A/N Thank you everyone for your support on my announcement that I will be rewriting Searching for the Lyon and please let me know if you enjoy the first chapter!

I also need to thank Perditusfic for proof-reading and for helping all the way through the rewriting process!

I haven't made a firm plan yet, but I'm thinking of posting twice a week depending on how crazy works gets

Chapter one

"My lady, your parents are requesting your presence in the throne room."

Princess Emma White's fingers stilled, and she had to stop herself from sighing audibly. It was not often that her parents summoned her outside of mealtimes and it also usually wasn't for something interesting.

Instead of sighing, she bowed her head slightly to show that she understood before she asked, "Pink or white?"

The servant raised her eyebrows before her eyes fell onto the collection of flowers on the table. She opened her mouth to repeat that the king and queen wanted to see her but she quickly realised that it would be faster to just help her with this. It wasn't as if Emma had a reason to ever rush so it made sense that she wouldn't jump to follow an order.

"Pink, Your Highness," she replied.

Emma tilted her head and bit her lip in concentration as she placed the flower in the middle of the arrangement she had been slowly creating all morning.

"Perfect," the princess said brightly and finally stepped away from the table. "They should start calling you Persephone."

The servant ducked her head to hide her blush but didn't say anything as the princess finally began walking towards the hallway.

The blonde ran her hand across the familiar stone and smiled. Even if it was likely to be something deeply uninteresting, it was always nice to have a break in her suffocating routine.

However, her smile soon fell away when she arrived in the throne room to find her mother pacing back and forth and her father stood stock still with his arms crossed.

Emma stepped forward and bowed her head slightly, "Mother, father...you requested my presence?"

Snow White stopped and opened her mouth to say exactly what she had practiced, but at the sight of her daughter's unblemished face she just let out a sob and came over to envelop her in a crushing hug.

The princess frowned and looked over her mother's shoulder, expecting her father to give her a look that would suggest that there was an explanation for this, but he simply clenched his jaw and looked away.

Did she do something? Were they angry with her?

"I'm so sorry," Snow said just loud enough to be heard. "I couldn't let him die...I was told that I would never have children…"

"What are you talking about, mother?" Emma asked. The unfamiliar burn of fear flamed in her stomach and she had no idea what to do about it. When she didn't reply, the princess managed to worm out of her grasp and walk over to the king. "Father?"

David forced himself to look up and swallowed hard, it had felt like this day would never come but of course it had to despite their best efforts.

"Hades…" he began but trailed off.

"Hades?" Emma repeated.

Why would he bring up the goddess of the Underworld?

"Please dear, call me Regina," a smooth voice announced accompanied by another sob from Snow White.

Emma felt herself being thrown behind her father's back before she could even turn around to look at the immortal.

"Please, take me instead," Snow begged the woman who remained completely unchanged in the 21 years since she had last seen her.

"That wasn't the deal, Your Majesty," Regina sneered.

"What deal?" Emma asked, peering at the leather clad goddess from behind her father's back, but he had thrown out his arm to stop her from trying to get closer.

Regina quirked an eyebrow and looked between the two monarchs, before she let out a bellow of laughter, "You haven't told her? You have kept your own daughter prisoner for two decades and haven't even deigned to tell her why?"

"They said that I was too young to understand," Emma replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to talk with Hades.

Regina took a step towards Emma, but the king drew his sword and held it up, "I won't let you take her!"

"Let me?" Regina repeated. Her laugh was even more incredulous this time as he became engulfed in a purple glow, completely frozen in place.

"Dav-" Snow's cry was also cut off as she became similarly inanimate.

Emma looked between her parents for a moment, that burning fear was still there, but it was also mixed in with a certain amount of curiosity that she hadn't felt in years. A twitch of her mother's eyes told her that they could very much hear whatever was about to happen, but it was clear that they wouldn't be able to protect her anymore, so she just took a step towards the goddess.

"What deal?" she asked again.

"It was simple, your father lived when he should have died, in exchange they promised me their first born. Instead of fulfilling that promise they enchanted this palace to keep me out, it couldn't last forever." She laughed and she took a step towards the blonde, inspecting her for a moment before she waved her hand and Snow and David were released.

"After waiting 21 years I believe I am entitled to more than a soul. I think I'll take you as my wife."

She allowed a moment for Charming to raise the sword as if he was going to launch it at her, before purple smoke engulfed herself and the blonde.

The sword clattered to the floor and another sob filled the throne room.

"Not very cheery is it?" Emma asked as she continued to follow Regina away from the River Styx.

Regina scowled, not expecting to hear any sound, and looked over her shoulder to find the princess looking around with wonder in her eyes. Not the usual reaction for mortals to the land of the dead.

"It couldn't hurt to have some flowers."

"No sun, no flowers," the brunette replied flatly.

She could have just killed the girl in front of her parents and spent the rest of her immortal life knowing that they had finally got what they deserved, but there was a part of her that said that Emma didn't deserve such a fate.

At the same time though, why did her mind go straight to wife? It wasn't as if this naive little princess could ever truly replace who she should be with. At the thought, she scrunched up her eyes for a split second before her face returned to a mask of indifference with just a hint of annoyance.

However, Emma was completely oblivious to the goddess's internal conflict as she continued to look around. "Why are those people aimlessly wondering around?" she asked.

Regina's step halted and Emma crashed into her back.

The goddess spun around with a huff and said, "This childish wonder is beginning to wear thin."

Emma just blinked a coupe times. It was infuriating to Regina that she looked more confused than afraid. She wasn't averting her gaze and her lip wasn't quivering. In fact, was that a smile tugging at the corner of her lips?

"It was just a question," the princess replied while holding the other woman's gaze.

Regina held her gaze for a moment longer before she replied, "They are wondering because they are in the Fields of Asphodel. They are neither heroic enough for Elysium nor evil enough for the Fields of Punishment. They are simply the insignificant masses."

The blonde nodded slowly and watched a few of the pained expressions as she walked in no particular direction, whispering regrets and missed opportunities.

"You don't seem as though you want a wife," Emma said, running slightly when she noticed Regina had started walking again.

"And you're oddly calm for a mortal who has been kidnapped by the ruler of the Underworld," Regina replied, not even looking over her shoulder this time.

The princess was silent for a moment, she had no idea why she was so calm. Logically, she knew that she should be afraid of Hades, but she was feeling something distinctly different that she couldn't quite identify.

Regina rolled her eyes when she didn't say anything. She was unexpectedly disappointed that the princess didn't have a quip to throw back. She clearly had not been exposed to fear before now. It was oddly refreshing.

They continued in silence and the younger of the pair resumed her inspection of her new home, though she purposely averted her eyes away from the Fields of Punishment.

Eventually, a large obsidian structure came into view and Emma's eyes widened slightly. It looked almost exactly like the palace that she had never left, only the stone was pure black. However, a moment later, she discovered that it looked nothing like her former home on the inside.

The walls were sparingly decorated, there seemed to be nothing personal in sight, but then again, what need would an immortal have for sentimentality?

She continued to follow the goddess until they reached a throne room with much more obsidian. Regina strode straight to the throne and sat upon it and narrowed her eyes at Emma continued to look around curiously. She really wanted to know why this woman was so frustrating to her.

She snapped her fingers and a trembling man appeared in a cloud of smoke.

"H-Hades," Graham, or Panic as he was more commonly known, bowed.

"Show the princess to her bed chambers," she commanded.

"My own bed chambers?"

"Is there an issue?" Regina asked.

The blonde quickly shook her head and said, "I was wondering when…"

"I see no reason to rest on ceremony, the moment I announced it, we were married, now leave me."

The princess frowned for a moment. That was not exactly how she had envisioned her wedding playing out, but then again, she also never imagined that she would be the wife of Hades.

"What am I supposed to do?" she asked.

"Anything you want, just not in here," Regina sighed and purposely looked away in hopes that the blonde would take the very obvious hint.

Graham shook a little, in his experience she was always a moment away from exploding, something he would rather avoid.

He motioned for the blonde to follow him and she did so whilst saying absentmindedly in a whisper, "Anything that I want?"

-Three days later-

"Your Majesty," Graham said cautiously, his voice going up an octave as he stared out the window, when he didn't receive a reply, he repeated, "Your Majesty."

"What is it?" Regina snapped, no longer as comfortable on her throne as she sat up slightly, the book that she had been languidly flicking through going temporarily forgotten.

"Your bride is exploring the palace grounds," he replied, just about managing not to stutter.

The brunette rolled her eyes and snapped her book shut as she rose from her throne, "I still don't see the issue."

Graham considered dropping the subject, but he had a feeling that Regina might finally send him to the Fields of Punishment if he didn't speak up now. Even if she didn't say it aloud, he knew that Emma wouldn't still be alive if she didn't want to keep her that way. Though, it was unclear why she would even bother to protect this mortal in the first place.

"Aren't those poisonous?" he asked, throwing a shaking finger towards the window.

Regina huffed and walked over to the window to see Emma walking slowly through the courtyard surrounded by nightshade.

"What is she doing?" she sighed.

"Exploring, I think," the servant replied and winced slightly when she hopped over a vine.

Regina spent a moment watching as a thorn came too close for comfort before she turned away to go back to her throne, "What is your point?" she asked, beginning to flip through the book again.

"I...I just thought that perhaps...you wouldn't wish for her to die," he said, with a hint of pleading in his voice. As much as the new addition to the Underworld stressed him out, he found that he kind of liked her, it was difficult to dislike someone who appeared to have never before experienced spite or malice.

Regina looked up from her book and said, "Well then, I suppose she'll need a guide."

Graham furrowed his brow and was about to ask what she meant; he had a feeling that he knew but there was always the hope that he had misunderstood. After all, his panicky disposition meant that he rarely left the palace.

However, Regina didn't bother replying and simply waved her hand to send the sniveling man to the courtyard.

Graham blinked a few times, but quickly shouted, "Stop!"

Emma turned in time to see the last tendrils of magic and smiled widely. There had been many times that she'd imagined herself as a great sorceress too powerful to be allowed out of the palace grounds. She couldn't quite decide if her parents making a deal with Hades was a more fantastical reason or not.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

The man had both of his hands stretched out as if he could compel her to stop risking her life. Eventually, he wordlessly walked over and pulled her away from the thorn that was inches from poisoning the princess.

"It's highly poisonous," he said.

Emma raised her eyebrows and looked over to the plant before she asked, "What is it called?"

"Dreamshade," Graham replied with a frown, not quite sure why it mattered.

"I think I've read about that," she said almost reverently, and her hand moved to touch it out of sheer curiosity.

Graham slapped her hand down with an exasperated sigh and asked, "Have you ever read about not touching poison?"

Emma shrugged and replied, "I'm just curious."

"Be curious without touching," Panic shot back.

The blonde just nodded and looked around for a moment before she said, "This place is just so beautiful."

"You think the Underworld is beautiful? You were just literally inches from death!" Graham said, gesturing wildly at all the thorns around them.

"Not that part obviously, I just meant that it's interesting. It's fun and...free." She giggled and twirled around once, again he pulled her back before she could be poisoned in her excitement.

"You're in the courtyard," he replied sceptically.

The blonde's eyes widened, and she nodded, "You're right, I can go further!" she said and began moving determinedly towards the exit.

"Wait!" Graham shouted and after he finally caught up with her, he said, "The land of Hades is not a playground for childish mortals. It's too dangerous, you would be much safer if you stayed in your bed chambers."

"Regina said that I can do whatever I want, I don't want to be safe in my bed chambers," Emma shot back.

"Wow," Graham mumbled, though she seemed to ignore his exasperation as they reached the gate, "You can't go alone…"

"So, you'll accompany me?" she asked, adjusting her black tunic that she'd been excited to find in her chambers.

Her parents always made her wear uncomfortable dresses despite the fact that none of the neighbouring royalty even knew that she existed. Apparently, she still had to learn how to be a proper princess.

She was much more comfortable in the tunic, pants, and boots - especially for the adventures she was about to go on.

"Yes," Graham sighed, "Where first?"

"I don't know." Emma frowned.

"Just pick a direction."

The princess nodded and looked around, ultimately, she began walking in the opposite direction of the Fields of Punishment closely followed by her 'guide'.

-One week later-

"No!" Graham shouted.

Emma rolled her eyes. Her guide shouted a lot.

She looked over her shoulder expectantly, though she couldn't exactly complain considering the number of times he had warned her about dangerous things. She still didn't like the fact that she needed someone constantly watching her.

"That's the River Lethe," he explained, "One drop touches you and everything you know and remember will be erased."

"Thank you," the blonde replied and began to walk rapidly towards the river.

"What are you doing?" Graham squeaked and ran up behind her.

"I've been warned, Graham." she said without turning as she fell into a crouch to look at the river.

"Don't touch it!"

"Tell me about it," Emma replied without acknowledging the warning.

The brunet sighed deeply, this happened at every sight of note, apparently a lot of what she had read had been deeply inaccurate.

"This is one of the five rivers of the Underworld; the shades of the dead must drink its waters in order to be re-born. Those who wish to reach Elysium must do this three times."

"So, there are real heroes across this river?" she asked.

"I suppose." Graham shrugged.

Emma shot up to her feet and jumped over the river in one swift motion.

Graham let out a mangled sound that not even he could identify and then a sigh of relief when he saw her standing on the other side of the river.

"Are you coming?" she called as she began to walk towards the land of the blessed.

Graham walked into the throne room and fell against the wall with a huff.

He had never had such an eventful week in his long existence, nor had he ever traveled so far across the dominion in which he lived.

"Something wrong?" Regina asked from the throne that she was lounging on. It sounded as if she cared, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't him she was asking after. Even if she hadn't made any form of contact with the woman that she was betrothed to.

"Emma found Elysium," he sighed.


"She wants to go back tomorrow and meet some 'heroes'," Graham grumbled. Luckily, she had simply wandered around and had decided that it was a place she would like to be more rested to explore.

"Why would she want that?" Regina asked with a grimace.

Graham rose his eyebrow and decided not to comment on the fact that the woman seemed hurt by the thought that Emma wanted to spend time with heroes.

"I believe that she idolises them, Your Majesty."

Regina was silent for a moment, until she finally asked something that had been on her mind - even if she was trying to convince herself that she didn't think about Emma nearly as much as she did.

"Has she yet to complain about being forced to live here?"

The brunet man gave this some thought and then replied, "Honestly, it doesn't seem like you have forced her to do anything. She loves exploring."

"But what will happen when she has no new things to discover?" Regina said almost to herself.

Graham bit his lip, but he found that he was no longer able to hold his tongue, "If you wish to spend time with her, you need only ask her."

Regina's head snapped up and Graham felt almost as if his entire body had been paralysed by her deathly gaze, "Whatever do you mean by that?"

"Err...I just thought that perhaps you wish more from this Emma than simply keeping her in the Underworld. She doesn't seem as though she would be particularly adverse to building a relationship with you," he said after swallowing hard.

Hades narrowed her eyes, and stood from the throne, "I did not take her as my wife to 'build a relationship', she is merely here so that she isn't with her insufferable parents. I couldn't care less what she does while she lives out her pathetic little life."


"That mortal could never replace Persephone!" Regina's voice echoed, and Graham was surprised that he didn't instantly turn into a quivering mess.

He nodded and attempted to move back while she stalked towards him only to realise that he was already standing against the wall.

Regina looked the man up and down, before she rolled her eyes and swept her way out of the throne room, leaving Graham desperately trying to catch his lost breath.

"Are you truly not afraid of anything?" Graham asked the blonde as she began to walk once again towards Elysium.

Emma considered this for a moment, there had been that flash of what she thought was fear back at the palace, but it hadn't exactly lasted long so she wasn't sure that it could match what Graham would define as fear.

She shrugged and replied, "I don't believe I've ever truly experienced fear, so I'm not sure what I'm afraid of."

"You've never experienced fear?" he repeated, it certainly explained how relaxed she seemed around Regina. It also told him that she was perhaps too naive to be living in the Underworld.

"There wasn't much that could have harmed me in a castle with constant posted guards," Emma shrugged.

Graham nodded even though she wasn't looking at him, and asked, "You don't miss it at all?"

The blonde bit her lip and looked stoically ahead, "I miss my parents," she said slowly, "But there isn't anything else in that world for me."

"How would you know?" he shot back.

Emma furrowed her brow for a moment, but then she just let out a laugh, "Good point, but it's hard to imagine that anything in the Enchanted Forest could be as spectacular this."

Graham rolled his eyes and continued to follow her. Though this wasn't the first time he had experienced it, the feeling of passing into Elysium was still a rather strange one. The bleak colours of the Underworld seemed to shift to those of a summer's day. He understood that the area looked different to each of the inhabitants, but at the moment it just looked like a normal village. He imagined that it had something to do with Emma, obviously the area had somehow deemed her worthy to see what she wanted to.

"Are you just going to start introducing yourself to people?" Graham sighed, "I don't think they would take well to having met the wife of Hades."

"Please calm down." Emma replied. At the moment she was more interested in the surroundings than the people. The area had just looked like any other place in the underworld the day before.

Though Graham knew that Regina would deny involvement, it was rather strange that it changed once the ruler of the Underworld found out just where Emma would be exploring on that day.

Emma wandered over to the blacksmiths where a man was pounding heavily on a sword, he stopped and looked up at the curious woman with a quirked eyebrow.

"Something wrong?" he asked, though it sounded better natured than she had expected from the hulking man.

"What are the weapons for?" she asked rather childishly.

He looked her up and down and replied, "For the tournament."

The blonde's eyes widened in excitement and she turned to Graham with a huge smile on her face, "Tournament."

"Excuse us," Graham said to the blacksmith and pulled Emma aside. "Every person in Elysium has already lived and therefore cannot die, you, however, are still a very fragile human who I am assuming would feel rather disconcerted when you are instantly transported to the Fields of Asphodel."

"You have got to calm down," the blonde whispered back, "I meant we could watch."

"Oh," he replied as his shoulders relaxed.

"I would need to train before I could compete anyway," she called over her shoulder, already running off.

Graham allowed his face to fall into his hands and let out the biggest sigh yet.