Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Power Rangers just the ones I make up in the story.

Chapter 9: Kat Puts Her Plan in Action

Angel Grove Mall, Angel Grove

August 9, 1996

1 pm

Kim was shopping with Kristy and Mariah at the mall for more baby stuff. Tommy was invited but had to teach the yellow belts at the Youth Center.

Kim and the girls were sitting down at a table with their food in the café court when Kim heard some arguing coming from outside. She went to see what it was about.

Then her world started to fall apart. She saw Tommy and Kat and Kat kissed him. She covered her mouth and ran away. What she did not see was Tommy pushing Kat away and storming off.

Kim went back to her table and looked like she saw a ghost.

"Kim, what's wrong?" Mariah asked.

"I…I think I need to go to back to the house," Kim said.

"Okay, I'll take you back," Mariah said.

"You go. I can take the bus back," Kristy said.

Mariah and Kim went back to the house.

Rainbow Manor Home for Teenage Mothers, Stone Canyon

7 pm

Tommy parked his truck out front after Mariah called him, quite angry and demanded to know why he kissed Kat. Tommy explained to her that Kat set him up to get between him and Kim.

Ann came out with Kim then, who was not at all pleased to see him.

"Kim…I can explain," Tommy said.

"Explain what? That you kissed Kat? That you would do so much as to cheat on me?! Why, Tommy, why?!" Kim asked.

"Okay, Kat kissed me, not me kissing her! I got done early with my class at the Youth Center and wanted to meet up with you, and she got to me first. Then she kissed me," Tommy said.

"You could've walked past her!" Kim said.

"I know I could've! I am sorry Kim. I didn't mean to hurt you," Tommy said.

"Tommy, I am so disappointed in you right now, I'm…" Kim said as she felt a contraction then something wet go down her leg.

"Kim…are you okay?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy, my water just broke!" Kim said.

Tommy ran to her, then picked her up, and carried her to his truck. He got her settled in and started driving towards Angel Grove.