Laxus huffed as he followed along behind his grandfather, Why did he have to go with him to Crocus? He could be back at the guild training, or talking with Bickslow, and the other two. His mind flashed to his father, and how odd he was acting lately. Maybe being here wasn't such a bad idea, he thought as he touched lightly at the still healing scar over his right eye, it stinging slightly.

"Oi, did you hear me?"

Laxus blinked as he was brought out of his thoughts, "Eh?"

Makarov chuckled at his oblivious grandson, "I said, I have something I need to handle with the Rune Knights, will you be fine by yourself?" He older man asked as he handed the extra room key to him.

Laxus shrugged, before answering, "I'll be fine, probably just look around."

The old man raised an eyebrow, "Just make sure you don't break anything, or electrocute anyone on accident."

Laxus blushed, "That was an accident, and you know it!" He watched as his grandfather walked away with a pep in his step.

He looked around the busy street at all the shops, and flowers, before scratching the back of his head not entirely sure what to do with his time now. Maybe he could look around the shops?

As he walked by looking into the window of the shops, when he was bumped into, Laxus didn't move an inch, but he looked down at the young kid who was now on the ground, the little blonde girl looked up at him with tears in her brown eye.

Laxus paled, and started to panic a little. "Oh shi-, I mean are you okay?" He helped her up, and he stiffened as she ran into him, and hugged him close as she started to sob, He looked around frantically, and noticed the stares.

He picked up the crying girl and quickly walked to the nearest bench. He tried to set her down on the bench, but she wouldn't let go of his shirt, finally, he sighed, and sat down, the girl kneeled on the bench next to him face still buried in his shirt. Her sobs slowing down to an occasional hick-up.

He patted her head awkwardly as she sniffled a little and pulled away, scrubbing at her eyes. He winced as he saw the snot and tears on her face, not even wanting to look at his shirt.

He handed her a handkerchief, and she wiped at her face.

"Okay, you wanna tell me what's wrong? I doubt its that you fell onto the ground."

She sniffled again, "I can't find my mom, or dad. I stopped to look at the window of a shop, and when I went to say something they were gone."

Laxus crossed his arms in thought, so he had a lost kid on his hands? He noticed that she started to fidget from where she had sat down next to him. "What wrong?"

She looked up at him and then away, "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers..."

"Oh, But can cry on them?"

Laxus panicked when he noticed the girls bottom lip start to tremble again, He held out a hand to her, "I'm Laxus, Nice to meet ya, Shorty."

The girl lightly grabbed his hand and shook it slowly, a frown on her face, "My name's not Shorty! It's Lucy."

He chuckled at her annoyance, "Now back to your parents, do you remember where you were last? How about their names, or what they look like?"

Lucy told him what she knew, and he was vaguely shocked, after all, wasn't Heartfilia that family who came from nowhere, and was already considered quite wealthy?

Laxus nodded to himself, as he stood, Lucy quickly following. "Alright Kid, let go find your parents." Lucy smiled up at him, and placed her small hand in his, "Yeah!"

He chuckled and the two started off to the town center where her parents were last. He was actually amazed she had made it this far without running into any trouble.

At the two walked, Lucy swinging their hands between them, Laxus noticed less and less people out, He glanced at the sky, and could see why if those dark clouds were any indication. He glanced at Lucy when he felt the electric currents of the air increases, slightly worried he might spark off. He was still trying to get used to this increase in his magic. Before he could ask her to give his hand back, and make an excuse as for why, three men walked in front of them, Laxus eyed them warily, as the two blonds came to a stop.

A rumbled of thunder, and the sky opened up the rain falling in a quickening pace.

Laxus glared, as he moved Lucy behind him a bit, "Can I help you?" He asked trying to look as relaxed a possible.

The ring leader of the group took a step closer, a smile on his worried face."Ah! We were looking for Miss Heartfilia. I'm so glad you found her."

Laxus looked from the man to Lucy who was now clutching the back of his shirt, "Is that so? Who are you all again?"

The man smiled his blue eyes, cold, "Why, where some of the men the Heartfilia's hired to help guard them, now we'll just take the young lady off your hands, kid."

Laxus narrowed his eyes more, before shrugging, "Alright,-" He ignored how Lucy gripped his shirt tighter, "You can have Mira, here."

The man walked closer, "Good, Mira's mother was so worried," Just as he went reaching for Lucy Laxus gripped his arm tight, sparks starting to arch off of him,

"Except you know, her name's Lucy."

As soon a the words left him the man tried to attack Laxus, but the blond was already sending volts of electricity into the thug, he let go of the man's arm, and he fell to the ground slightly smoking. The tall teen ignoring Lucy 'eep' as he turned to the other two who were now on the defensive.

"I'd leave, or end up fried like your friend over here," Laxus advised, a fierce glare on his face. The lightning arching off him even more, the two look at one another, before rushing the teen.

He tisked, as he stood his ground, he drew if his fist back, before thrusting it at the incoming men. A yellow magic circle appearing and, lighting shooting from it.

One of the men dogged it, the other was knocked back with lightning sparking from him, he twitched occasionally. Laxus winced at the more potent magic flowing through him.

The only man left pulled a knife and swiped at Laxus's face, He moved out of the way, but instead of the thug following though he went after Lucy who looked on wide-eyed, and scared.

Before Laxus could go after him, and Lucy could scream, the man was washed away in a wave of water. Laxus turned to see a...mermaid?

A woman in a dress came from behind the blue hair woman, Lucy lite up, as she cried, "Mom!"

The woman embraced her mini-me, because really the did look alike. Before Laxus could say anything, the man who was washed away arrived back, knife in hand, Without thinking Laxus lashed out, lightning flying over the girls' heads, and hitting the already drenched man.

They all winced at the man's scream, after all, water was good at conducting lighting.

"Oh, Lucy are you okay? I was so worried when I didn't see you!" The woman said out of breath, and pale, Laxus looked slightly worried, she probably shouldn't be out in the rain.

Lucy placed a hand on her mother's cheek, a smile on her lips, "It's okay mom, I found Laxus! He was gonna help me find you! But then these bad guys came, and Laxus beat them like 'ZAP' it was cool! "

The woman looked at Laxus who blushed and looked away fiddling with the Sound Pod around his neck.

Laxus glanced at the woman to see her smiling softly at him, he could feel his ears heat up. He blinked when the woman held a hand out to him, He confusedly placed his hand in hers, and was pulled into the hug, Lucy giggled at the older teen's sputtering.

she was surprisingly strong for a frail, sickly looking lady.

Not a moment later Laxus heard some marching, he looked up to see some Rune Knights.

"What happened here?" The captain asked before Laxus could say anything, Lucy's mom stood, and told them what she saw. The man turned to Laxus with a sharp gaze, "Is this true, son?"

Laxus blinked before answering, with a nodded the three thugs were cuffed and being carted off.

Soon it was just the three of them again, The woman turned to Laxus, "Thank you again for helping out my daughter, I'm Layla."

Laxus nodded to her, "Laxus, It wasn't a problem."

Layla smiled at him before taking Lucy's hand, and the two started to walk away, Laxus watched them go, before Layla stopped, and turned to him with a confused look."Aren't you coming?"


Lucy giggled and ran to the teen and tugged on his hand, "Come on, your coming with us!"


Layla laughed as she watched her daughter tug the young man after them.

Soon Laxus was sitting next to Lucy, warm food, in front of him, and dry clothes on his body. Laxus stuffed more bread into his mouth as he ignored Lucy's giggling at him.

It seemed Layla wanted to thank him, and brought him to where her family was staying. When Lucy's dad, Jude, had seen her he hugged her close before scolding her. He also gave Laxus a look, but He saw Lalya stomp on his foot, which made the teen smirk.

After spending an hour with the little family, well mainly Layla, and Lucy. Jude didn't seem to happy with him there. It was time for Laxus to head to his own place, after all, Gramps was probably starting to worry.

"Aw, are you going to come again?" Lucy asked, using the puppy-dog eyes to get what she wanted, He would admit, hers were way more effective then Mira's or Lisanna's.

Laxus looked from the girl to her mother, who was smiling at him, "You can come again, We will be here for a while more, Jude's business isn't over yet. You can keep Lucy, and I company."

Laxus blushed as he scratched his cheek in embarrassment, "Alright, I'll be here for a while too." Laxus patted Lucy's head as he left.

Once he made it back to his room he was bombarded with questions from this grandfather, were where you? Why are you wearing new clothes? Why are you blushing so hard?

Laxus brushed off all of his questions and headed to bed.

So for the next week, Laxus hung out with the little family, well he hung out with Layla, and Lucy, Jude was still giving him odd looks. Not that he cared.

He learned a bit about them too. Like Layla use to be an active Mage, but now only some times summoned her spirits, How Lucy hoped to become a celestial mage like her mom. Lots of other things too. He also learned Layla was a very affectionate person, he couldn't remember how many time she fussed with his hair, and lightly scolded about his messy eating habits. Not to mentions the hugs, the two girls gave out like candy, and don't even get him started with the two's obsession with anything star, or night sky related. He learn more about constellations then if he went to a class for it.

If he was being honest with himself, when he thinks of how a mother should be, he thinks Layla would be the best example.

He also thought that the magic she used was pretty cool.

Laxus looked thought the magic shop, slightly bummed, because the Heartfilia family was leaving early the next morning, while he would still be stuck here for the next two days. He sighed as he went to leave, but something caught his eye...

Lucy looked around the station looking for a familiar tall teen.

"Come on Lucy, dear. What boy isn't coming. Let's get on the train." Jude said trying to coax his daughter onto the train.

Layla frowned at her husband, and slightly narrowed her eyes, causing the man to look away, and whistle innocently.

Lucy puffed out her cheeks and shook her head, "No he said he would be here to say goodbye"

Layla smiled at her daughter, as she ran her hand through her blond locks, "He will be, don't worry."

The train whistle once, and others started to board the train, "Layla, Lucy." Jude said in warning, but the two didn't move.

Before Jude could say anymore, Lucy perked up, because Laxus had just pushed open to doors of the station, out of breath as he looked around wildly. Lucy called out to the teen, and when he saw them he smiled brightly.

Once he was in front of them, before he could say anything Lucy was attached to him in a hug. Laxus sighed as he returned it, after a moment he pried the girl off him, She had tears in her eyes. "Aw, Whatcha crying for?" Laxus asked as he wiped at her eyes.

"Were leaving, and I won't see you again!"

Laxus chuckled at her, "You never know we may see each other again, But I have something for you."

Lucy perked up, "A gift?"

Layla smiled at the two while Jude rolled his eyes, and scoffed.

Laxus grinned as he handed her a black box, with a yellow bow holding it close. "Yep."

Lucy titled her head as she opened it carefully, as the lid came off, she gasped.

They're sitting on the velvet, were three silver keys.

Lucy looked up at him with wide eyes. "These are!"

Laxus chuckled, "Yep, gate keys, they're only silver ones, but I thought you would like them. I know you probably can't use them yet, but this way you'll have them when you can. After all you said you wanted to be a mage like your mom, right?"

Lucy got teary-eyed, and before Jude could say anything, Layla stomped on his foot.

Did Laxus mention he thought that woman was brilliant?

Laxus had to catch himself when Lucy tackled him into a hug, "Thak you!"

Laxus chuckled as he hugged her back, When the train whistled again. Layla smiled at them as she lightly pulled Lucy from the boy, "Okay say your last goodbyes we have to go."

Lucy frowned, but nodded, she turned her teary, brown eyes onto Laxus's own stormy blue, "I'm going to miss you Laxus."

Laxus smiled sadly, "I'm gonna miss you too, Shorty."

Lucy, laughed/sobbed, "I told you not to call me that!"

Laxus just chuckled, and blinked when Lucy kissed his cheek. She waved one last time, as she took her father's hand, and headed to the train, black box cliched to her chest.

Laxus watched them, go, and jumped slightly when he felt a light touch on his shoulder. He turned to see Layla standing there smiling sadly at him.

"Thank you again for all that you've done."

Laxus blushed at the praise, "It was nothing."

Layla shooked her head fondly, as she hugged Laxus closed. Before she let him go, she whispered something in his ear.

She pulled away and patted his cheek, as he looked at her confusedly. Before he could question her, she was already walking away. He watched as the train started to leave when he heard, someone call his name, He looked to see Lucy leaning out of the train window a box in her hand, "Laxus I forgot your gift!"

Laxus ran over to her as the train was starting to speed up, once he was close enough Lucy tossed the box at him, and he caught it. He looked down and laughed a little at the star themed wrapping paper.

He looked back up to see Lucy waving, "I hope you like it, Mom help me pick it out!" She yelled out.

Laxus waved back, and stood there until the train was gone, before turning and heading back to his hotel room.

Once he was there he was surprised to see his grandfather, who would have been in a meeting already by this time.

"Hello brat, your back early, Eh? What's that?" Makarov asked as he eyed the box in his grandson's hand.

Laxus shrugged, "It was a gift from a friend." was all he said as he continued on into his room.

Once he closed the door he sat on the end of his bed, the box in his lap. He tilted his head as he looked at it, he shook it lightly to see if he heard anything, but he didn't. He shrugged and opened the box.

In the box was some type of cloth, as he pulled it out he raised an eyebrow.

It was a black coat, with whitish-gray fur trim. He looked into the box to see a note, it was from Layla saying how the coat had a spell on it, that let it grow with the wearer so he would never outgrow it.

Huh, cool.

He tried it own, and looked in the mirror, it wasn't half bad.

With a sigh Laxus laid down onto this bed, his arms behind his head, as he thought about his past week. He hadn't had that much fun in a while.

He closed his eyes when his mind went back to what Layla said to him.

"Thank you for watching over Lucy, promise you to continue to do so?"

The likely hood of seeing the kid again was low, after all she was probably going to live the high life with how her family was going. But if he ever did see her again, he guesses he could keep an eye out for her...


gray-blue eye opened, and a tall very muscular man sat up in his bed with a groan.

Damn that was the third time this week with that dream...Well, he muses, I guess it's more of a memory he thought as he looked over to his beloved coat.

He swiped a hand through his hair, and winced at the sweat there, What was up with him? He hadn't thought of them in forever, so why now all of a sudden?

He was knocked out of his thoughts from a crash below his room, and argument. He sighed, as he thought of the mess he was going to have to deal with, when he went down to see his team.

Whatever it couldn't get worse.

I had this in my head, so I thought I'd write it down. So in the beginning Laxus is eh, 14? and Lucy is 8

I'm not sure when Ivan put the Lacrima into him, but looking a teen Laxus his scars doesn't look that bad almost like it's still sort of healing to me, so here it's been almost half a year since that happened, Ivan is still in the Guild, but is on thin ice. Maybe the reason Makarov is in Crocus is because of Ivan, maybe not I'll let you all decide.

I know Lucy didn't get her silver keys this way, but this is fanfiction soooo, yeah.

Same with Laxus's coat

I might do more to this, I might not, I Just wanted to get this slight plot out of my head.