Author's note:
RESPONSE: Many of you don't like how they've characterized Maine. I think it's completely fair what they think of him. Up until he took the bullet for Carolina, Maine was still an asshole. The one good thing he did in all of freelancer was take that bullet and it's so quick it's almost hard to notice he intentionally did it. Of course now that he's taken that bullet for Carolina they think a little more highly of him, but it's one redeeming quality. Like what Sokka said about Zuko "In a lifetime of evil, at least he didn't add letting his teammate die to the list." Yes he's a soldier, they understand that. I could have made that clearer in the last chapter.
That being said, I'll have them talk about Maine and each can give their opinions on him. I loved the criticism! This is what I mean when I say, "Point out any mistakes." Because I did make a mistake. Their opinions of him weren't clear. In my mind it's fair what they think of him. But I wrote it pretty one sided. Granted it is sort of one sided anyway but eh… after this season there aren't any nice moments with him.
FIX: Added Tex's last "Motherfucker" to last chapter.
Thanks to Old Wolf Logan for an idea.
Cover Art: Cruz7808
Check my profile for any polls
Review, Point out mistakes, and Flame!
Chapter 18- Labor Pains
Ren chuckled and shook his head.
Yang shrugged, "Eh, no time wasted. I like that song, it's the best from the show so far."
"Debatable." Weiss murmured.
"Which one's your favorite? Is it Extraction?" Yang asked. "You like to hear yourself sing."
Weiss held her head up high, "As a matter of fact Extraction is my favorite." Weiss chose not to respond to the obvious bait. Not me.
"Labor Pains" appeared on the screen with the theme.
"Labor pains… is Tucker pregnant again?" Jaune asked.
"I hope not." Weiss grimaced.
"I hope he is! We haven't seen Junior in so long, he's so cuuute!" Nora gushed.
Yang laughed nervously, They're not talking about Hei… gross.
"Cute isn't how I would describe it." Weiss added.
Jaune let out an excited breath, the others turned to him, "Sorry I'm still reeling over what happened to Maine last episode."
"Not about Pyrrha being Carolina?" Ren raised an eyebrow.
Jaune laughed, "That too, but that hasn't settled yet."
Pyrrha chuckled, "Don't worry Jaune, on that front I can be shocked enough for us both."
Jaune chuckled, "Maine took a huge beating last episode, I almost feel bad for him."
"Don't, he deserved it!" Nora shouted, eyes wild.
"Why? He's a soldier." Weiss pointed out. "He isn't the Meta just yet remember?"
Ren nodded, "Weiss is right, he hasn't done much to warrant the beating he took."
"Yes he has." Nora frowned. "He used live rounds and threw that grenade. He's the reason York has one bad eye."
"He was likely following or-" Weiss started.
"Even if he was following orders!" Ruby cut in quickly, "The orders were to hurt a new recruit, he didn't even apologize."
"It could have been off screen, York doesn't seem to hold any animosity towards him." Ren pointed out.
"Unless it's mentioned, I'll assume he and Wyoming never apologized." Blake admitted. "That only tells us that York doesn't hold grudges."
"I like York." Pyrrha smiled, "I think it's sad that Maine went from taking a bullet for his teammate to killing his teammates for power."
"The one good thing he's done." Jaune commented, "He's not that different from the Meta."
"How so?" Ren asked.
"He's brutal like the Meta for one." Jaune raised a finger.
"I don't think his brutality matters all that much, North and South were very brutal when they fought." Ren pointed out.
Pyrrha shook her head, "Maine seems to relish in it."
"The Meta maybe, Maine hasn't been shown to like it." Ren corrected.
Jaune shrugged, "Yeah but.. when he's brutal it's different. With North and South it was an action scene. With Maine it's always… dark I guess? There's creepy music or people getting scared. Like the soldiers that called his weapon a knifle, or the guy with the briefcase."
Blake nodded, "Moments that foreshadow what Maine will become."
"Exactly." Jaune agreed. "It's like when he does it it's bad but when the others kill it's fine."
"It's a show so I can look past everyone killing." Ruby frowned. "But Maine's always seemed.. bad. It's what Jaune said, they made his kills look way worse. But he's definitely not as bad as the Meta. They're still different people."
"I think Maine is complicated, we'll likely see more of his character eventually." Ren commented.
"Exactly, and so far he's been bad, but not any worse than Wyoming." Weiss shrugged.
"Or any of the freelancers, I don't doubt South would have done the same as Wyoming and Maine." Blake added.
"Just following orders." Weiss nodded. "Being a soldier is another job, just like being a huntress."
"Just following orders isn't an excuse." Ruby mumbled, Pyrrha nodded.
"I never said it was." Weiss pointed out. "I just don't think he's as evil as he will be."
"Eh, I just think he's cool." Yang pursed her lips, "He hits hard and he can definitely take a hit or three."
"And his weapon is cool too!" Nora added.
Ruby nodded giddily in agreement.
Yang and Ren simultaneously chuckled while shaking their heads.
"I love his weapon, but he's still bad." Ruby pouted.
"I think he's morally grey, I'm just guessing here but he seems to simply be an efficient soldier. And he'll follow any order, no matter the order." Blake explained.
"How is that morally grey?" Weiss asked.
"That isn't, but he is." Blake chuckled, "He still cares about the lives of his teammates. Despite what happened with York, I'm sure he would have taken a bullet for him too."
Ruby shrugged, "Ehh.. he just doesn't seem good to me. I do like him for taking that bullet though. But it's weird. Why would he take the bullet for a teammate here but then throw a grenade and almost kill another over here?" Ruby gestured with her hands.
"We don't know much about him, we need more info." Blake said.
Jaune nodded, "I agree, I was hoping we'd see more of his character but…"
Blake laughed, "He's still a silent hulking brute."
Jaune nodded, "Don't forget terrifying."
Blake chuckled. "That moment with Wash made him feel less imposing to me."
Pyrrha chuckled, "I feel the same for the moment when Carolina kicked him off the building."
Jaune's eyes widened as he turned to everyone, "Do you think the Meta actually died? I mean after that beating I'm not confident in him ever dying."
"We never saw a body." Blake raised a finger, "In stories that usually means they aren't dead. It's a nice rule of thumb."
"Does that go extra for Wyoming?" Yang snickered.
"You know? Because of all the bodies." Yang opened her mouth looking around. "Oh come on! That was good."
Ren chuckled, Yang smiled, "Thanks Ren, at least one of you has a sense of humor."
Fade in to Grif yelling at the Blues from the cliff, specifically Tex.
Grif: "Yeah you! You fucking piece of shit! You suck!"
Yang raised an eyebrow and began to laugh, "What's happening in the memory unit now?"
"Evidently Grif's painful demise at the hands of Tex." Pyrrha chuckled.
Yang laughed and nodded, "Hopefully. She should have shot Grif."
A short guitar riff plays as Tucker appears.
Tucker: "Jesus, is that guy still yelling?"
Church: "Yes."
Tucker: "He's been yelling all morning."
Tex: "Hhhh, we know."
Yang pursed her lips, "Tex is weirdly resigned about it.."
"Weird." Nora nodded. "But they're all kind of different in the memory unit. Sarge doesn't hate Grif as much."
"I haven't noticed any changes, they're still the same. Just not as mature or experienced." Pyrrha commented.
"As mature? When have they ever matured." Weiss asked.
"Tucker has." Jaune protested, "He's not as vulgar and like Sarge said. He's good at being a soldier."
Weiss looked up, stroking her chin, "I'll concede that he is the best of them besides Lopez."
"Really?" Blake asked.
"Not counting Freelancers." Weiss added.
Tucker: "Make him stop."
Church: "And how'm I gonna do that?"
Tucker: "Shoot him with your snipe-"
"What?" Ruby scoffed.
Tucker: "Ah, never mind, I realized how stupid that sounded as soon as I started to say it."
"Good." Ruby nodded.
"Just give Tex the sniper, or anyone else." Yang suggested.
"Besides Caboose." Pyrrha mumbled with a laugh.
Cut to Grif on the cliff. Simmons approaches him
Grif: "Hey, Blues, you still suck! Yeah, you! You fucking piece of shit! You suck!"
"I am loving these insults." Yang grinned.
"They're not even clever?" Weiss pointed out.
"No wonder Yang likes them." Blake sneered.
Simmons: "Grif, what the hell are you doing up here?"
Grif: "I'm doing my job, Simmons."
"Isn't he supposed to build a bomb?" Nora asked.
Jaune nodded, "Guess the internet didn't help him."
"It's so easy." Nora giggled, "You know Ren is a great cook, but I'm also a cook."
Ren sighed, "Reading the Dustfire cookbook doesn't make you a cook."
Nora held a hand to Ruby's ear, "It's for making bombs." She whispered.
Ruby giggled, "I guessed."
Grif: "I'm working on my part of the plan."
"Working on it." Weiss mocked.
Simmons: "I thought your part of the plan was to build a bomb?"
Nora nodded.
Grif: "Uh, yeah, but I don't know how to build a bomb."
"Dustfire cookbook, the first step is to learn how to safely crush dust crystals into powder." Nora commented.
Ren grimaced, "Trial and error was not the best method."
Nora giggled, unashamed.
Simmons: "Yeah, I know that, you don't know how to do anything."
"Understatement." Weiss mumbled.
Grif: "So, I'm yelling at the Blues (Turns to yell) You guys still suck! (Back to Simmons) until I make them mad enough to bomb our base (Turns to yell) -Idiots! (Back to Simmons) So, not only will they make me a bomb, I'll get them to deliver it. For free! (Turns to yell) You guys are lame, I hate you!"
"...This is the single greatest plan I have ever heard." Yang laughed.
Nora nodded, full of giggles.
Ruby's mouth opened, "Greatest plan?"
Yang scoffed, "Besides yours baby sis." Yang reached a hand out to ruffle Ruby's hair, she moved away.
"Are you serious? A bomb that the blues can detonate at any time?" Weiss asked.
Jaune chuckled, "His plan is to have the blues deliver a bomb to their base so they can all huddle around it."
Ren smirked at Jaune's joke, "I'm assuming this bomb is going to be Andy."
Nora gasped, "Oh YES! Andy's going to show up!"
Yang laughed, "Oh that's perfect, they're getting Andy in just under the wire."
Ren nodded, "If this season is like the last few, next episode will be the finale."
"You know I thought Sarge would end up making the bomb." Nora hummed. "What do you think a bomb made by Sarge would look like?"
"A spanish speaking Andy that can either only insult Lopez or-" Weiss groaned. "Would insult the other reds with Lopez."
Pyrrha chuckled, "The latter sounds more likely. Although I don't think they got along much in Blood Gulch."
Weiss grimaced, "Which is why I can easily see the two hurling profanity laced barbs at one another…" Weiss put a hand to her chin, "Which would be interesting to see."
Jaune snickered, "Simmons could have a new rival."
Nora sagged, "Aww… now I wish Sarge would make Andy."
Yang nodded, "Yeah, it'll probably be Tex."
Pyrrha held a hand to her mouth as she laughed, "Caboose can carry him for her."
Ren smiled, "This is all assuming Grif's plan works, and that Andy is the bomb."
"You're the one who suggested it." Nora accused with a pout.
Ren nodded, "I know." He chuckled. "Do any of you feel the show is becoming predictable?"
Jaune shook his head, "No, the Blood Gulch scenes are only predictable because they're referencing the first five seasons."
Simmons: "That is actually the most sensible part of this plan I've heard so far. Your years of laziness have finally paid off in full, Private Grif."
Ren frowned, "Sensible? Sure. Why not."
"Years? He was a neat freak just a few days ago." Ruby said.
"It's the memory unit." Jaune shrugged.
Grif: "Thank you very much, Private Simmons. Now if you'll excuse me, somebody needs to be called a cunt."
Simmons: "As you were soldier."
Yang saluted, "Grif has finally become a respectable soldier."
"He was respectable for a brief period in season eight, but this is just obnoxious." Pyrrha scowled slightly.
Simmons leaves
Grif: "Hey you! Yeah, you! You dumb cunts! You suck!"
Tremor begins...
Grif: "Hey up there, what're you talking about? Huh Blue? Are you talking about how bad you suck?"
...tremor ends
Yang snickered, "It's so childish I love it."
Ruby gave her a quizzical look, She loves this but can't take insults without her eyes glowing red. Hypocrite. Ruby giggled and shook her head.
Grif: "Because that's what I'm doin'! I'm talking about it right here, only louder! Way louder! Because I'm yelling Bluueee Teeeaam suuuucks! Hey Blue Team, why're you so sad? Is it because you suck so bad? I think it might be!"
"Grif's yelling is very grating." Blake grimaced.
Yang shrugged, "Doesn't bother me."
Ruby scoffed, laughing at the irony.
Tex: "That's it, I'm taking those fuckers out! Caboose, get my toolkit."
Ruby laughed, Tex and Yang are more alike than just motorcycles and fists.
Grif: "Woohoo! Success."
"No surprise it worked, Grif came up with the perfect plan for Tex." Jaune commented.
"Perfect? His insults if you can even call them that, weren't clever in any way." Weiss pointed out.
"They didn't need to be." Jaune shrugged.
Blake smirked, "His yelling even worked on you, you're annoyed."
Weiss's face turned red, from embarrassment, anger, or possibly both. "Ugh!"
Blake, Ruby, and Yang chuckled.
Grif flees. Cut to Blue Base some time later, with everyone gathered Andrew D. Kaboom the bomb.
Nora raised a fist, "Yes we were right!"
"It's great to see the dead characters come back, like Lopez and Donut.. and it's fine to see Andy again." Pyrrha added.
"Church could surprise us with his terrible memory." Blake noted.
"No there's a pattern, it'll most likely be Andy." Ren commented.
Church: "What the hell is that?"
Tex: "That, is my bomb. You guys had an unused robot kit, so I used the parts from it to make this bad boy."
Church: "Oh, robot kit, right. We don't need that now because, I never died. That makes sense."
"Blue team had a robot kit? I thought they stole Lopez and painted him cobalt." Ruby frowned.
Caboose: "Right. That was Andersmith's job."
Church: "Stop it."
Tucker: "This thing doesn't look like a bomb. It looks like a basketball."
"Bowling ball." Nora giggled.
Andy: "Oh yeah? Well you don't look much like a soldier, dickhead."
Nora burst out laughing, "Yes! Church has good memory."
"Unfortunately." Ren sighed.
Blake, Pyrrha, and Weiss nodded in agreement.
Tucker: "Looks like a basketball, sounds like a fucking asshole. Great."
Blake and Weiss nodded.
"Weird name for a ball… is it a basket and also a ball?" Ruby asked.
Tex: "I had to include the voice synthesizer because it had the power unit. So now it can talk."
Andy: "In other words, you want me to blow stuff up, you're gonna have to blow me first."
Yang paused for a moment, suddenly her breath caught as she began to laugh uncontrollably.
Weiss groaned, "Yang you are seventeen years old, and have had numerous life and death experiences yet you still act like a child!"
Yang shook her head, "I'm not laughing at the blowjob joke." Yang laughed.
Weiss raised her eyebrow, "Really?" She scowled.
Ruby's eyes widened, she groaned. "Yes Yang to blow stuff up they have to blow Andy. As in blow him up."
Yang nodded, tears in her eyes.
"I don't think that joke was intended as a pun… or is one." Ren added.
"Doesn't matter to her." Ruby grumbled.
Tucker: "Well he's pleasant."
"You'd think he'd like that humor." Pyrrha frowned.
"Not out of someone else." Jaune commented.
Tex: "What do you expect? He's a bomb. You want him to be polite, or you want him to kill stuff?"
Nora snickered, "I wish my grenades could talk."
"Stop giving Ruby ideas." Weiss snapped.
Nora turned to Ruby, put a finger to her mouth and grinned.
Ruby zipped her mouth shut and snickered.
Weiss narrowed her eyes at the two.
Tucker: "I want him to shut up."
Andy: "Anybody care what I want? How 'bout Tucker's mother? Polishing me, twenty four-"
Tucker: "Fuck this, I'm out."
Tucker heads inside
Andy: "Out- just like I got outta your sister!"
"Ohh!" Yang whooped. "Burn!"
"Well Andy's writing has certainly remained the same." Weiss scowled.
"Perfect in every way." Nora cackled.
Tucker: "Hey fuck you bowling ball!"
Tex: "Okay, let's plant this bad boy."
Andy: "Yeah, let's go!"
"I love Andy's enthusiasm." Nora grinned.
Church: "Hey uh, don't forget to lift with your legs Tex."
Tex: "Yeah, I know how to lift jackass. I've been carrying this team the entire time I've been here."
Ruby, Jaune, and Yang laughed.
"My back hurts from carrying this team too." Yang quipped.
Weiss threw her arms up in protest "Excuse you!"
Blake frowned, "I doubt your back hurts from carrying us."
Yang laughed, "That was good, and I'm joking. If anyone's back is hurting it's Ruby's."
Ruby blushed, "Aw tha- wait do you mean because I'm a good team leader or..?" Ruby glanced down.
Weiss facepalmed, "Good team leader."
Ren chuckled, "All of you have performed exceptionally well in the field, I'd say the four of you are equal in carrying the weight of your team." Ren complimented.
"Yeah and if anyone's back is hurting it's Pyrrha's!" Nora turned to Pyrrha.
Pyrrha chuckled, "My back feels fine thank you."
Tucker: "I know I said I was leaving, but that was actually a really good burn."
Jaune and Pyrrha chuckled.
"You were right." Jaune nodded to Pyrrha.
Andy: "Zing!"
Cut to the Reds
Sarge: "Men, today is the day that will carry us to victory! Against the planet."
Simmons: "You can't fight a planet!"
"That would be a cool fight." Nora salivated.
Sarge: "Now I know there's been "nay-sayers" along the way, but thankfully we haven't listened to Simmons. We stuck to the plan. Donut, do we have our drilling spot?"
Donut: "Ready for action, Sir!"
"I don't like his excitement." Weiss grimaced.
"He's ready for action." Yang snickered.
Sarge: "Excellent! Grif, is the bomb ready?"
Grif: "Huhh, should be here... any minute?"
Weiss facepalmed at the stupidity of his plan, Nora giggled in anticipation.
Sarge: "Perfect. And here's our drilling machine, that will take us to the center of the Earth! ...-like planet!"
"Ring." Ren mumbled. "Hmm I think I remember that Earth is an important planet to them."
Cut to reveal Sarge's drill
Blake hummed, "It's not an image superimposed onto the screen."
"Nor animation." Pyrrha added.
Ruby gasped, "That's so cool! It's in the game."
Jaune squinted, "You're right it is, I was expecting.. well I don't know if I was expecting anything."
"So Sarge actually got his drill." Nora grinned.
"The logistics of building that in such a short manner." Weiss sighed, "Blood Gulch shenanigans." She summarized.
Donut: "Wooow, it's huge! You built that?"
In the background a ghost can be seen.
Yang pointed, "Oh hey look, it's the floating purple thing."
"Bumblebee looks amazing with purple." Ruby added.
Sarge: "You know it."
Simmons: "Sarge, even I have to admit that that's pretty amazing."
Grif: "You know what's even more amazing? None of us saw it until he pointed it out to us."
"Fourth wall joke." Jaune called out.
Sarge: "Thanks, it took a lot of work and planning. I almost didn't get it done."
Simmons: "Where did you even get the materials to build this?"
Sarge: "I mined them using my excavator. That one."
Zoom out to reveals Sarge's humongous excavator
"Woah!" Nora gasped.
Ruby's eyes widened, "Oh I get it! They're building these in game. The pieces look just like their bases."
"So they can build anything they want, that's amazing." Jaune grinned.
"I dread what they build." Weiss sighed with a slight smile.
"Oh the possibilities are endless." Yang laughed.
Donut: "What?"
Simmons: "How did you build that?"
Sarge: "I didn't. I ordered it online. Red Army Catalog."
Weiss raised her eyebrows.
Simmons: "But why didn't we just- hh, you know what, never mind."
"Why didn't he just order the drill?" Weiss asked.
"It's Sarge." Nora explained, "If it's not overly complicated it's not a Sarge plan."
Grif: "Once again I have to say, none of us saw that until he pointed it out."
"Another fourth wall joke." Jaune called out.
"Sarge is procuring these machines almost as fast as Ruby is upgrading our weapons." Weiss added.
Sarge: "Alright men, it's time to put up, or shut up. Let's do this. Grif, we're gonna need that bomb."
Tex appears, invisible, and then takes off
Blake's eyes narrowed as Tex passed by.
"Now that Tex is an actual badass she can carry Andy." Yang pointed out.
Grif: "Uh, yeah, I uh, just- uh, give me a minute…"
Sarge: "Grif! Don't tell me that you didn't-"
Andy: "Heh ahem. Hi there."
"Does Andy's voice sound deeper to any of you?" Jaune asked.
Nora nodded, "Yeah kind of."
"It's probably the voice actor aging, we're binging the series but again- each season likely came out a year apart from one another." Blake explained.
Nora grimaced, "Imagine waiting a year after season seven."
"After season five." Ruby added.
Grif: "Oh right, there we go. One bomb as requested. You're welcome."
Sarge: "Hah ha, great! I take back all the things I ever said about you Grif."
Nora gasped, "What? No!"
Grif: "My pleasure Sir."
Andy: "Tick! Tick! Tick! Tick!"
Nora giggled, "He sounds so haply to tick!"
Sarge: "Wuhhh, why is this bomb ticking?"
Andy continues ticking
Grif: "Oh right, I didn't think that part of the plan through all the way I guess. Uh, we're all gonna die now."
Sarge: "Grif, I take back the takin' back."
Nora laughed and gave a sigh in relief, "Oh good."
Cut to the Freelancer back story; a first-person view with lots of green outlining. The Director and Counselor are seen ordering around some soldiers, who are pushing the Sarcophagus.
Ren's eyes widened, "Hmm?"
"The sarcophagus…" Jaune mumbled.
Counselor: "Keep it in its case, and don't let it touch anything else."
"We were right, there is something living in there." Blake's eyes widened.
*Huragok noises*
"Not human." Jaune commented.
"And not an Alien, that didn't sound like a blargh or a honk." Ruby added.
Director: "Hello there. Do you know your name?"
Delta: "I am confused."
"We're seeing through Delta's eyes." Ren gasped.
"Delta.. confused? What is this." Ruby tensed.
Counselor: "Do not be concerned. That is completely natural given your state."
Delta: "My state? Was I injured?"
"What happened to Delta.. when did delta show up?" Jaune asked.
"I think this is just after he was created." Blake suggested.
"That explains his confusion." Ren nodded.
Blake frowned, Ren sucked in a breath, "When the Alpha needed to segment the piece of itself that understood the horror of what they were doing to it. That fragment became delta."
Pyrrha shook her head.
Counselor: "No. Do you feel as though you have been injured?"
Director: "Counselor please. Do not be concerned. You are fine. You're safe. Once again, do you know your name?"
Delta: "Yes. I know my name. My name is Alpha."
"What? I don't understand." Ruby frowned.
Director: "No, your name is not Alpha. You are mistaken."
Delta: "I am sorry, I am confused."
Counselor: "Do not be concerned. This is perfectly normal given your state. Would you like to know your name?"
"So.. this is when they started the torture. And they needed whatever's inside the Sarcophagus to do it." Blake commented.
"I wonder what it is… who's after Delta?" Ruby asked.
"From what Washington said, it should be… hmm." Blake thought for a second. "After Delta, anger threatened to take over."
"O'malley- I mean Omega." Jaune corrected himself.
Blake nodded, "Then… I don't know. I think Gamma. Then I think he said Sigma? Then Epsilon. I'm not sure, Washington was just listing A.I."
"We know Omega is next then. Now we can see what it does to Tex." Ren commented.
"Nothing good." Yang grimaced, "She hated it inside her head."
Delta: "Yes please. I would like to know my name. I feel very confused."
Director: "Your name is Delta. That is your name."
Delta: "Delta?"
Counselor: "Yes. You are very wise, Delta. It is very nice to meet you."
Ruby shivered, "The way the counselor talks to him… it's sick, like he's grooming Delta. Convincing him to trust them."
Delta: "I think I remember you."
Ren bit the inside of his lip, "hmm."
Counselor: "No, you have never met us before. You did not exist before today. Today is your birthday. Today is a great day."
Ruby and Jaune shivered.
Director: "Do you know your name?"
Delta: "My name is Delta."
Director: "That is correct."
"They're already manipulating him, conditioning him." Weiss scowled, all too familiar. Amazing how he made me see the world the way he told me to. Believed him when he said I was nothing on my own.
Blake snarled, they're getting in his head. Not in the same way Adam did. But despicable all the same.
Counselor: "Delta, this is the Director. He is going to take good care of you."
Delta: "I am glad to hear that. I am very confused."
Director: "Don't worry Delta, that will not last long. And when you feel better, we are going to do incredible things together you and I. Incredible things."
The screen cut to black.
"The director is worse than anything Maine could ever be." Pyrrha growled. "This is a reminder of that."
Blake nodded, "Labor pains… a cruel joke. The pain is the Alpha splitting.."
"I'm just glad we didn't see the Alpha being tortured." Ruby hugged her knees.
"I hope we never do." Pyrrha agreed.
Ruby looked around, seeing everyone's pained faces. "Hey uhh, if Tex is Beta.. do you think there's a Charlie?"
"What?" Nora frowned.
Weiss nodded, "Hmm like the military alphabet? I can't imagine an A.I. named foxtrot. But the names don't follow it perfectly. Tex should be Bravo."
"Well bravo to her for having a better name." Yang clapped.
—Non Canon Reaction—
"What's up hunters!" Vic's voice rang out. "Time for another non canon reaction!" He sang.
"What?" Ruby asked.
"Oh right! Here ya go!" Vic said as he gave them their memories of the previous non canon reactions.
"Oh.. another one of these." Yang leaned back. "I can't wait to see what Ruby's doing this time."
Ruby paled, "Please let it be someone else!"
"Red vs. Blue - A Halo Proposal at the Red vs. Blue Booth at Comic Con 2011 | Rooster Teeth" appeared on the screen.
"A proposal? Ooo!" Jaune gushed.
"Comic-con… a convention for comics?" Ruby's eyes widened.
"Is there a Red vs. Blue comic! Like X-ray and Vav!" Jaune gasped.
"Aww I want to read it!" Ruby begged.
"At the 2011 Comic Con, Community members Sniper1120 and Zonbi reenacted a scene in front of the Red vs. Blue booth. Little does she know, he added an alternate ending to the scene…" appeared on the screen as the theme played.
"That's sweet." Pyrrha held a hand to her heart.
"As sweet as a scene between Tucker and Sister can be." Weiss grimaced.
"Proposals are always sweet, Tucker and Sister can't ruin that." Yang laughed.
The scene opened to show Sniper1120 in a Tucker cosplay costume and Zonbi in a Sister cosplay costume.
"Ohh their armor looks good." Ruby complimented.
"Their costumes." Blake corrected.
"Whatever!" Ruby shouted giddily, "They look so good in live action!"
Yang gasped, "Oh no! What can they do in live action!"
"Yang, gross.. and Tucker never got that far with Sister. That was Doc." Ruby grimaced.
Sister: "That's ok I think it'll actually help, squeezing these puppies into the armor can be a little difficult."
"Why does she attribute them to puppies." Weiss groaned.
"I like puppies." Nora sagged, "Not hers."
"I like Zwei." Weiss smiled. "No, I Love Zwei."
Tucker: "Wait what?"
"The typical response to Sister." Jaune chuckled.
Sister: "I don't get it! What's the grey guy so upset about?"
"Look at everyone in the background, they all have their old scrolls up." Blake pointed.
"Those look extremely outdated." Weiss added.
Tucker: "I don't wanna die a virgin."
Sister: "Ooh yeah!"
"Are they just dubbing popular lines from the two?" Ruby asked.
"I think so." Jaune nodded.
Tucker: "Wouldn't you rather spend your last few moments as a lover and not as a fighter?"
"Fighter." Nora grinned wildly.
Everyone besides Jaune nodded, Going out as a lover sounds nice.
Sister: "I've never thought about that uh huh!"
Tucker: "I've always wanted to go out-"
Sister: "Hey no offense but are you going to keep talking or are we going to see some action!"
Tucker: "Bow chicka bow wow!"
Caboose: "Hey chicka bum bum."
Pyrrha stifled a laugh, "Caboose isn't there."
Sniper1120 takes off his helmet and puts his sword down.
"Soon." Jaune stared at the sword. "Soon."
Romantic music begins to play, Sniper1120 gets down on one knee and holds out a white ring box.
Yang held a hand to her chest, "Aww this is so sweet, he took off his helmet."
"I'm beginning to like this alternate ending more than the others at the end of season five." Pyrrha smiled.
Zonbi takes off her helmet.
Zonbi: "Oh my god!"
"Look at her face!" Blake laughed gleefully, "She's so happy."
Yang nodded, "I know I- I can't stop smiling."
She carefully sets down her helmet and DMR, she begins to take off her gloves. She starts to hyperventilate slightly as everyone around them shouts their support.
"This is the best proposal video I've seen." Ruby smiled. "Look at everyone supporting them, it's a community. I wonder if they even know them."
"She's so shocked, but keeping her composure." Ren added with a smile.
Zonbi carefully takes out the ring and slides it on her finger. The crowd cheers again.
"I didn't get a good look but- oh the ring doesn't matter." Blake laughed. "Look how happy they are."
"This is so sweet it's- I almost forgot they were cosplaying as Tucker and Sister." Jaune laughed, tears swelling in his eyes.
The two moved closer.
Everyone caught their breath.
The two kissed, and hugged the best they could in their suits.
The room erupted in cheers and laughs as they tried hugging in their armor.
"Th- this is so beautiful!" Jaune's voice cracked as he wiped tears from his eyes.
"Are you crying?" Ren asked.
Jaune sniffled, "It's so.. sweet- they're getting married. They're fans of Red vs Blue like us! I- they're huge fans to the point where he would propose at a convention for the show! It's beautiful in every way!"
Pyrrha chuckled nervously and patted Jaune on the shoulder.
Zonbi marveled the ring for a second, cheered, hugged her now fiance and laughed happily. The episode faded to black as Zonbi hugged Burnie.
"It's amazing to think two people could love each other and something as small as a show so much." Jaune sniffled.
"Did you see the community around them, and the people behind the booth. They must have been the creators of the show." Ruby pointed out.
"They watched two people decide to dedicate their lives to one another. Dressed as two characters from their creation. It must have been amazing to see in person." Blake quickly and stealthily wiped a tear from her eye.
Yang noticed, wiping her own tear. "That was great, I- best thing we won't remember until next time yet."
Hope you liked the conversation about Maine, and this chapter as a whole. Let me know what you thought, I included the non-canon reaction as an apology for the confusion in the last chapter.