Hey, this is an AU set in Kim Possible set twenty years after the end of the series. Please leave a review on telling me what you think and how I could improve.


A single figure runs across the roof tops of Paris, moving through the shadows and using gear to climbed to the top of a high-end apartments. They look around while on top of a skylight, putting on night goggles to look down into the building and seeing a large diamond in a display case. They took out a diamond cutter and made a large circle, spraying mist into the place to see lasers. They took out a small sphere device and placed it on the roof, pressing it to unleash a EMP blast to cover the roof. Once that was done, they slid down into the room on a roof and used the glass cutters to open the case. They reached into it and took the diamond, climbing up to the top of the roof.

"Stop at this moment." yelled out a voice when the figure got to the top of the roof and they turned to look at a female spy weighing a purple tactical suit that hugged her figure tightly with a laser gun at her hip. Her long red hair tied back in a ponytail and her green eyes in a glare to the thief.

"Yeah, you should just give up if you know what's best for you." a voice said from the other side of the rook and they turned to look, see a male also wearing a purple tactical suit with a bo staff on his back. The suit hugged his slight muscular body and his blue eyes were in confident look on his eyes with his arms cross in front of him. The figure looked at them both, seeing they were ready to take them out and taking a deep breath before charging towards one of the sides where they wouldn't at.

"Not so fast." she yelled out loud pulling out her laser and fired it to them, but they doudged them with out any effort and throwing smoke bombs. Covering the roof with smoke and making seeing him hard.

"Oh, that won't work." the male said drawing his staff from his back and began to spin it as fast as he could, blowing the smoke away and revealed the two of them were alone on the roof. This shocked them both with the female putting her hand to her watch.

"Scan for any life signatures." she said and waited for the tech support to answer her while they both stayed on guard.

"Nothing but you two." he answered as they were confused and looked at each other while putting their guards down when the air around them began to blow, looking up they saw a space jet flying over them with the figure in it. They held up the diamond to taunt them before flying off and leaving them annoyed at him.

"We need a jet to chase him." she yelled in the watch.

"Wait, we can't." the male said and walked towards her as she looked at him confused.

"What? WHy not?" she asked him confused as to what he meant to why they could chase after the thief.

"It's first day of school in twelve hours." he said showing her his watch and she groaned before calling in a ride home.

That was it and I hope you enjoyed it. There's an app if you want to add a character to the fic. I need heroes and villains.




Body type:






Normal Clothes:

Gear Outfit:

Swim Suits:

Sleep Wear:

Any accessories:



Parents if their Characters?


Hero, Ally, or Villain?

Paired Up?

If yes, who?



Anything I missed?

Fill them out if you want person in and please leave a review to tell me how you think it's doing.