Upon blowing up Malachor V, Meetra Surik took her disciples to the abandoned Jedi Temple of Coruscant to start anew. Finding the remaining lost Jedi was the obvious option.

I took the liberty of shifting the events a bit so Vaner was 1 or 2 years younger, because elder kids talk too much, and I didn't need him talking here :D

The usual disclamer: English is not my native, feel free to correct.

Twelve o'clock Coruscant time. "She'll meet you there", he said. Well, still a bit early, Meetra thought, landing on a bench in a quiet corner of the Recreation District's famous dendropark, sipping a can of zabrak soda casually, trying to look as inconspicuous and non-jedi as possible to avoid unnecessary attention. There was a small waterfall nearby, its noise dampening and concealing all other sounds, and she couldn't help but point out the perfect choice of the place.

Why all the secrecy though, she thought, with the Sith assassins being already dealt with? One could never be too careful, it seemed. Who knows what else might be lurking out there in the shadows. In any case, this was the first obvious lead to follow now that they have brought life back to the Temple halls, and whatever terms were demanded, she was ok with it as long as the meeting would take place. So she stuck to her role and did her best to look the other way when sensed another Force user approaching.

"May I?..", an elusively familiar voice sounded right beside her.

"Why, yes, of course", Meetra responded, turning to face the visitor finally and eyeing the hooded young woman she recognized all too well, with a toddler seated in her arms. The boy looked curiously at her and gnawed on his fist, his dark hair and brown eyes leaving no doubt at all. She had already gone through the records of their return before the council after Malak was defeated, and studied most of the debates, but this was still... somewhat unexpected.

"Carth told me you had something to discuss", Bastila said, making herself comfortable beside her and looking in the direction of the child she put on her knee, bouncing him slightly. "Not that I couldn't already guess what this was about, but I'm listening."

She hadn't changed much, not at all. This was almost the same promising padawan Surik remembered from back before the Mandalorian Wars, just much quieter... and sadder.

"You must be aware of our rebuilding attempts", Meetra said bluntly. There was no point in going round about. "Simple as that, I am here to ask you to join us."

"I have some other responsibilities now, as you can see."

"You could both settle in the Temple. Together. We all happen to have free time once in a while, and there's even a couple of younglings already who could play with him."

"Younglings could wha- Wait a minute, are we talking the Jedi Order or a kindergarden here?"

"Neither? Both? I don't see any problem with that, honestly. Nursing a child seems as good a practice for the pupils as any."

"But they still can... just play."

"Why not?"

"You seem to have an... unusual perspective."

"That's something we have in common, right?"

"Good point. Let's say I'm... intrigued. There, there, Vaner, don't touch that please. Is contacting me your own initiative, or something approved by the Council- wait, I assume there is one, right?"

"Well... it's complicated. I guess all of us altogether are what you could call the Council for the moment. And we did have this conversation, yes. No objections, lots of excitement. You won't view it as a bad sign, will you?"

"If you asked me five years ago, I'd reply most surely that excitement leads to the dark side", Bastila smirked.

"Not so sure now?"

"Not nearly."

"That's reassuring. Although we weren't aware of all the circumstances..."

"Then it's something for both you and I to take our time with. You will bring the others up to date, and I shall contemplate on your proposal." Shan looked up at Meetra and smiled, eyeing her inquisitevely. "But perhaps I can already tell you that you have a preliminary 'yes'."