Hello everyone! Welcome to my second fanfiction!

As is customary, here are a list of WARNINGS that new readers should check out BEFORE reading the fic.

If I get complaints in comment/review sections about things I SPECIFICALLY warned about, I will burn you with enough fire to make a phoenix jealous.

TROLLS get burned at the stake.

WARNINGS: The special things people should read before taking action.


#1 – This is NOT a HAREM fic. It will be a SINGLE love interest.


#2 – I do NOT follow CANON in my fics. I may use parts of CANON but I do not tagalong with CANON MC's.


#3 – The Toriko world uses basic science and blows them up with bullshit. I like bullshit. I will be making my own bullshit. If you don't like that, please leave.

Don't try to use logic on my bullshit. It will only hurt your brain.


#4 – I like to add original idea's I think up. If you can't handle NEW things being added in a fanfiction, please leave.


#5 – Slight Gary Stu elements with an OP MC. He will grow into his OP'ness and face challenges, but he will still be very lucky. Call it plot armor or fluff armor, whatever you want.


#6 – I am using a T rating since I curse a lot and plan on throwing in blood during scenes, it necessary, I will increase the rating to M.


#7 – If you have not done it yet, please google 'Fanfiction Definition', read it, understand it, and move on with your life.


#8Release rate: At the moment, this is my side fic so, no promises. However, I hope to get one a week out at least.