A/N: Apparently this is what happens when I've been quarantined for too long: Caskett smut. I really want to take the time to thank everyone who supported me and my writing on twitter this week, it truly meant the world to me and gave me the confidence to open up a new blank document. I honestly don't think this small fic would exist without you, so thank you!
Also, a huge thanks to Becca for being the best beta and Linda for cheering me on!
I hope you and your families are all are all safe during these hard times and that perhaps this fic can bring a bit of light your way.
Set early season 5: Pandemic AU where Caskett are not quarantined together.
It's her first day off in over a week and she can feel the bone deep exhaustion wearing her down. This pandemic has been chaotic to say the least. The precinct has been buzzing with activity, her squad – and probably the entire NYPD, if she's being honest – has been responding to crisis after crisis for days. Gates ordered her home for the weekend, saying she was no good to her or to the team if she didn't get any rest.
Beckett lets herself sink into the soft, welcoming cushions of her couch, closing her eyes for a second and taking the time to breathe. This whole thing is a nightmare. People are scared, and rightfully so, but people also do the craziest of things when they fear for their lives. Like murder. Yeah, it's been a rough week.
And the one thing that's made all of this even harder to bear is the absence of her partner. The first thing Gates did after the mayor declared a state of emergency was send home all non-essential personnel, and of course, she was all too happy to include Castle as part of that category.
"This is no time for civilian consultants. I expect you to go home, Mr. Castle. Now." The order had been clear.
She hasn't seen him in a week. He's been quarantined at the loft with Martha and Alexis. God, how she wishes she could have gone over there tonight. She misses him, and in these last few days she's found herself not only wishing he were at her side helping her solve crimes, but she's craved the warmth of his touch, the comfort of his arms around her, the taste of his lips when they wake up first thing in the morning. Castle is definitely rubbing off on her because she's sappy now, apparently.
Kate sighs deeply, frustrated, even though she understands perfectly why she can't go over to the loft right now. She's exposed to so many people every day in her line of work, she'd be putting not only him, but his entire family at risk. She'd never knowingly jeopardize their health. So, she's back home, in her quite apartment, but somehow it feels lonelier than ever.
The cushion beside her vibrates and Kate looks down to see the lockscreen of her phone light up. A smile tugs at the corner of her lips when she sees it's a text from Castle.
You home yet?
They've been texting lot. Castle has been bored out of his mind during this quarantine and he's begged her to share information from her cases to keep him occupied.
Yeah, just got in. She sends back, and it's barely a few seconds before he answers.
I wish you were here instead. She smiles at that, almost rolls her eyes because even when he's half way across the city it seems like he can read her mind.
I know, me too.
She bites down on her bottom lip as she presses send. She's not usually this open or transparent… but she really has missed him. This thing between them is still relatively new, and although she can admit now that it was years coming, she's still cautious. Castle has managed to climb most of her walls, he's closer to her heart than anyone's ever been and she's had the words on the tip of her tongue for a while now, building up in her chest, begging to be set free. She knows she loves him. She just needs to muster up the courage to tell him.
She feels her phone buzz again, only longer this time, and she picks up the call.
"Hey," she answers, a soft greeting as opposed to her clipped surname because she knows it's him.
"How are you?" he asks, and she can hear the genuine concern in his voice.
"Alright. It's not an easy situation for anyone."
"That's true," he concedes. "But I'd wager what you're dealing with is harder than most."
"Need I remind you that I see dead bodies on a daily basis?" She challenges, her tone teasing.
"Touché," he admits and Beckett laughs. It feels like the first time she's laughed in days, although Castle does make an effort to send her the silliest texts in what she knows is an effort to make her smile. "Have you eaten at least? It's…" he pauses, and she can practically see him checking his watch for the time, "a quarter past nine." She's momentarily distracted by the image of Castle her mind conjures, and she forgets to answer his question. He's probably sitting in his office, his sleeves rolled up, exposing his forearms, his talented hands-
Nope. No, she should not start thinking about his hands. Bad idea.
Castle takes her silence as an admission of guilt. "Beckett, please tell me you've eaten something today." She would never admit it if anyone asked, but she secretly likes it when he nags her about her eating habits, always making sure she's getting three meals a day. She hasn't had supper yet, but she did have lunch.
"There was pizza at the precinct for lunch," she knows he won't be happy with that answer, will probably push until she cooks herself a proper meal.
"You should cook something." Beckett smirks, called it. "I never understood how you manage to run yourself ragged without food. Aren't you hungry?" He asks, and it's kind of endearing the way he genuinely sounds so puzzled.
"Not for food." Oh.
Shit, did she just say that? Oh god, she hadn't meant to say that out loud, and honestly she has no idea where it even came from… although it may have had something to do with thinking about the wicked things Castle does with his hands, his long and dexterous fingers-
Okay yeah, she's definitely hungry for something other than food and apparently her brain-to-mouth filter was aware of that even before she was.
She hears Castle take in a sharp breath on the other end of the line and then groan. The now familiar sound sends sparks shooting down the length of her spine and Kate crosses her legs across the length of the couch.
"You're cruel, Beckett, you know that?" Her breath catches as his voice grows an octave deeper. "Do you have any idea how much I want you right now? I haven't seen you in over a week." Kate breathes out a small laugh at how desperate he sounds, but oh god it's true. They barely spent a night apart before all of this started, since they got together. It's been magnetic, their need for one another only growing stronger and bolder with each passing day. And now it's been a whole week and she can't even deny how much she misses him, misses his touch, his kiss, the fire he never fails to spark within her.
"I know," she agrees. "I want you, too." It's barely above a whisper but she knows Castle hears it. Kate feels her heartbeat grow faster, a flush blooming across her cheeks as a sudden wave of heat pulses through her. This is something they haven't done before, not over the phone. They've tried a lot of things, neither of them exactly shy in the bedroom and their bodies fit together so well, so perfectly, that they've pushed the limits, tested how high their pleasure could peak. It's been pretty extraordinary.
But this… they've always been together, so there was no need to talk through a phone. She can't have him, not right now, not in the way she would truly want, but ohhh now she knows exactly what she wants, knows precisely where she wants their night to go.
"Talk to me." The words slip out of her mouth before she can filter them, can think better of it, and Castle is all too willing.
"I wish you were here," he says again and Kate bites down on her bottom lip to keep quiet as the hand not currently holding the phone to her ear moves south, across her stomach and down to her abdomen, slipping under the material of her shirt. "Actually no," Castle rectifies. "I wish I was at your place. We'd be alone, just you and me." The low timbre of his voice sends a shiver rippling under his skin and she nods even though he can't see her.
"I'd make you supper first, even if you said you weren't hungry," he teases, and she smiles at that. "I'd have brought over a bottle of wine. That fancy one you like." She holds back a groan, she knows exactly the one he's talking about and she can practically taste the rich, dark, tangy substance on her tongue. "And after that, I'd take you back to your bedroom."
Kate's hand moves down to her thighs, deliberately avoiding the aching heat growing between her legs. She wants to draw this out, let his voice and words wash over her. His words have always held so much power over her.
"And then?" she prompts, and she'd curse herself for how breathy it sounds if she didn't want this, want him, so damn much. She thinks she can hear him rise up from where is was sitting on the other end of the line, hears his steps as he heads towards their – his – bedroom. Shit, when did she let herself start thinking about it as theirs? He hasn't even asked her to move into the loft yet.
Kate pushes the thought to the back of her mind, willing herself not to overthink and instead concentrates of the soft sound of the rustling of the sheets she knows all too well as he gets settled in bed. "And then I'd tell you how extraordinary you are, and I'd kiss you, long and slow and deep until we'd both run out of air." Kate sighs, almost just as he's described, almost as though she's gasping for breath after their kiss. And suddenly she's way too warm in her day clothes, feels trapped in her work pants. She doesn't want to be on the couch for this.
"Wait," she asks and practically bolts up from the couch and heads to her own bedroom. Castle doesn't say a word but then again, he probably knows exactly what she's doing. Kate puts the phone on the nightstand and quickly strips off her clothes, getting completely bare before lifting the covers. Her nipples are pebbled as she takes off her bra and the traces of her arousal are already visible in her underwear but she doesn't care. She picks up the phone when she's settled, a few pillows slightly propping up her upper body.
"What about after the kiss?" She asks, picking up right where Castle left off and she can hear his breath hitch.
"I'd let my lips trail down to your neck, peppering kisses there, maybe biting a little if you'd allow it, and then soothing the skin with my tongue." The skin of her neck tingles and she swallows hard, struggling to keep whatever is left of her composure. She can feel her rapid pulse pounding, a thin sheen of sweat covering her skin.
"I'd take off your clothes, slowly peeling them off your body and let my lips touch every new patch of skin I uncovered, licking at your collarbone as I took off your shirt." Oh god. He's taking his time, speaking the words slowly, his voice low and seductive. He knows exactly what this is doing to her. She can feel the wetness pooling between her thighs, yearning for his touch.
"Kate," her name tumbles from his lips in a breathy sigh and she whimpers. Her hand drifts down, fingers trailing softly across the inside of her right thigh where she's sensitive, so close to where she can feel the pressure and need building up inside her, teasing herself.
"Tell me what you'd do next, Castle," she encourages, all but begging him to continue, his words unravelling her from the inside out.
"I'd reach around your back and unfasten your bra, let it fall to the floor." She's almost panting now, her heart beating hard against her chest as liquid heat travels through her veins. "And then I'd put my mouth to your breast, lave over your nipple with my tongue until I could feel you growing impatient, until you made that little sound between a moan and a whimper and I knew you needed more." Her hand moves up to cover her own breast and sparks of electricity travel down to her core.
"Oh god, Castle." Her eyes are shut tight as she struggles not to give in, to just writhe against her own hand with his voice in her ear, urging her on and turning her into a complete mess.
"Kate-" He chokes around her name and she can hear the desperation in his voice. Thank god he's as far gone as she is because she doesn't think she can take this teasing for much longer. "Touch yourself for me." The tight coil of need in her abdomen contracts at his command and she moans, unbidden and desperate as she lets her fingers drift slightly to the left to where she needs them most.
"I am," she tells him, her voice hoarse with desire and her thighs shake when her middle finger slides over her clit. "You too," she instructs. "Imagine it's my hand around you." She's never thought of herself as particularly good at dirty talk, but she thinks she's at least mildly successful when she hears Castle gasp, his breath coming in quick pants.
She applies more pressure against her core, the thought of Castle touching himself while thinking about her, wishing it was her, is more of a turn on than she'd ever imagined.
"Fuck, Kate, I'm so close," he groans, and shit, so is she. Long pulses of heat push through her limbs and she can feel it down to her toes, the pressure building up inside her and she dips one finger past her entrance, imagines its hands touching her, pushing into her. "You're so gorgeous," he breathes. "I wish I could see you right now, see your hips as they grind against mine."
"Yes, Castle" she whimpers, so close now, his words propelling her towards blissful release.
"Your eyes shut tight from the powerful onslaught of pleasure, your mouth slightly parted as your body climbs and climbs." Oh god, it's like he can see her, like he's right there with her, inside her, watching and cataloging her every move, how her body responds to pleasure and she's right there, so close she can almost feel the wave about to crash over her.
"Don't stop, Castle, please just-"
"I'd take your mouth, kissing you as I drove into you. I'd pin one of your hands above your head, our fingers intertwined and I'd reach down with the other to brush at your centre until you came-" and then she does, his words pushing her right over the edge and it feels like she's in freefall. She's clutching the phone so tight in her hand, her entire body spasming in a wildfire of pleasure, her hips writhing against her own hand and she's pretty sure she's making an obscene amount of noise, but she truly can't bring herself to care.
In the distance she thinks she hears him come too, his voice muffled, her ears still ringing from the pleasure, but she can definitely make out the gruff sound of his voice, the groan and the litany of curses mixed in with her name.
And then they are silent for a moment, both catching their breaths, and the fact that he isn't here comes crashing back around her. This is when she'd normally turn into him, let their warm bodies cool against one another. Castle usually traces small patterns against her back with the tips of his fingers as she rests her head on his chest, breathing him in and she craves it fiercely; the comfort of his touch while their bodies wind down from the powerful high of orgasm.
"God, Kate, I miss you." He still sounds faintly out of breath, but the yearning in his voice tugs at her insides. "That was amazing."
A soft laugh bubbles up from her chest and she pulls the sheet up to her chin, turning onto her side. "Mhm, it was," she agrees. "And I miss you, too." It's times like these, when her body is loose and satiated, her mind at peace, that the words almost slip out of her. But she'll be damned if the first time she tells him she loves him is over the phone, so she swallows the words down.
"Beckett, I'm convinced we're going to have the greatest reunion sex when this is all over." She laughs again, louder this time and a little giddy with it, her body still high on endorphins.
"I have a feeling you might be right."
"Might be?" He says, feigning incredulity. "We just had the most explosive phone sex," he states, matter-of-factly. "Trust me, when I see you again, we won't be leaving the bed for days."
"I don't know, I think you'll probably want to leave the loft when this quarantine is over."
"Nope," he answers far too quickly, apparently sure of himself. "I'd quarantine any time with you, Beckett."
She laughs and just like that, she knows it'll be alright. They'll be alright.
Thank for reading! I'd love to know what you think!
- Zoe