Jussipo and Foldo.

A tragedy as old as time. A song that had been sung by the poets and bards of the world. Newly found love and quick ruin. Such is the way.

But while fate can often be cruel, sometimes the love between two pure souls can transcend even death.

The gods of their land wept at the demise of young Jussipo. Had they not been intently watching the band of little hero's they may have missed the love unfold. But their eyes had watched, and they hurt.

And as the sun rose and fell, those gods looked upon the earth, the battles that were waged and the war to come and knew that the world needed love, not tragedy.

So on the second night, the body cloaked in light rose from the ground, uncovered from the rocks and dirt atop a hill that overlooked the great city of Unawen.

And blessed with a second chance, Jussipo breathed once more.

"That was… uncomfortable." He gasped, clutching his raw side where the steel had cut through him. While the wound was somehow closed, it hurt nearly as bad. Confusion and joy raged a miniature battle in his mind as the events of that fateful night replayed.

"I'm alive…" He muttered, looking around the clearing, and though it was night, the moon illuminated his would-be grave. A deep hole, rubble and rocks, flowers and letters lay beside.

"Ah-ha!" He cried, spying his beloved instrument sitting beside the now empty plot.

A chill raced through his spine at the morbid sight but Jussipo shook it off and quickly stepped back.

There was a gentle breeze, circling the air around him. Its message was not lost on him.

This was a second chance. By the gods of old, Jussipo would live! And the songs he'd sing about his death and rise and daring adventures he'd had with the others, and his love of Foldo…

Foldo! The beautiful man, where was he now?

How many days had passed?! Where would the group go, now that the evil had been defeated?

"Shite." He cursed, tying the lute to his back and trudging forward through the brush. That gentle breeze shifted, just slightly and he sighed happily.

"So West?" He laughed, holding his hand out as if to pet the wind.

And while there was no response, Jussipo nodded with renewed vigor and began his journey back to life and towards his love.