"Wham bam! We are in a jam!" Flip gulped as the alligators started approaching them.

"Any bright ideas, Jonny?" Hadji whispered.

"Just follow me." Jonny whispered.

The boys stood still as the alligators started gaining up on them.

"Now!" Jonny shouted.

As soon as the alligators were about to snap at them, the boys jumped up at the last second and got out by hopping on the snapping aquatic reptiles.

"That was too close." Flip remarked once they were out.

"Now we gotta find my dad and get outta here!" Jonny reminded them.

Meanwhile, Dr. Zin had Dr. Quest strapped to a chair with some sort of helmet connected to his head.

"Thank you for giving me what I want, Dr. Quest!" Zin cackled. "Now, time to finish the job!"

Zin pulled a lever to open up a hatch with great white sharks inside of them.

Dr. Quest can feel himself sweating as he saw the great white sharks below him.

"Any last words, Dr. Quest?" Zin grinned.

All of a sudden, our heroes burst right into the chamber.

"Son!" Dr. Quest gasped as he saw Jonny.

"Dad!" Jonny exclaimed.

"Huh?" Dr. Zin turned around.

"Give it up, Zin!" Jonny ordered.

"Yeah, let Dr. Quest go or face the consequences!" Flip added.

"What consequences?" asked Zin.

The boys all stared at each other with blank faces.

"You know, I hadn't really thought about that." Jonny gulped.

"Seize them!" Zin ordered his agents.

The agents started blasting lasers at the boys.

"Yikes!" Flip gasped.

The boys began running away from the beams and the agents.

"Got any bright ideas, Jonny?" Hadji asked his adoptive brother.

Jonny glanced around. "You guys hold them off, I'll go get my dad!"

"How are we supposed to do that?" asked Flip.

"I don't know! Improvise!" Johnny ran to get his father.

"Jonny, wait!" Hadji shouted, but it was too late, Jonny had already ran off to his father.

"You take the blonde kid, we'll handle the rest." said the head agent.

"Right!" said two agents.

While the other agents went after Jonny, Hadji and Flip tried to get away from the lasers.

"What're we gonna do, Flip?" Hadji panicked. "We can't keep dodging these guns and their aim is getting better."

Flip briefly looked at the jewel on Hadji's hat and got an idea.

"I've got it!" He snapped his fingers.

Flip removed the jewel from Hadji's hat and used it to deflect the laser beams and bounce them back at the agents, knocking them out cold.

"Well, what do you know?" Hadji remarked.

At that same time, Jonny made it to his dad.

"Dad! Okay, how do I get out of here?" He said as he tried to get his father out of the restraints.

Dr. Quest glanced around.

"You'd better think of something fast, son!" He said.

Jonny glanced around before he thought of something.

"Hey! Afraid to face Jonny, ya bums?" Jonny shouted to the laser shooting agents.

"Hey, what's with that dumb kid?" asked one of the agents.

"Listen up, Jonny Quest ain't taking any flack from nobody!" Johnny boasted.

"Get him!" The agents blasted their lasers at the two Quests.

Jonny managed to dodge the beams and they started blasting Dr. Quest's restraints, freeing him from his prison.

"Perfect!" Dr. Quest exclaimed as he break free from the restraints.

While Jonny and Dr. Quest escaped, Flip and Hadji kept trying to hold off the laser beams with Hadji's jewel.

"Hadji, you got any bright ideas? I don't think we can hold them off any longer!" Flip said.

"I'd think about it, if I wasn't in danger of being killed by the minions of an evil scientist!" Hadji retorted.

"Get away from them, you fiends!" Dr. Quest kicked the goon shooting at the boys.

"Dr. Quest! You're free!" Flip exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm free, now come on, we've gotta get out of here!" said Dr. Quest.

"Say no more." Hadji said as they quickly joined Dr. Quest and Jonny.

Our heroes then ran towards the exit and escaped in a jet boat.

"After them!" Zin ordered his minions.

Soon enough, the villains were chasing our heroes as they made their way through the sea.

"Guys, it looks like we've got company!" Flip spotted Zin's goons.

"Great, how are we going to lose them now?" Hadji wondered.

Dr. Quest noticed something on the controls and narrowed his eyes.

"Leave it to me, boys." Dr. Quest said. "In the meantime, hang on!"

The boys buckled up their seat belts, just as Dr. Quest ordered.

"This should be good." Flip remarked.

Dr. Quest stepped on the gas pedal and put the boat at full speed ahead with the

"Dad, what are you doing?" Johnny screamed.

The boys then saw what was in front of them and saw a raging whirlpool.

"AAAHHHH!" The boys screamed as they got closer to the pool.

Jonny then looked at the rear-view mirror and saw that Zin's goons were gaining up on them.

"Dad..." He gulped.

"Hold on tight, boys!" Jonny's dad said as he opened up the glove compartment.

Dr. Quest took out a grappling hook and tossed it right over to a passing ocean liner, landing it right on the anchor. As they got closer to the whirlpool, Dr. Quest made a left and managed to get around it in the nick of time, saving himself, his son, and his son's friends.

"Oh no." Zin's goons gulped.

They then got sucked into the raging vortex like a toilet drain, while Team Quest watched as they were pulled by the ocean liner.

"Well, that was a close call." Hadji remarked.

"You couldn't have said it better, Hadji." Flip agreed.

"Now come on, let's go." said Dr. Quest.

"Dad, what did Zin want with you anyways?" asked Jonny.

"Not much." Dr. Quest shrugged. "It's kind of a blur."

"Well I guess all that matters right now is that you're safe." Jonny said.

"Indeed it does." Hadji agreed.

"Besides, I'm sure it can't be that bad." Flip shrugged.

Meanwhile, Zin's minions got down on their knees after escaping the raging whirlpool.

"Fools!" Zin slammed his fist as he saw his minions getting flushed. "They let them get away! Doesn't matter, I've got what I came for."

Zin turned on some sort of monitor and came images for some sort of cybernetic project.

"And this is only the beginning..." He grinned.


Author's Note:

What could Dr. Zin have stolen from Dr. Quest's mind? And what does he have planned to do with it?