Midoriya felt high strung. These last couple of weeks were taking their toll on him and the amount of building emotions he was feeling left him twitchy and alert.
He didn't really understand.
Just as life at UA seemed to be settling into a nice routine for him, if you discount the numerous villain encounters that is, Kacchan of all people decided to throw the biggest curveball his way? It was just so... weird.
Izuku didn't claim to be brilliant at most things, perhaps a little too modest for his own good, but one thing he allowed himself with quiet confidence was the ability to know his friends, down to personalities and quirks, moods or complexities. He could calmly say also that when it comes to Kacchan, he was the expert.
So this baffling behavior had Midoriya yanking his hair in stress, mumbling into the early hours of the morning. It stressed him out, it was unprecedented and strange.
Kacchan didn't just... just approach him, or ask to hang out. Izuku would be sure he was trapped in some elaborate dream if it wasn't for the sore pinch marks he inflicted down his arm proving this all real.
And yet, despite all logic... he felt a tiny bubble of excitement. And he hated it.
Izuku had spent the better part of his youth recovering from losing his best friend. He had felt strange at the time, knowing what he felt for Katsuki was far beyond what he should be feeling for him. He had always admired him, his eyes always eager to study him, his fluffy golden hair and intense red eyes. His broad shoulders and strong jaw. Izuku had watched Katsuki grow up, first by his side, and then from afar.
He was beautiful, in Izuku's opinion, and he don't think that will ever change. Which is why he was so completely baffled facing the alarming change in his childhood friend's personality.
Bakugou suddenly wanted to... talk to him, to train, to plan classes, to spend time... with Izuku. For gods sake why? It's just... he had accepted it, he had come to terms with the rejection of friendship. And now Kacchan was throwing hope his way and he resoundingly refused to let himself be open to such hurt again... he wasn't sure he could go a second round of it.
He had spent a long time adjusting to never having Kacchan how his heart really wanted him, let alone being just friends. He knew this is why he felt so sad, he was too afraid to take the hand that Kacchan seemed to be offering him.
As he is thinking these thoughts over for the hundredth time, Tokoyami sends Dark Shadow slamming into him, making Midoriya yelp as he rolls to the ground. He fumbles to a skidding stop, and groans as he rolls to his side.
Tokoyami clicks his beak, before jogging over to him. Izuku rubs his head as he sits up, "A-ah, I'm sorry Tokoyami..."
Dark Shadow caws next to Tokoyami as he kneels, offering a hand to the green haired boy, "Are you really apologizing for being hit, Midoriya?"
Midoriya huffs an empty laugh, taking the hand and allowing himself to be dragged to standing, "Well, more so for being distracted? I guess?"
"I would say it's no problem, but it seems to be a common theme today," Tokoyami mutters, side-eyeing across the room to where Bakugou takes another hit from Iida. Midoriya's eyes follow Tokoyami, before landing on Katsuki, who is getting himself to his feet without even uttering a curse. Bakugou looks tired and withdrawn, the most half-hearted attempt at sparring Midoriya had ever seen him. He frowns, guilt washing heavily over him.
He didn't know what to do, he felt so conflicted. Izuku hated making anyone sad, let alone Kacchan of all people. He bit his lip and caught Aizawa's eye across the room. Aizawa was studying him intently and Izuku watched his teacher's eyes lazily flicker towards Katsuki, then back to himself.
This was not good. Aizawa was too perceptive for his own good. He wasn't one of the best underground heroes for no reason. Izuku felt anxiety bubble behind his rib cage as he discreetly turned to face Tokoyami once more, facing away from his teacher.
"Okay, let's try again. No more distractions." He said, exuding confidence like he meant it.
It didn't work.
"Midoriya, a word."
Izuku froze, knowing his attempt to escape to the changing rooms was futile. He plastered on an unconvincing grin as he turned to face his teacher.
"Yes, Aizawa-sensei?"
Aizawa took his time, noting the way Bakugou looked their way as he passed. This was a peculiar problem he had noticed, yet unsurprising, knowing that Midoriya and Bakugou were the most problematic of his students. He waited until the rest of the students were out of ear shot, before leveling his gaze with the nervous boy in front of him.
"I am quite curious as to why two of my top students are suddenly sloppy and sub par," He answered, getting straight to the point. It was a little unfair, he thinks, looking down at Midoriya's troubled frown, that he chose to come to him instead of Bakugou. Truth of the matter was, Midoriya was just easier to deal with. He was an excellent student, and Aizawa found if he had to impart knowledge onto the boy, he'd only have to hint or give a small push in the right direction and Midoriya would run with it.
Bakugou on the other hand was more challenging, his ego often blinded him and although Aizawa was seeing improvements in him, compared to Midoriya, Aizawa was much less likely to walk away from this conversation with a headache.
He could literally see the speed of which Izuku's brain was working, fumbling for an answer, "Midoriya, quite frankly, I don't want to know all the details, however this is affecting both yours and Bakugou's performances. I would usually blame Bakugou for this, but I'm sensing this may not be all his fault this time."
Midoriya bowed his head in shame and Aizawa felt pity for the kid. He wasn't an affectionate man, but he still fought down the desire to pat Izuku's unruly locks. He had a soft spot for the kid, even if it was based on Midoriya's impressive determination for his underdog status. Still though, lessons are what he was hired to give, and give it he shall.
"I sense you're not going to talk, so I'll be blunt. I naturally assume Bakugou is bothering you, but given the guilt written all over your face, he is trying to make amends. I've seen him try at least once and given your history, I'm guessing you're the one who is making this harder,"
Midoriya knits his eyebrows, clenching his fist in a spark of anger. It wasn't that surprising to Aizawa, who rose an eyebrow at him in return. He gets it, really. If he was in Midoriya's shoes he'd probably be a lot less forgiving. But Midoriya was a strong kid, if anyone could forgive those who may not necessarily deserve it, it would be him. Another thing that impressed him, really.
"I'm not going to tell you what to do, Midoriya, but forgiveness is a virtue of the brave, and you're one of the bravest kids I've met."
Izuku's mouth fell open, bright green eyes looking up at him silently. God, this brat had a habit of being endearingly sweet, a weapon in it's own right. He gives the boy a small, quick smile before patting his shoulder once in passing, "A great hero needs to overcome his biggest issues, even if they inflict fear. It's facing that fear instead of running from it that separates the unique from the mediocre."
Pep talk finished, Aizawa lets go of Izuku's shoulder and walks towards the exit. God he hated these difficult conversations. He was just lucky Midoriya was one of the perceptive ones. He needed Hizashi and a nap, and he was planning to do just that.
Before he was too far, Midoriya spoke up, "Um, Sir?"
He glanced over his shoulder at him, hands shoved in his pockets, "yes?"
Izuku nodded at him, looking more put together than before, "Thanks."
Aizawa huffed through his nose, refusing to get swept up in the kid's fiery determination. Nope, nap time.
The next class is a disaster. Both Bakugou and Midoriya failed spectacularly and with heavy reluctance All Might asks them to stay behind.
He is new to this teaching gig, he'd done more bad than good so far, as his colleagues liked to remind him on a weekly basis, however, All Might knew distraction when he saw it, and he'd definitely bore witness to it today.
Staring down at the two most promising students, he scratched his gaunt cheek wondering how to start the conversation off,
"Well boys, I have to say I'm rather disappointed."
Ah shit, if Midoriya heavily wincing was anything to go by, maybe that wasn't the best approach. Well, dive in as they say!
"I'm wondering what's going on to be honest. I know you two don't get along as much as we all hope but it seems to be... worse than usual."
Interestingly, Bakugou remains silent, Yagi had to wonder if he'd even heard him. He would have almost guaranteed to hear some explosive rude response by now but surprisingly, Bakugou seemed a touch withdrawn. It was worrying, having grown used to such youthful energy and abrasiveness. Whatever was on his mind, it would seem quite serious.
He took a moment to study his young protege, who looked as nervous as usual, however he wasn't side eyeing the blonde teen as usual. Hmm, he had always had his suspicions about how entwined Midoriya and Bakugou were in each other's lives, but somehow seeing them both here now quietly drove his theories forward with much more weight.
Yagi wanted to smile but refrained. He often knew how blurred the lines of rivalry and attraction could be. He'd seen it enough times! You couldn't feel so strongly for a person without it having a kickback after all. If you didn't care about a person, then you'd more likely feel not much at all for them. Feeling strongly at all was the key here.
"Listen," He tried, delicately, thinking on what he should say, "I had always thought... I was baring witness to the birth of the best wonder duo the world would ever see." Both Bakugou and Midoriya jostled at the words, seemingly suprised by them. Encouraged, All Might continued, "Now I'm sure you both strive for the Number One spot, but being a duo is in no way a weakness, or a compromise. When I first met the both of you, I could always see it. The strong connection you both share and I honestly remain excited to this day about it."
At the mention of connection, Midoriya's expression turned sad, as though Yagi had gotten it wrong. He could see why young Midoriya would think that, so he soldiered on, "I am not necessarily saying a connection is built on easy friendships or compatibility, although it does help. I'm talking about the paths you share and the hardships fought together. I'm talking about a history built on turmoil and pain and laughter. You have lived together, and orbited around each other like it's destiny. Not many people can say that, my boys."
At some point through Yagi's words, Katsuki had turned his gaze to Izuku, staring at his profile whilst deep in thought. Like he had done it a thousand times. Izuku stared at his shoes, bottom lip worrying between his teeth. All Might could see it right now, it was like a pull. Like their eyes were always seeking each other out, like seeing the other was seeing home. Touching base. He thought it best not to tell them that much though, he already felt like he was toeing a line.
Having said what he wanted, Yagi stood there rather awkwardly, not used to the two boys being quiet for this long. He never had the floor this long without one of them chipping in, so he wondered what to do next. He didn't have to wait too long though, as young Midoriya seemed to come out of his nerves long enough to talk,
"Thank you All Might, I'll... aim to do better."
Green eyes connected with tired red eyes momentarily, as though those words weren't just said for All Might's ears.
After a few decent seconds, Izuku took his leave with a polite bow to Yagi.
Katsuki received a gentle pat on the shoulder from his teacher, a surprise to Toshinori that the boy was distracted enough to allow it. He thinks... he might be getting better at this teaching job after all.
Katsuki was dead on his feet. He slouched into the sofa with dead weight and felt it mould around him. After seeing Midoriya having to endure two different lectures from his teachers today, he was a little more hopeful tonight than usual.
He knew Deku, and having a talk from two of the most important role models of his life, he knew Deku would take the words very seriously and probably very guiltily. Thing is, Katsuki didn't want Midoriya to feel like shit because of him, he didn't want for him to feel like he was being forced to make amends. So Katsuki could only hope that maybe Midoriya was beginning to see some benefits and come round to the idea.
It god damn sucked waiting and not knowing though. He realized the main reason this felt like complete and utter shit to him was because he always thought he had all the time in the world. Like... he had put Izuku's friendship up on a shelf, where he could grab it and dust it off and pick up where they last left off.
He now knows how fucking selfish and stupid that had been, treating Izuku's feelings like they didn't have an expiry date on them. It just sucked... and now all he could do is watch as their roles had reversed and he was left waiting and hoping. What's the saying? Payback's a bitch? Well, they weren't wrong.
So as the hours ticked by and his eyes grew adjusted to the darkened common room once more, he sat and waited on the off chance Izuku would come.
He didn't.
A/n: Oooo, a change of perspectives in this chapter! See some insight to Midoriya and also the teachers. I feel they'd notice when shit is going South, they're very intuitive! Also I'm pretty sure this is the most quiet I've seen Bakugou yet through this story lmao.
Anyway, let me know what you think!
Much love 3
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