Hi. As you know, if you have read my previous fic (Once Upon a Fateful Spring Dance), it was about the Fab Four overcoming their fears to ask each other out to the dance. This is pretty much the same, but its about, ya know, well.. proposals! The first few chapters will And maybe I'll write a fic about life afterwards...

Wing POV

We had recently left HIVE. Otto and I rented out an apartment, and Laura and Shelby another, across the street from us. It was as I had always imagined- but so much more, for Shelby was here, the love of my life, next to me, alive and breathing. It was amazing that we had managed to survive HIVE despite all the attemtps on Otto's life, and ours too, as we were his friends. We would have been valuable hostages...

We were 20 years old now. I had half a mind to propose to Shelby. We were really close, and she was all that I needed. And Otto, and Laura, of course.

However, every time I tried to work up the courage to confess, my throat felt.. clogged up and dry.

What if she rejects you? What if she's found someone else, and does not need you anymore? What if...

As a million what ifs clouded my mind, I felt someone waving a hand at my face. My hand shot out and wrapped around the wrist of the person, twisting it, before I realised that it was Shelby.

"Sorry..."I muttered, shame-faced.

"Big guy, what's wrong with you? You're always so calm and focused, but now you're...I don't know... you just don't feel like my Wing anymore," Shelby said, rubbing the angry red welt on her wrist.

I hurt her...

I had almost forgotten how Shelby could read me like an open book. She was the ying to my yang, the other part of my life. I caressed the small box in my pocket, feeling nervous.

Shelby POV

"Hey, Wing? You there? OI!"I yelled, waving a hand at WIng's distant, blank face. I looked at his eyes. They were unfocused.

As if he's dead...I shook my head, pushing away the dark thoughts.

Suddenly, Wing's hand shot up and wrapped around my wrist, twisting my skin. I let out a yelp.

Wing hurt me! And he's always so... different now. Is he hiding something from me? What if he doesn't like me anymore?

I could not stop myself from saying part of what I was thinking.

"Big guy, what's wrong with you? You're always so calm and focused...but now you're I don't know.. you just don't feel like my Wing anymore." I finished, looking at my feet.

When I looked up, I saw Wing touch something in his pocket.

Maybe that's some sorta keepsake from his new girlfriend...I thought bitterly.

Laura POV

When Shelby came into our rented apartment, I could immediately tell that something was awfully wrong.

Shelby looked defeated.

"Shel, what's wrong? You can tell me, I'm your friend." I told her.

Shel simply shook her head.

"Have you noticed that Wing is more..distant nowadays?" She asked.


"He's... I think that he doesn't like me anymore..."She said, voice trailing away towards the end.

Ah. This. Otto had warned me this would happen.

"Wing's told me that he wants to propose to Shelby. Shelby will be worried though, 'cause Wing's afraid and will.. be kinda in a daydreaming state and all... Argh" here Otto paused to make a (failed) grasp at his short hair "I don't know how to explain... but you get me, don't you?" Otto had said, looking at me hopefully.

I had nodded. Of course I had gotten Otto. He was Otto, after all...

"Shelby, I'm sure its fine. Wing likes you, I'm hundred percent sure!" I told her gently.

I hoped Wing would propose soon though, I couldnae stand the sad Shelby.

Otto POV

When Wing walked back into their apartment, he was sweating.

Needless to say, Wing obviously did not propose.

That reminded me of me wanting to propose to Laura. How would I do that?