Hello there, dearie!

Welcome to this new thing that I've been writing since the start of quarantine (so it's been in my drive for around two months now? Damn. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this modern AU featuring our favorite pairing!

DISCLAIMER: Sound of Music isn't mine!

A figure pushed through the busy, crowded street, gasping for air. She clutched her bag tightly against her chest as she managed to buy herself a ticket for the next train.

The woman sighed with exaustion and checked her wrist watch. Any second now. She run her fingers through her short, strawberry-blonde hair and tried to puff it up as much as she could. Her thoughts were running wildly today. Everything was going wild today, anyways. She blushed slightly when she remembered that she had nearly fallen twice today. Twice! And it was only nine in the morning.

Again, wild.

Entering the newly-arrived train, she continued to think about her day. She nearly groaned aloud in frustration.

She had forgotten to—


"Maria! Where are you?"
"Maria," the tone warned.
"Hello? Hello? The line seems rather—"
"Maria? Hello. Can you hear me?"
"Hello? Hello?"


Maria bit her lip and looked around the train, observing how everyone seemed to be so focused on one, their mobile phones, two, being late, or three, whatever the news was nowadays.

Maria fell into the second category—she was almost late. It was the second time this week and it was only Wednesday. She had this terrible habit of answering her friends' calls and pretending she didn't have any service when she felt like she would be late. If she was to be scolded for her tardiness, she didn't want to hear it from her friends. If she needed to hear it, she would only hear it once, and from one person only.

She plugged her earphones into her ears to listen to music to calm her down even just a little bit. She sighed. She fidgeted with the sleeves of her blouse and a memory flashed through her mind. Her mind seemed to do that a lot lately. She'd be quiet, in peace, some may say, and she'd suddenly be remembering something she shouldn't or she forced herself to shut out. Today, her mind chose to focus on replaying the conversation she had overheard from the office the other night.

She was working overtime for a new project, and she was just preparing to leave when she heard two figures approaching her desk. The lights were turned off so she knew that no one could possibly know that she was still there. The figures were her superiors—her department manager and the big boss.

"Ma'am, I know that she's trying her best, but I simply don't see Maria Ranier as an asset—"
"Berthe, you do not understand. She is still young and needs to prove herself. Let her."
"But ma'am—"
"Let her."
"If you insist, ma'am."

Miss Berthe never seemed to like her anyway, she thought. Maria felt it the moment she was first hired, and now that she had been there for almost six months, she seemed to be scolded by no one else but Miss Berthe almost everyday. It seemed as if Maria was a knowledge-less child in Miss Berthe's eyes, and no matter what Maria did, Miss Berthe always seemed against it. Only Miss Margaretta seemed to be defend her from Miss Berthe, well now her and the big boss.

Maria sighed as she hurried out of the train. The office was not far from the station. It was right across, in fact. She checked her watch.

One minute and thirty seconds.

I could make it, she thought, wishing (dreaming, actually) of a quiet, scold-less morning. She almost ran until—

"Ooph," she exclaimed as she had bumped into a solid figure chest-first.

People around them gasped, and she hurriedly looked around if she had spilled anything on him. Thankfully, she didn't.

She didn't bother to look into his face, but she had felt the burn of his eyes on her. She muttered a quick apology before taking off for her office building.

9:30 a.m.

Just in time.

She sighed with relief when she didn't see Miss Berthe make her way to her and command her to immediately go to her desk and start working. Instead, she had seen their assistant manager, Miss Margaretta, wink at her and smile.

Maria felt at ease. Sitting down at her desk, she smiled at her friend, Alice, whose cubicle was right next to hers.

"Right on time, darling," Alice laughed, tapping her watch.
"Yes, of course. I ran today," Maria smiled, making sure to omit the fact that she could have been a few seconds earlier if it weren't for the man she bumped into.
"Oh yes, I called you this morning but I think you didn't have service again," Alice gave her a knowing look.

Maria smiled sheepishly at her friend, and before she could say anything—

She looked at her desk, only to find a large cup of coffee with a note with phone number written on it. As she examined it, it seemed as if it was her usual order at the local café. Her eyebrows shot up as she examined the coffee cup further.

"Alice, did you buy me coffee today?"
"You weren't listening again, were—coffee? No," Alice ran her manicured nails through her long, chestnut-colored curls.

Maria scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion.

"Then where could this have possibly come from?"

Maria shrugged her shoulders as she took a sip of the coffee. It was still warm, so whoever brought her coffee must have known that she was likely to be late today.

"Secret admirer?" Alice teased.
"Doubt it," Maria laughed nervously.

Surely there wasn't any poison in this, no?

"Oh, anyways, back to what I was telling you."
"Remember when you told me that you were looking for a part-time job to help save up for youe Master's?"
"Yes," Maria answered cautiously, taking another sip of the coffee,
"Well, I asked around and I found a job for you as an English tutor," Alice gave her a lopsided smile.
"What's with the smile?"
"Well," Alice smiled sheepishly. "It's a Saturday job for Georg von Trapp's seven children."
"G-Georg v-v-von T-Trapp? S-seven children?"

That was a lot of information to process.

"He was here a while ago, by the way. He wanted to interview you, that's why I called, but you had poor service. That's why I told him all about you instead. I know your credentials and your personality, okay? Don't look at me like that, Maria! He's also the one who left you the coffee," Alice smiled. "And he left around the same time that you got here. I wanted to mess with you a bit about the coffee. Oh and he told me to tell you to call him, his number is on the cup," Alice tapped the coffee cup in Maria's hands. "I think you figured it out by now. He also told me that you're hired."
"English tutor? But isn't he good at English?"
"He laughed and told me not to ask," Alice laughed.

Left right before I arrived? Coffee? People at the station staring? Celebrity?

"Oh my god, I literally ran into Georg von Trapp without—"

Maria ran her hand across her face.

This day was starting to get worse.


Well, you've officially survived the first chapter! Congratulations, darling.

I hope you'll be up for more because I think this is gonna be a long ride *winks.*

Anyways, I hope you liked this thing! Please tell me what you think and please give this a review/fave/follow! I'd really love to hear from you.
