A little Father's Day story. Sorry I had to update this chapter as it did not feel finished. So here it is the updated version.
Happy Father's Day
June 21st, 2020
Leonard had woken up to Penny shaking him awake. "What is it? Are you okay? Is Ezra okay?" He sat up in alert sitting up quickly and putting on his glasses.
"No it's Father's Day and I couldn't, well we couldn't wait any longer to celebrate your first with you..." Penny said sounding like it really was no big deal as she was sitting on her side of the bed. She was sitting the opposite direction, facing Leonard, while breast feeding their two and half week son at six in the morning.
"Awe...Really?" Leonard asked with both hands placed on his chest as his face softened as he was touched.
"Yes, okay happy? I didn't want to make it a big deal and now you're going to make all sappy and sweat..." Penny told her husband as she felt annoyed as she eyed him only to make Leonard laugh.
"Yes I am happy. This time last year well I never thought I was going to be a dad. And now look at me, I'm a dad and it's the best feeling in the world. Well next to being your husband of course." Leonard said with a grin.
Penny sighed as she rolled her eyes. "Okay I get it. So I'm guessing you want your gift now too?" Still sounding a little annoyed but gave Leonard a small smile.
"That would be nice..." He gave her a hopeful look.
"Okay fine... Here burp your son while I go get your present I picked out and bought since you know Ezra his too young still to do any of that." She winked with a slight grin as Leonard willing took their son and laid Ezra over his shoulder and began to pat him. Penny stood up and pulled down her tank top. Once she was adjusted, she walked over to their closet and opened it. She stood up on tippy ties and reached up on top of the closet shelf to pull down a bag. When she had the bag in her hand and turned back towards the bed, her heart skipped a beat as Leonard now had Ezra laying between his legs and changing his diaper. But it was just not that, it was the song Leonard was singing to their son. Penny was still surprised how much Leonard turned her on just being an amazing dad to their son and how much she loved being a mom.
She walked over back to her side of her bed as Leonard finished singing John Lennon's song, "Beautiful Boy." And as Ezra cooed and smiled just being content, Penny handed Leonard the bag. "It's not much but it being your first Father's Day I wanted to get you something." As she shrugged her shoulders. She then bent over to kiss her son and cooed to Ezra, "Isn't that right Bub. Had to get him something because he's the best Daddy." Then gave him Ezra another kiss, leaned back up and gave Leonard a kiss on the cheek.
"Penny, you giving us our son is all I could have asked for Father's Day. Ezra is perfect." Leonard told her as he gave her a kiss on the lips and then he leaned down to give Ezra a kiss on the forehead. Leonard sat back up and began to slowly taking out the tissue paper. Penny teased she could return the gift and Leonard objected as he pulled out a black t-shirt that said Father on it but spelled it out with the periodic table. "I love it!" He happily told Penny.
"Really? I thought it would be too cheesy but it had science, so maybe you would like it... If you want me to return it I can?" Penny told Leonard being unsure since she thought she was still not sure about her gift giving towards Leonard.
"Hey," Leonard began seeing the uncertainty on Penny's face and placing his hand over hers. As she looked at him, Leonard continued, "I really love the shirt and like I said before Ezra is the perfect Father's Day gift."
Penny sighed and kissed Leonard hard as she was even more turned on and frustrated. More she couldn't do anything about it except them having a heavy make out session.
Leonard and Penny got dressed for the day, Leonard of course wore his new shirt with a black button up shirt over it. After breakfast Penny video chatted with her dad. She made sure Wyatt got to see his new grandson and he also got his new hat she sent him. Since he wanted to be called Papa by Ezra when he could learn how to talk, Penny found a baseball cap that read "Papa Bear" on it. Because of that hat, Wyatt began to call Ezra, "Little Cub." Leonard nor Penny had objections to that nickname, even though Leonard would call Ezra his Padawan. Before their call ended though, Wyatt was happily to remind them fourth of July was o my a few weeks away and that he and Susan could not wait to be in California to finally hold their grandson.
Leonard then made sure he video called his dad to wish him a Happy Father's day. Albert was happy to hear from his oldest son and see his youngest grandson. He also let his son know he recieved his gift. Leonard got a surprise though as Albert introduced his new girlfriend, Julia, over the video call. After the call, Penny made sure Leonard was okay since it was kinda odd seeing his dad with another woman than his mom and also this was the first woman Albert introduced to any of his children. "Yeah I'm fine. She seems nice and my dad is actually happy." He told his wife but yet still felt confused. But as the day sent on Leonard had a great day as Penny let him do whatever he wanted, even if that meant spending a hour at the comic book store. Penny couldn't complain though as she, Denise, Bernadette, and Amy talked, while Leonard and most of the guys gushed over Ezra. Except for Sheldon as he was still oddly talked to Ezra. But everyone knew it was in Sheldon's own weird way of warming up to the idea of him being a dad soon.
As Leonard, Penny, and Ezra returned home from In-N-Out Burger drive-thru, they ate their dinner since that is where Leonard wanted to eat. Then once Penny was done feeding Ezra, they joined Leonard on the couch. He cradled his son in one arm, as his other was around Penny. He made sure his wife was close and knowing she would roll her eyes, Leonard turned on Disney Plus and began watching the Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace. He looked at Penny and shrugged his shoulders, "What? I have to start him out early in life. After all he is my Padawan!" Leonard smiled with a big grin, then chuckled as Penny just shook her head and as he was right, she even rolled her eyes.
Penny nudged him and said, "Happy first Father's Day anyways and to many more Babe." Then leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Leonard couldn't ask for a more perfect Father's Day.