Hira'a was a village in the farthest reaches of the Fire nation, it was a peaceful village filled with many lower classed Fire Nation peasants . It was a great village for the descendent of the former Avatar Roku to live. After all the descendants of Roku moved to the village for their daughter's sake. She lived a normal life in the village, yet Ursa always held the weight of Rouk's past on her shoulders. She understood well why they lived in a dead end village, it was to hide them from the wrath of the Royal family, yet why should she be punished for her birth and bloodline?

She wanted to leave the village one day though, she had been told how her grandmother took a home on Ember Island and she hoped to one day to live there permanently, the house her grandmother's house was still within her family as her family used it as a vacation house once a year. After all even if they posed as simple peasants there origins were as nobles so they easily fitted into the both lives.

They lied to the village off course when they went to Ember Island, they did say they were visiting some relatives but they said it was closer then the island for the nobles. On Ember Island Ursa saw her chance to escape her dull life, Ursa wanted to come become an actress and use her grandmother's house to live in.

Yet years passed and things changed, Ursa's escape from the backwater village didn't come from becoming a lead actresses on Ember Island, no her destiny lay elsewhere.


It had been a normal day for her, yet as she walked home in the dusk of the day as the sun was setting across the quiet village. She saw most people were home by how many lights in the houses as she walked by, her parents house was the biggest one in the village. After all her father was the magistrate of the village. She saw the lights on in her house, yet she saw something else that confused her, she saw some villagers stood outside there houses whispering and pointing at the golden and red carriage beside her house.

" Isn't that the Royal carriage? " they whispered in awe

Ursa eyes those villagers up a bit as she entered the house, she forgot about those people as she felt dread as she walked forward, sure people around here would wonder why royals would want to see them but she had an idea and dread ran through her head. The wrath of the Royal family had come at last, or so she thought it had. Her mother stood beside her garden, there was a doorway into the green house from their house, held her mother held her robes looking into green house worried.

"Mother..?" Ursa questioned worried

Her mother turned to her as she put her hands to her face . Ursa could see the worry and fear in her mother's eyes and she could see figures in the garden as well as her father.

" You need to go in my dear, they are here to see you." Rina explained lowly

Ursa held the door wall for a moment with her own fears, she felt her heart race as she walked tentatively toward her father.

"Father?" she questioned nervous

" Ursa you should bow before our honoured guests." her father demanded sharply

The young lady looked to her father awkwardly and shocked as he had never been short with her, she moved into a deep bow of respect, she kept her head low. Her father might have been stressed out when he snapped but it didn't make her feel better.

"That's enough young lady, please stand back up. " A strong voice demanded

Ursa obeyed the voice, it sounded older, she got up and patted her pink dress softly, she didn't dare look at the guests, she couldn't do it knowing they may be here to take them away to lock them away or kill them, sure they could kill them here and now but people knew they were here.

Ursa held her hands tight in front of body, she bite her lip nervous, yet as Azulon began to talk she looked up toward the Fire Lord before her but then caught site of the youngest Fire Prince.

Was this her new fate, her way out of this village? Sure it wasn't how she has planned on leaving here but to be entered into an arranged marriage?

Ozai was the second son of Azulon, unplanned unwanted and a spear part, his life had been hard as a child. He was inaccurate compared to his older brother, he had been weak because of his premature birth, he struggled to master his element. Yet as he got older he grew stronger, his fire bending grew stronger but his father saw him as a failure, as he had already giving up on him.

The second Prince tried to go to war like his older brother but he was told he could not, Ozai was told they could not risk him being killed in battle as he was needed at home encase the worst happened to the first born son, off course Iroh had a son which secured his line,he was refused glory but he would be refused power.

Ozai was a man without prepose yet his father finally give him one, a mission that seemed simple enough yet with its own set of complications. He was taken to her by his father whom had spent years trying to find this certain family, the Fire Sages foretold of power born of Roku and Sozin's bloodline if they were united as one.

Now Ozai had his job and role, he laid eyes upon her, she looked nervous, awkward, fearful. She avoided eyes contact with him too, but his father nudged him, he walked with pride and confidence, this was his role and duty, so he took her her hand, he could feel her jolt of fear and her slight shiver as he touched her. She'd been shaken since she had arrived and seeing them here in her house.

His words didn't quite take hold at first, she titled her head a bit as if she didn't hear him.

"Ursa you should give the Fire Prince an answer." her father advised worried

He watched her blink taken in what his words and what they meant, what his father's words meant.
" Ah.. Yes... Yes I will Fire Prince Ozai ." She stuttered in awe

Was this her punishment for being Roku's granddaughter? Her father notice her stunned silence so he moved her from the royal family so he took her to her room where his wife could speak to her. It took awhile to settle down that night, as her mother talked to her about certain things.

They left early in the morning from her home town, her parents had been giving a story to tell the village of why she'd been taken to Palace. It was uncomfortable in the Royal Carriage, not because of the seat she was sitting on though, no it was because she was felt uneasy around the two men around her. The man she was now engaged to was too her left, the Fire Lord to the front of them.

Ozai could hear his father ramble on, his words barely reached him, he pondered, plotted what was needed now he was going to be marriage to the stranger beside him. Yet arrange marriages weren't uncommon especially for a royals, he heard that water tribes practice arranged marriages as well but for lesser stakes at times, in all of the Fire Nation Royal History, this woman must be the first not to have come from nobility or be an insider , a favoured woman of the court.

There was tension in the carriage, Ozai couldn't or wouldn't talk, Ursa was sat ridged nodding to a Fire Lord's words, he looked out the window as he closed his eyes unenthusiastic and uninterested.

"Fire Prince Ozai, sire please wake up." a voice of a royal guard encouraged

He opened his yellow eyes a bit slowly, he saw it was dark outside of the carriage, no wonder he dozed off.

"The Fire Lord desired to rest at an inn tonight, so you and your fiancée can rest in comfort tonight within the inn." the guard explained

He looked beside him, as he felt a weight on him, he saw her resting on his shoulder, he looked on front off him seeing the blasted old man had already left them be.

" Yes I understand. " Ozai replied sharply

He moved slowly, he tapped the young woman beside him on the shoulder a few times gently and she opened her tired eyes.

" We are staying at an inn tonight, I shall guide you with my bending" He explained dryly

She yawned as he got up off the seat, he got out the carriage and stood next to the Royal Guard, she scooted over on the seat, she gently got out of the carriage. He took her hands as she hit the ground, she took a few moments as he extended his hand to light the way as guards followed them to the entrance of the inn.

A woman at the entrance to the inn bowed before them , Ozai let his flame die down as the woman carried a lantern for them.

" Let me show you to your room sire." the inn offered gently

The woman held her lantern up, it lit up the halls as they walked upward. She opened the door to their room and the young couple stepped in, the woman bowed then left them be.

Ursa yawned in the dark room, Ozai sighed as he pulled her back a bit, he breathed as he spread his flame wide to light lanterns within the room, Ozai had seen the lanterns in the dark as a Fire Benders could see much in the dark.

" Let us rest." Ozai announced quickly

Even though he trained hard to Fire bend and see at night, it was still when he was at his weakest. His body weakened this late, there was no danger to him right no, but there was no reason to keep himself awake either. Yet he watched the young woman flop on the bed tired, it seemed she had no energy, she rolled on the bed in her clothing as she looked to him concerned yet tired.

He simply sat on the bed and lay back on the bed tired as he looked to her tired.

"I assure you I intend to sleep." He replied tired

Ozai rolled away from her, he waved his hand as the light went out again, Ursa was amazed but she put her hand on her head as she looked up at the roof, she wasn't sure if Ozai would hear her words,but still she muttered tiredly

" Fire Prince this isn't how I saw myself leaving Hir'ra but still.." she yawned as she finally went to sleep

She closed her eyes, it wasn't as if this was a bad thing, yet Ozai was a stranger, she knew they could and would get to know each other over time but in that moment she knew this wasn't the time to start asking questions.

Ozai slept with her words in his head he had hared her, there was much he already knew about her, much he didn't know about her, they would talk, interact but not till it suited him to do so.


The early morning sun woke him, he never slept in his daily royal robes but tonight he had, he heard knocking on the door, he got up and a guard was bowed before the entrance of their door.

"Sire I know you must have just woken up, but Fire Lord Azulon insisted I bring this trunk with a change of clothing for you both." the Gaurd explained humble

Ozai watched the guard move away and he took the trunk and placed it in the room.

"The Fire Lord wants you to meet him in two hours, enough time for you to eat and get yourself ready yourself for the day sire. "

Ozai grumbled as he the guard left, he slammed the door shut which stirred the young woman on the bed to wipe her eyes.

She sat up as she saw the young prince toss something at the bed to her, she looked to him, he seemed very agitated this the morning.

"Go to the bathroom and change into that, I guess father want you in more suitable clothing for the rest of your journey." Ozai explained with a sense of ordering to his tone

She blinked and got up with the clothing in her hand, he ordered her so bluntly, she eyes him a bit unsure as he took another set of clothing out of the box for himself.

Ursa walked into the bathroom, she unclipped her necklace, her dress feel to the ground and she stepped out from her dress. She was sure it must be strange with Fire Prince going around with someone dressed as a peasants, although she was sure people might think of there own reason to why the Fire Prince had her around.

Ozai changed out of his robes and into clean ones, thankfully his father had thought ahead, he usually had servants change him, if he wasn't capable of such things it just wasn't expected for royals to dress themselves, but today he had no servants.

" Fire Prince.. I erm.." Ursa announced timidly

He turned his attention to the small voice, he saw her standing holding up the new kimono that wasn't tied up, he could see her look of confusing.

" I don't understand how this clothing is meant to go on ." she admitted shyly

He signed frustrated as he walked up yo her and pulled her kimono up and began to tie it around her.

" Just this once." He warned "I shall help you this one time, servants at the Palace shall dress you when we arrive there." He explained frustrated

Ursa blushed uneasy a bit as he pulled the kimono tight around her, it was beautiful and made of a expensive silk something nobles wore, it was for more suited for a women going into the capital.

" Thank you for you assistance sire. " Ursa began sheepish

He stepped back from her, taken in her new clothing, he brushed the fabric as he moved away from her.

" We have enough time for a quick breakfast before we continue onward." Ozai explained roughly

Ursa nodded in understanding, she knelt down and looked out the window in the room tired, the colours in the raising sun were beautiful.

" I heard you last night saying this isn't how you envisioned leaving Hira'a, how did you envision it? " he questioned curious

She looked of embarrassed as he answered the knock at the door, he had put an order out for food while she was in the bathroom, the inn keeper brought in a big cooked fish with two chop sticks, the inn keeper left the food on a tray on the floor. She went back to get the green tea pot and cups, once she was done she bowed and left. Ozai finally sat, he began to eat as he waited in her answer.

"Oh well you see I though i would be an actress on Ember Island, my dreams were very humble compared to what you have offered a simple woman like me." she explained humbled and respectful

She didn't want to seen ungrateful, sure she'd been shocked by him asking for her hand in marriage, he chucked a bit at her words, yet thought on her words. Her acting talent could come in handy for him, he could use it as a advantage, but part of him knew that if she could act then she could act toward him, he would work hard to see through any falseness she might offer him.

" I see a quint dream." he offered lightly

He watched her dig into the fish as she went quite for a bit, but looked to hopeful still, but smiled gently at her.

"Ah but when you become Fire Princess you will be seen by many more people then those whom grace Ember Island theatre houses, most of them would look upon you in the Royal box within that theatre.#
She seemed to lighten up a bit at his word's, he could feel that their tension had lifted for now. Without the Fire Lord around they both felt like they could let the guard down even by a little.

"Life in the public eyes.." Ursa replied gently with a soft mutter "Yet in a different manor , but even in a royal role.. It must come with advantage and disadvantage as well." Ursa replied rational

Well it had to be true, she must be prepared for the up and downs, bad and goods right. Royal life was something she couldn't imagine, there had to be do and do nots of that live.

Ozai could almost see how mature the young lady was acting, there was no rejection to what she was getting dragged into, more accepting that it was just a different way of being seen. He could almost admire that about her, she had ambitious goals she changed them just like that, he could use her for his own plans.

"It will be a different life, a better one in many ways, I admire you for taken this in your stride." Ozai offered lightly

They fished the fish, he got up off the floor as he extended his hand downward. She took his hand and he pulled her up without effort, she guessed it was time to head onward, she looked back to the bathroom and quickly to the chance to pick up her old clothing and to use the bathroom, she held her old clothing as she returned awkwardly, Ozai put it into the trunk with his robes. He's dispose of her peasant clothing at a later date, but for now they had to go and continue the awkward journey with the Fire Lord onward to the palace.