I put the first three chapters up for Babies at the Border. I will finish this as soon as possible. When I finish up AFOC this is my next project.
Promises Made
Chapter 1
"Fuck, Fuck!" Jasper collapsed next to him and tried to stop the bleeding. Edward was next to him trying to do the same.
"Promise me..." James gurgled as he thought about his son and his girl.
"James, it's ok, we got you. Ok? You will see Cameron again." Edward's voice broke, as he watched the blood seep through his fingers.
James coughed before he spat blood out his mouth. "Promise me you will take care of them." James grabbed for Edward's jacket.
Edward didn't want to believe what happened. He didn't want to think James was dying, because James was fading as a result of jumping out in front of Edward.
James didn't even want to go with them that night. He told Jasper and Edward something was off. They brushed him off though, Edward Cullen never got caught off guard.
"Please, Edward, tell her I am sorry. I didn't want to break my promise." James struggled to talk, to get out what he needed them to do for him. Cameron and his little boy's mom were the most important things to him.
"Yeah, I have them, James. I promise, I have them."
Jasper took James's hand and Edward had the other; together they watched their brother.
"I really love them," James whispered with his final breath.
Emmett barreled in, "We got the cleaners coming, but we have to get you out of here, Edward."
Jasper had tried to pry Edward from James, but he wouldn't budge. Shock had frozen him the spot. The Don took a lot of men's lives, and his name brought fear to those who heard it. But here he was on his knees as he begged for a do-over. Begged for someone to bring James back.
Emmett knew the seriousness of the situation but also knew they couldn't find his boss there. He walked over and picked Edward up off the ground. "Boss, we have to fucking leave, now!"
Edward growled as he looked back down at James one last time, vowing that he would move fucking mountains to carry out James's last wish.
They finally moved into the dark SUV that waited for them. Edward climbed in the back as Jasper and Emmett got in the front.
They were a few minutes down the road when Edward lost his shit in the backseat.
"Mother fucker! How the fuck did this shit happen? I want answers now!" Edward roared, as he punched the seats around him, trying to get out the unfathomable anger that had consumed him. The guilt of having drug James with them. Told him, he needed to dip his feet more in the business.
James didn't want to. He grew up on the streets, hustling and getting information. He never thought he would sit big, next to the Don of the Cullen family.
Jasper let his brother lash out. He knew that was how Edward operated. Jasper was different. He stayed quiet and still, as he went over and over in his mind what they missed. What they didn't see that James must have.
All night James complained.
"You guys, something is off. I am telling you. I heard some shit. We should leave and reschedule."
Jasper remembered laughing at his little brother. "This isn't shit you reschedule, little brother." Taunting further. "What's the matter, woman have your dick in a vice? Have to be home by midnight?"
James punched him. "Fuck you, man."
Jasper punched the dashboard. "I will have it figured out before dawn."
Bella paced around the tiny one-bedroom apartment. He always called when he would be late.
The baby monitor strapped to her hip, she chewed on her fingernails and tried not to panic. He must have been caught up with something. James had a habit of getting distracted. He could be over at Alice's place.
Quickly, Bella dialed Alice's number. It rang twice.
"Hey, Bella, what's up?"
She ignored her friend's shaky voice. "Hey, is James there? I haven't heard from him and he said he would call to let me know what time he would be home. And he always calls." Panic was clear as day in her voice.
Alice took a sharp breath. "He isn't here. I am sure it was just… he probably hasn't even looked at the time, babe, just get some rest."
Bella bit her lip. "Yeah, you're right."
After she hung up, Bella sat on the foldout couch, she attempted to calm her heart as it frantically beat.
'Oh, please be ok.' Bella thought as she looked at the phone, willed it mentally to ring.
Alice set her phone down before she collapsed in her lover's arms. "Oh God, she will never be the same, Jasper. You have no idea what James meant to her."
Jasper held Alice close to his chest, he needed her to keep himself together. "I'm sorry, I just needed you." He kissed the top of her head, filled with regret for coming to her. He felt contrite for spilling out what happened a few hours prior.
Alice shook her head. "I know, babe, I know." But she resented him at the moment. She didn't want to know James died, she didn't like she had to pretend nothing was wrong on the phone.
She met Bella three years ago when James brought Bella in for her first day of work as a waitress at the restaurant Alice worked, Twilight. He had such a protective stance with her. Later, she found out James saved Bella from a horrible life on the streets.
Over the past two years, she learned Bella and James were all each other had.
"Jasper, who did this?"
Jasper snarled, "I have several good leads. I just wanted to see you for a moment before I went back out."
He leaned in and kissed her, long and hard, before he headed out the door.
Edward sat in his penthouse as he held James's phone. He should have left it there, but he couldn't. As the phone rang for the fifth time, Edward wished he had. As her name lit up the screen, it reminded him of what he allowed to happen.
Edward Cullen prided himself in being a cold and calculative boss. He was always, always ahead of the game. It was how he owned the whole western side of the US, with a high probability of expanding.
He forcibly removed his father out of the Don seat, with the family backing him. Edward Cullen wasn't someone you fucked with.
A long sigh escaped his lips as the phone stopped ringing and the buzz of a voicemail came through. Unable to help himself, he played the messages.
Hey James, I need some diapers and some formula. I am good till morning, but to be sure, could you grab some on your way home?
You will not believe this… Cameron took a step… don't worry. I recorded it for you.
James, just checking in. You always call, but in case you got distracted… call me back, ok?
All right, I am kind of freaking out right now. Please call me.
James… I'm sorry if I am bothering you, but I need to know you're ok.
Please, James.
Edward slammed the phone down. He got up as he rubbed his hands down his face while he imagined ripping his skin off.
Edward knew what could happen with the life he led, but he promised James that he would always get home.
"FUCK!" He threw his glass, which shattered against the wall. He grabbed his phone and called Jasper.
"It's dawn, what the fuck do you have?"
An evil smile spread across Jasper's lips as he answered his brother. "I got them."
Edward grabbed his coat and gun. "Don't fucking touch them till I get there."