Chapter One: Fanalis (1)

Seated on a bench of Kuoh Academy's rooftop, was a handsome young man and a sleeping young girl.

The young man had short crimson hair and similarly coloured eyes with long eyelashes. He possessed a muscular, well-defined body and slightly tanned skin. Around his wrists, the young man wore a pair of ornate silver bracelets. The bracelets had a red diamond-shaped gem embedded on it, with a carving of a bird around the diamond.

This is Satsuma Homura, the Silent Prince of Kuoh Academy.

The girl had short white hair with two long bangs reaching her shoulders. She wore a black cat-shaped hair clip on each side of her hair. The girl was petite for her age, reaching only 140cm at best and had a very slender body.

This is Toujou Koneko, the mascot of Kuoh Academy.

Koneko laid on the bench as her head was placed on Homura's lap. An expression of bliss was on Koneko's face as Homura gently brushed her hair with his hand. Homura's eyes tenderly looked at the peacefully slumbering Koneko, a nearly indiscernible smile could be seen on his lips.

Do not be mistaken. These two are by no means a couple. Satsuma Homura and Toujou Koneko are merely a pair of very close friends.

To Homura, Koneko is very similar to the white cat that he has at home. Cute, silent and gluttonous.

To Koneko, Homura is someone who feeds her delicious food and gives off a very comfortable feeling.

This very confusing scene continued for the entirety of the lunch break. Multiple students came to the rooftop for their meal, only to leave due to the atmosphere. To the students, they felt that they interrupting a very romantic moment between a couple.

When the break ended, Homura and Koneko went their separate ways after a goodbye. However, it wasn't before Koneko could get one last pat on her head.

As he made his way back to his classroom, Homura's nose began to sting as a familiar smell slowly entered Homura's nostrils.

It was a smell that Homura disliked, one that smelt like a mixture between sulphur and thick honey. It was a repulsive stench.

Without even turning around, Homura could tell that 'she' was approaching.

"Good afternoon, Satsuma-kun." 'She' called out to Homura.

Turning around, Homura looked at the source and her companion.

With long crimson hair that was comparable to his own, sapphire blue eyes and a buxom figure, Rias Gremory stood with a smile.

By her side, stood a beautiful young woman with long black hair tied into a ponytail and violet eyes. She possessed a body that did not lose out compared to Rias Gremory. Himejima Akeno, the best friend of Rias Gremory.

Unlike Rias Gremory who gave off that repulsive stench, Himejima Akeno gave off a smell similar to ozone.

"Good afternoon, Gremory-san." With a face devoid of emotion, Homura nodded as he slowly took a step back.

"My class is about to begin, so I should get going." Leaving those words behind, Homura took off like the wind.

Seeing Homura run away, Rias could only stare speechlessly at his disappearing back.

"...Fufufu..." Unable to hold back, Akeno chuckled softly.

"Akeno!" Rias turned to shout at her best friend, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

"...Sorry, but I can't help but be amused at his reaction whenever he meets you." Akeno smiled as she apologized.

"Hah...It's fine. Have you found out why he always runs away when I go near him?" Sighing, Rias asked.

"I have." Akeno nodded, her smile grew slightly wider.

"...What is it?" Feeling uneasy about her friend's growing smile, Rias asked anyway.

"From Yuuto-kun's questioning, Satsuma-kun finds the smell you emit to be very repulsive." With a smile, Akeno answered.

"...What?" Rias doubted her ears.

"Yes. Satsuma-kun has described to Yuuto-kun that you smell like a mixture between sulphur and honey."

"..." Rias remained silent as a throbbing vein appeared on her forehead, looking as if it was about to burst at any given moment.

"...Please ask Yuuto to bring Satsuma Homura to the Occult Research Club tomorrow. I wish to talk to him, personally." Rias said, her voice trembling with what could only be called rage.

"Yes, Club President." Her smile remained on her lips as Akeno replied.


When school ended, Homura began his journey back home.

As he walked down the familiar road, Homura's nose twitched.

In the direction of the park, Homura could pick up three distinct smells.

The first was an overpowering floral scent, one so sweet that it gave Homura a headache.

The second was the smell of mana, it was odourless making it stand out among the mixture of smells of the city.

The final smell was very familiar to Homura, one that he had spent years smelling.

It was the smell of blood.

Without a moment's hesitation, Homura kicked himself off the ground and dashed towards the park.

Running with all his might, Homura managed to reach the park entrance in a few seconds.

Entering the magic barrier, Homura found that the overpowering floral scent had mostly disappeared. While the repulsive stench of honey and sulphur replaced it.

"Rias Gremory." Homura called out to the young woman that stood before him and looked at the fallen young man by her feet.

The young man had spiky brown hair and a pool of blood beneath him. His chest rose up and down gently, proving that he was still breathing.

It was Hyoudou Issei, a member of Kuoh Academy's Perverted Trio and Homura's friend.

"Satsuma Homura." Rias Gremory's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Homura appear.

"What happened to him?" Homura asked calmly, his eyes staring at Rias.

"..." Feeling Homura's gaze upon herself, Rias felt uncomfortable.

'He's calm.'

Far too calm.

A normal human being would be panicked upon seeing an unconscious boy with blood pooled beneath him.

Even if their mental fortitude was higher than average, their eyes would still show some surprise.

However, Homura's eyes showed not a hint of confusion, only calmness. It was as if he was used to such scenes.

They were the eyes of people who have seen the death of many. Eyes that belonged to those who are used to death.

"...He was killed by a Fallen Angel, and I revived him." After some hesitation, Rias answered.

"Hm..." Letting out a thoughtful hum, Homura walked up to Issei's body and knelt down to examine him.

His hands shone a pale gold as Homura placed his hands over Issei's chest.

'He isn't a human anymore.'

Though his anatomy had not changed, there was a fundamental difference compared to before. The Magoi that flowed within his body had changed.

It wasn't a qualitative or quantitative change, but rather a 'type' change.

Before this incident, Issei's Magoi was a mix between a Human and Dragon. But now, it was a mix between a Devil and Dragon.

At the same time, Issei's Human scent had changed and become a Devil's scent. One of thick honey.

"You...What are you..." Rias asked, her eyes wide with shock.

Standing up, Homura looked at Rias and spoke.
