
Lily sat at the desks, trying to write a letter to her sister. In the living room James was watching harry play with his toy broomstick, but she had to focus on this letter to her sister.

Dear petunia,

I know we haven't spoken for a while, but I want to inform you that a terrorist is after my son, yes I have a son.

No that wasn't correct, the first part was correct but I shouldn't immediately begin with terrorists, let's start over again,

Dear Petunia,

I know we haven't had any contact in a while, James and I got married as you know and our son, Harry, is quite happy and we recently had the joy of celebrating his first birthday.

Now the reason I'm writing you is that we are in hiding and I want to mend our relationship before something happens. The reason we are in hiding is because there is a terrorist trying to kill us.

Don't worry, they are completely magical and have no reason to believe I have a sister, no one asked and I didn't feel like boasting about it, to be truthful they don't even know our parents name. except severus.

On a more happier note, how are Dudley and Vernon?

Love, Lily.

That was better, but not perfect, she tried a few more times but eventually this was her best effort. She stood up to join her family for some thea. Not knowing that in a few months time she would be dead and her son would be left on the doorstep of her sister.

James was sat in his study, trying to write his will, he knew that he was going to die soon. He knew that he wanted to include some information in it that only they knew, and a letter to his son.

He trusted Dumbledore, but it was war and being in quarantine without any way to contact his friends or family, like he could've done if he was at Potter manor. Since it was dumbledore that was against that idea he didn't want his son to make the same mistake, James also decided that he had no reason to put Dumbledore in his will.

He took a spare parchment and started drafting the letter to his son, when he was satisfied with it he wrote his part underneath Lily's part of their joined letter and signed it. And decided it was to be given to harry as soon as the goblins were able to get him alone. He put the letter in an envelope and send it with his will in another envelope with the potter family crest on it.

James Potter went to eat with his family not knowing it would be the last time he ate dinner.

So, this is the prologue. I finally managed and started this story, I spend quite some time searching for a story with this concept and I know that there are stories out there but I like long stories, so I've decided to write one, but thank you to every author out there who have written a story with this idea who have brought me on the idea and helped me with the beginning.

I don't have a beta reader, I would love to and if you want to be my beta reader you can pm me.

I've taken down my other story because I really couldn't concentrate on it and I didn't want people starting a story that will never be finished, I have a rough outline or this story and hope that that will help. the next chapter is already finished and than we also get to see Harry.

And thanks to everybody reading/reviewing/following this, it always helps me to know other people like this and constructive criticism is always helpful.
