A/N a Callanna story about their trip together to Laguna Beach. Set after episode 11x19. Hope you enjoy it. I'm so happy that Callen and Anna can finally be together.
They were just done for the day and they were having a drink in Kensi and Deeks' bar. Callen was glad that everything was over now for Anna, she was free, no longer a fugitive. He did wonder who had cleared her record. But he was most importantly happy that Anna was free now and that he no longer had to harbor a fugitive. Just like Callen had suspected the team had figured out that Anna had been staying with him. They stayed for a few hours at the bar before everyone left. Callen and Anna went upstairs to the apartment. Once they were inside the apartment Anna pulled Callen towards her and gave him a kiss.
"I'm so glad that everything is over now, no more sneaking around, no more staying inside," Anna spoke.
"Which you didn't by the way."
"I know and I'm sorry, I was going crazy inside. I just needed to get out of here. I just hadn't planned running into my dad. I didn't want to get any of you into trouble, I just wanted this whole fugitive thing to be over with."
"I get that and I get that the past few weeks have been hard for you, I just wished you hadn't run into the police the way you did. What if your record hadn't been cleared, you could've done serious time again."
"I know. I'm sorry. I just couldn't put you in any more danger. You put everything on the line for me."
"And I would do it again in a heartbeat," Callen spoke sincerely.
"I know you would," Anna replied with a smile. "And I thank you for that. I'm just glad that this is all over."
"So now that you're a free woman, what are you gonna do?" Callen asked with a smirk.
Anna walked up to Callen and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I don't know yet. But I know one thing, I don't want this to be any different now that the whole fugitive thing is over. Cus I'm not leaving LA."
Callen wrapped his arms around her waist. "That's good. It won't. I promise."
Anna closed the distance between them and kissed Callen. She was really glad that this was over now and that she could start living her life again. But at the moment she had no idea what that would be. Her record was cleared but she didn't want to work with the CIA anymore and going back to the ATF probably wasn't an option either. But she had some time to figure that out, right now she just wanted to enjoy the fact that everything was over.
Anna walked them backwards until they were at the bed. Playfully she pushed Callen down onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Callen loved Anna's playful side in bed. They had some fun in the bed before they lay tangled up in each other arms. Anna had her head on Callen's chest and Callen's arm was around Anna.
"I know one thing I want to do," Anna spoke.
"And that is?" Callen wondered.
"How about you and I just go away for a few days, just to get away from this apartment. Go do something fun?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"Just a week of vacation, just you and me, just enjoy some time off. I do believe you have quite some vacation days left."
"That I do." Callen thought about it, he hardly ever went on vacation. Would it be good for them just to get away, just the two of them? "If you want I guess we can do that."
"Yeah, I think it would be nice and I'm dying to get out of this apartment and go do something fun."
"Sure, where did you have in mind?"
"I don't know yet. Somewhere close, but somewhere nice."
"Why don't you pick out something, I'm good with anything."
"Alright." Anna sat up and gave Callen a kiss. "Goodnight Callen."
"Goodnight Anna."
Anna snuggled back against Callen's chest. They actually slept like this most of the nights. Anna loved snuggling up to Callen as she slept and Callen didn't mind one bit. He loved having Anna close to him. Whenever Anna spend the night with him he slept better. He loved lying all cuddled up to Anna in the bed. Callen noticed that Anna had fallen asleep pretty much right away but he lay there awake. He wondered what it would mean for them, for their relationship now that Anna was no longer a fugitive. She had been staying with him because she was a fugitive but now that she wasn't anymore Callen wondered what would be next for them. Would Anna stay with him, like living together? What would Anna do for work, would she perhaps come to work at NCIS? Callen lay awake for a while before falling asleep as well.
A few days later Callen and Anna went away for their vacation. Callen went to the office early to wrap up some things, more like he was stalling a bit. He wasn't sure what to think of this vacation, he and Anna would be away together, just the two of them, and certain questions would probably come up. Callen hardly ever went on vacation so he didn't know what to think of this. After stalling at the office for a bit Sam practically threw him out. Callen went back home and loaded their luggage into the car before driving off. Callen drove south via the four-oh-five. Anna had selected a playlist for the ride and occasionally they sang along together. He followed the San Diego Freeway and then took the exit towards the seventy-three towards San Diego. He followed this road until they came at the exit towards Laguna Beach. Callen took a right down the ramp onto Laguna Canyon Road. He stayed on this road until it changed over into Broadway Street. At the end of the road he took a right onto North Coast highway. A little further up the road he pulled up to the hotel. They were staying at the Inn at Laguna Beach. Callen parked the car in the parking lot and a bellhop came their way to help with their bags. They walked inside the hotel. The lobby was cozy with a seating area. They checked in and went upstairs to their room. They were staying in the ocean view room with a balcony that overlooked the beach and the ocean. They were staying on the second floor. The bellhop put their suitcases inside and Anna tipped him before walking into the room. They came into a hallway with on the left side the door to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom was, one the right side a vanity with shutter doors. Opposite from the vanity was a wardrobe. At the back on the bathroom was, on the right, the toilet and opposite from that the bathtub and shower. In the main room stood, against the right wall, a desk with a TV on it and a chair. Behind the desk, close to the balcony doors stood a couch with a small table in front of it and a chair on the opposite side of the room. Against the left wall stood a double bed with on each side a nightstand. Sliding doors led the way to a balcony. On the balcony stood two rattan chairs with a small table in between. They had a beautiful view of the ocean and the beach from their balcony. They put their stuff away and changed into their swimsuits. Callen wore light blue colored swim shorts. Anna wore a hot pink bikini with the top also having white dots and she wrapped a pink sarong around her body as Callen put a white t-shirt on. They also both wore a pair on sunglasses. They grabbed some towels and sunscreen and went downstairs. It was a beautiful sunny day in LA. They went down the stairs that led to the beach and found a spot to put their towels. Before lying down they rubbed themselves with sunscreen.
"Can you do my back please Callen?" Anna asked.
Callen put some sunscreen on Anna's back and rubbed it all over. Anna had to admit that his hands felt quite nice doing this. She whispered a moan when Callen was done. Callen lay back down on his towel and the two of them enjoyed the nice sun. Anna had brought a book for him so he decided he would give it a go.
"I'm just gonna go get a dip in the water," Anna spoke after about an hour.
"Sure that's fine."
Anna gave Callen a soft kiss before she left for the water. A little later Callen looked up and he saw Anna come out of the ocean. She came out of the water and threw her wet her back as the rest of the water dripped down her body. Callen had to admit that this was a hot sight to see. Anna's body was definitely in good shape. Anna walked closer to Callen and saw him staring at her and she smiled at him.
"Hey," Anna replied as she reached their towels.
"Hey, did you have a nice swim?"
"Yes it was nice and refreshing."
They stayed at the beach for the rest of the day and went upstairs just after 6.30pm to get freshened up. Callen went to hang up their towels outside so they could dry as Anna walked into the bathroom. Callen closed the doors and the shutters and went to the bathroom as well. He already heard the shower running. He stripped out of his clothes and opened the shower curtain. He stepped into the tub and closed the shower curtain. The sight before him was to die for. Anna had stripped out of her bikini and sat on the edge of the tub while she was spraying herself with the shower handle.
"I was waiting for you to join me," Anna spoke seductively.
That sight early today with her coming out of the ocean all wet was pretty hot but this view might be even better.
"Well, here I am," Callen spoke a bit sarcastically.
Anna's eyes rolled a bit, but she loved when he was being sassy like this. Callen watched as Anna sprayed and washed herself but she stopped doing it too soon to his liking. Anna hung the shower handle back in its place and closed the distance between her and Callen. Anna gave him a passionate but short kiss before she dropped to her knees. Callen was in heaven as Anna pleasured him. He pulled Anna up a little later. He kissed her passionately as he picked her up and pushed her against the shower tiles. On instinct Anna wrapped her legs around his waist. Callen supported her with his left arm as his right hand dipped in between them and pleasured Anna. Anna pulled out of the kiss and threw her head back against the wall as Callen pleasured her. Callen's lips moved down to her neck and sucked on it. A little later Anna couldn't take it anymore so she moved her hand in between them and pushed Callen's hand away. Callen was about to protest because he wasn't done teasing her yet but Anna had joined them already. Anna pulled Callen's face to hers and kissed him deeply as Callen starting moving. It felt so good whenever they were together like this. Needing some air after a while Anna pulled out of the kiss. She threw her head back as Callen sped up. She held onto Callen for dear life as she felt herself getting closer to bliss. They were both moaned and grunting uncontrollably right now. Anna moaned his name loudly as she reached her peak and Callen followed shortly after moaning Anna's name.
Callen almost pressed Anna into the wall but she didn't mind, she liked feeling him so close to her. Both of them were panting, trying to recover their breaths.
"Oh my," Anna spoke once she had regained some of her breath.
"I know, that was really good."
"You were not so bad yourself." Anna pulled Callen's face up to hers. "I love you Callen."
"I love you too Anna."
Callen kissed Anna before they stood underneath the shower together to freshen up. They walked downstairs and walked towards their restaurant. They were going to eat at Carmalita's kitchen de Mexico. It was a nice cozy restaurant. A waiter showed them to their table. Callen ordered them a bottle of red wine.
"Here's to our vacation," Anna spoke as they toasted.
"To our vacation and to you being free."
Callen ordered chicken taquitos as starter while Anna ordered shrimp taquitos. As main course Anna had grilled chicken fajitas and Callen had skirt steak fajitas. After dinner they walked down the street to dolce gelato for some ice cream before walking back to their hotel. They went to the bar at the terrace for a while before going back to their room to get some sleep.
After breakfast the next day they walked towards the city center and cruised some shops, well mostly Anna, Callen just went along with her. They bought some souvenirs and other stuff. After doing some shopping they walked towards the beach and sat down to have lunch at The Greeters Corner, it was just off the boardwalk. They both had the Laguna burger. After lunch they walked back to their hotel along the boardwalk. They put the items they had bought upstairs in their room and changed into their swimsuits. Today they went to lay next to the swimming pool. They relaxed there for the rest of the day before going back up to their room and changing for dinner.
Callen stood dead in his tracks as he looked at Anna coming out of the bathroom. She was dressed in a short black dress with spaghetti straps. At the left leg there was a split with ruffles.
"You look beautiful," Callen spoke.
"Thank you," Anna replied, she could see that Callen was memorized by her outfit. "You look quite handsome yourself too."
Callen was dressed in a pair of dress jeans with a blue and white checkered shirt with a dark blue dress jacket over it. They went downstairs and got in a cab.
"Now will you tell me where we're going?" Anna asked, Callen had booked this dinner for them.
"You'll see in a minute," Callen teased.
The cab drove them to a restaurant south of Laguna Beach. They got out near Studio, they were going to eat there. It was a beautiful, luxurious restaurant, on the hill that overlooked the ocean.
"Shall we?" Callen asked as he held out his arm for Anna.
"We shall."
Anna looped her arm around Callen's.
"This looks expensive," Anna stated as they walked up to the front door.
"It's okay. For one time it's okay. It's not always that we can go out to dinner like this, and besides after all that loco moco you had I figured you'd would like something fancy."
"Thank you." Anna knew that Callen really loved her, he was so thoughtful and he could be very romantic at times.
They walked inside and a waitress showed them to their table.
"Welcome to Studio, my name is Barb, I'll be your waitress for this evening. Here are your menus. Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Do you have a wine menu?" Anna asked.
"Yes, right here," Barb responded and grabbed the wine menu from the table.
Anna looked through the menu. "Can we get this pinot noir?" Anna asked as she point to the pinot noir on the menu.
"Of course, in a bottle or glass?"
"Bottle please."
"Coming right up."
Callen and Anna looked through the menu, trying to decide what they were gonna have. A little later Barb came back with their bottle of wine and poured them both a glass and left the bottle on the table.
"Have you made a choice yet?"
As first course Callen ordered the garden harvest salad, as second course the pork belly and as main course the lamb loin. Anna ordered the garden harvest salad as well as first course, the truffle risotto as second course and the salmon as main course. Barb took their orders and left. Callen grabbed his glass and toasted with Anna.
"It is nice to just get away, even if it's just for a short time and close to home," Callen admitted.
"Yes it is. With our job we don't have much time for vacations."
"No we don't. Have you thought about what you're gonna do now that you're no longer a fugitive, I mean about your job?"
"I don't know yet. I can't really go back to the ATF I think. And I don't think I want to. Now that I'm no longer a fugitive anymore I can start to think about it."
"What about NCIS? You've worked with us before." Callen suggested. Anna had worked with their office before and they always made a good team. "We certainly would enjoy having you there, you're a good addition."
"Thank you and yes I have thought about that. I enjoy working there with you guys, but I'm not sure. I mean a lot of work you do is undercover and my face was all over the news. A lot of people would recognize me."
"All of your criminal records are gone, they don't exist and I can have Eric search the web and erase all the videos."
"Thank you, but many people still saw my face. You can't erase their memories."
"We will figure something out, together," Callen spoke as she put his hand on the table.
Anna took his hand in hers and Callen squeezed her hand. "Yes we will, together."
In the mean time they enjoyed their first course.
"For so long I've had this prison and fugitive thing hanging above my head. It's a relieve that it's finally gone now. Now I can enjoy it and see where the moment take us."
"Where the moment takes us?" Callen asked.
"Yes, I can live again now and I don't have to look over my shoulder anymore or be cooped up inside. I can take each moment the way I want to, I can do anything."
"Yes you can, you can do anything you want."
Anna decided it was time to be bold, time to let Callen know what she really wanted. "What I want to do is move in with you permanently. I know I lived at your place when I was a fugitive cus I really didn't have anywhere else to stay. But I've really enjoyed living together with you and I don't want to go anywhere else. I wanna stay with you. If you'll have me."
Callen looked at Anna as she spoke. He had figured that this kind of talk would come up now that Anna was free and they were on vacation together. Sure Anna had stayed with him because she was a fugitive and she was safe with him. But truth be told, he actually liked living with her. He enjoyed coming home to her every evening and waking up next to her every morning. He was still a bit anxious about what this would mean for them, but he was sure about one thing. He loved Anna and he wanted her in his life. And they had already sorta lived together for a month an everything was still fine between them. This would be the next logical step for them. Perhaps it was time to put down some roots and he couldn't imagine doing that with any other woman than Anna.
"Yes you did live at my place cus you were a fugitive and I asked you to stay. But I enjoyed it too. I really enjoyed the time we spend together…."
Anna looked a bit sad. "But? I feel a but coming."
"No, no but. It's just that I never really lived with someone before. But I really enjoyed you staying at my place. I love you Anna and I don't want you to go anywhere." Callen looked her in the eye as he spoke that last sentence and Anna could see that he meant every word of it. "I want you to stay with me too, I want you to move in permanently."
"Yes really. I enjoyed having you back in my life again and I'm not letting you go."
"That's good cus I love you too."
Callen leaned closer to Anna and gave her a kiss.
They finished the rest of their dinner and had some dessert as well. Callen had California citrus and white chocolate and Anna had panna cotta. They each fed the other a part of their dessert. Callen paid for the bill before they left the restaurant. They grabbed a cab back to their hotel and they could both tell that they couldn't wait to back in their hotel room. The ride was only about ten minutes but to them it seemed much longer. Callen paid the cab driver and they walked into their hotel. Once they were in the elevator and they were alone Callen stood behind Anna and started kissing her neck.
"Hmmm G," Anna moaned. "We're almost in our room."
They exited the elevator and quickly walked to their room. Anna pulled Callen towards her as they were almost at their door and kissed him, since the hallway was empty. Callen fumbled with the key card and opened the door. They stumbled inside and Callen kicked the door close with his foot and locked it. Callen pushed Anna against the wall and picked her up as he deepened the kiss. Callen moved his lips towards her neck as he walked them towards the bed. Callen lay Anna down in the middle of the bed and he lay down on top of her as his lips moved back to hers. They just kissed for a couple of minutes before Anna turned them around and started removing their clothes. They had fun for hours in the bed before they were both too tired. Callen lay on his back and Anna had her head on his chest.
This is where they both wanted to be, together, happy. Anna was glad that they finally had a chance to be happy together. No more being a fugitive or prison or secrets standing in between them. She knew how Callen was when it came to his personal life, he wasn't an easy person to open up and neither was she. But it was clear to her that they belonged together. She felt happy being with Callen. She was happy when he asked her to stay with him after she came back to town. She didn't want to put Callen in harm's way but she couldn't turn him down. She may have come back to warn Callen initially, but she also came back to see him. She had missed him and she could tell that he had missed her as well. She knew it was kinda bold to say to Callen like that that she wanted to move in with him but it was what she really wanted and she wanted to make it clear to Callen that she wanted to stay, stay with him.
Anna nestled herself against Callen as Callen wrapped his arm around her.
"Hmmm, goodnight Callen."
"Goodnight Anna."
Callen gave Anna a soft kiss on her head and Anna fell asleep not long after. Callen lay awake for a little while just looking up at the ceiling, millions of thoughts going through his head. He loved Anna more than anything and he was so happy that she decided to stay, but it scared him about where their relationship was going. He wanted to be in a relationship with her but he didn't know if he'd be any good at actually living together, he had always been on his own. But he knew he could trust her and that she would never do anything to hurt him. He enjoyed being with her and he wouldn't mind if things stayed just like this. Finally he could be with the woman he loves and he wasn't going to let anything stand in the way of their happiness. Callen pulled Anna closer to him and he fell asleep too.
The next day after breakfast they walked towards the starting point of the kayak tour. After getting some instructions from their guide Callen and Anna put their life vests on, grabbed their paddles and sat down in their kayak. They peddled towards the coast of Northern Laguna. The water was crystal clear and they could see some gorgeous ocean life. They paddled across the ocean and saw some Dolphins a bit further. A little later they came close by to sea lions near Seal Rock. During the tour Anna took a few pictures of the beautiful coast line and the guide had taken a picture of them as well. They were on the sea for about an hour and a half before arriving back at the dock. They bought the picture that the guide had taken of them and they walked back along the beach. They stopped at the recreation point to enjoy the view. They walked down the stairs and onto the rocks. Anna stood at the end of the rock formation and Callen took a picture of her. She looked really beautiful standing there, in the sunlight and her hair waving a bit because of the wind.
"Could you please take a picture of us together?" Anna asked a woman who was on the rocks too.
"Of course."
"Come on G, it's gonna be fun," Anna said when she noticed Callen's slight hesitation. It was too subtle for anyone else to pick it up but Anna saw it.
Callen walked up to Anna and together they stood on the rocks. They wrapped one arm around the other's back as the picture was taken. They walked back up the stairs and stopped for a bite to eat on their way back to the hotel. They had already put their swimsuits on because they went kayaking so they found a place to lay on the beach and enjoyed the rest of the day on the beach.
Before they knew it their vacation was up and they were packing up their stuff to go back home. When they were done packing Callen pulled Anna towards him and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Thank you for suggesting this vacation. It was actually nice to do," Callen stated.
"Yes it was and thank you for coming along. I know you don't really take vacations."
"No I don't, but this was fun to do."
Callen gave Anna a soft kiss before they checked out and walked towards the car. Callen put their luggage in the trunk before driving them home. They were ready to finally start living their lives together.
The end. Thank you for reading and reviewing. Hope you enjoyed it.