My first ducktales fic, hope you enjoy it.

It had been a hectic day not only in Duckburg, but the whole world itself with the moon invading and all. It was now nighttime, the invasion came and went. All the invading Moon people were helping rebuild and other stuff, while others went back to the moon.

Della Duck was happy her 3 kids were safe and sleeping, it had been quite a day for them. She should've been asleep too, but she had something she felt like she needed to do. She stood in front of Uncle Scrooge's swimming pool, where her brothers houseboat rested in the water. The lights were still on, which meant Donald was still awake. It was getting late and she didn't have much time left, might as well get this done now. She wanted to talk to him alone anyway.

She climbed onboard and gave a knock on the door.

"Donald, you still awake?" Della asked

She waited a moment before Donald opened the door. He was in his pajamas with a glass of milk in his hand, obviously getting ready for bed.

"Della, what a surprise"

"I know. Can I come in? I wanted to talk to you"

Donald agreed and let her in, sitting her at his dining table. He offered her a glass of milk which she accepted. After getting her drink, Donald sat down and looked at his sister.

"I wanted to talk to you in private, didn't feel right saying this around the kids. Donald, about what I did, with the spear of Selene, I'm really sorry. It was selfish of me to try and get one last thrill, especially with my kids due to hatch if I could go back and not step foot on that rocket I would"

"That was really selfish of you to do that. You left me alone with your eggs. I thought I'd never see you again. I thought you perished in space" Donald told her

"I would've thought Scrooge would've helped raise the kids til I got back. I wasn't aware you 2 didn't speak for 10 years"

"I blamed him for building the rocket. I was left alone to care for the boys. I treated them as if they were mine. I clothed them, fed them, bathed them, everything" said Donald

"And I'm really sorry I put that responsibility onto you. I know how bad your temper is. Believe me I fought everyday to get back home. I survived on nothing but nasty gum, that alone kept me going, I wanted so badly to stop chewing it. I oughta give gyro a piece of my mind for-

"Della" Donald interrupted

"Oh, yeah you're right, getting off topic. I missed you so much, you, Uncle Scrooge, and my boys most of all. I just wanted to give my boys the stars, they deserved it, they're-

"Della, just be glad you're here now for them. You missed a lot in their lives, but it's not too late to be there for them now. They are still kids after all. There's still plenty of adventures out there for you to have with them" Donald told her

"You're right. I might not be the perfect mom yet, but I'll get there in time. Still adjusting to what'a good for the kids and when to punish them. Learned that the hard way with Louie" said Della

"Louie? What'd he do?" Donald asked

"Get rich quick scheme, got lost in the past, there was some time vortex thing involved, I ended up grounding him. A lots happened since you disappeared, I'll explain later. I blame myself for that incident" Della told Donald

"You're learning, that's what matters" said Donald

"Speaking of the boys, why'd you change their names? Jet turbo and rebel were great names" said Della

"Maybe nicknames, but I saw it from a different perspective. I didn't want them possibly getting bullied for their names. They can't bribe people with money to stop bullying like that Doofus kid Louies mentioned to me. Plus Huey, Dewey, and Louie are great names" said Donald

"It took me a while to get used to that, had to remind myself which was which but I got it. Huey has a hat and the hue is red. Dewey is blue and-

"I get it" said Donald

"I really missed you Donald. It was so lonely up in the moon. You never know how much family means to you til you suffer bone crushing loneliness. I admit I used to cry myself to sleep wondering if I'd get home" Della admitted

"I missed you too. It was hard keeping the truth about you from the boys. They were Devastated when they learned what happened to you. I cried some nights too. But you're home now, that's what matters. It's time to make some new memories with the boys. Let's make them happy ones" said Donald

The 2 finished their drinks before getting up. They gave each other a hug.

"I love you Donald, I'm so glad to see you again" Della told Donald

"I love you too Della. You may get on my nerves sometimes, but you're family. 'Yawn' I'm going to bed, it's getting late"

"Yeah, I better get some sleep too. Goodnight" Della told her brother

As she left the boat and got back on solid ground, she turned back to her brothers home to see the lights turn off. Della gave a smile before going back into the mansion to her room. She was glad to know no matter what happened with the boys, she had her brother to help her. After all, he knew them much better than she did. She hoped to change that. Til then, she was glad to have her family whole again.