While I browsed through FF, I discovered a ton of amazing Ron-Stoppable Fiction. The result? I got addicted and now I am craving for more. In order to give a little bit back, here is my attempt. May my story bring you joy as much as the stories of Ron Stoppable brought to me.

Chapter 1 Grounded

"While I must admit that your new super-powered armor is the most badical thing I have ever seen. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LIED TO ME!" Ron said in a loud and angry voice.

Though it seemed that none present heard that at the end of Ron Stoppable's

His best friend since pre-k, Kim Possible, the girl who can do anything, lied to him.

In fact, at that realization, Ron Stoppable, also known as Sidekick and creator of the Naco, a heavenly meal that he created by combining Tacos and Nachos, felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Not due to the fact that Kim didn't accompany him with his original goal of collecting as many sweets for a single year by doing Trick and Treat but instead due to a certain realization that she simply used the excuse of being with him to go to a Halloween party.

She even told him that the reason why she couldn't do Trick and Treat with him was due to the fact that she had to go with her mother on some kind of hospital Halloween party.

Which he naturally understood as her best friend.

However, in the end, it turned out that she didn't even tell him and then went to the Halloween party where her crush Josh Mankey would appear.

It was true that he was jealous of Josh Mankey and hated him due to the fact that in his heart he loved Kim Possible.

And adding onto the fact that Mankey almost sounded like Monkey, the animal of which Ron Stoppable had a huge Phobia, Ron didn't have the best impression towards the crush of his best friend.

Nevertheless, Ron understood that as the best friend, he needed to wish the best for Kim Possible and even encouraged her.

'But to simply use me as an easy excuse to go to a party? KP, I thought we were best friends… I mean I would understand that…'

Ron thought with a seemingly empty feeling in his chest.

With a rather empty look, Ron watched how his best friend since Pre-k, Kim Possible, got lectured by her parents about a lesson of honesty and her behavior.

"Kimberly Ann Possible. I can't believe you lied to us. This is not about you. Innocent people could be hurt as those villains could pose a real threat." Mr. Possible spoke in a fatherly voice.

"I mean duh. You could easily tell Ron. I mean he is your best friend. He would have understood." spoke a boy that was dressed in a gruesome and scary zombie costume.

"Yeah, I mean Mom and Dad would have understood your wishes and you didn't have to lie." continued another boy that stood next to the almost identical zombie boy.

"I can't believe that even the tweebs are ratting me out…" sighed Kim Possible.

"And I hope you know what that means for you young lady." Continued Mr. Possible.

"I sense something that has the word grounded coming my way." Replied Kim Possible in a tone that accepted her fault.

"Do you also sense one month, starting from right now?" continued Mr. Possible.

"One whole Month?" Kim Possible sighed.

Just as it couldn't get worse for her, Josh Mankey walked towards her and spoke:

"Too bad you are grounded. I thought we could have gone back to the party together."

With a wry smile, Kim Possible replied to Josh Mankey and spoke in a seemingly sad and yet happy voice: "I'd love to. Can't."

Ron Stoppable stared at the wrily smiling Kim Possible and felt how his chest seemed to transform into a bottomless abyss.

He stared at his almost empty bag that he wanted to fill on this Halloween night.

First, his best friend lied to him and now he had to see this thing happening.

'Get yourself together Ron. Ron-man is someone that wants to see KP happy. Besides, she is grounded so…'

Ron felt bad as he realized that he was jealous.

Instead, he simply walked up to the handsome youth that was Josh Monkey and spoke:

"You know Josh. I have a list of every single available household that does T&T in the upper-, middle- and lowerton. But you have to wear this."

In the last sentence, he picked the other half of the horse costume that was meant for Kim Possible.

"You mean Trick and Treat? Sweet!" replied Josh Mankey with a broad smile and left with Ron Stoppable.

Though Ron felt the empty abyss in his chest, his face still had the usual Ron-smile painted on it.

In the end, the night was a successful one. Two full bags of candy and sweets were the loot he acquired with Josh Mankey. Thus both split the loot into two and went their own way.

Now, many people would actually be jealous and dislike the crush of your Pre-k friend who didn't know you had a crush on her.

But Ron Stoppable wanted Kim Possible to be happy. After all, that is what best friends do.

And now, after spending time with Josh Mankey, Ron Stoppable sadly came to the conclusion that Josh Mankey was a decent guy.

To be honest, he wasn't only decent. He was nice, handsome, was well known in a couple of neighborhoods in a positive manner and had aspiring goals as well as activities.

For example, he was the lead singer of a garage band, an artist and had an aspiring goal to change the world to a better place.

Compared to most guys? A man amongst man. Someone that young female teenager definitely dreamed about.

In other words:

An absolute keeper.

Not only that: it seemed that Josh Mankey was actually a really romantic guy as well.

Dreaming of real love and hopefully having someone to share your life with. Besides he still didn't have a girlfriend and waited for the so-called right one. Even with him being known as a "hottie" in Middleton High School.

That was a guy that Ron Stoppable couldn't compare to.

He had the things that he was absolutely serious about, food, his pet naked mole-rat Rufus and making Kim Possible smile.

In the last part, Ron Stoppable dived into a full nostalgic trip.

"Will you always be at my side, Ron?" a young girl with fire red hair asked this question to a young blond boy.

"Naturally KP, I will be always there to make you smile!" replied the blond boy with a huge grin on his face that was filled with freckles.

*Slap* *Slap*

Slapping both of his cheeks, Ron Stoppable sat on his bed in the dark night.

"Keep yourself together. After all, you are Ron-man. And Ron-man only wants the best for KP." Spoke Ron Stoppable in a broad smile.

The only light source being the pale moon that shone into the room and the dim stars next to it caused it to possess a seemingly mystical and calm feeling.

A blond young teenager tried to smile in this certain situation.

Yet the blond teenager known as Ron Stoppable could feel how his usual Pep-talk didn't work.

"Stupid thing. Stupid Monkey. Stupid Ron. It is impossible for such an amazing girl like Kim to have eyes for me… right?" the last part was only whispered as Ron Stoppable glanced into the black night that was shone upon by moonlight and starlight.

He still sat on his bed, the acquired loot bag that was filled with sweets was laying next to his bed and dirty laundry he was too lazy to move.

Something seemed to make the moonlight blurry.

Moving his hand towards his eyes, Ron could feel some water on his hands.