the infernal beasts head, killing it.

Then, they became...trapped. Locked within a near-endless cycle. Every time Akari returned to Yharnam, she awoke in filthy streets still riddled with beasts. Thus began her hunt for the items now held within white-knuckled fingers. The Umbilical Cords of three Great Ones. She didn't know how she knew she required three, a strange insight which had already aided her time and again, allowing her to avoid traps and ambushes simply by instinct, not knowledge.

She didn't know quite what she was supposed to do with them, but holding them as she was didn't do anything. Extending a hand out to the Doll, she smiled softly when the Doll tilted her head sideways in confusion. "Come on, whatever this does, I don't want to do it alone." In understanding, The Doll clapped her hands softly once, elegantly hurrying to Akari's side, her jointed and silk-wrapped fingers taking Akari's own coarse hand delicately. Nodding once at the Doll, who despite her clear discomfort at being so close to the Umbilical Cords, nodded back, Akari took one final look at the Graveyard, her gaze stopping on Gehrman's peaceful corpse.

She stopped a moment to consider the man regarded as the First Hunter. They'd done their best to honor him with the time they had, placing him within his wheelchair again, his cane by his side and his eyes closed, head lowered as if merely sleeping, his wounds all carefully patched over and covered up, so as to look normal. The Doll did most of this, having a far better eye for that sort of thing, whilst Akari merely brought her things to use, the Messengers being a great help in their endeavour to honour the fallen Hunter. She sighed, muttering a farewell to the old man before clenching her hand brutally, the Umbilical Cords tearing apart in a fountain of black fluid. A few moments passed...

...then everything went black.

Akari groaned near-silently, her eyes opening blearily as her head hammered away at itself in throbbing agony.

She was most definitely not in the Hunter's Dream any more. If the lush forest surrounding her wasn't enough evidence of that, then the fact that the Sun was rising definitely tipped her off to that. Stretching out, she clicked her arms and neck a few times, tentatively ensuring all her muscles were still in good condition. She could already feel the familiar presence of Rakuyo at her side, Evelyn in her holster as well, so she felt safe enough to take this moment to simply, inhale, taking in the sheer elation that, for the first time in as long as she could remember...the Sun was rising.

It wasn't over the horizon yet, but she could see the light scoring across the sky, it would soon reveal itself...and Akari couldn't feel happier. She then turned her gaze around herself again, eyes searching with increasing worry as she saw no sign of the pale-white skin, dark clothing or crimson scarf of the Doll anywhere near her. She had hoped beyond all else that, even if they ended up somewhere dangerous, the Doll would be freed from the Hunter's Dream. She still retained hope that perhaps they were simply separated, but resigned herself to the likelihood that, as her existence was bound to the Dream by the contract between Gehrman and the Moon Presence, The Doll was still where they were, lamenting her loss just as harshly.

Gritting her teeth, Akari punched the tree she found her back against once in pure anger, her fist completely shattering the wood she struck. Panicked, Akari rolled forwards away from the tree, turning to watch the crippled wood give a groan of protest as it collapsed under its own weight, the sound of the tree being felled echoing through the forest loudly.

She flexed her hand a few times, her crimson eyes running over the now-bared skin of her hand, her glove taken off to allow her to closely observe her own palm. Curious, she balled her fist, taking a stance up beside another tree, then thrusting her hand forwards with great speed, mentally wincing at the expectation of an injured hand. But, instead of her fingers being broken from the impact and her skin splitting, it was the tree that was damaged, a good chunk of the lower portion blasted apart from the impact force, the tree above collapsing into the empty space left behind, then toppling over.

"Did...what the fuck did those Cords do to me?!" She yelled loudly, yanking her glove back on. She had been strong, yes, but to casually blast apart trees with a punch? No, that was never her strength. It also meant she was far more durable, as even if she was that strong, her hand would still be injured from punching wood like that. But still...

She ducked down, her finely tuned instincts from endless evenings hunting the streets of Yharnam allowing her to avoid the projectile fired at her, her left hand instinctively reaching down for Evelyn, drawing the flintlock smoothly and aiming back in the direction of the projectile, only hesitating for the briefest of moments upon seeing her opponent before she fired, the Quicksilver bullet tearing through the air before shattering against the hard carapace of the insectoid beast.

Whilst the bullet didn't penetrate her target, what it did do was rattle whatever passed for a brain with the creature, dazing it long enough for Akari's superior speed, made even faster by her new apparent enhancements, to position herself beside the colossus, her hand primed and thrusting forwards, piercing chitin fluidly. She curled her fingers and wrenched her hand harshly, the beast screeching horrifically as its internal organs were eviscerated.

Akari hopped back, slipping a new Quicksilver bullet into her weapon, Rakuyo already in her hand. Her foe eyed her carefully, then began making a loud screeching call several times, calling for help no doubt. She rose Evelyn again, her barrel tracking the head of her opponent as it bobbed and weaved. She fired, against striking carapace, but once again stunning the creature. This time, however, she led her charge with Rakuyo, the razor-sharp blade plunging straight through the same chitin her bullet impacted with ease, her attack killing her enemy stone-dead as she stabbed through its brain.

Drawing her sword back out, she cleaned it off with a flick then sheathed it, holstering Evelyn and grimacing at the mess she'd made of her left arm. It hurt just a tiny bit, as her arm had several very minor scrapes from breaching through thick chitin, allowing the purple blood of the beast to enter her blood, but she trusted in her own Paleblood to fend off the foreign intrusion, since it always had in the past.

Instead, she was more angered of the blood now marring her beautiful sleeves. It would be cleaned off, as had all the crimson blood of those she hunted in Yharnam, but it was still irritating to have stained clothing, even for such a short time. Akari was a Hunter, but that didn't mean she didn't loathe being covered in blood, grateful that all the blood which spewed forth from the Cords hadn't come with her.

Then she recalled that she had not the Doll to aid her, and a tear slid down her cheek in remembrance of her lost...partner. For that was the closest thing Akari had to refer to the Doll with. She wasn't an assistant, or a helper, or anything other than a partner and a friend. She was a shoulder to lean on when her Hunt became so...harrowing. She was the hand that brushed her tears away when she came back to the dream in such a sorry state, bloody crimson tears streaking down her cheeks as she incoherently bawled.

She tried her best...but there were some she could never save. Like the young girl who lived in her home, had lost her mother, but was doomed to be brutally murdered as she fled her home to find safety. Or that old man who called out for help for his wife, only to be run down and impaled by pitchforks, touted as a trophy by the victorious swarm of murderers.

It just...got too much. But the Doll was one of the very few permanent fixtures in her turbulent life, a kind hand and a gentle smile enough to offset even the darkest, dankest, most detestable dungeons of Yharnam. the experienced Hunter flicked her hands off a little of the blood marring them, then took out a Blood Vial from her pouches and stabbed herself with it, since The Messengers held an uncountable number of them anyway.

Messengers. Akari smacked her forehead, mentally calling upon the Messengers as though she was bidding them send a message, sighing deeply in relief as the familiar grey bodies of several messengers sprouted from the ground, their questing hands searching around for anything to grasp. Akari took one glove from her hand, extending it towards the admittedly grotesque beings, smiling when one found her hand and made an excited noise, the others all sweeping around to grab her arm at any point they could.

She didn't quite understand the infatuation that Messengers held for any Hunter, but what she did know was that they seemed even more enamoured with her after she had defeated the Moon Presence. Perhaps to them, the Great One was some kind of predator, so slaying him was akin to a hunter entering a village and slaying a beast that had been terrorizing them.

It was interesting to note that they held no hesitance towards approaching her, even now after she had been...for lack of a better world 'influenced' by those Umbilical Cords. "Hello there sweet ones. May I have a Blood Vial please?" All the Messengers nodded ecstatically, each trying to dive back under the surface of their portal to retrieve a Vial first. Akari chuckled, her hand reaching up to brush her hair away from her eyes.

One of them, the one who wore a frayed old top hat, finally managed to find a Vial and bring it to her. She took it gently, running the side of her finger down the Messengers cheek in appreciation, mentally attributing the Messengers to be almost like affectionate kittens as the one she caressed made a vaguely-happy noise and brushed against her finger. "Thank you sweetling."

She got up, watching as the Messengers all waved and dived back into whatever realm they normally existed within, her mind wondering for once where they actually went. It was said they resided in the Nightmare realm, but she'd never seen such a realm, so trying to picture it was difficult, since the closest she'd ever gotten was the Nightmare Frontier, where some of the nightmare seeped through the cracks. Imagining the kinds of horrors that resided within the true nightmare made her shiver.

She drew her cloak further around herself, then stopped. Something was...wrong. She looked around the area, the trees were normal, the birds were still chirping occasionally, nothing suggested a threat from the ground. She turned her gaze skyward, searching for a foe which was not there, then realized what it was she had subconsciously noticed.

There were two suns.

A short opening chapter, I know, it just felt like a really good place to end it.

Now, what do you all think about this? A Great-One-enhanced Good Hunter appearing in Starcraft on a Zerg-World. To me, it sounds pretty fun, but I'm curious as to what other people think.

So please, review!