Chapter 9- Gates are appearing

"Now then shall we begin?" asked Nezu

"Okay." Replied the teen

"We've done some background research on you, as we do with all our students. We discovered that you were quirkless until 11 months ago, normally quirks manifest at the age of 4, but in your case you manifested yours at a later age. Is there a reason for that?" asked the mouse bear

Izuku slightly narrowed his eyes at the president, he wasn't expecting him to be so direct and subtle with the question, he was effectively asking 'it's impossible for you to manifest a quirk at that age then you must have got it from somewhere right?'. Izuku looked at the principal whose gaze was fixed solely on him, then to All might who was also looking at him.

"Quirkless or not, that can wait. I have a more important question." Said a voice in the room which came from the sleeping bag on the floor. Looking down he saw Aizawa facing him "What you did in the quirk test when you used your quirk, no normal student can release that much killing intent and bloodlust. What this really is, is to evaluate if you are a threat to this school and to your fellow students, this may seem over the top, but we are responsible for the safety and upbringing of the next generation of heroes." Said Aizawa

Izuku looked his teacher in the eye, thinking if it was right to tell these people some information about him but not everything. They may be heroes, but he doesn't know them at all, closing his eyes and exhaling, he sat back on the couch and brought his hand to his face to hold his chin.

"I, Midoriya Izuku, have always had a dream. That I would become a hero as strong and gallant as All might, saving those in need and protecting everyone from evil." He said with a sharper visage as the other three occupants of the room looked at him with sharper appearances as well.

"It's true that I was born without a quirk, yet I still strived to become a hero no matter the obstacle that blocked my path. It was only 11 months ago that something happened which lead me to get my quirk" he added dramatically and was his voice getting deeper, the others wondered.

"I was dragged into a gate against my will and there I witnessed hell."

"Ngghh/What/Kkkuhhh" we're the reactions of the others to his statement

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Midoriya-kun, but did you say a gate? Did you mean a portal perhaps?" asked Nezu

"You know what a gate is?" asked a surprised Izuku

"Yes. Unfortunately, these 'gates' as you call them have been appearing here and there for a few months now. Thankfully we have been able to keep it all under wraps so we didn't alert the public, we have had pro heroes going into them and learned that defeating the strongest creature there would close the portal. It does take a full team of pro heroes to clear and it is quite dangerous, I cannot imagine what you witnessed when you were dragged into one unwillingly." Said Nezu

Izuku's head fell, his hair shadowing his eyes, recalling what happened in that dungeon but his thoughts were interrupted when he realised something in what Nezu said. "What do you mean gates have been appearing, I thought I was the only one that can go into them."

"It's just as I said, they have been appearing and we have done everything we can to close them immediately and quietly."

"I see." Said Izuku who slumped on the couch, hopefully no one had died going into the gates since he's had his close calls as well. He looked at the three and decided that he was going to tell them about his first gate.

"It was after school… I was on the way home and I was dragged into a gate…" said Izuku garnering their attention even more as he retold his story of his first gate with terrifying accuracy from the deaths of the people around him, the betrayal, how he saved that girl from dying, how he lost his leg and was pierced by a halberd through his torso.

"I woke up in my room sometime after it and my mother found me in front of our door unconscious and unharmed."

"That's quite the story young Midoriya, I'm sorry you had to go through what you did." Said All might who put his hand on the teens shoulder

"I got my quirk from that. It's turned my life into a walking video game you could say, I have stats and all that, even skills. I used it during the quirk test, it's called Reaper's Gaze and it subjects anyone to my killing intent and bloodlust."

"When you say like a video game, you mean like an actual video game? Asked Aizawa

"Yeah, I level up and everything, I had to train every day to get my body stronger if I wanted to become a hero like All might. I was surprised that you said that gates started spearing since part of how I got stronger is me clearing them." He said which surprised them even more

"Young Midoriya, you can't really expect us to believe that you have a video game quirk." Said All might only to be cut off by Aizawa

"Midoriya did you just say that you clear the gates? By yourself?" asked Aizawa

"Yeah, I did. It wasn't easy, but I was able to clear it and kill the boss monster."

"I see, that would explain the killing intent and bloodlust I felt from you." Said Aizawa which got a nod of confirmation from Izuku. "What was the thing you did with the shadows then, is that part of your quirk?"

"It's part of my quirk, I had to get stronger by myself so everything is using my physical strength, the shadow thing is an amplifier if you could call it that. I can also do some other things with my quirk, but I prefer to fight in my normal state unless I have to use my quirk." Said the boy

"We understand Midoriya-kun, I think it would be best if we continue this at another time." Said Nezu as he got off his chair and walked over to All might and proceeded to climb up the man until he sat atop the man's shoulder. "Thank you for coming here to talk to us, I do apologise for keeping you behind after classes. If we have any more questions regarding your quirk, we will come to you about it, so you have nothing to worry about. Regarding the gates, we would like to know more about them because that information will be very important in keeping heroes and civilians safe."

Izuku nodded to the principal and stood up from the couch and nodded to All might and Aizawa, making sure that all his stuff was with him, he made his way to the door and left the room.

Once Izuku left the room, All might began steaming which caught the attention of the other two people left in the room. All might then transformed into a smaller frail looking man who coughed into his hand and blood sprayed from his mouth.

"Thank you for ending the talk there Nezu, I didn't know if I could hold my transformation any longer." Said the deflated hero to his colleagues, Nezu who got off him before he deflated just nodded to the man.

"It's not a problem Toshinori, I noticed that you were losing your composure, so it was best to send Midoriya home. I am worried about the boy from his story, we need to check it out and see if there are any reports about it, would you be able to contact Detective Tsukauchi?"

"Yes, so long as he isn't busy with a case at the moment, he will be able to help us."

"Good, that's all we can ask of him for now. I believe it would be fine to have Midoriya here, I think that we should do further evaluations on him to fully gauge out his strength, maybe have one of us go with him into one of the gates to see how he performs."

"I refuse." Said Aizawa butting in before Nezu can say anymore "We cannot knowingly put students in danger like that, we are supposed to groom them to be the next generation of heroes. Regardless of his experience with the gates, I will not let him go into another one."

"Very well, a simple evaluation should be enough for now. I already have an idea what it should be." Said Nezu who went back to his chair, swivelling it to face the other two and put his paws together in a menacing manner.

Back with Izuku, he had left the principal's office and was walking down the hallway of UA deep in thought. "That presence I sensed that was with Aizawa-sensei earlier at the PE grounds was All might. We're they keeping an eye on me?" He asked himself "Even if they were, I need to be more careful of telling anyone else about my quirk, I think it's fine for them to know since they're pro heroes. What worries me the most is the fact that gates have been popping up and the pros have been dealing with them in secret, how are they opening without a key or powers from Jin-woo? I find it hard to believe that Jin-woo would do that kind of thing so it must mean someone found a way to open gates into the chaos world from what Jin-woo called it." Eyes narrowing, he grits his teeth, Izuku didn't like the fact that other people had been going into gates like he had. He didn't want to let anyone else experience what he had gone through, at least it was the pros that we're clearing them and hopefully no cone had gotten killed because of the gates. Exiting the building, he stood in front of the school and looked up to the sky which had an orange hue from the sun setting slowly allowing the dusk of night to take over.

"Something is happening… Gates don't appear out of nowhere from my experience without a key or something to open them like how I go into them, there's another factor in this… What in the world could possibly open a gate to the chaos world?" he said quietly to himself, closing his eyes and exhaling deeply he decided that it was best to head home for now, it won't make a difference if he kept thinking about this without any more information. Too absorbed in his own thoughts he had not noticed someone in the vicinity that heard what he said even as quiet as he said it.

-The next day—

Opening the front door of his home, Izuku stepped outside to start his daily routine, stretching his limbs he then set out for a run towards Dagobah Beach where he decided it would be his training area and since its 5am and school doesn't start until 8:40am so had had time to spare and no one would be around at the beach since it would be too early. Running lightly on the spot he then went into a full sprint towards the beach, he soon reached his destination and began his routine of sit-ups, push-ups, curl-ups, squats, punches and kicks. The run he had to get here covered the running portion of his routine and the rest were just warmups to him before he started training.

Taking deep breaths to get his breathing in control and focusing himself, Izuku started stretching again to relax his muscles, he then decided to start with the real training.

"Come Forth Igris." He commanded, and an apparition of a knight with a long red plume emerged from Izuku's shadow kneeling to the teen. Igris' had changed slightly from when he was still with Jin-woo, before he was a shadow with blue energy within its mix of darkness, but now instead of blue he had green energy, maybe it was to symbolise the change in master or Izuku's mana was green in colour.

"Sorry for keeping you cooped up in my shadow for so long without letting you out Igris." Said Izuku but got no reply from the shadow soldier which was another difference from before, from last time he was able to speak but now he wasn't capable of talking.

"Must be something to do with his level decreasing to suit mine." Thought Izuku scratching his head in contemplation.

"Anyway, I called you out to help me train, since I won't be able to go into gates more often now because of school. I thought this would be the best way to keep my senses sharp and to get stronger, we'll be having a match between us with no weapons for now since this will be the first time that I get to fight you, there are a few rules that I'd like to add though." He said before starting to list out his rules

"First, try to keep damage to a medium and don't go overboard, we don't need to destroy the beach and the surrounding area in our fight, and we need to keep it low key, so we don't alert anyone."

"Second, if we do alert someone and they come here to check it out and finds us, let me handle it and don't attack them."

"Third, I will be setting a time limit with the use of my phone for how long we will spar because I still need to get to school for class." He finished and looked at Igris in expectation and got a nod of confirmation

"Great, I'll put the timer for 30 minutes for now and will increase it for next time." Said Izuku, pulling out his phone and putting a timer for 30 minutes and placed it a safe distance away from them with max volume so they can hear when the alarm goes off.

Facing Igris, Izuku settled into the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist stance. "I don't have enough practice and experience with this style, so this is a great chance to gain both." He thought and readied himself for combat, studying his opponent intensely he noticed that Igris was easily taller than him by a lot, how much he couldn't tell. Even as a shadow, his armour might prove to be a problem if he was to use a weapon but with his fists it shouldn't be much of a problem.

Opening the fight by rushing his opponent, throwing a punch to the shadow's abdomen he found his attack blocked and his hand was in Igris' grasp, izuku then tried to kick Igris' head only for his leg to get grabbed as well and he was thrown back by his opponent. Correcting himself mid-air before he landed, he safely landed on his feet only to find Igris had followed along with him and was right in front of Izuku, Igris threw his own punch at Izuku but was deflected before the attack could land.

Skidding backwards and spreading his weight evenly to keep himself firmly on the ground, he again took on his fighting stance and blasted back into action going full speed at Igris and launching a flurry of blows which was matched by his contender. Even though they were somewhat holding back the ground beneath them was shaking from their exchange, the sand would pick up and get thrown into the air every time their fists met that released a small shockwave.

"So far, we're even but that won't last, Igris' limbs are longer, and his strikes are picking up on speed and they're getting stronger with each hit." Thought Izuku, finding an opening he kicked Igris away and followed in pursuit, landing a hit on his abdomen that caused Igris to hunch forward, Izuku grabbed the knights helmet and plume and then kicked his legs, manoeuvring himself using his opponents head a pivot to flip forward and land behind Igris and pull the head in his grasp to him causing Igris to also get flipped over. Izuku let go with one hand and let the other to continue holding on to the shadows helmet and punched Igris in the face sending him sprawling back, not letting up he launched upwards coming down towards Igris. Seeing his master descending upon him in his downed state, Igris got his hands next to his head and used them as leverage to lift himself up legs pointing towards Izuku and kicked his master in the chest stopping the attack, continuing his assault he kicked Izuku to the side and got back up on his feet.

Izuku also stood back up to face Igris but he held the side of his face with his hand, rubbing it to sooth the side of his face that was just kicked and to bring some feeling back to that side of his face.

"Shit, that hurts" he said still rubbing his face and spat out a small glob of blood on the sand beneath him, Izuku couldn't help but smile since this is what he wanted, it's been so boring lately since he hasn't gone into any dungeons with everything that's been happened lately so this small spar with Igris made him feel alive, cracking his neck and looking at Igris he prepared to get back into the fight, his eyes gaining its signature green glow as the surrounding area around them seemed to darken he launched himself back at Igris.

-First Period-

"Alright class, can anyone tell me where the mistake is in this next example of an English sentence…" said Present mic at the front of the classroom with an English book in hand.

"This is so normal…" thought all the students in the room being taught by present mic

"WHO KNOWS THE ANSWER!? EVERYBODY HANDS UP AND RAISE THEM HIGH!" screamed their teacher. Izuku had his chin resting on his right palm, his mind racing, thoughts clouded his thinking.

"The past participle is in the wrong place so the answer would be number 4…" he mumbled to no one, looking around the room he saw his classmates were somewhat bored while Iida was incredibly engrossed in the lecture, he then noticed a girl with short purple hair and what looked like headphone jacks coming from her ears. She was looking at him, more like peeking at him curiously but she was still looking, as soon as she noticed that Izuku had noticed her, her eyes widened and immediately changed the direction of where she as looking to Present mic.

"Weird." He thought and looked at the clock that was hanging above the door "This class is almost over. Before noon we have normal lessons for all the required subjects we have to take, after that we have lunch at the mess hall, and then after lunch in the afternoon we will have our daily foundational heroic studies."

-After Lunch back in 1-A classroom—

"It's me! Coming through the door like a normal person!" announced All might who came into the room dressed in his Silver Age hero costume.

"I can't believe it! All might is really going to be teaching us!"

"That design! It's his silver age costume!" The whole class of 1-A couldn't believe the fact that All might would be teaching the heroics segment of their lectures, it was bound to be a good lesson when the number 1 hero was their teacher.

"Welcome to the foundational hero studies! For this class, we will be building up your foundations as a hero through trials! Not to mention you'll get tons of credit for it as well! Hahahaha!" said All might in front of the students "Let's get right to it! It's time for a trial of combat!" he added while pulling out a card from nowhere which had the word combat written on it and pointing it towards the students.

"Combat!" said the students collectively

"To go with your first battle, we have prepared your hero gears that we had you send in requests for, to match your quirks!" said All might as parts of the wall started to come outwards holding cases with numbers imprinted on each.

"Our battle gears! Awesome!" said Kirishima in excitement and the gears were distributed to each person in number of their seating order.

"Get changed and get ready to go! Everyone gather at ground beta! From here on out, you're all officially heroes!" finished All might who left them to get changed and to meet them at ground beta.

"I'm going to have to hold back a bit since I don't think my classmates would be able to handle anything too serious like my spar with Igris this morning" thought Izuku as he rubbed his side remembering the beating he got this morning, even though they were somewhat even, Igris was somehow always able to one up him. Izuku couldn't imagine how good Igris would be if he was to use his weapon instead of his fists, there was no way he would be able to beat the shadow soldier so thinking about it, he gave Igris a pretty big handicap in their fight.

"If me and Igris were to fight seriously, I wouldn't last a minute against him… I still have a long way to go even when I've gotten this strong, not to mention the monsters in gates can also be stronger than me. I need to push myself harder than before if I want to become a hero capable of protecting everyone." Thought Izuku as he picked up his costume case and headed to the changing rooms to get changed for the combat trials.