Kim had just come back from a wonderful Christmas with break spending time with her friend from Angel Groove and her boyfriend Tommy. Over the couple days they final consummated their love and they never felt more connected. The both could see the Falcon and Crane soaring finally 2 became 1. They both promised that this was forever and said they would keep the communication up. Kim knew that Tommy was under lot of pressure with the Power rangers with Machine Empire so letters and call were limited.

3 Month later Kim was heading out of the gym when her coach past her a Letter.

He joked, "hopefully this will put a smile on your face and make your refocus. You have been off lately Kim,"

"Oh my its from Tommy thanks coach I will go and read it now. Yes I'm sorry I have been run down more so lately" Kim replied

"Kim have a day off and come back the day after ready to work hard"

"Thank you coach see you later"

And with that Kim ran off to her apartment, she was very lucky she managed to get a small apartment within the complex that she didn't have to share with anyone. She love it the apartment had one bedroom/bathroom , lounge and kitchen.

"I am so excited" she said to herself, "I've not heard from Tommy for over 2 week"

Dear Kim,

I hope this letter finds you well. I have been busy with schooling and my duties.

This is why it makes it so hard. Its been hard to keep this relationship up when I have found someone else. I fell in love with this person. I am sorry Kim but I want to be with them.

Please respect my wishes and stay away from me now


As soon as Kim read this letter she felt her heart breaking, she couldn't breath and she past out.