Episode 1: twisted
The moon was shining down through the sky. A young lady stood on the roof above. her life was pretty sick the twisted affairs of her life held a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. The air above was stale and the ground below her was as solid as concrete could be. Which was why she came up there. She couldn't take the kids in the house anymore. She loved her family, she loved her single mom but she couldn't take it. the constant abuse her Aunt subjected her too.
To put it bluntly, she was hurt by her brother, the one she trusted the one she cared she, the one she was supposed to respect, she was crestfallen she could jump leaving all she loved behind or stay deal with the cruelest harassment from her peers. This discussion was big to jump or not to, to live or die tears streamed down her cheeks as she came to think about her brother.
Her brother was never a kind kid. He had been to juvie twice for robbery and assault. It had been two years since the incident and he was now 18. Her mother was an emergency surgeon so she was often away at the hospital. Which meant she and her sibling's primary caregiver was either the eldest or the babysitters. And after what happened her eldest sister wouldn't let her stay alone with her elder brother. She had begged her not to tell mom and reluctantly she had agreed.
So here she was on top of a roof deciding rather live or die. And finally, she had made a decision if she killed herself her brother would probably do this to another sibling or another girl and even with her sister's watchful eye she couldn't guarantee they'd be safe.
But she didn't wish to deal with this any longer so shed jump. She stepped off expecting to die. Only as she fell and disappeared.
Location: Paris
Time: 8 am.
Marissa felt herself on the soft grass. Her chest felt a bit heavier than before she could see her lying in the grass possibly getting dirty.
"Hey. You okay?" someone asked. She should have been dead but now she wasn't. Who was speaking? She opened her eyes.
It was a boy. One who was maybe older than her by a few months. Scary to her actually a thought of an older boy looking down at her. He was blonde with green eyes much like her own. Until finally her eyes closed.
"I'll call you a doctor," said the boy. Marissa passed out.
Marissa woke up and found herself in a room in the hospital. The nurse was just coming in to check on her when she woke up.
"Oh hello," she said with a smile. "I was worried you weren't gonna wake up. The boy that brought you said he found you passed out on the grass. Don't worry, we're tracking down your family now."
Marissa pulled her long blonde hair out of her eyes. Sighed sadly holding herself she really hoped they failed. The doctor came in a minute later with a clipboard.
"We've managed to track down your family from a blood sample," he said. "Uh, your ID read Marissa Andrews. But, um, your blood test says otherwise. Were you adopted by any chance?"
"Not that I know of," Marissa looked fairly confused as she answered.
"According to the test we did, your parents are actually Gabriel and Emillie Agreste," said the doctor. "They actually had a daughter, but it was said that they lost her."
Lost her? How does one lose a daughter and how was her family...no this was confusing. "That's impossible unless I was kidnapped or something." That part was so confusing.
"It looks that way. They were told she did not survive," said the doctor. "But it looks like that was a lie. Maybe the people who took you were desperate for a child of their own."
Marissa looked both concerned and still sad. It still sounded so impossible. But here she was.
"Would you like to meet your birth family?" The doctor asked. "I know this is a lot to take in. I haven't called yet if you'd rather be alone for a bit."
"Yeah, I think I need a bit but you can call them and tell them." She sighed laying back down.
"Okay. You get some rest, Marissa," said the doctor as he left the room.
Marissa cried once the doctor was gone. She had wanted to die. But here she was alive. Alive and with a different family. Speaking of she could hear them talking outside her room.
"What do you mean I can't go in?" a young boy's voice asked. "She's my sister."
"You will when she's ready," said the doctor. "This is a lot for her to process. I think she's been through a lot."
"Don't worry. I'm going to see to it personally that she is well cared for," said a man's voice. She sighed before going to sleep.
-outside the door-
-Hour later-
The nurse came into the room. The nurse came into the room she had a look that looked grim. The nurse whispered in the doctor's ear before handing him the x-ray.
"I'll tell Mr. Agreste. He'll want to hear this," said the doctor.
Gabriel's eyebrow pointed upwards at hearing this his son sat at the side.
"Are you sure this is accurate?" He asked. The doctor frowned slightly. Before letting Gabriel see the x rays more clearly.
"Yes. There are seven healed fractures on her leg, arms, and ribs. Honestly, the fracture on her arm is that of abuse."
"So the people who took my daughter when she was just born abused her?" Gabriel asked, clenching his fists. "She will heal, won't she?"
"She's healing physically. Mentally she could have a few problems. But honestly, I don't think it was an adult that hurt her more likely a kid or young teen or near adulthood. Honestly other than that she's fairly healthy and a solid weight. Not a perfect one a bit under it but she wasn't underfed."
"Let me know when I can take her home," said Gabriel.
"You could take her home anytime. All I'm saying is she's probably having her own issues right now." The doctor sighed.
"Adrien and I will help her then," said Gabriel.
"Could we at least see her soon?" Adrien asked.
"Yes." The nurse gestured to the door.
Adrien and Gabriel went inside and found the girl lying in bed resting. Adrien sat down next to her and watched her chest move up and down.
"I'm sorry about what you went through. But father and I want to help," said Adrien. "You're my little sister, and I'm gonna look out for you."
-The next day-
Marissa awoke the next day when she saw two people, both men. Her body trembled as it went completely stiff.
"Easy, Marissa," said the woman nurse who came in. "They mean you no harm."
"Sorry…. I'm not really used to men I've had female nurses and doctors and I wasn't really….expecting to see you two so soon." She hugged herself. She was still trembling.
"It's okay," said Gabriel. "I understand. I should've had my assistant pick you up."
"It's ok I'll get over it." Marissa gently said. Trying to stop her trembling.
"Let's get you home and Natalie can take it from there," said Adrien, holding out his hand.
She reluctantly took it. Being helped up from the bed. Her eyes everted from Gabriel's. Adrien looked so crestfallen. He hoped they could get through to her.
The car ride home was, to say the least, quiet. Marissa mostly just looked out the window. She seemed interested in the advertisements for a heroine wearing ladybug pattern clothes. Adrien noticed and hoped this could help them bond.
"That's Ladybug," he said. "She's one of Paris' very own heroes."
"She seems pretty cool." Marissa quietly said, holding her breath slightly before exhaling.
"Lots of people love her," said Adrien. "She makes people feel safe."
"Yeah, she must be great." Marissa must have seemed like such a scaredy-cat.
"It's okay. I get it. Guys make you nervous," said Adrien. That was when he spotted a friendly familiar face. "This is perfect. Stop the car."
Adrien's bodyguard stopped the car at the curb, confusing Gabriel. "Adrien, what is going on?"
"Sorry father, but I think I found what Marissa needs right now," Adrien said as he got out of the car. "Hey, Marinette! Hold on!"
The girl he called flinched. And then she turned around and waved at him…. Awkwardly.
"H-h-h-hi….. Adrien…," she said. "What's up…. In the clouds…. Up there? Ugh!"
Adrien ignored her awkwardness and brought her to the car. "There's someone I want you to meet," he said he brought her to Marissa. "Marinette, this is my sister, Marissa. Marissa, this Marinette, a friend from my school."
"Hi!" Marinette said, still nervous around Adrien. "So, Marissa, you're Adrien's sister. Nice to meet you."
Marissa nodded. "I am." she played with her blonde hair. Marinette was certainly pretty. "Are you sure you're Adrien's friend? You look more like a girlfriend."
Adrien and Marinette blinked at this. "No!" They both said the same time. They then started saying things like, "We're just friends.", "It's not like that." Or "We're good friends."
"Really? You seem to be perfect for each other and it would be nice if you were. Then I could feel safer." Marissa rubbed her arms. "You seem like a good match. I don't think anyone else would work for Adrien."
Gabriel seemed to see a smile on his daughter's face. One that was really good.
"Marinette, my sister's been through….. A lot," Adrien explained.
"Marinette, would you like to date my son?" Gabriel asked, catching the kids off guard.
"Huh?" Marinette said in shock.
"If so you'd be allowed at the house and another girl around would be very helpful," He said in a gentle tone.
"Father, this stop wasn't supposed to be a fix-up," Adrien whispered to Gabriel. "I was trying to get Marissa a friend. I thought Marinette's personality would be good exposure."
"I understand but Marissa will be tutored until she's in a better state so if she likes this girl she must be important," Gabriel said. "Besides, I approved of her since the contest."
Adrien looked uncomfortable about possibly leading Marinette on. But it would be the best way to help Marissa be around her. And it's not like he could deny that he did have feelings for her.
"What do you say, Marinette?" Adrien asked her.
"Ye...yes...yes," Marinette said, nearly losing her footing. Thankfully, Adrien caught her.
"Alright, then you'll come with us home Natalie will make dinner for you two and you can hang out with Adrien and Marissa afterward. I suggest you call your parents on the way there...we'll also make a formal announcement." He said in a calm and clear tone.
"Isn't that last part a bit much?" Adrien asked while his bodyguard seated Marinette next to Marissa and got Adrien into the car.
"It'll be fine," Gabriel assured him. They started driving.
Marissa looked a bit calmer. It was probably from the girl. It was nice not to have so much fear and despair in his own daughter's aura. This made it clear that the girl, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, would be vital to her recovery.
-1 hour later-
Adrien, Marissa, and Marinette were enjoying the meal and while Marissa was still a bit quiet, she was enjoying herself talking to Marinette as best she could.
"My friend Alya actually has a blog dedicated to Ladybug. She calls it the Ladyblog," Marinette told her. "She likes to act like a reporter, but sometimes she can rush to conclusions before she has her facts straight. When you meet her, don't tell her I said that. She'll definitely deny it."
"I'm probably not gonna meet her anytime soon." Marissa rubbed her arm but smiled. She looked at her and Adrien; they were really cute so close together.
"So how did you get into designing and sewing," Marissa asked in another quiet tone.
Marinette thought back on that and then answered, "I guess it started when my grandma taught me how to sew. I started out fixing rips and tears on my clothes and stuffed animals. Before long, I started getting ideas for how to improve outfits. From there, I learned to love designing and sewing. It was Gabriel Agreste who inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a fashion designer."
Gabriel smiled at this. As he came back "Really? I'm your inspiration?" He asked. "Well, I'm flattered."
Adrien was surprised to see his father smile. Marissa seemed happy about it as well. It had him wondering if he had been chasing the wrong girl this whole time. He then heard a 'psst' sound and looked down at Plagg, who was peeking out of his shirt.
"Talk to her," he whispered.
Adrain took a deep breath. "So, Marinette, you have very pretty blue eyes." He mentally smacked himself was that really all he could come up with.
"Thank you," said Marinette, smiling. "Your green eyes are pretty too."
"They're his mother's," said Gabriel, with pride.
Marissa smiled at that just then Plagg gave him a quick push causing him to accidentally kiss Marinette which Marissa took a picture of. The two parted and loomed awkwardly at each other.
"S-sorry," he said.
"I-I-I-It's okay. Really…" Marinette shyly said.
"You two look so cute," Marissa said holding the picture of them kissing. "I'm so saving this. I'll send you a copy of it if you want?"
"Thanks," said Marinette. Marissa exchanged numbers and she sent the picture to her.
"Um, father may I go somewhere to take a nap. I'm sure these two could use the room to get more romantic." Marissa asked in a gentle tone Gabriel gave a simple nod.
"Let me show you to your new room," said Nathalie. "I just finished it before you arrived."
Marissa walked with the woman. She seemed to loosen up even more with Nathalie. Gabriel decided it was best he got back to work. "I'll have Adrien's bodyguard watch you two making sure you're enjoying yourself and when you two are done you can bring Marinette home. Tomorrow the announcement about your girlfriend will be sent out." He left after that the bodyguard watched them.
Once the two were alone, Adrien rubbed his neck and said, "I know this is for Marissa, but I didn't mean to put you on the spit or force you into a relationship. I'm really sorry."
"It's okay, Adrien. I don't blame you," said Marinette. She took a calming breath and continued. It was now or never. "Adrien, while I wasn't expecting it to happen like this, I can't say I feel forced."
"You don't?" Adrien asked.
Marinette shook her head and smiled. "I've wanted to tell you for so long. Adrien….. I love you."
To say this was surprising would be an understatement. But the rest of the time Adrien and Marinette continued to finish their meals and talk. It was through this that Adrien started to realize he felt the same way.
-the next day-
Marissa woke up early to get dressed and probably see Adrien off. She went over to the tub that was the size of a pool and went to wash up.
"I have your lesson plan for the day, Marissa," Nathalie said from outside the room. "Take your time with your bath."
"Thank you." Marissa smiled as she washed in the bath, the water running while it filled up. "Did my brother leave? If not, can you see him off for me?"
"He's getting ready now. I can send him in to see you before he leaves if you want," said Nathalie.
She gave a nervous look. "Will you be there…. I'm not sure I'd do well without another female." She hid her mouth under the water as she said that.
Nathalie opened the door and stepped inside. She gave a kind smile as she said, "I will, Marissa."
"Thanks." She cleaned her hair before draining the tub.
"Breakfast will be on the table," said Nathalie.
She finished up and drained the tub. She put on her clothes and came out. She wore a black sleeveless top with a white collar, light gray pants, and black heels. Once she made it to the table, Marissa found her plate waiting for her. On the table was a delicious looking breakfast of bacon, eggs, waffles, pancakes, and some ham steak.
Adrien and Nathalie came in and Adrien explained, "We didn't know what you wanted and didn't wanna bother you in the bath for that. So our chef just made a few things to choose from."
"It all looks amazing." Marissa smiled, taking a few pancakes and some strips of bacon. She started eating the food and was amazed even more. "So good."
"Well, Mr. Agreste employed the best," said Nathalie.
She smiled as she continued to eat. Normally with her….former family, everyone got a first-served first-come thing. But her new family made sure both she and her brother were fed.
"Now, Adrien, today you have a fencing lesson with Mr. D'argencourt," Nathalie explained. "Marissa, your lessons start at ten and I will be your tutor. We're starting with standard learning material for now."
"Thank you." Marissa smiled; she felt a lot more at ease.
"It's too bad you can't come today. We're choosing class rep candidates today," said Adrien. "I wonder if Marinette will run. She'd be great."
"I wonder how your class is taking the news of you dating." Marissa laughed but shook her head. "It's ok. As soon as my fear and confidence is a bit up I'll come to school."
Adrien smiled at her and said, "You'll get there. One step at a time."
After that, he left.
-at school-
Adrien came up to Marinette, a smile proud on his face as he gestured for her to take his hand. Marinette smiled back as she took his hand. The two walked hand in hand to the school.
As they entered, many students watched them. Some with approval and others with envy. One girl fell into the latter category; Chloe Bourgeois. She had been angered by this ever since she heard the announcement that Marinette had become Adrien's official girlfriend.
"This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe shouted angrily, making her friend Sabrina flinch. "I've been Adrien's friend since we were little, and he's dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng!?"
"Get over it, already, Chloe," said Nino, Adrien's best friend. "Adrien did say, like a million times, he doesn't like you that way."
Chloe refused to let up. "She doesn't deserve him! And I'll show everyone who's worthy by winning the election!"
"Uh, you do know that that's a long shot, right?" Nino asked.
Chloe laughed and said, "Not while I'm running unopposed."
"Besides it's Adrien's sister who approved of the relationship." Alya held up her phone.
Chloe looked shocked. "Since when does Adrikins have a sister? I've never met her before."
"They did a DNA test and she was kidnapped by a family. See his mom was told their baby died but apparently so were 200 other parents in actuality the doctor was doing illegal deals and selling the children to families." Nino explained being told what Adrien found out after he looked up the details. Adrien explained it quite well.
"Marinette says she's been through a lot, so she's not ready to come to school yet," Alya said. "It was actually because Marissa said they looked perfect together that got Marinette to admit her feelings. From there, it just happened."
The two laughed a little it was kinda nice for them to know something that Chloe didn't. "So I guess he never told you because it brought up such bad memory."
"Adrikins, I'm not sure your sister can actually judge who you should date," said Chloe.
Adrain saw and heard her and frowned. "Chloe, look my sister is a good person. So don't say she's a bad judge. I care about her opinion and besides my father liked the idea too." He actually looked a little mad about what Chloe said. "Please just accept it."
Marinette and Adrien walked into school together. Marinette looked a little concerned at Adrien for what he said to Chloe. Chloe, on the other hand, was even angrier. Even Gabriel approved of Marinette? What did she have that Chloe did not?
Marissa finished working and got a break. Once she got a little time to herself she took several deep breaths. The memory of her not-brother came into her mind and she began to cry. "I hate feeling this way. I wish I wasn't so scared."
Gabriel could feel her emotions with his miraculous. "No. Why? Why her?"
"Master?" Nooroo asked.
"I feel a negative emotion. A feeling of great sadness and fear," Gabriel said sadly. "But I don't want to akumatize my own daughter."
"Master is it because of her…" Nooroo stopped for a moment. He already knew that. His daughter would always give off that pain and sadness until she truly healed.
"I believe so," said Gabriel. "But refuse to add to her suffering. I will not akumatize Marissa. I will protect my girl."
"Master, there might be a way to stop her pain and suffering for a while." Nooro normally wouldn't be ok with this idea but he also didn't wanna see her in pain. "You can change the suffering she's feeling using an Akuma depending on what you make her."
Gabriel seemed intrigued. "Is that possible?"
"Yes, master. Once a girl was suffering so much the last owner turned her into Lady Painless, an Akuma that felt no pain or suffering only calm. She didn't exactly have much emotion but she also felt no pain and could make others like her."
Gabriel smiled at this. "This could help. And it's not like I want anything huge in return. Nooroo, dark wings rise!"
Then Gabriel changed into his Hawk Moth form. And then he called over a white butterfly and covered it. It turned black and purple before leaving.
"Flew, my little Akuma, and make her pain stop," he told it.
+Marissa's room-
The little Akuma flew out and towards Marissa, the butterfly landed on her black choker.
"Lady Painless, I am Hawk Moth," he said in her head. "You wish to no longer feel sadness or fear. I can take those feelings away and give you the ability to remove them from others. All I ask in return are the miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir."
"As you wish Hawk Moth I'll do as you ask." She wiped the tear away as her emotions seemed to become calm and numb.
"That's my girl," he said.
Her form changed ever so slightly her eyes becoming a bit of a dull green and her clothes turning into a dress. She gained two black like chokers on her wrist. "All in pain shall become numb and once numb Cat Noir and Ladybug will not care if I take there miraculous."
With hawk moth
"Is it strange that I'm proud of her?" Hawk Moth asked. Nathalie looked out with him.
"No, I think she must feel better. Those who took her from you didn't deserve her as a gift." She stood at his side.
"She should've been raised with love and kindness. But she was denied that," Hawk Moth said in pure anger. He held his chest, this was the best gift he could give her right now.
The candidates were decided. Marinette and Chloe would be running against each other. That was when suddenly a dark aura rang over the area.
A girl walked into the school, one that very few recognized. Those who did recognize her were Adrien and Marinette.
"Young lady, I think you're in the wrong classroom," said Ms. Bustier.
"I am Lady Painless. I shall take all your pain away." She sent a black energy at her. Ms. Bustier's eyes became as blank as Marissa's own.
"I….. I feel no pain…. No sorrow…. No fear," she said.
The entire class gasped and backed away. Adrien, feeling he had a responsibility, approached his sister.
"Marissa, what did you do?" He asked. "What happened to you?"
"Hawk Moth, took away all my pain, fear, sorrow, or pain. In exchange, all I need to keep it all away is get the miraculous." She touched her brother's cheek. Before walking over to Chloe. "You need less pain as well." She sent a black energy at Chloe causing her to feel numb as well.
"Chloe? Are you okay, Chloe?" Sabrina asked.
"I'm not hurt," said Chloe. "But how would I be hurt? I feel no pain. I'm no longer angry or sad."
"Chloe?" Sabrina said, backing away. "Chloe you sound different, and I'm not sure how to feel about this."
"How about totally creeped out?" Alix asked.
"She just turned Chloe and Ms. Bustier into zombies!" Kim screamed.
"Zombies? No. It's more like an empty void of pain and emotion." Adrien corrected then he realized something. "Guys, we need to leave. I think I know why she's acting like this."
"I'm scared," Rose said to Juleka.
"It'll be okay," Nathaniel said to her. "Just don't make any sudden movements."
The students all started leaving single file out of the classroom until only Adrien and Marinette remained.
She looked at them. "Oh yes, I know Cat Noir and Ladybug will come. Now we just have to wait."
"Marissa, you can't stay void of emotion," said Marinette. "I know you were hurt, but if you stay like this you can't be happy either."
"Fight Hawk Moth. That way you can have a chance at real happiness," said Adrien.
She looked at them with a cool look. "Brother, Marinette, stay here. I can do more to help. You two don't need this." She walked past them. Adrien clenched his fist slightly.
"Hawk Moth has really crossed the line this time," he said. "Marinette, go home where it's safe."
"Adrien-" Marinette said, reaching out to him.
"Just go," he told her. And then he took her hand. "I don't want you in danger too."
Marinette smiled back and said, "Okay, Adrien."
Once Adrien left his girlfriend Marinette went to work. She went into a closet and opened her bag, freeing her kwami.
"We have to hurry, Tikki. Marissa could end up going too far," Marinette urgently said.
"Don't worry. I know you. You'll save her for sure!" Tikki said to encourage her.
"I have to," said Marinette. "Tikki, spots on!"
Tikki went into Marinette's earring and turned both into ladybug patterns. After that, Marinette's outfit was replaced with a ladybug pattern bodysuit and mask. She was now, Ladybug. And she took her chance to exit the building in search of her new boyfriend's sister.
Meanwhile, Adrien hid in the boy's room and let out his own kwami.
"Sorry that you have to fight your sister, Adrien," said Plagg in genuine sympathy.
"I prefer to call it saving my sister," said Adrien. "Plagg, claws out!"
Plagg flew into Adrien's ring and made it black with a little paw print on it. Adrien's outfit was now a black bodysuit with cat claw gloves, a belt acting as a tail, cat ears, and a black mask. He was now Cat Noir.
Cat Noir came out of the stall and looked determined. "I'm coming, Marissa."
Lady painless walked through the streets looking for those sad or angry and turned them into a numb void.
"You know, it's clear you mean well, but this isn't the right approach," said Ladybug, who jumped down in front of her.
She made a black ball of energy and shot it at her. Ladybug jumped back avoiding her blast.
"Hello, Ladybug. Hand over your earrings," Lady Painless said.
"Sorry. But I can't do that," said Ladybug.
"You don't have to do this!" Cat Noir called as he arrived. "You don't have to do what Hawk Moth says. Removing emotions isn't the answer. They may not be angry or sad. But now people can't be happy."
"I'm sure you'll feel differently once I take away your emotions." She sent several dark blobs.
Cat Noir used his staff to smack the blobs away. "This isn't you!" He shouted. "Fight Hawk Moth!"
"So I can feel the way I could." She coldly said making more before walking backward she made more trying to avoid the strikes.
"So you can have a chance to feel happy," Ladybug said. Her yoyo trying to grab her.
"You don't seem to understand something. There's a high chance this will happen again. I have such a huge negative energy." She sent another blast. Grabbing the yoyo mid-air and pulling her forward.
Ladybug tried to fight back. "You're not alone! You have a father and a brother! And I heard your brother has a girlfriend that you get along with!"
"And you have your father's assistant! Nathalie, right?" Cat Noir said while pulling on Ladybug. "You have people who care about you and love you! You don't need an Akuma to not hurt! And I'm not leaving you like this."
Cat Noir ran at Marissa and grabbed her choker right off her neck. "This is where the Akuma is, am I right?"
She fell down as he broke the choker. A little black butterfly flew out. Ladybug used her yoyo to capture the Akuma. Once it was turned white, Ladybug released it and Lady Painless changed back into Marissa.
"Pound it!" The heroes said, fist-bumping.
Cat Noir and Ladybug knelt down to Marissa's level and Cat Noir returned her choker.
"Here," he said with a smile.
"It'll be okay, Marissa Agreste," said Ladybug.
Her fear took over as did her pain. She backed up from the boy.
"No. Don't be scared," said Cat Noir.
She started to cover her head and cry. From fear. Cat Noir looked hurt seeing her this way. Ladybug pat his shoulder and motioned for him to let her try.
"It's okay, Marissa," she kindly said. "Cat Noir would never hurt you."
She cried deeply. Ladybug hugged her and rubbed her back. She shushed her as she allowed her to cry.
"It's okay. It'll be okay," said Ladybug. She put the choker back on her neck. "I'll take you home. Would you like that?"
She nodded. Ladybug held the girl close and started swinging her yoyo.
"Can I help, m' lady?" Cat Noir asked.
"Sorry, Cat. It looks like guys make her nervous," said Ladybug. Then the two took off.
-Marissa's room-
Marissa sat in her room crying again as her pain sank deeper. Ladybug took a seat next to her and held her hand.
"It's okay, Marissa," she said. "I know men are scary to you, but you're safe."
"Saying that doesn't change how I feel. I was abused by someone who I was raised with, my brother in a way…. I can't feel safe. At least when I was numb I didn't have to feel that."
Ladybug hugged the girl. "I'm sorry I had to take that away. But if I left you that way, you would never be happy. Now you will have a chance. It will take time, but you have people who love you, people who want to help you. So you don't have to do it alone."
She just went to lay on the side. She didn't seem happy. Ladybug somehow knew this just wasn't something she'd be able to talk out. But she refused to give up on her. She heard the door opening, so she fled.
Nathalie entered the room and found the sleeping girl. She sat down next to her and rubbed her back gently. To see the child in such pain made her sad. Her father had given her a slight relief from pain but Ladybug had taken it away.
"I'm here for you, Marissa," she said. She stood up going to see Gabriel after she was sure the girl was also enough.
Gabriel was emerging from his hideout as himself, fuming. Because of Ladybug, his daughter was back to feeling miserable.
It was best to keep her as happy as he could. Right on cue, Adrien came home and Marinette was with him.
"Father, is Marissa okay?" Adrien asked. "I saw Ladybug bring her this way."
"Physically, yes," said Gabriel. "Mentally, I'm afraid it's too soon to say."
"Poor Marissa," said Marinette. "I know she was akumatized, but….. Now…. I just don't know."
"Marinette, you know Ladybug had no choice," said Adrien, seeing how sad she was.
"I think it shows awareness that your girlfriend comprehends the crisis Ladybug had caused." Gabriel coldly remarked then she looked to Natalie. "Natalie, look up a good breeder. I have heard dogs or cats are good emotional support animals and can help."
"Of course, sir," said Natalie.
"Could I see her?" Marinette asked.
"I think it's best for now she gets her rest. But, the thought is appreciated," Gabriel said. He walked back to his office.
"Okay," said Marinette.
"Come on, Marinette. I'll get you home," said Adrien, taking her hand.
As the couple left, Marinette still couldn't help feeling terrible. Marissa was numb as an akuma. But, even so, Marinette still wondered if she had done the right thing.
-2 hours later-
Natalie had finished researching breeders. She had found three dog breeders nearby, one with well behaved labradors and two with sweet chihuahuas. And she found five cat breeders that were said to have sweet kittens. Marissa came into the office just as Natalie was going to talk to Gabriel.
"Oh! Hello, Marissa," said Natalie. "How did you sleep?"
"As fine as I could." She rubbed her arms.
"That's good to hear," said Natalie, smiling kindly at her. "By the way, do you prefer cats or dogs?"
"I like both. I don't really prefer one over the other." Marissa honestly said.
"I asked because your father thinks an emotional support pet might help you," Natalie explained. "I found a few puppies and kittens that might click with you."
"I guess if I had to choose it would be a maincon or a pamaranan," She thought about it for a minute; she liked a lot of animals in general.
"I think I know just the person to call," said Natalie.
"Hey, Marissa," said Adrien, happy to see her up. "Marinette dropped by earlier but you were asleep. On the way home, she told me she's gonna make you a get well present."
"Ok." She smiled the best she could smile.
"It's okay. I get it," said Adrien. "You probably still need your space. I'll leave you to it."
"It's fine I'm having a better day today." She smiled at her brother.
"I'm glad," said Adrien. "How about some dinner then? You look hungry."
"Sure." She nodded walking with her brother to the dining hall.
While the siblings ate dinner, Natalie called one of the breeders about a puppy or kitten for Marissa. An emotional support pet might just be the best thing for her.