"One day, the people of this world will stop polluting the water. By the Gods this is fucking ridiculous!" Percy grumbled as he saw the massive remains of a ship of some sort falling into the Potomac River.

He sighed as he thought about just how much work it would take to even remove a fifth of the debris. If he didn't have powers, it would take him and a large crew of mortals at least 4 or 5 months to remove every bit of rubble from the river.

He was about to swim away to inform his father of the events when a heat signature registered on his internal radar.

Hmm. A living, breathing human that fell at least a thousand feet into water as rubble came down on top of him? Percy thought to himself, pondering the anomaly in the water.

He approached the unconscious man that was swiftly sinking to the bottom of the river when another man entered the water as well. Percy raised an eyebrow when he saw what looked like a metal arm. The newly-arrived man had just grabbed onto the unconscious man when he saw Percy staring at them.

"Is there a reason you guys fucking blew up a ship and had it land in the river of all places?" Percy asked dryly, crossing his arms over his chest with a frown.

The man looked startled at his ability to speak underwater before pointing upwards towards the bank of the river. Percy sighed as he realized that the mortal wouldn't leave him be until he got answers.

"So. Why was Mr. Red White and Blue drowning in the river? Why do you look like a science experiment gone horribly wrong?"

The man was silent for a few seconds as he stared at the teenager before him. Coming to the conclusion that the kid wouldn't let him disappear, James was about to just put the kid down.

Or he would have if a knife didn't all of a sudden appear at his family jewels and his own pistol pointed between his eyes.

"Don't test me mortal. I will slice your dick off faster than a man-hating goddess on her period as I watch you bleed out all over the other guy. I'm pretty sure there isn't enough red on his uniform to be considered a symbol of America, if that's what he is."

Swallowing thickly, Barnes raised his hands slowly as his mind finally comprehended that the tables had turned oh so quickly.

"What do you want, kid?" He asked, taking a few steps back when the knife and pistol were retracted.

"First off, I'm not a kid. Second off, I want to know why the fuck you crashed a god damn Star Trek ship into the river. Lastly, I want to know who the fuck the guy who was drowning is."

"Star Trek?" Bucky asked, confused at the pop culture reference.

"Out of all that, THAT is what you bring up?! Zeus's panties, you are so damn annoying." Percy growled. This man was quickly and efficiently pissing off the demigod with his cluelessness.

"Zeus's panties? W-what the hell does that mean?" James stuttered as the mental image of a grown man in frilly, lace panties danced across his mind. If he wasn't suicidal before, he definitely wanted to die now. Percy facepalmed at the man's behavior.

"Listen dude. Stop fucking making my job harder by landing your god damn planes in the rivers and oceans. I am tired of cleaning up after you little shits." Percy grumbled as he turned and walked away from the thoroughly confused Winter Soldier.

Captain America woke up in pain and confusion...although it didn't stop him from teasing Sam again.

"On your left." He rasped out as he closed his eyes again.

"You know, you're lucky that you were pulled out of that river so fast. Medics said you had about a minute and a half left worth of breath before you drowned." Wilson replied with a small smile.

"I don't even remember being pulled out. Last thing I remember was Bucky beating the crap out of me." Steve said morosely, his mood darkening at the events involving his best friend. The room was silent for a minute before Sam finally said what Bucky had left in the note he found in Steve's pockets.

"It wasn't just Bucky apparently." Sam started, wincing when Steve tried to get back up. Acting quickly, he pushed the stubborn captain down again. "There was also a volatile, troublesome kid who could apparently breathe and speak underwater."

Steve closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, "if this is a joke, Sam, I will literally punch you in the face."

"Dead serious, Rogers. Kid was trained too. Disarmed your buddy so fast that he hadn't even realized it until there was a knife at his balls and a gun between his eyes."

Steve started incredulously at the veteran owner of a Falcon. "That's impossible…" he whispered, eyebrows furrowing at the threat that the kid could pose. The two remained silent as they thought about the implications that came with a kid being faster than a biological enhanced super soldier.

"I was thinking we could speak to Fury about him. If you want, that is." Sam said at last, crossing his arms over his chest.

Steve had never gotten out of a bed as fast as he did now.

"You will forget everything you heard, everything you experienced, and anything you saw regarding the kid. That's an order...to everyone here." Fury commanded loudly, confusing everyone present at the near-panic in the Ultimate Spy's tone.

"Are you seriously about to just sweep this under the rug? We are talking about someone who was faster than me and Bucky! This kid could destroy anyone here apparently!" Captain America replied defiantly, not backing down to the Director.

"Captain Steve Rogers, if you go searching for anything regarding this kid, I will have you killed and left at the bottom of the ocean." The Director threatened, anger and frustration evident in his voice.

The room was stunned silent at the Director's threat. The spy wasn't one to make idle or empty threats, and the fact that this threat was towards Captain America unnerved them greatly.

"If anyone here goes searching for him, you will doom all of humanity both physically and metaphorically. The teenager is stronger than you, faster than you, and can kill you without even touching you. He will drain you of your life and leave you a shriveled up corpse. His superiors can erase you from existence and all of history with a snap of their fingers." Fury hammered his point home, making it absolutely clear that the kid was beyond their capabilities.

"Who is he, Fury? At least tell us that since we can't investigate." Natasha finally requested, speaking up for the first time.

Fury's sole eye twitched in frustration and subtle fear. He was trying really hard to not just shoot the mettling adults before him.

"If I tell you his name, you will swear an oath. You will never speak his name, you will never inform anyone of his name, you will never investigate deeper into him, and you will never engage him if you encounter him again. Am I clear?" He finally replied, his right eye narrowed as he stared at Natasha and Rogers.

Everyone looked at each other as they began to worry about whether or not they really wanted to know his name. For anyone to incite such a vicious reaction out of Fury was cause for concern.

Once they came to the conclusion that they did want to know his name, they made their oaths. Nick Fury sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"His name is Percy Jackson."