Chapter 12: The Truth

Nessie's POV

I tried to recall my very limited knowledge of self defense. My mother had put me in self defense classes when I was 10 years old. But after landing myself in the E.R three times in the first month alone I'd quit. I had inherited my mother's lack of coordination. Like her all I needed was my own two feet to land myself in the hospital enough times that the staff and I were on a first name basis.

As the men started waking toward me I took a step back. I tripped over an uneven piece of cement and fell backwards. Miraculously I didn't hit my head. The men just laughed at me. The guy with the grabbed me with one hand and lifted me against the wall. The gun was pressed into the side of my head. My heart pounded loudly in my ears. I sucked in the most air that I could and screamed for help as loud as I could. The man whipped me across the face with his gun.

"Let her go!"

I was surprised to see Jacob running toward us. His whole kept shaking as if he were about to explode. The men were completely taken be surprised. The guy holding me released me in shock. I slid down and landed face forward on the cement. Jacob grabbed him and slammed him against the wall.

"I swear to God I will kill you," I heard Jacob say. Suddenly more hands grabbed me. It was the other two men. I tried to fight them off but they were much too strong for me. Everything happened in seconds. There was a scuffle behind me and I was released once again. I looked up and was surprised to see Edward holding the other two men by the throat.

I screamed when a pair of ice cold hands grabbed me. "Nessie it's okay. It's just me," I relaxed a little when I recognized Carlisle's voice. "Come on. We need to get out of here,"

Carlisle helped me stand up quickly. "Edward let's go. Jacob you should come to,"

"They were going to rape her," Edward growled.

"I know son. But remember who you are. They're not worth it,"

Edward reluctantly let them go but Jacob didn't. Jacob was so furious that I could almost feel the anger emanating out of his trembling body. If everything I wrote was true then I knew what was about to happen. It was still a hard concept for me to grasp.

"Let's go Jacob," I heard Edward say. I could hear the anger in his voice as well.

"Like hell," Jacob said.

Carlisle and Edward helped me get away from there as quickly as possible. A few seconds later I heard a wolf howling loudly and right away I knew what happened.

"Nessie are you okay?" Carlisle asked me as we walked back toward the hospital. "I'm okay. They didn't hurt me,"

"Renesmee what on Earth were you thinking leaving the hospital like that?! Why would you do something so stupid?!" Carlisle scolded.

"I wasn't thinking," I whispered.

"Exactly you weren't thinking. You're lucky we found you when we did!"

He was scolding me. Was it odd that being scolded made me happy? Yes it was a little odd. But I was happy because it made me valued. It made me feel important. It made me feel loved. It made me feel as though there were somebody in the world that still cared if I lived or died.

"Why are you smiling Renesmee? Don't you realize how serious this is? Are you still trying to get yourself killed? Is that what this is all about?"

"What? No," I blushed at having been caught smiling. I was too embarrassed to tell him that the reason I was smiling is because I was happy that he cared enough about me to lecture me about how stupid my actions were.

"No what?"

"No I wasn't trying to get myself killed,"

"Edward?" I had forgotten that he was there until Carlisle addressed him.

"She's telling the truth,"

"I'm sorry. The only reason I left is because I overheard your conversation and I kind of just freaked out,"

"What conversation?" Carlisle asked.

"I overheard you saying that everything I wrote in that book was true. That you're both...and that I'm half..." I couldn't even say the word because of how utterly insane that it sounded.

Edward and Carlisle exchanged a look but didn't say anything else. "I'm sorry," was all I could say.

""Sorry for what Nessie?" Edward asked.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything,"

"No. We were just shocked because we didn't hear you outside of our door. We should've been able to hear you and we didn't,"

"So you're really my dad?" I asked even though deep down I already knew the answer. My dad's name was Edward. I looked so much like him that I could have passed for his sister. It was not just pure coincidence. We were related.

He smiled at me. "Yes I am,"

I shocked him, and myself, when I threw my arms around him in as tight of a hug as I could manage. A few seconds later I could feel his cold arms holding me tightly to his body. He was my dad. I had a dad. I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away.

"Everything is going to be okay Nessie," he said.

"So it was all true? All the stories mom told me about you?"

"They are Nessie. They are. Everything she told you is true. Everything about us. About our kind. The mutt's kind,"

The mutt? Oh yeah. I'd forgotten the strong animosity that vampires and werewolves had for each other. Leeches, bloodsuckers, dog, mom had told me all abouy the derogatory terms her best friend and boyfriend had for one another.

"Why don't we talk more about this tomorrow after we bring you home Nessie. I'm sure you have a lot of questions and this isn't something that we can talk about in public. People are already suspicious as it is," Carlisle spoke seriously. I instantly felt guilty for the situation I had put them in.

Once we were back at the hospital Carlisle checked me over once again just to make sure that I really was fine. Then I was left to the care of the nurses as he had other patients that needed to be attended to. Edward stayed with me all the way until visiting hours were over. I wouldn't see them again until tomorrow morning when they came to take me home.

I was about to settle in for the night when a nurse approached me. "Hi Nessie I have something for you," she said. She handed me a letter.

"This isn't mine," I informed her when I saw that this letter came from Italy. Just like the last letter I had received that I'd torn up.

"Are you sure? The gentleman upfront insisted that I give this to someone named Renesmee. As far as I know you're the only patient we have under that name. He said it was urgent,"

I shook my head sure that it had to be a mistake. Then it hit me like a bullet train. My mother's words ran loud and clear in my head. I mean it Renesmee Carlie. Do not ever share the story with anyone. We do not want the Volturi to find out.

"Nessie are you okay?" the nurse asked.

I ignored her. The envelope shook my hands. Today I just discovered that my mother's vampire family, my family, did im fact exist. The Cullens existed. The wolves existed. So it stands to reason that the Volturi existed as well. If the Volturi existed then so did their most sacred of all laws. To keep the existence of their kind a secret. By publishing a book, that was selling faster then it could be restocked all around the world, I had seriously broken that law. I was going to die a violent death at the hands of the Volturi.

My heart started beating fast and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. The nurse had to call someone to administer a sedative against my will. The unopened envelope slipped from my fingers as I fell asleep.

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