The Commander was walking quickly down the road to the town, his white uniform causing him to stick out among the civilians.

He had asked Z23 to assist him in gather some supplies from in-town, Certain things running low on base, supplies not coming for a day or so.

The town was an old town in Iron blood, old enough to have walls and proper gate.

Not to far ahead was Z23, waiting by the door of the town's gate, waiting for the was wearing a pretty purple and white dress, with her usual hat and Iron Blood bow in her hair.

The Commander walked up behind her and put a hand on her head, startling her.

"Uwah! Who's- Kommandant!" she said, turning quickly to face him, "don't do that!"

"My apologies miss 23, I didn't mean to startle you, I just couldn't help myself. Forgive me." He explained, a grin on his face.

"Sure you can't." She disagrees, turning away, an adorable pout on her face.

The Commander laughed. "Well, my dear, shall we venture forth?" he asked, offering her his arm.

Z23 stayed turned away for a few seconds, arms crossed before relenting and taking his arm.

With that, they entered into the town.

They spent the next good portion of day exploring the town.

On the way out of the town, the Commander notices Z23's eyes dart towards a bookstore they had passed several times that day.

"Z23?" he asked.

"yes, herr Komandant?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Would you like to stop at the bookstore?" he asked.

"Real-!" she said excitedly, before stopping herself, "I mean, if you do not mind Kommandant."

"Of course, Z23, let's go." He said, turning around leading her back.

A bell rang as they exited the store, Z23 with an armful of books.

"Well then, Z23, looks like it's about time to head back, Agreed?" the Commander asked, looking down to her.

Z23 was looking back at him with an odd look on her face.

"Whatever is the matter 23?" He asked, concern on his face.

"Why are you so nice to me?" She asks, looking serious.

"Whatever do you mean?' he asks, thoroughly confused.

"why are you so nice to me? I'm only a destroyer. I don't even have a name!" she repeats.

"What do you mean you don't have a name?" he asked, again concerned.

"I... was never given one. My sisters and I... we were just destroyers, we were too small and insignificant to be given names..." she said, looking down.

"Well that shall be changed henceforth." The commander declared, causing Z23 to look up.

"What!?" she asked, surprised.

"I'm going to give you a name, any preferences?"

"Well... I always thought Nimitz was a cool name..." she answered, looking a little embarrassed.

"Agreed, but Nimitz seems a mite long? How about Nimi?"

"Nimi... I like that..." She agreed.

"Alright then! Nimi it is!" he said, "Now, let's stop by an ice cream parlor on the way back, I'm in the mood for something sweet."

"Oh, okay!" Nimi agreed, and the pair walked on, the Commander thinking about snacks, and Nimi with smile of absolute joy on her face.