After that events of Killing Bites Destroyal, Notomi's was been confirmed as dead, his family, friends including society has all thoughted he was dead but he wasn't, after the day he fainted away a weird man that was dressed up like a delinquent has saved him took him into the hospital to get medic.

After 2 years later.

"It's been a while since our last encounter" said Notomi as infront of him was his old friend as Hitomi.

"Notomi, why are you still alive? And what the fuck is that strange brute that appears from your back like a ghost" said Hitomi.

"That, Hitomi is a stand, a spirit that was been connected to our soul and hearts, if it suffers so do we" said Notomi.

"What so that's an actual brute ghost" said Hitomi as she stood up.

"You see here, after that day when you have pierce your claws thru my chest I was supposed to be dead but luckily I was been saved by a strange man that dressed up in black, he was an delinquent and also a very, very buffed man, after I was been healed by the medic and made some surgeries the man gave me a arrow and told me to pierce it thru my chest, I thoughted that he was encouraging me to committed suicide since my life was already on the level of the worst but he told me just do it and I did but suddenly the arrow just then disappear and from the back of me I saw a purple figure, I don't know what that thing was but the man said that "Impossible, how calm it's another Star Plantinum"" said Notomo.

"So, your saying is that the big brute over there is just a guardian spirit you've forced to show up in reality by using a strange arrow" said Hitomi.

"He's not a brute he's a stand and unlike brutes these things doesn't care for anyone except the ones who are controlling them, they will obey any orders people gave them their like mindless companions that could not do anything except listening to the person who wields them" said Nomoto.

"But the problem is still you Nomoto, that stand thingy over there might as well be dangerous but what about you" said Hitomi.

"I know you would've said that so I've developed a battling position for my stand as Star Plantinum the strategy is that it will stay right infront of its wielder" said Nomoto.

"What's so special about this Star Plantinum of yours?" ask Hitomi.

"Oh, what's so special is that it's punch is so tough that it could pierce thru the body of a normal human with 1 normal punch when it's speed was actually on the level of almost beyond subsonic speed, which means 1 normal punch could pierce thru the body of a human and killed them then multiple punches could obliterates away a human without leaving back any traces and kill away an animal-human that is determined like you" said Nomoto.

"Oh yeah prove it" said Hitomi as she charges forward.

"Well, if you insist" as he commands the stand to attack towards Hitomi but she dodges it and attempts to slash it when suddenly it turns around and starts to shout out.

"USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS" the shouting kept on and on and on as multiple punches inflicts beyond repair damage onto Hitomi as finally she falls down weakened.

"Welp, that's for today anyways I also have 1 last thing to tell you, whatever you do don't trust a single word that the chairman of the company Shidou is working in" said Nomoto as he grabs her and walks her to the hospital.

"Wait, what do you mean don't trust Shidou's boss, is something wrong" said Hitomi.

"*Sigh*, listen Hitomi the reason why I wanted to challenged you was because I wanted to know if I was strong enough to defeat DIO" said Nomoto.

"DIO?" said Hitomi.

After a while of telling her about DIO.

"After that, DIO successfully escaped from his universe and wonders around the multiverse insearching for a universe where he could be invincible and there they have it, ours universe were his target, so he possessed the body of a rich and powerful man that leads a famous business industry company which I bet Shidou and also you know who he is" said Nomoto.

"Which is?" said Hitomi.

"The chairman of Bereaus company was been possessed by DIO" said Nomoto making Hitomi shock.

"So, if you really love Shidou that much more than anything, you must not say anything to him or else in the end DIO will kill him" said Nomoto.

Hitomi could not denied Nomoto's words because she is the person who really loved Shidou the most.

"Fine, are we there yet?" said Hitomi.

"Yep, we're here" said Nomoto.

"Now, about Jotaru is he still around?" ask Hitomi.

"Oh, yes he's currently wandering around the city for food" said Nomoto.

"Right" said Hitomi.