A Bored Hawkmoth
Hawkmoth was tired of watching people get their revenge while he stayed in his lair spectating from afar. He wanted his revenge. But he would wait till the right moment, but for now he had to find something to do to save himself from dying from boredom.
"Nathalie, bring me my tablet," He shouted, seconds later Nathalie handed him the tablet. Hawkmoth quickly spectated his newest villain; Tornado as he was blowing gusts of wind at the heroes. This was a weaker villain but he was gonna go with it because no one else was upset today. Then he started playing pac-man after losing 10 times to the red and black ghost he gave up and threw the tablet across the lair and he checked on Tornado who was being defeated by a sweater. Hawkmoth gave up and left his lair picking up the tablet as he left. He handed the smashed tablet to Nathalie for repairs. Tomorrow he was gonna have to find something different to do while his akuma rampaged.
A new day, a new akuma, a new boredom. Gabriel grabbed a deck of cards and played solitaire while his newest victim, Rampage, well rampaged. After ten minutes Ladybug, Chat Noir and Rena Rouge were returning the child home to very worried parents. Hawkmoth roared with anger and shredded the deck. He gathered up the scraps of cards and took them upstairs and blue them in a startled Nathalie's face. She quickly handed him a piece of cardboard and a glue stick which he used the next day to make a collage out of the card pieces.
"Very nice sir?" she said politely when he gave her the picture of the two heroes tied up in his clutches. "I didn't even know it was possible to make something like that out of cards," and she handed over a board game. For the next week every time Hawkmoth akumatized someone Nathalie would come to the lair and play a board game with Hawkmoth; chess, backgammon, sorry, connect 4, monopoly, battleship, and even candyland. When they finally ran out of board games Nathalie handed Gabriel a puzzle but he gave it back.
"You know what I realized Nathalie," Gabriel asked excitedly.
"What is it sir?"
"Well I had so much fun playing those games with you that I played one with Adrien and he was so happy. I was trying to get his mother back so hard that I completely ignored him. I was doing it all for him but I didn't realize how sad it was making him. I'm resigning as hawkmoth and I'm giving back the miraculous. I don't want anything to do with them."
"Very good sir, I'm happy for you and Adrien; I bet he will be very happy," Nathalie smiled.
"And wait it gets even better, I want you to be Adrien's step mother, would you do that? Please?" Gabriel asked, his eyes shining.
"Of of of, course! Well if Adrien agrees to it, that is," Nathalie said happily.
"Yes father," Adrien said bowing
"Call me dad, and no need to bow. I have a question for you."
"What is it, d d dad?" Adrien asked, face shining.
"Would you like it if Nathalie became your step-mom?"
"Yes, I would love that!" Adrien exclaimed hugging them both tightly.
Would you like a part two to this or is the ending good? Please let me know. Thanks :)