I must confess that I should have done this a month or two ago. I've been away for what, 2 months now on some of these stories. So uh, this is an explanation. The bare bones of it is that I needed a little time to reset. When quarantine came about, all that I knew was writing. Of course, it made it so that I could churn out a chapter per day, but once I had to go back to school, all of my motivation just kind of...vanished. So I created a new story to keep myself warmed up. Still, when my one month self-imposed "relaxation" ended, a couple of problems came about. One is directly related to my real life, so I won't talk too much about it. Essentially, the household I live in...isn't the best. And as much as I hate it, I've gotten used to it. It's not something I should get used to. So yeah, motivation isn't the best, and with my parents and everything, it took everything I had to just go about my day with a smile on my face, much less write. Nevertheless, I tried. And I failed. For that, I apologize. And then the term rolled around, with it the examinations I (do not) love. So now I'm desperately cramming everything I possibly can in the weeks I have before the multitude of tests I have to take.
So it is with great displeasure that I announce that I am now putting all my stories on hiatus. I'm not sure how long it's going to take, probably a couple of months, but I will come back. I know that other authors update around once every few months, but well, my writing is sub-par. Can't exactly update once every month with that kind of content. I will not let these stories die, so I'll be back. Look forward to it I suppose.
Writing is and always will be my escape from reality. And as much as I keep saying that I'm going to stop running from my problem, I guess that I've never changed. Can't exactly say that I don't like that. Still, I've gotta stop running for a while now. See ya next time.