Author's Note: Hey there everyone! Glad you could join me today! I am stoked to actually be able to do this crossover that I've been plotting for a few years now, and I've finally got everything set up to do it! Now just a few ground rules before I begin! I will be using the Elder Scrolls Wiki as the source I am going to be using for all the Shouts that will be used in this series. And as for the Dragon Tongue used in this story, I'm going to use 's Dragon Dictionary and Legacy Translator to help me with my personal rendition of Dovahkiin in this story! One last thing I need to mention, I will be using my own self-created shouts throughout this story, and while it may seem blasphemous, remember, Dragonrend is, in the minds of the dovah, a Non-Canon Shout anyway, if you think about it. And I know the site says that the Legacy Translator is not accurate, but come on! What Language Translator is 100% accurate? Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this story! Follow, Favorite, and Leave a Review to tell me how you love this story! Catch you on the Flipside! DOV-AH-KIIN!
Prologue: Drem Yol Lok
Standing upon the highest peak of the Throat of the World, Dovahkiin is surrounded by the corpses of all those who had slain the one person he had left in this world… His Master… His Teacher… His… Father… Paarthurnax… The Corpses of all the Blades, including Delphine and Esbern lie upon the ground, their bodies covered in cuts and frozen to the ground. The Greybeards lie dead in High Hrothgar, the Dragons are fighting off the invading Daedra… Nirn has reached the end of it's lifespan, and without Alduin to destroy it… There is no hope for restoration… Falling to his knees, he can only look to the sky as the Aedra begin to break free of the planetary bodies that bind them to the mortal world… However, the only thing going through Dovahkiin's mind are these bodies of those he held dearest to him, lying dead upon the ground…. His wife, Ysolda… His Children, Lucia and Blaise… His best friends, Serana... Odahviing... Durnehviir… His Pack, the Companions… The Greybeards… The Dawnguard… Even the Skaal… And now… The one Person he considered to be like a father to him… His King… His Master… His… Father… Paarthurnax…
It is too much as the Dragonborn turns to the skeleton of his master, the Blades having forced him to eat Paarthurnax's Soul… Dovahkiin falls to his knees into the Time-Wound… The Three Elder Scrolls he had collected in his adventures falling from his bag and rolling into a triangular formation around him as they begin to open up. Grinding his teeth as the tears fall down his cheeks, his Dragonscale Armor glowing white hot as his eyes glow red. Roaring as loud as his voice will allow him, he calls upon his innermost wells of power, not having anything left to live for in this world, it is now time to watch it burn. "MUL! QAH-DIIV! (Strength Armor Wyrm)" Dovahkiin shouts at the top of his lungs, transforming into his Dragon Aspect, and from his back, spectral dragon wings evolve, the spectral tail growing out as he takes to the air. "JIID! SO-DAAN! (Moon Sorrow Doom)" That is when the sky turns a brilliant crimson red, and from the sky, the broken planetary bodies rain their pieces down upon Nirn, creating great scars in the world.
High above the world, Akatosh can only watch in horror as his greatest creation, the Dovahkiin, has broken, and he has chosen to destroy the world in which they all suffered much to create, and had come to love. Mara can feel the pain of the Dragonborn, and can see it all stems from his ability to love others, but those he loves were all taken from him, and he has nothing left in this world. Arkay can feel the death toll rapidly rising… Kyne can feel the wind and storms answering to Dovahkiin's rage, rebelling against her, Julianos can not deny the logic behind his brother's rage… Dibella can only look in horror at the disgusting way the world is being destroyed, and Stendarr… All he can feel is how justified the young man's rage is, whilst Zenithar just looks down, unable to comprehend the logistics of it all. The Daedra merely return to Oblivion, indifferent to the fate of Nirn, and all that is left in the ancient space where Nirn used to be, is debris, and a single human floating in space, having spent all of his power to destroy the world that had taken everything from him. There is nothing left for him, he had lost everything, and now… Why can't he die and be left alone…
"Dovahkiin…" A voice says as Dovahkiin looks towards a floating piece of debris, in which a fox made out of what appears to be ebony armor looks down at him. "It appears the Elven Gods have been cruel to you…"
"Shor…" Dovahkiin says, his voice hollow and empty, "Leave me…"
"You have suffered much, and yet you still cannot die, can you…?"
"Leave me be…" Dovahkiin says, his voice filling with venom. "I won't warn you again…"
"That is too bad, child… For I have come to offer you solace and freedom from this pain!"
"What could you possibly offer me?"
"A new chance at a life all your own…"
"Nok! Vir vust hi miik tol fod Vus lost nalkun kosaan al!? (Lies! How could you offer that when Nirn has already been destroyed!?)"
"Did I say anything about Nirn, Dragonborn?" The Fox asks, looking to a star in the distance. "I speak of another world where you could make your own, where only the whims of man decide their fate… Do you remember what Paarthurnax said about fire?"
"Yol los Suleyk ko niidro gren vensekos, nuz suleyk los inert vothni dren ahrk poguk… (Fire is Power at it's most Primal, but power is inert without action and choice)" Dovahkiin says, now speaking in full Dovahzul, his mind clearing. "Fos los hin fen... Dii Thuri? (What is thy will… My Lord?)"
"This world no longer needs the Dovahkiin, so I sentence you to eternal banishment from this Realm… But you shall no longer be carried in the Flesh of a Mortal… You will also be stripped of your Name… As of today, you are no longer Dovahkiin…!"
"Then who am I?" The Nameless Dragonborn asks.
"Patience… You will learn soon enough…!" The Fox God says, looking to the mortal who floats in the void. "There are a few matters we need to discuss… First… You will be reborn into this new world, however, you will retain your power to utilize the Thu'um… You will retain your knowledge of the Dragon Language, and even speak it perfectly, however, the Dovahzul in which you will speak will sound like the Variant of that world, though you will not be able to tell the difference… Those speaking to you in this language will sound like they are speaking in Dovahzul, whilst to them it will sound like you are speaking in this ancient tongue."
"Understood… When will I be able to Shout again?"
"Yes you will, however, it will wait until you come close to death…" Shor explains, "When it comes to Odahviing and Durnehviir, you will need to wait until they hatch from their eggs…"
"And what of Paarthurnax?"
"Paarthurnax?" Shor asks.
"Yes… Will I be reunited with him?"
"You wish to be reunited with him?"
"Yes…!" Shor smirks at the Dragonborn.
"Then you shall! However, now you must let his name fill your soul… Paar-Thur-Nax! Let the wind carry his name to you…! PAAR-THUR-NAX!"
"PAAR! THUR-NAX!" The Dragonborn shouts, releasing a wave of energy that calls the dragon's skeleton to him, bringing a tear to the warrior's eyes. "Father…"
"You can transfer his soul back to him… You haven't used it yet?"
"No… How do I do that?"
"The same way Alduin did… So long as a Dovah doesn't utilize the soul of his defeated opponent to grow his power, he shall be able to send the soul back into the dead dovah's body… Now remember what Alduin had said to Sahloknir…"
Drawing into his memories, the Dragonborn concentrates as he looks to his adopted father, "Paarthurnax thuri, Zu'u faan voknau hi nol vortii Dinok, ahrk laan hi wah aav zey ont zos. .. Bormah. .. Slen Tiid Vo! (My Lord Paarthurnax, I call upon you from beyond Death, and ask you to join me once more… Father… Flesh-Time-Undo)" That is when waves of magic and power rush from the Dragonborn's body as his shout resonates across the void and strikes the skeleton, recreating his body, but he isn't moving, he is curled into a ball. Floating towards them, from the distance, are Odahviing, as well as Durnehviir, who, to the hero's surprise, the decay of time is slowly being reversed, revealing him in all of his former glory, not the rotting decayed corpse of the dragon he knew.
For one to behold the mighty Dracolich Durnehviir in his prime would be a sight to behold, for this dovah, in his true form, was a mighty creature… His forward facing horns were glistening like sharpened steel blades, and his chin spike only matched it… His rotting scales and flesh flow backwards as they return to what can be assumed their once beautiful grey-green state, with traces of obsidian black flowing through them… His great dorsal spines shining brightly like polished obsidian blades, and his wings only matching in appearance. The Dragonborn can't believe what he is seeing as the three dragons are slowly pulled together as they float in balls as the dust gathers around them…
The Three Dragons are then trapped in scaled shells, in which they slowly orbit around Shor, who smirks at the Dragonborn. "Now that this is taken care off… We must move onto the next point we must make…" The God looks at the Dragonborn, who moves to bit of floating space debris and sits in a meditative stance, listening to the god, who moves his tail and the 18 Symbols of the Dragonborn's abilities, all of which he has strengthened to their maximum level. "You can only choose 6 of these abilities when you transfer into your new form… They will be your greatest skills in that body, and will be your greatest asset in this world…" The Dragonborn thinks and then, "However, remember, one of these skills will be your greatest asset…"
"Then I think I know which ones I wish to pick… First, my greatest asset…" He then gently places his hand on the Symbol for Speech, "Not only is my skill with the Thu'um dictated by my ability to speak, but I'd rather avoid fights whenever possible…!"
"Good, now select your other 5 skills!" Shor says, in which the Dragonborn places his hands upon Alchemy, Smithing, Light Armor, Restoration, and Block. "Good!" He then takes the six symbols as the others fade, "Now… We have just one more thing for you to do before you can go into this new world… We need you to bring 3 objects with you into this world…"
"Yes, they will be reshaped to match your spirit…" The Fox God says, to which the Dragonborn concentrates as he focuses, and floating towards him from within the void are the Jagged Crown, the Bloodskal Blade, and finally, the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, in which the God smiles as the objects float to him, and quickly morph into orbs of light. "Well done… You are now ready to take your place in this world…"
"My Lord… You have one thing left to mention… What will be my name?"
"You will learn of it in this new world… Now… Prepare yourself…" The God says, in which the vision fades from the Dragonborn's eyes, and darkness takes him. Sitting up with a gasp and a start, Jon wakes up in his bed, and Maester Luwin walks in, smiling.
"Oh you're awake!" Maester Luwin says, "You gave us all quite the start with how your condition worsened last night all of a sudden…!"
"Maester Luwin?" Jon Snow asks, but then the images he had seen in his dream appear in his mind, and his shock turns to an angry frown. "Where is Catelyn Stark!?"
"Lady Stark is currently speaking with Lord Eddard, breaking their fast…! You should eat something as well!"
"Yes…" His voice is filled with venom, "I think I might… After a visit to the Godswood…"
"The Godswood?" Maester Luwin asks, to which Jon begins to dress himself, and makes his way down towards the Godswood, ignoring the looks given to him as he makes his way past the gates. Within minutes, he is before the Heart Tree, and he merely smirks, chuckling dryly.
"Very funny, Lord Shor… Very funny…"
"I try my best, Jon Snow…" The Fox God says, smiling, "So you remember who you are?"
"Yes, I do…" Jon says, "Though you never answered me before… What is my name?"
"Your name… Is Aemon Targaryen, you are the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, and his wife Lyanna Stark…" To which the Dovahkiin smiles, and he begins laughing. "What do you find so amusing?"
"Oh it's nothing, I am a dragon raised by wolves yet again in this life!" Jon says, laughing at this, "I mean first it was the Companions before I became the Dragonborn… And Now I'm a Targaryen raised amongst the Starks…" He says, tears flowing down his cheeks. "Where are Paarthurnax, Odahviing, and Durnehviir?"
"They are here, in this castle, somewhere, I cannot pinpoint as to where, though…" The God says, "However, that is all of the aid I can offer you… I cannot do more than this, old friend…"
"Thank you for all you've done, my Lord… I appreciate this chance you have given me…" Jon explains, bowing, "Su'um ahrk morah…!" He then turns and leaves as he makes his way to the dining hall, and looks at the Noble Family.
"Jon!" Lord Eddard says, standing up. "Are you…?"
"Of course, Lord Eddard Stark…" Jon says, to which those who know him don't recognize his tone and manners, it's as if the Pox had changed him. "Pardon me, I must break my fast and then proceed to training…"
"Training?" Lord Eddard asks, but Jon says nothing more as he goes to the Kitchens. Curious as to what he is doing, he sees Jon use a bit of twine to tie his hair back as he begins to cook his own food, with the efficiency of a master chef. Once he is finished, he eats his meal, cleans up the mess, and then proceeds to the training yard, finding a wooden sword right for his size. Once he finds the one with the right size and weight, he begins to take his stance and begins training in the style he honed in his memories, attempting to have his muscles memorise the form, to which he begins to sing.
"Dii Vahrukt los krent, voth vahzen nusaan vofun, Zu'u lost orin vodahmin dii meyar faan! (My memory is broken, with the truth gone unspoken, I have even forgotten my own name!)" His new body begins to take in the style his old body could perform. "Zu'u dreh ni mindok evgir, uv pahfos los dahrin tol Zu'u kriist gevild dii Tuz! (I don't know the season, or whatever is the reason that I am standing here holding my Blade!)" Lord Eddard Stark looks on in awe as Jon uses this style as he sings in, what sounds to him, High Valyrian, and every guard only watches as the boy continues to train. " Duvoziir Staad, vothni naan pik, voth nunon krah ven Zu'u fraan! (A Desolate Place, without any trace, with only the cold wind I feel)"
"What is this?" Lady Catelyn Stark says, shocked as she witnesses this, and watches as Jon appears to be training against what might be multiple invisible opponents in his mind. Catelyn can see Jon's movements, slightly clumsy due to the strength and size of his body in comparison to the sword in his hand, whilst also it seems he has performed these techniques, tactics, and tricks. Ned Stark can't help but feel impressed at his son's movements and how practiced they seem to be, and how Jon rapidly adapts to the weight of his sword by adjusting his technique to the limits of his body. "Nii los zey tol Zu'u kraaz ol Zu'u kriist vok ahrk krif! nunon truk tol Zu'u mindok fah saad los tol til fen kos Sos... Brenok…! (It is me that I spite as I stand up and fight! The only thing that I know for real is that there will be Blood... shed…!)" Jon jumps over an imaginary swing in a cartwheel and lands perfectly, " Nunon gein... Vahlut... Fen Zor voknau faal Dovahro Zek! Dahik faal Strunmah fen ni ofan zek fos rok kuz! Oo nid til fen kos Sos... Brenok... Nii los faal Nunon truk Zu'u lost alun Mindok! (The only one... Left... Will Ride upon the Dragon's Back! Because the Mountain will not give back what he takes! Oh no there will be Blood... Shed... It is the Only thing I have ever Known!)" He then begins making defensive maneuvers as he blocks imagined attacks coming from multiple angles with his one wooden sword.
"Zu'u Ond dii Kosrinis, Zu'u los zofaas Zu'u lost meyz vorohah...! Wah siiv vahzen ko teyn do zey, Zu'u kent ruknaar daar Strunmah Rovit... Frolok tum nol daar rutkei lokom, Zu'u neh emtiin druv Zu'u krif! (I am Losing my Identity, I am fearful I have become insane...! To find the truth in front of me, I must climb this Mountain Range... And looking down from this dangerous height, I never realize why I fight!)" He then makes one last slash and defeats all of his imagined opponents with one fell swoop and stops, breathing hard and sweating bullets as he stops. Many are stunned at Jon's movements and how he only seems to be limited to the size and strength of his body. "That was a good work out.." the boy says as he puts the wooden sword away, and goes to take care of his chores, however, he starts to wonder where the eggs of Odahviing, Durnehviir, and Paarthurnax could be located in the halls of Winterfell, but still, he knows he'll see them again. He looks to Lord Eddard Stark with a smile and slowly, the years pass as the Greyjoy Rebellion comes and goes, things seem rather peaceful.
Jon bonds with his siblings, first building a bond with Robb, and with Theon who quickly joins after the Greyjoy Rebellion. The three of them become rivals, both in their studies and in their training, the three of them always giving each other a glare whenever they decide to make things a contest. With Arya, Jon takes it on himself to help train her whenever Lady Catelyn isn't around, even teaching her how to use a knife as a weapon since it's the only one she can actually hide from her mother. With Bran and Rickon, Jon does his best to bond with them, help them train. With Bran, he teaches him how to breathe and to focus, teaching him the mantra of the Greybeards "Suum Ahrk Morah", which translates to "Breath and Focus". For Rickon, Jon does his best to play with him when he can, and even teaches the boy how to keep his spirits up during times that are tough by sitting in meditation, allowing the world and time to slip past him during hard times. With Sansa, Jon does his best to forge a bond with her, and for the most part, he is successful, and it all comes down to one conversation.
"Lady Sansa, may I talk to you for a moment, alone?" Jon asks as Robb and Arya are arguing with Sansa over Arya's secret weapon lessons.
"Why would I speak to you?" Sansa asks, turning up her nose at Jon.
"Sansa…" Robb says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Because I have something for you, and this may be the only time I'm going to give it to you…" Jon says, a bemused look on his face.
"Oh?" Sansa asks, "A Gift?"
"You could say that, and you could say it's an older brother trying to protect his naive little sister…" Jon says, looking at Sansa, who gives him a look, both surprised and incredulous at the way he says this, but part of her tells her to give him a chance. Jon then reaches into the pouch he has on his belt at all times and gives Sansa a ring, shaped like a Direwolf's head, only with it's two ears pointed upwards instead of folded backwards. "I forged this ring myself, I had ears molded into spikes that could pierce the throat or at least cause intense pain to anyone you punch or smack with this ring…"
"Why would you give me this?" Sansa asks, utterly shocked and confused.
"As I said, I'm just a big brother looking after his little sister… Besides… I'm not going to be around much longer…" Jon says, looking away.
"You're going to Join the Night's Watch?" Robb asks, stunned.
"No… I'm leaving… I'm thinking of going to Essos and making a name for myself there…" Jon says, "I just wanted to give everyone I care about a gift before I go…" Arya looks at her brother and hugs him, shedding tears, and Jon smiles as he hugs her back, to which Sansa gently holds the ring in her hand, and finds a jewel in the forehead of the wolf, and she smiles as she slips it onto her finger, smiling at the thought of her brother trying to protect her while he isn't there. The next to receive a gift from Jon are Robb and Theon, whom Jon gives Robb a shirt of chainmail, in which he says should be hidden under his clothes at all time, while he challenges Theon to a duel for his gift. "You're Ironborn, aren't you?" Jon asks, smiling, "You're going to need to pay the Iron Price for this!" Jon says, smiling at his brother by choice, to which Theon looks at him and grins, knowing what Jon is doing, giving him a taste of being a true Ironborn. The battle they have is one that the guards would remember for the next year as Jon would clash with Theon in a ferocious battle around Winterfell, the two of them using everything they had, including the surroundings, to their advantage, until Jon, smirking, loosened his grip on his sword so Theon could disarm him, knocking his sword out of his hands, both of them breathing hard from their exertion.
Lord Eddard sees what Jon was doing and smiles at his adopted son, proudly, and Jon smiles at Theon, who smirks at him. "Why'd you get disarmed so easily?"
"Some of my sweat fell into my fingers and I lost my grip on my sword… Just enough for you to knock it out of my hand…" Jon says, to which Theon offers him a hand up, and Jon takes it, standing. The Dragonborn then brings out a gorgett that he had made for Theon, one made with the symbol of a Kraken upon it, and it was just a size too large for Theon, but enough for him to be able to use easily. The Final three in which Jon would give gifts to would be Bran, Rickon, and Arya… For Bran, he would give Bran Climbing Claws for his hand, which he could use to defend himself as well as climb. For Rickon, he gives the boy something to help him through the tough times, and to entertain him when he can't do anything that requires sound, a small puzzle box made of metal, in which he puts inside a brooch shaped like the Stark Sigil, along with a note for him to never give up.
Eventually though, it is time, and his 16th Nameday comes, and Jon stands in the Crypts of Winterfell, placing a bouquet of Winter Roses upon his mother's coffin, smiling at her, looking at the statue of Lyanna Stark… No… Lyanna Targaryen… And he puts his hands together, offering her a prayer as he hears footsteps walking towards him, to which Jon smirks. "Father…" Jon says, turning to Ned Stark, smiling. "You've come…"
"I came to collect your Nameday present, but it seems you're already here… I wanted it to be a surprise…" Ned says, smiling at his adopted son.
"What do you mean?" Jon asks.
"Allow me to show you…" Ned says, gently pulling away a stone at the foot of his sister's statue, and then gently pulls out a container hidden in the slot beneath her statue. It is a chest, and within it, Jon's mouth opens in shock to see three dragon eggs, one silver, one gold, and one red. This is where they had been the whole time, and Jon can't help but feel excited when he looks at them, an obvious grin on his face as he moves to the Eggs and smiles as he gently places his hands on them.
'Paarthurnax, Odahviing, Durnehviir…' Jon says, smiling at the eggs, kneeling down upon the ground and gently running his hand along each of them. "Where did you find these?"
"Your mother had them, they were supposed to be your father's gift to you…" Ned says, looking to Jon, and sees him smiling as he looks at the Eggs. "Do you intend to hatch them?"
"Yes… I do…" Jon says, "Before that though… There is something you need to know…" Jon turns to Ned Stark, and looks at him. "Drem Yol Lok…" He says, his true Dovahzul coming out for Ned to hear, "I am Vurmirthur… I am Jon Snow, and yet I am not him…" Jon's eyes turn completely black as he says these words.
"What in the name of the Gods?"
"Do not be afraid, Lord Eddard Stark, for I am Jon Snow as you know him, and yet I am not all the same…" Jon explains, "How to explain this properly… The World in which I come from was destroyed, and myself along with it… I was… Reborn in this body when my mother, Lyanna Stark birthed me into this world…"
"Why do you reveal this now?"
"Because I trust you with all of my secrets, Bormah, Father… You have raised me well and I thought it was only right to tell you that when I came down with the Pox, my fever had roused memories of my past life, just as it had allowed me to visit my mother…" Jon explains, "Zu'u los zokah wah gevild faan do dii Bormah ahrk dii Monah! I am Proud to bear the names of Targaryen and Stark…" Jon smiles, as he hugs his Uncle, his eyes returning to normal, and the two of them share a familial embrace. "I will celebrate one last night with my family amongst the Starks, then I must find my aunt and uncle, Daenerys and Viserys… I have to help them if I can…!"
"I understand…" Ned says, looking at his adopted son. "What will you do to hatch the eggs?"
"I have a feeling that fire is one part of the equation when it comes to hatching the eggs of the Dovah of this world…"
"Dragons… In the World of which I come from, Dragons are demigods, living breathing children of the Dragon God, Akatosh…!" Jon explains. "For now, let us go back to the others! Nii los tiid fah mal moor…! It is time to have some fun before I leave!"
"Agreed, though I suggest you don't speak that language in front of them… I don't know what variant of Valyrian it is, but it is making me a tad nervous…"
"I understand…! And the next time we see each other, I will tell you more about my past self…!" Jon says, smiling as they both head upstairs and share in his Nameday Celebration, as well as his Departure Party, much to Catelyn's dismay as she continuously glares at Jon, who drinks his ale with a smile on his face, and spends time with his siblings one last time. When the others go to bed, he asks the Maester to deliver each of his siblings a letter, and he departs in the middle of the Night, finding the Waterfall Cave he would always retreat to in order to practice his Thu'um, smiling as he enters the cave behind it and gathers what little wood he can for the fire he needs. Within minutes, he finds all that he needs, and smiles once he places the eggs of his partners upon the pyre, following his Targaryen Instincts as he takes a dagger and cuts open his palm, and rubs his hand along the surface of each egg, coating each egg in a layer of blood. He then takes off his garments, smiling big "Mul! Qah-Diiv!" He says, wrapping his body in his Dragon Aspect before turning to the eggs on the pyre, and sits between them. "YOL! TOOR-SHUUUUUL!" He shouts, to which fire erupts from the cave and evaporates the water flowing outside.
The Flames burn the entire cave through the night and once morning comes. Jon awakens to find his clothes, thanks to his quick thinking, of hiding them outside the entrance, have survived, and smiles as he hears the screeching voices of three little creatures. Jon sits up with a grin on his face as they climb out of the ashes next to him, and one of them climbs onto a rock, shaking the ashes off itself, revealing a golden and snow white hide, to which it looks to Jon with it's pale eyes. Crawling up next to the little one is another, with crimson red scales with violet hued wings and frills, whilst the last one is a brilliant silver with touches of emerald green. "Drem Yol Lok, Dovahkiin…" The Three say, standing proudly for the Dragonborn, who kneels and hugs them.
"Drem Yol Lok, Zu'u zeymah…" Jon says, crying as the dragons, despite being proud creatures, push themselves against Dovahiin's chest. "Drem Yol Lok…" He looks to the Golden Dragon Cub "Paar-Thur-Nax…" The crimson one looks at him, "Od-Ah-Viing…" Finally the silver and emerald green dragon cub, "Dur-Neh-Viir… Zu'u Zeymah…"
Author's Note: After several days the Prologue is done! I am so proud to have finally gotten this story off the ground, and it is my honor to present it to you! Anyway I don't have much to say as I'm exhausted from all the writing i have currently done and I would very much like to work on something else for a little bit, so please, Leave a Review, Follow and Favorite this story and answer me this question in your reviews or PM me with your answer to this question:
Should I have Dany and Jon go to Valyria and make historical discoveries there and rebuild the Freehold after cleansing it of the Stone Men and Firewyrms, before going to Westeros? Or should I stick to my Semi-Canon stuff and have it that Conquer Slaver's Bay First, raid Valyria for it's knowledge and Artifacts before going to Westeros?
Make sure to tell me your thoughts on the matter either via PM or Review, and I'll catch ya on the Flipside! DOV-AH-KIIN!