AN: A super late but still on time happy birthday to my Aries boi, Bakugou! I love my gremlin.
Summary: Sometimes you stumble upon things you shouldn't see or maybe that's just what destiny is by another name. And for Ochako, it's definitely more than she expected on an already dangerous night. Kacchako w/slight Kirimina/established Tododeku. Todochako/Bakucamie fam dynamics. Supernatural/Modern Day au.
From The Ashes
"Are you sure that those witches didn't just send you on a wild goose chase for wolfsbane and wild garlic?" a freckle-cheeked male warily questions right as she could hear a rattling coming from his end.
"Is the silver strong enough on those chains?" a young female asks in a concerned tone.
"Ochako, this isn't about me"
"Says the guy who's chained to an ancient oak tree and is about to have his entire skeletal system rearranged by the full moon, I-zu-ku" she teasingly says, breaking down his name into syllables in a sing-song tone.
Izuku loudly huffs causing his front wavy bangs to momentarily move away from his face. "Y'know I love you with all my heart but what are the odds of you finding some mystical mushroom for your witchy soup on a full moon compared to any other lunar cycle?"
He deadpans, shaking his head, "I just don't feel comfortable knowing that you're roaming the woods alone at the dead of night while I lose all rational thought of not mangling you should we cross paths because I won't be able to tell the difference"
Ochako playfully rolls her eyes, "Izu, I'll be fine. We're no where near each other and I have your boyfriend, aka my brother on speed dial should you accidentally bite me"
"It won't be accidental" he huffs again with a small uncomfortable hiss while rattling his chains to test their strength.
She ignores his pessimism. "We made an anti-venom from your own gross thick spit the last time you turned into a feral dog. Relax"
Izuku playfully scoffs, "watch it, vampire"
"Only half, thank you" she giggles, "I promise not to wander for too long. Now, are your chains okay or are you bleeding through your clothes?"
"I'm fine, it's just my wrists causing me discomfort but I'll be fine. I'm more worried about the fact that you're trying to find nonexistent unicorn tears and phoenix ashes while I'm a ticking time bomb"
Ochako stuck out her tongue at him as her feet crunched leaves and twigs as she made her way through the winding woods. "We just went over this. Shouto is my failsafe, remember?"
She watched as Izuku's head fell back against the bark of the tree as he let out a deep sigh. "I hate how much I love that idiot" Izuku says as he closes his eyes with a low grunt rumbling in his throat.
"And he loves you with every fiber of his being. Don't forget I love you too. It's almost time, isn't it?" she asks as she mentally cringes at the first sounds of her best friend's bones breaking.
"Mmhmm" was the only response he could manage to let out as she paused her trek to set to take out her phone and text her brother to get ready.
"I hate seeing you in pain so I'll have Sho find you in the morning and I'll heal your wounds" Ochako hesitated to dissipate her spell allowing her to see him as they talked.
"G-GooOOOD ni-niiiiGHT" Izuku half growled out as his eyes flashed a vibrant bright green as his fangs began to take shape.
The hybrid witch couldn't stand seeing his monthly transformations. She always stayed up late talking to him to help distract him from the pain. An immeasurable excruciating pain that the young wolf was told would subside and one that he'd grow accustomed to over the years. He had his first shift at fifteen and now at eighteen, they haven't gotten any easier to deal with.
As her vision of him disappeared, her orb of light returned to being her main source of light in a very dark woods. In the distance, she heard a strong howl that made her skin crawl, recognizing it as Izuku's. "Right, gotta be fast" she reminds herself not wanting to get stuck dealing with a werewolf when she's searching for her missing ingredients.
Ochako rummages through her messenger bag, shuffling plants and herbs she collected earlier out of the way as she takes out her small list written on parchment paper. She checks off her most recent finds and double checks that she's only missing one more ingredient.
A pesky little white glowing truffle that only grows on the underside of fallen tree trunks and harvest the energy of full moons. It was one of the more annoying fungi to get but Ochako would rather do the work herself than pay triple the price it's worth at the marketplace just because it posed as a challenge.
She set her list back into her bag and took out her compass out instead. Protruding her fangs, she pricked her right index finger to drip a couple of blood drops onto her compass to help her locate the cloaked fungi grove - a mysterious location that has a tendency of moving areas every month.
Again, annoying 'mystical' mushroom as Izuku had put it.
"Alright, this is good. At least it's taking me further away from Izu" Ochako peps herself up seeing as the compass was pushing her further north. Delving deeper into the woods, she lets her guide and her glowing light sphere take her away.
"Are you sure you want to be the one to do this, Dear?" a man with a perfectly groomed mustache asks his wife, a woman with ash blond hair.
The couple was standing in their kitchen. The man waiting for his wife's answer as she took a medium sized knife out of a wooden knife block. She was aiming for sharpness rather than size as she took a deep breath, turning to face her husband.
"Yes because you get fuckin' squeamish at the sight of blood" she darkly chuckles as she chants a quick invisibility spell on the knife and reassures her husband by getting closer to cup his stubby cheek. "He's our son, Masaru. He'll survive this"
Masaru reluctantly agrees. "I just hate that his nineteenth birthday has to start like this"
"Yeah well, better it be us than some shitty witch from the Aries coven trying to test out their luck" she reminds him as they walk out the kitchen together. "You remember the plan, Honey?"
Masaru nods, "I prepare the bath and you," he gulps, "take care of business"
"Damn right" she wickedly grins as they both head upstairs and then part ways to do their tasks.
Mitsuki slowly opened her son's bedroom door making sure it wouldn't creak so loud to alert him. She made her way into the carpeted room, hearing the crescendo of snores coming from her very much alive son.
She took a second to admire her son, glancing down at her only child as he slept. She wished he could remain blissfully unaware of his future; that Masaru's family lineage had miraculously skipped him. But it hadn't and his scorching skin was proof enough.
If she didn't do this, her precious son would greatly physically suffer the consequences until a freak accident or someone with ill intentions triggered him.
Mitsuki would prefer to have the ritual done in the comfort of home but she also didn't like the idea of doing it in his room. She hesitates for a second longer as she licked her lips and leans over his bed to lightly shrug him awake.
"Get up, you Lil' Shit" she affectionately says as she hears him grumble after the third shake.
"Fuck, let me sleep ya Old Hag!"
"Ha, in your dreams. Punk"
"What's sooo" he yawns as he sits up, "damn important?"
"I need you to follow me, Katsuki" his mother tells him, using his given name.
He knew that whenever she did, it was because she was serious. He kicks her out of his room in order to put some sweatpants and an old black t-shirt on. Once he was ready, he grabbed a pair of sneakers and slipped them on at the front entrance of their home.
Katsuki didn't see his dad downstairs so he figured he was probably asleep which is what he could've been doing now if his random as hell mother didn't wake his ass up.
Ochako stuck out her tongue in concentration as she tried to reach into the the unknown. She successfully managed to find the pesky truffle she was after but they were hidden inside a fallen trunk. Just as she suspected they would be.
Leaning over the trunk, she ignored the discomfort of rough tree bark and damp moss against her body as she courageously dived in with her left arm plunging into the depths of the tree. She blindly felt her way around until she touched something fuzzy and something was telling her that that wasn't a fungus.
Rapidly taking her hand out, she sees the spider latched onto her forearm and quickly shakes it off. Spider venom was almost completely harmless to her but their bite still packed a punch.
She took a second to inspect herself, seeing no puncture wounds to her immediate relief. Once that was dealt with, Ochako dove in again and plucked as many truffles she could get with a single handful. She wasn't going to take more than she needed and if she collected enough for a second or third use - even better.
Witches gain magic from nature and the earth itself. Taking more than she needed would be just plain greedy.
Carefully packing up her stuff, she makes sure everything is still intact and not accidentally having fallen out from a hole in her bag. Her bag was as old as she can remember with a patchwork of several fabrics keeping it going strong.
"I'm heading" she begins typing a message out to her brother, "home now. Please watch over Izu" she says out loud to herself as she clicks the 'send' button.
Ochako was about to turn around and head back in the same direction she came in when she suddenly saw a flash of red and orange through tall bushes.
Curious as a cat, she decided to investigate. She'd be trekking home for a while in the woods anyways. What's another five minutes?
Following the ghost of a flame, she keeps her distance shrouded in the darkness of the woods as she sees a young man and an older woman standing in a new clearing that she's unfamiliar with.
"Is this far enough or were you not planning on telling me where the fuck we're going?" Katsuki sarcastically barks as he sees his mother stop walking.
She led them to a clearing in the middle of the woods not too far from their home. The clearing and surrounding woods was a place he has grown familiar with over the years - having grown up in a very secluded area.
His parents claimed it was because they were just that much fond of being country folks, having grown tired of the bustling city life. Katsuki knew it was utter bullshit.
He couldn't speak for his dad but he knew his mom was wary of the fire covens.
"Quit being such a smartass" Mitsuki amusedly chuckled, "otherwise you'll never stop convincing me that you're mine"
Katsuki rolled his eyes, "I almost wish I were adopted. You had me watch my own birth video you sick freak"
"Someday I hope you'll do the same for me" she stopped laughing and gave him a weird somber smile.
She was starting to worry him a bit. "Like I want kids" Katsuki declared. What the hell was she spouting out. Did she take him all the way out here just to have a heart to heart? Not that he didn't mind those. For as much as they got under each other's skin - Katsuki had a soft spot for his mom.
Of course he loved her but god was she annoying and embarrassing.
"I know none of this makes sense, especially on the eve of your birthday" Mitsuki begins.
"It's already my birthday" Katsuki cuts in, checking the starry sky for confirmation. By his guess, it was definitely past midnight.
"Whatever, just hear me out"
"Fine, I'm listening"
"I love you so very much Katsuki, don't you ever forget that. You're a pain in my ass too but above all, you're my son and nothing will ever change that"
Katsuki was about to tease her but just as quickly shut his mouth when his mom walked back and came closer to him.
He frowned at the way the moon's reflection glimmered off her unshed tears. Now his heart was starting to race. What the hell was going on?
Mitsuki moved as if she was going to embrace him and give him that hug that he assumed she was going to give him when she uncloaked the hidden knife and briefly closed her eyes.
With a shaky breath and the sound of her son's surprised gasp, she plunged the knife into his lower abdomen, twisting the knife once before pulling it out with a small squelch.
She refused to open her eyes as she allowed the hot tears to roll down at the sound of his lifeless body dropping with a soft thud.
"Happy birthday, son"
In the distance beyond, Ochako clasped her hands against her mouth as she gasped.
Done! To be continued.
Ohohoho. I'm sure y'all have a bunch of questions. And they will be answered in due time. Like all my fics and ideas - I honestly don't know how long this will be but it'll be fun to figure that out as this story progresses!
For anyone reading my other BNHA fics - updates will be coming soon! Don't worry, I haven't suddenly ditched my other stories. I'm just hella slow at updating.
Ps. Y'all can argue all you want on whether the birthday gremlin is an Aries or a Taurus or a Cusp baby but to me he'll always be identified as an Aries. Thank you.
Come find me over on twitter at: vanity_skyyy.
I don't own Katsuki Bakugou nor Ochako Uraraka and all other characters mentioned or those that will be used in this fic – Boku No Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi.