I'm back! Sorry to everyone for the long hiatus but I got a case of writer's block but also more story ideas, this is one of those ideas! What if Garp couldn't hold back from stepping in to save his family? Remembering his promise to Roger to watch over his son, Garp sheds away his duty as vice admiral to the marines and instead proceeds to give his own life to keep his two grandsons alive, his selfless act granting him a second chance in a new world, one where the Vice Admiral would be needed against a bigger threat than just corrupt marines and pirates, one against alien gems. Garp is Greg's father, thus he is Steven's grandfather, but Garp won't make the same mistake that he did in his previous life.

"Hello": Character speech

'Hello': Character thought

"Technique" Garp's techniques

Prologue: I'm sorry boys.

Garp dusted himself off from crashing off the bridge that his grandson Luffy punched him off of. He chuckled silently himself, remembering how his little grandson would go on about his punches being as strong as pistols.

'Not quite there yet Luffy, but you're getting there.'

One of the lower ranking marine soldiers came running up to him. "Vice Admiral! Are you okay sir?"

"Bwahahaha! Of course I'm okay! Kid packs a mean punch but I'm not the Hero of the Marines after all!"

Half an hour later

Garp stared as Ace and Akainu had started their argument over if Whitebeard was a coward and Garp shook his head. 'Fool, if Whitebeard was a coward, why the hell would he come here of all places for just one kid?' Garp saw Ace being knocked away as Akainu had a magma fist, running towards Luffy, as Garp's eyes widened.

"I won't be having the son of Dragon or the son of Roger leaving here alive!"

Luffy was reaching towards Ace's vivre card, not paying attention as Garp shouted his name, surprising everyone, even Sengoku.


Those words made Luffy look up and widen to see Akainu's molten fist coming right towards him and freeze as Garp cursed to himself.

'Shave!' Garp ran using the second easiest six bodies technique for him to put himself between Luffy and Ace, who he didn't catch stepping in front of his little brother as Akainu's first rammed through Garp's chest, causing him to cough up blood.

"Garp! Vice Admiral! Jiji!" Were the reactions of Whitebeard and Sengoku, lower ranking Marines and Luffy himself as Ace turned and saw that Garp had taken the strike meant for Luffy, his eyes widening.

"Jiji…." Ace started but Garp just grinned softly.

"I know I haven't been the best grandfather to you boys, but I think this'll more than make up for the times I wasn't there for you when you needed me be. Ace, you found an amazing family in Newgate's crew. Thinking that no one wants you to live is nonsense my boy. I did, Roger did, Rouge did and most importantly of all, your brother does too." He coughed up some blood, Akainu having the least bit of a respect to let the old man talk.
"Luffy, with all the good you've done since becoming a pirate, revealing the corruption in Shells Town, saving your friends from Kuro and Along respectively, even saving Alabaster from Crocodile and saving your friend Robin from coming to Impel Down, you've become a good man." He chuckled, despite the blood pooling from his mouth. "I don't care that you've both become pirates, not anymore. I'm just proud of both of my grandsons and I'm sorry that I didn't take the time to teach you both properly."

Ace and Luffy at this point both had tears streaming down their face from their grandfather's approval and words. "Jiji!"

Garp looked back at Akainu who stared disapproving at the vice admiral as he removed his molten fist from Garp's chest.

"How sentimental old man, but at the same time you gave your life to protect these two, these two hellspawns that didn't deserve a chance at life."

"THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU SAKAZUKI!" Garp roared, turning around and with a Haki infused fist punched Akainu straight in the face, knocking him to the ground with an earthquake.

Garp looks up behind him to see a towering figure along with another. "What, you going to take your chance to take me down Newgate?"

Whitebeard, the world's strongest man, shook his head. "Gurararara, no Garp, I'm here for my son, it's time he came home."

Garp looked down and nodded. "I don't have much time left, I'll keep Sakazuki off you and your crew long enough. Jinbe." He looked to the former warlord and narrowed his eyes. "Get Luffy out of here, keep him safe. That's my last order as vice admiral and as his grandfather."

"Wait no jiji! I want to fight with you! Or at least come with us!" Luffy shouted frantically as Jinbe grabbed him and took off as Ace jumped onto Whitebeard's shoulder.

"Please Luffy, let an old man do something right by his family for once." Garp said mournfully as he turned his eyes towards Sengoku and nodded his head slightly.

"Garp…" Sengoku said lowly, "You're going to make my life hell for doing this you know….." He said softly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Garp just laughed. "Bwahhaha! It wouldn't be me if it wasn't Sengoku! I have one final request though if you can grant me it old friend. Two actually."

"Name it Garp."

"Don't go after my kids for the rest of the war here, and help Newgate take down that bastard Blackbeard."

Sengoku stared at the dying vice admiral, back to the retreating pirates and then back to Garp.

"I'm afraid I can't do that old friend….. You ask too much of me from this."

All of a sudden they heard a cannon shot that hit Newgate in the back as he grunted and turned to see Teach being the one who shot the cannon.

"Zehaheha! Hey pops! Forget about me?"

"Teach…. Marco! Come get Ace! I've got one last thing to do as captain….."

Garp looks to Sakazuki who was getting back as he started walking slowly to him. "You dare badmouth my son, my family? I thought I taught you more respect that when you were coming through the ranks Sakazuki." Garp cracked his knuckles as his walked with Akainu spitting out some blood.

"You really think you can take me on Garp? We both know you're dying from my previous wound and once you're down, I'm going to continue to spread the idea of Absolute Justice!"

Garp narrowed his eyes. "Then I'll make sure you're too broken to be able to."

A few hours later, right after Shanks arrives and ends the war (canon still happens where Whitebeard dies from Blackbeard)

Garp looked towards Whitebeard, seeing his tall frame still standing as his crew took him, his coat and his bisento down and back to the ship. He laid on the frozen sea from Aokiji's ice as Shanks made his way over, two holes noticeable in Garp's body.

"Red hair….are the boys safe?" Garp asked him weakly.

Shanks looked over the old man, his tone of light heartedness all gone for the moment and nodded. "They are, I brought him to Law's ship to make sure he's okay but they had to sedate him to make sure he didn't come after you. Marco and the rest of the crew are keeping Ace on lockdown to make sure he doesn't come out for you or the old man."

Garp chuckles softly, knowing he wasn't going to make it. "Kid…. I know I've cursed your name for turning Luffy into a pirate, but thank you. Thank you for making sure the kid lived his life the way he wanted, and not the way I wanted it to be. You kept him on the right path."

He looks over to his other side and sees Sengoku coming over and chuckles mirthlessly. "Am I a mess or what Sengoku?"

Sengoku shakes his head, some emotion coming out of the Buddha as he chuckled lowly. "You were always like this Garp, you were the best friend I could've had. I'm sorry it came to this. You'll get a hero's burial for this."

"Sengoku, tell my son what's happened here. I know we all haven't gotten along since he defected from the marines, but he deserves to know what has happened here if the world doesn't already know." He looks to Shanks. "Sengoku, send those kids Coby and Helmeppo with Shanks, have Smoker on standby. I want buried at Foscha, where I was born and raised."

The Yonko and Fleet Admiral looked at each other with hidden hatred, one for the world government and the other for pirates, before they looked down at Garp and nodded softly.

Garp the Fist, the Hero of the Marines, the man who brought Gol D. Roger into custody had fallen, alongside Whitebeard at Marineford.

Garp opened his eyes and checked himself over, no wounds or anything. He heard a familiar laugh and looked over to see Roger and chuckled to himself despite knowing what had happened. "You my guardian angel now Roger?"

Roger just laughed, "Get over here you old salty codger of a Marine! Someone upstairs sent me to you with an offer."

Garp sat with Roger and raised an eyebrow. "An offer? And they sent you and you didn't just take it for yourself?"

Roger laughed again. "I made my bed and I'm lying in it Garp! I did enough damage to the world, I don't think I need a second chance at doing it again!"

Garp just chuckled before taking a sip from a bottle that Roger offered him. "A second chance huh? That's what I'm being offered?"

Roger's laughing had come to a stop and a solemn look came to his face, a rare look that Garp had seen. "Aye….. They were impressed that you took to your guns and remained a Marine for so long, but the second chance is because you abandoned that, abandoned your pride for a marine to saving my boy and your grandson. That runt Akainu may still live, but your grandson now has the support of that cabin boy of mine and Newgate's crew, they made Ace their captain you know?"

"Roger, that second chance you were talking about?"

Roger nods, "They want you to live another live, gonna give let you keep all your abilities that you had here but one where you don't have to worry about your children being a pirate or a marine. Nothing like that."

Garp raised an eyebrow, "There's gotta be more than that, what's the catch old friend?"

Roger sighed, "They're going to put you in a certain point, kid's name is Greg and you'll be his father. It's a mostly peaceful world, but there will be some moments that'll get your blood pumping. Some aliens they said."

Garp just chuckled, "Bwahaha! Aliens Roger? You've gotta be shitting me!"

Roger just chuckled as well with him. "I told them that that's what you were going to say, but thinking about it Garp. We had Devil Fruits, crazy weather that could change on a dime, your grandson could turn into rubber and my son could turn into fire. Is all that farfetched really?"

Garp calms down from his laughing fit. "No I suppose not. So what, I'm going to go back in my twenties or something?"

"Forties actually Garp, you're going to a specific point in time where Greg meets one of them and falls in love with them."

Garp chuckles, "First Dragon throws his kid off with me to take care of him, and now I gotta watch this new kid of mine woo an alien. Fuck it then, I'll take it."

Roger smiles and hugs him, patting Garp on the back. "Good luck old friend, make the most out of this new life."

Garp hugs back and smirks, "I'll be ready to tell you, Rouge, Newgate and Tsuru all about it."

Garp closes his eyes and reopens them, seeing that he was indeed in his younger body as he flexed his hands. 'Hmm, seems as if Roger wasn't lying. And there goes my idiot son it seems, damn he takes after my good looks, unlike Dragon I suppose.' He chuckled to himself as he watched Greg go over a fence and followed after him, unaware what kind of adventure laid before the old vice admiral.