Inspiration hit me hard with this one. Unstoppable By: Sia truly holds strong for Kagami Tsurugi. She deserves more love as an individual character. Regardless of LOVING ADRIGAMI or not.

DISCLAIMER: I own NOTHING of Miraculous.

Review Responses (THANK YOU for taking the time too):

War Is Never Civil:

ajherogamer37: Damn thanks so much for loving it. Yeah I had to tear them up. One: for the sake of the story. Two: I LOVE sour/dark reveals. 🌸🌸🌸🌸 Of course OCs needed to be added that's what a SYOC is all about. You don't HATE but don't really like ADRIGAMI?! Well I'm happily, proudly obessed with it. Sorry not telling you THAT!

carloshbaroni: Glad your still around too. It will hopefully come sooner than before.

GirlPower54: Yes they are revealed finally. No worries Malcolm is more concerned about tech weather than the Miraculous Holders themselves. Phew, I still have your Shelby right. Adrien will answer more often. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Thanks GP54 I just need to relax and go at my pace.

W.R Winters: Nope she couldn't forget Adrien, him on the other hand is SSOO done with that Bug Pity Party. 🌸🌸🌸🌸 Could we? No ARE WE? HELLO IT'S ME, DUH WE SO ARE! Adrien needs his brother Nino ALWAYS!

Sister's Farewell:

yellow 14: Huh suprised you said that. I mean it was N-I-C-E

GirlPower54: Hopefully UnicornSecrets oneday reads that. Thank you GP54, I'm happy it made you emotional. That's how I felt writing it. Cecilia needs more comforting. Of course Hawkmoth is an A-hole. Feeding off poor Cecilia's heart missing her Melissa.

Kagami relaxed by a tree trunk. Practice over for the day. Tomoe Tsurugi stated Kagami return home in 2 hours. Alone at the park, well not truly alone. Looking around her she grins small. "Longg-sama it's safe." From inside her white blazer pocket flies out Longg the dragon kwami.

His reptilian golden eyes look up into his Holder's brown ones they share a smile. "I'm thankfully you free for the day Kagami-san." Said blunette nods her head "As I am Longg-sama."

Taking out her notebook with the pressed rose, lightly runs her left hand over the torn picture of her and Adrien from the fencing team. Longg nods his muzzle towards it as well. "This young man has taken your heart has he not?" The mighty yet tiny dragon states.

Sharpe brown eyes turn up eye level with Longg. A slight frown graces her features.

"Yes he has. I don't wish it back, I know we are meant to be together. I must be patient, he may come around."

Thinking about how in her jealous rage, she had sliced a tree clean down before Hawkmoth once again used her as a puppet. 'Shameful. An insignificant photo, she wasn't important to Adrien. How could I-' sharpe brown eyes glance up at the wide blue cloudless sky.

"It's not the right time. I will continue to hold on, to stay strong Longg-sama."

Kagami raises to her feet, Longg floats up watching from the lowest tree branch. The young Tsurugi grabs the bokken resting against the tree truck. She swings it down straight. "Breaking down neither today nor ever again." Kagami chants between swing the bokken. "I am invincible, I am confident," she swings roughly but in control.

Turning around to the tree truck. . .


. . .Longg's golden eyes widen staring down at her. He quickly zooms down towards her. Kagami declares slicing the tree down once again.

Breathing quite heavily Kagami falls to her knees, reaching in front of her, gently holds the pressed rose in her left hand. Grabbing at her notebook staring at the torn photo of Adrien and herself she smiles small.

Longg smile tenderly "Kagami-san," he starts resting on her right shoulder. She holds the photo close to her chest. Sharpe brown eyes open glance upward at the slowly darkening sky. A sigh escapes her lips, she side glances Longg.

"I'm alright Longg-sama," a smile grows slowly as she thinks about the future. "The day he realizes he has the wrong target I'll be waiting. Hoping for more than just friendship." Longg gently pats her cheek with a tiny red stub. "Kagami-san patience is key. You must value him tho the results maybe otherwise."

Kagami gives Longg a grin of mischief. "Longg-sama, Adrien and I very much alike. I know in my soul I'm important to him. Tho he may never romantically love me as I do him." The two turn to the sky. "Come on Longg-sama, let's head over to Flower Power. Cecilia may need assistance."

Golden reptilian eyes smile and nod he hide in her white blazer pocket. Kagami sighs softly. As she starts heading towards the black gates of the park. Taking a relaxing walk towards Paris's quickly growing popular flower shop. "I must stay positive." Kagami whispers to herself as a bright smile grows slowly on her face.


Truly Kagami and Longg need more moments in the fandom and canon.