Harry entered the reception canopy just after 6pm when dinner was scheduled to start. As he did a quick glance around the room, his eyes zeroed in on Ginny. It was hard not to miss her. After all, wasn't the point of a wedding that the bride was supposed to stand out amongst everyone? She was beautiful in her wedding dress. He had imagined over the years, what she would look like on her wedding day. While she looked just as beautiful as he had imagined, there was something about the image before him that didn't quite match what he had always visualized about their own wedding. That was probably appropriate since he was not currently the groom standing next to her.

- Two Months Earlier -

Harry and Ginny sat across from each other in a local coffee shop. It was one of their favorites that they frequented when they were dating. They had mutually decided to break up six months ago, insisting that they would remain good friends. They hadn't spent as much time together as they did before they had started a relationship. Though, going to the same boarding school, naturally meant closer proximity to each other. Now, as adults, their lives were not as tied together as they once were. It was best to give each other some space. He'd been a bit surprised when she had asked to meet him one-on-one that day. The topic of discussion was not one he had ever anticipated.

"Can you repeat that?" Harry asked.

"I'm seeing someone," Ginny replied, but that was only the abridged version of the words he thought he had just heard from her mouth.

"Yes, I heard that part. It's the part of who you said that you're seeing that I don't think I'm processing."

Ginny sighed. "Blaise. Blaise Zabini."

"I see. And how did that all come about?"

"Well, you know since Hermione started seeing Draco, his friends have been around us more. Blaise, in particular, has tagged along with him quite a bit. We got to talking when we were all hanging out and one thing led to another…"

Harry held his hand up to stop her from going further. "That's okay, I don't think I need more details than that."

"I'm sorry, that's not quite what I meant to say. What I meant was, Hermione and Draco could tell that we liked each other. They set us up on a double date with them. Not that we hadn't already unofficially done double dates with them, I suppose…"

Harry could tell that Ginny was growing uncomfortable because she was starting to ramble in order to fill the space. He was going to have to say something before she would stop. Though, he'd noted he would need to talk to Hermione at some point. Not that he hadn't moved on from Ginny, but somehow it was not sitting right with him that their mutual best friend had played such an active role in her moving on before he had.

"Gin, you can slow down. I get it."

It had worked to shop her rambling. She paused and looked at him. "Harry, are you okay? I wanted you to be one of the first to know before we started telling people. I haven't even told my family yet, so you don't need to worry that Ron or anyone has been keeping this development from you."

"It's fine. I am okay. Eventually both of us were bound to move on. I know that I have not been seeing anyone, but I have moved on. Honest. And I'm happy for you-that you've found someone."

Ginny seemed hesitant at his reaction.

Harry continued though, in an attempt to normalize the subject at hand. "So, tell me, how long have you been seeing each other?"

He noted a pained look flicker across her face. "Four months."

Harry's coffee cup dropped on his saucer a bit louder than he had intended it to. Four months was a long time. Longer than he thought she was going to say. They'd only broken up six months ago.

"I see. Is it serious? That's a long time to be in a relationship without telling anyone. I hope it wasn't on my account." He only half meant that last comment.

The pained expression returned. "Yes, it is serious. Umm, it is actually really serious." He sensed she was starting to fret. "Oh goodness. Harry, I know that you and I dated for a long time. For a long portion of it, I thought you and I were really going to work out until we both realized that it wasn't. Blaise and I...I know it is sudden...we're not only planning to announce our relationship, we're planning to announce our engagement."

If Harry had been taking a sip of his coffee, he would have choked on it.

"You're engaged?! After four months?"

"I know, I know! It seems so sudden but it's so different. I just know that Blaise is the one I want to be with. Everything has moved so fast and yet just right this entire time. I was scared for a while that all of this was just some emotional rebound but I've grown confident that it is not."

Harry's head was reeling. The details of the conversation had escalated so quickly.

"Ginny, I really don't know what you expect me to say right now."

So neither of them said anything. They sat in silence for a while. They both took turns taking awkward sips of their coffee. Ginny eventually spoke first.

"We really don't need to talk about this anymore, if you don't want to."

He nodded in affirmation.

"I think that would be best."

- Present -

Harry found his assigned table near the back of the room. He wondered if he had been intentionally placed over here. Perhaps Blaise didn't want a clear view of his new wife's ex-boyfriend. He was honestly surprised he had gotten an invitation. He really hadn't wanted to come given their history and how close to their breakup this event was taking place. He'd imagined that he'd have years to adjust before attending Ginny's wedding or, more likely, he thought he would have already gotten married himself. However, the Weasleys were still his family and he couldn't very well get away without attending.

He was disappointed that she had not seated him anywhere near Ron or Hermione, or at least another member of the Weasley family. He would have even been happy next to Draco at this point. Speaking of which, he could see that they had seated Ron and Draco next to each other. They didn't even put Hermione between the two as a buffer. He felt even more slighted by the arrangements.

He glanced over at the card next to his seat.

Daphne Greengrass.

Perfect. He was officially seated at the exes table. He'd heard that Blaise and Daphne had a relationship a few years back, albeit a short one. Harry continued to process through different theories around his invitation. Maybe Blaise insisted on inviting Daphne when Ginny had invited him. Or maybe Ginny insisted Harry be invited if Blaise was going to invite Daphne.

"If it isn't Harry Potter who I have the pleasure of being seated next to." He heard a sweet voice say behind him.

He looked up from his seat to see Daphne standing by her chair. Long blonde hair extending just beyond her shoulders and she was wearing a simple green dress that complemented her green eyes. Harry extended a half-hearted smile towards her and gestured for her to take her seat.

"Did you enjoy the wedding?" Daphne asked.

"Actually, I wasn't invited to the ceremony-just the reception."

"Oh, well, then you'll be happy to know you were not alone. I also only got an invitation to the reception only. Maybe that's the case for everyone at our table." A quick glance over at Millicent Bulstrode who was seated across from them told her that was not the case. Daphne then glanced awkwardly at Harry with a half smile. Wishful thinking on both of their parts. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at their mutual predicament.

He could tell his reaction put her at ease a bit. They continued chatting throughout the meal. She would occasionally start up a conversation with the gentleman that was seated beside her or try to chat with Millicent across the table. This proved difficult given the noise of the room and the distance between them. Each table was rather large. However, that simply meant, he consistently had someone to talk to through the evening.

During the course of their conversation, he learned that she was working, which surprised him. As a Greengrass, she obviously did not have to. She worked as an assistant at the ministry.

"It's incredibly embarrassing, but nothing was really my subject in school. I couldn't even get into sixth year potions. No other subjects could really further me in any career but I wanted to work so I decided to apply for a job as an assistant when I saw one open up. I actually submitted my resume without my last name. I was worried they would toss it or think it was a joke when they saw Greengrass listed on my application. I can't say for sure they would have done that but luckily I got an interview and then the job."

"Which department did you say that you were working in?" Harry asked.

"Right now, I work in International Cooperation. I started as an assistant in Magical Creatures. That type of work didn't peak my interest though so I requested a transfer as soon as I was eligible. My supervisor was supportive and gave me a glowing recommendation." She took a sip of her wine. "Are you still in Magical Law Enforcement?"

"Yes, I've been promoted a few times since I joined-I'm in middle management of the department now, just below the deputy head."

"Is that your next career ambition, to get the deputy role?"

Harry reflected on her question for a moment. "I'd like it to be. I think I still need a few more years of experience under my belt to really be deserving of it. I've been lucky with how much progress I've already made in my career. I can't say it's without name recognition though. I've worked my arse off but you can't help but have that feeling of special treatment, you know?"

"Well, I can't say I know exactly since I never saved the wizarding world from a dark wizard before, but I can relate somewhat given my family's status. I understand what you're trying to say."

Harry did see how their situations were similar. She herself had tried to avoid getting excluded or special treatment all because of her name.

As the evening progressed, their table had cleared out as individuals found other people to chat with or others decided to join in on the dance floor. Harry was growing more comfortable the more that he spoke with Daphne. He thought maybe they could handle some deeper conversation.

"So, I understand you and Blaise used to see each other?'

He could tell that she was startled by his question but she obliged him. "For a bit. Nothing as serious as when I was with Theo. Blaise was really more of a temporary rebound after him than anything."

"I would have thought asking about you about Ginny would be the last thing you would want me to do but since you have so unsubtly brought up the topic of exes…" She smirked at him. Her response was completely fair. He had opened the door to the topic.

"Mrs. Weasley actually smothered me right before I went to find my seat to see if I was doing okay. It's her own daughter's wedding. I am really fine despite what everyone seems to think. We both knew when we broke up that it was the right decision and that a future was not in the cards for us. It's just...all very sudden." Harry paused to take his own sip of wine. "I haven't even been on a date since we broke up and here I am at her wedding. It's more jolting. I guess everyone processes the end of relationships differently."

Daphne nodded in understanding.

"I would agree with that. It was really hard when Theo and I broke up. My parents were furious and his parents were furious. They felt that we had betrayed our duty as heirs and as purebloods. Don't forget though, Ginny had someone to move on with. You've only been able to dwell on what life was like before without a clear picture of what life could be like in the future. I knew that Blaise and I were not going to last, but it helped me fill some extra void I found myself with, and helped me transition to a new normal."

Harry let out a deep sigh. He locked eyes with her and could read their mutual understanding of what he was going through and what she had gone through.

"So, you're suggesting that I need a rebound." He said in an attempt to try and lighten the mood.

She smiled. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt."

"Are you offering, then?" He had meant it as a joke, to piggyback off of his first comment but he registered immediately that was not the way that she took it. She was taken aback by it.

"Well...I guess I could say how you might have taken my suggestion that way. It's not what I had intended...I hadn't really thought about it, but, I mean, I guess…"

Harry looked at her alarmingly when she realized she thought that he was serious and sought to cut her off before she said anything further. "Oh, no, no, no. I'm sorry-that was a poorly executed joke. I didn't mean to suggest we have a fling. Not that I'm not flattered that you would consider it." Harry cringed, though not before he registered the look of embarrassment that flushed over Daphne's face.

Things were now uncomfortable. Harry was kicking himself. What felt like his first enjoyable conversation in a long time looked like it was completely destroyed. Maybe he could still recover it though.

Harry cleared his throat. "Daphne, would you like to dance with me? I'm sorry that I made things uncomfortable but I have enjoyed talking with you, I'd hate to let our evenings be derailed. That is, only if you'd like to join me for a dance."

Thankfully, she nodded. "I'd like that. A change of scenery might be helpful."

Harry offered her his head and he led her out to the dance floor where they finished their evening before they both decided to head to their respective homes for the night.

That Monday, Harry was standing in a ministry lift as it arrived on the fifth floor-Department of International Magical Cooperation. Harry had no idea what he was doing here, but set out for this floor on a whim. He didn't even know who she was an assistant for-he hadn't asked her that. Here he was about to wander aimlessly around the department looking for her.

He heard someone next to him clear their throat. It was at the moment that he remembered that he had stepped into a full lift. He was also apparently the only person due to get out on this floor. He glanced around him and everyone was staring daggers at him as they waited for him to finally step out of the lift. "Uh, sorry…" he extended as he stepped out of the lift.

The department was bustling with activity. This was always a busy environment given the nature of work they handled on a daily basis. Always fast paced in responding to various international crises.

Harry began wandering through the hallways, unsure what direction to move in. He didn't immediately see someone he could ask to direct him where he needed to go.

"Potter?" He stopped when he heard his name called.

He turned and saw Draco Malfoy standing in front of him. He appeared to have exited a meeting that had ended. He had forgotten Draco worked in this department as well. He knew if Draco found out what exactly he was doing here, he would go immediately back to Hermione. He wasn't sure he was ready for his friend to start inquiring into his business or why he was asking after Daphne. He wasn't even sure himself at this point why he was doing it.

"Do you have a meeting up here? I don't usually see you in our department."

"Uh, yes, well, I did have a meeting. You know, it's the daftest thing. It was arranged by an assistant and I neglected to note who was actually calling the meeting." Harry was internally cringing. It was probably a horrible cover but Draco regularly insulted his intelligence so perhaps he would buy it.

Draco stared at him in confusion so that was not looking promising. "Do you recall who the assistant was? Perhaps I can point you in the right direction."

"Yes, I do. I believe it was Daphne. Daphne Greengrass. Does that sound right? Is she an assistant in this department?" He really could have stopped there but kept going. "Maybe it could have been an interdepartmental spam memo. Memos getting intercepted and manipulated is sure becoming a problem recently. Have you noticed?"

Harry felt like he was riding the pendulum of Draco's reactions. At first, his look of confusion deepened before acceptance seemed to dawn on his face and then he flashed Harry one of his trademark smirks.

He gestured down the hallway. "Yes, Daphne does work up here. She's an assistant to our liaison to France. She's actually right down the hall. You can follow me-I was just heading in that direction."

"Oh, wonderful. Lead the way." Harry began following Draco down the hallway.

"So, Potter, did you enjoy the wedding this past weekend?'

Harry tried to deflect the question. Malfoy was always so invasive. "I should ask you the same. You obviously survived a Weasley family gathering."

"Yes, anything for Hermione...and my best friend. Weasel and I even managed to avoid getting into too much of a quarrel at dinner. You missed answering that question for yourself."

"I had a good time for what I attended. I didn't attend the ceremony but the reception was nice. Reminded me of Bill and Fleur's wedding."

"Say, didn't I see you dancing with Daphne at one point? No correlation by chance with today's visit." Draco asked with mock innocence. Prick.

"We were seated at the same table. She wasn't accompanied by anyone so naturally, as a gentleman, I asked her for a dance. And, no, it is pure happenstance I would have a meeting with her supervisor."

Bloody git still had that smirk on his face.

"Right…Well, here we are. Afternoon, Daphne." Harry had been so wrapped up in their exchange he hadn't noticed that they neared her desk. She was busy filing some paperwork when she turned in response to Draco's greeting. A look of surprise graced her face as she registered he was with Draco. "Afternoon, Draco. Oh, Harry-what-."

Harry jumped in before Daphne could reveal his excuse. "I'm here for that meeting with your supervisor, Daphne. The one that you sent me a memo about. I ran into Draco in the hallway and he directed me here.

Daphne hesitated, as if realizing what Harry was trying to do in order to explain his presence but she was unsure of what to do next and she looked back and forth between himself and Draco.

"Oh, that's right!" Draco dramatically feigned a sudden realization. "It must have slipped my mind earlier, Potter. Daphne is my assistant. So, I guess it was I that summoned you for a meeting."

Shit. Cheeky bastard. What was worse is that he knew that Draco managed relations to France. He completely overlooked that key detail when Draco mentioned it in the hallway earlier. He was caught.

Draco continued, "Well, I'm afraid to say that whatever meeting I summoned you to I am going to have to cancel as I have a lot of work to get done. Daphne, if you don't mind, why don't you reschedule Mr. Potter here for another time. Lunch next week, perhaps." One last look at Harry and then back at Daphne who nodded in confirmation with his request. "Have fun you two," he inserted as he walked into his office and shut his door.

Harry let out a heavy breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. Daphne had an amused smile on her face. He could tell that she was holding back from laughing. Harry couldn't help but return her look with his own amused grin.

He ran his hand through his hair. "So, I royally fumbled that pathetic excuse."

"Yes, I would say that you did. Can I help you though? Were you here to see Draco?"

Harry could tell that she didn't seriously believe he was there to see Draco, but he was more than happy to admit that he was indeed there to see her.

"I was here to see you actually...and speaking of lunch, have you taken your lunch break? I haven't eaten yet."

"No, I haven't yet."

"Would you like to join me for lunch? We could go somewhere just around the corner from the ministry. That is if you like muggle food."

"Yes, I'd like that." Daphne grinned shyly at him. He felt just as self-conscious.

"Oh, but before we leave, could you also put a note on Draco's calendar for next week. Any day he is open."

"Sure, what would you like me to note?"

"Just write, 'You're a sodding git. Enjoy your lunch.'"

For the second time this week, Harry found himself tracking down Daphne. This time, he was standing outside of her flat. He would never admit to breaking protocol and looking up her address. He was surprised to find that she kept a flat in a muggle neighborhood. There was no way after his exchange with Draco earlier this week that he could ask him for it. He paced outside her building for a half hour. He was worried at this point his actions might start making her uncomfortable despite no ill intentions. He finally worked up the courage to buzz her apartment.

"Hello," he heard her voice sound through the speaker.

"Hi, it's Harry."

"Harry?" she paused. "Harry Potter?!" He cringed.

"Yes, it's me." Another pause.

"I'll buzz you in."

By the time he made it up to her flat, she already had the door open and she was standing in the doorway. "Harry, what are you doing here?"

"Sorry to intrude so abruptly. I wondered if you might have a few minutes to chat."

She assessed him for a moment. "Sure, come on in. You can have a seat on the couch."

He did as he was instructed. "Would you like some tea?" she asked.

"Yes, that would be wonderful."

Daphne proceeded into the kitchen area. Her flat was an open concept so there was no barrier to continue their conversation.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked as she summoned a few cups and started the water boiling.

"I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed our lunch the other day."

"Yeah? I did too. Did you track me down at my flat just to tell me that?" She brought over the steaming cups of tea and sat next to him. Harry took a sip. It was wonderful. She made fantastic tea.

"No, there was more. Look, I have been thinking a lot about our conversation at the wedding. I wanted to see if maybe you would like to see more of each other."

He watched Daphne open and close her mouths a few times in preparation to respond but it didn't seem that words were coming to her so Harry continued.

"I don't know if I am ready for a relationship. Though, I also don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position. It's not in my character to ask someone to consider a fling or something without attachments. I don't think that's exactly what I want to ask for. I do enjoy spending time with you. I'd like to spend more time together, but I don't know what I am really ready to give yet. As you said, I've still been processing for myself what the new normal of my life looks like."

Daphne finally spoke but kept her eyes focused down on the cup of tea that she was holding. "What would be your expectations? If we did start something."

Harry hadn't really processed that. "I'd like to see each other, obviously. Maybe it could be a night each week for dinner? We could do it at my home...dinner, that is. I'm not that great of a cook but I have some good restaurants in my neighborhood for takeaway." He had no idea if this was at all what she was looking for in regards to expectations. Thankfully, she saved him from himself.

"I like cooking. I wouldn't mind even meeting up here each week. So, you're thinking just the one night?"

"I mean, I'm open to as much time as you'll give me. What was it like when you and Blaise were together?"

Daphne moved her head to the side contemplating his question. "That's a bit uncomfortable to think about now. I would actually describe our arrangement as, carnal, more than anything."

Harry immediately regretted asking that question. The last thing he wanted was another relationship to potentially compare to Blaise Zabini.

"But I don't think I'd be interested in something like that again. I think that a few nights each week to hang out together sounds nice. We could rotate, do one night at your home and one night at mine."

Harry smiled. "That sounds good with me."

"Anything else you were thinking of when you asked me about expectations?"

"I obviously didn't think about this too much, did I? I guess, I'd want you to know that I wouldn't be pursuing anything with anyone else."

"That works for me."

"Could we agree to keep things between the two of us? I don't know how you feel about that but it would be my preference."

"Yes, I'm fine with that. I don't know if I can imagine what you're bombarded with being Harry Potter and all. I guess I have a small idea with a well known family. Although, you may have to think about what you'll do with Draco after the other day."

Blast. He had forgotten about Draco. "Did he say anything to you after we came back from lunch?"

"Yes and no. He asked me if there was anything that he should know about and I didn't tell him anything. Though, knowing him, I'm sure that he'll say something to Hermione, if it hasn't already. I don't think they would collectively say anything to anyone else, but you might want to consider a follow-up conversation if you want to keep this quiet."

"Thanks. I will have a talk with Hermione."

"How does next Monday sound? For our first dinner."

"Works for me."

"It's a date." Daphne said and she sipped the last of her tea.

"Brilliant. It's a date." Harry affirmed back to her. "Well, I can take off, if you had other plans for this evening."

"Umm, no. I didn't. Did you have any other plans this evening?" She asked tentatively. He was hopeful that meant she might be open to him staying longer.

He looked at her and shook his head. "No."

Daphne smiled at his response and he smiled back.

"Well, you're welcome to say. I'm sure you noticed that I'm in a muggle neighborhood. I've become quite accustomed to different muggle technologies. I've acquired a collection of films if you wanted to watch one."

Based on her collection, Daphne seemed to have garnered a preference for classic films. If he was honest, he wasn't paying much attention to it as it played. Harry took the opportunity just after it started to put his arm around Daphne on the couch. She proceeded a bit later to put her legs up on the cushions and lean into Harry's shoulder. Halfway through the film, he progressed to using his other hand to reach out for hers. It was at that point, she looked over at him. He began intertwining their fingers together, while they stared into each other's eyes. Harry saw Daphne swallow and mirror his own look of apprehensive anticipation. It was then that Harry leaned forward, connecting his lips with hers.

On Friday, Harry met with Hermione for lunch. They updated each other on how their week had gone. Hermione talked about her work in magical creates and the latest legislation that she was working on. She surprisingly had said little about Draco. He started to assume that perhaps Draco did not say anything about their exchange on Monday.

"So, Draco tells me you stopped by the other day to see Daphne...and made a complete fool of yourself."

Harry dropped his fork as she so she casually dropped that statement into their conversation.

"What did he tell you?"

"Only that you were wandering around the fifth floor like a lost puppy before he found you. Then, you tried to make up an excuse about having a meeting with him, without realizing that it was him, all in what he suspected was a ploy to see Daphne Greengrass. Did he get anything wrong?" Herminoe smirked at him. He hated how much Draco had rubbed off on her over the years. It was sickening how perfect her and Draco were for each other. He feared what meddling they could both accomplish in this situation.

"That about covers it. I suppose he didn't tell you we set up lunch for next week." Harry was rather proud of his snark sometimes.

"No, he told me about your message as well. It really wasn't that funny."

"It was brilliant!"

She rolled her eyes at him. "Though, I'll admit Harry. Draco raves about how great Daphne is at her job-professional as well. I don't think she would have dropped that into his calendar for just anyone." Hermione pointed out as she took the next bite of her meal. "So, what's going on? Are you two seeing each other? If so, I'm a bit disappointed you wouldn't have told me."

"Oh, you mean like how you didn't tell me that Ginny and Blaise were together for four months OR that you and Draco were the reason they were even together in the first place?"

Harry immediately regretted his outburst. He had never made good on following up with Hermione after Ginny had told him about her playing matchmaker that day in the coffee shop. He'd decided to just let it go but it was obviously still bothering him.

Hermione stopped chewing mid-bite. She swallowed. "Touche. Harry, I thought that you were over Ginny?"

He sighed. He was really getting tired of how frequently people asked him if he was over Ginny, though he supposed he was actively contributing to them.

"I am," He replied insistently. "But I didn't expect that my best friend would have kept such details from me. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I am over her, despite what residual frustrations I'm carrying over from your role in getting her and Blaise together."

She eyed him curiously and hesitated over her next question. "Are you using Daphne? If you are, Draco will be all over you for it. She's a good friend of his."

"No, I'm not using her. However, we may have both agreed to a mutual 'using.' I don't know what I would call it, Hermione. 'Using' sounds wrong but it's not a relationship. We're both in agreement in the lack of a definition to what is going on."

"And what is going on...?"

"We've just decided to see each other a few nights a week. Did you know she lives in a muggle neighborhood?"

"Don't go sideways, Harry. And, yes, I did know that."

"Look, you and Draco can't say anything, so whatever I tell you and whatever Draco knows up until this point, I want you both to keep to yourselves. I've been open with Daphne that I'm not ready for a relationship but we've agreed that it might be mutually beneficial if we saw each other every so often."

"So, it's a friends with benefits type of deal, then?" The way she stated it was so simplistic. In his mind, it was much less straightforward.

"There's no label."

"Have you kissed her? Slept together?"

"Hermione! Stop! I'm not talking about it."

She gave him a sour look. "That's fine. I'll have to invite Daphne out for lunch then. She's probably exploding if you two have decided not to tell anyone and Merlin knows she won't be able to talk to Draco about it."

"Just don't insert yourself where it's not wanted. Please, Hermione. I do like spending time with her. I'm not ready to put a label on it but that doesn't mean I want it to be over before it has even begun."

"Got it. So, are you really still angry with me about Ginny?"

Harry looked at her. The tone of their conversation had shifted and she was evidently concerned following his outburst earlier. "Yes and no. I don't know what I would have expected that you would have told me given the circumstances. You are friends with both of us. I'm essentially putting you in the same situation now that you were in with Ginny."

"How have you been doing, Harry? I've been a terrible friend and haven't asked enough. I probably got too wrapped up in Ginny when she and Blaise started seeing each other."

"I'm fine. I honestly don't know why I have struggled so much with it. I think I naively expected that if we broke up, we'd cosmically move on at the same time. Or, maybe selfishly, I thought that I would be the first one to move on before her. When that didn't turn out to be the reality, and when Ginny all of sudden tells me she's engaged when I haven't even been on one sodding date, it just...hurts. Breakups are inevitably hard whether they are mutual or not."

Hermione reached out and covered his hand with hers. "Whatever you need, Harry, just tell me, I'll do a better job at being here to listen."

"Thanks, Hermione." He reciprocated by giving her hand a squeeze in return.

The following Monday, Harry was a mess of nerves. Tonight was the first night that Daphne was coming over to his place. She had sent him a note through the interdepartmental memo system to let him know that she wanted to cook for him this evening, so not to worry about ordering takeaway or to attempt burning something before she got there.

He had laughed at her note. She was truly charming and he loved her sense of humor.

Daphne arrived through the floo a few minutes early that evening. Her arms were full of groceries that she looked to have just picked up on her way over.

"I hope that you like chicken and ham pie." She said as she the spell she had cast started removing the groceries for her onto his counter.

"I love it. Mrs. Weasley actually makes amazing chicken and ham pie. It'll be great to try someone else's take on the recipe."

"Do you see them often?"

"Every Sunday. The whole family gets together to have a meal. Or, at least, those who are able to make it, but it is a standing gathering. Hermione and Draco attend as well when they are available. Hermione and I are essentially honorary Weasleys. I was worried a bit when Ginny and I broke up that maybe things would change but Molly and Arthur were insistent that nothing would be allowed to change. She even sent Arthur over to get me after I missed dinner the week following our breakup."

Daphne hummed an acknowledgement as she continued working on their meal. "They sound wonderful. I remember they were your escorts during the Triwizard Tournament fourth year. It's really great they've been a surrogate family for you."

Harry appreciated Daphne's sentiments.

"What's Draco like at those gatherings?" Daphne mused.

Harry laughed. "He always acts so incredibly out of place and Hermione is constantly glaring daggers at him. He's polite of course, maintains his manners for the most part but there's usually something that Hermione prods him about each meal."

"I can't imagine. He's changed quite a bit but not that much."

"Speaking of changes, are you going to tell me why you live in a muggle neighborhood?" Daphne smiled hesitantly at his request.

"Not yet. I think I'd like to wait until we know each other just a bit more."

"Fair enough." Harry was a bit disappointed. He was intrigued by what could have led a pureblood heiress to adjust her life so much. He continued though, changing the subject.

"I did meet with Hermione the other day. She said that her and Draco wouldn't say anything. I trust her. After all, she was able to keep Ginny and Blaise a secret the entire time they were together before they announced it."

"I thought of one more request...related to our agreement," Daphne promptly replied after Harry's statement.

Harry was a bit caught off guard. "Sure-what is it?"

"Please know, I don't mean this in any way to be rude or insensitive. However, I'd like to request that neither of us talk about Ginny and Blaise when we are together. Can we do that?"

Harry was taken aback by her request. Perhaps he did reference Ginny quite often.

"Sorry," He lowered his gaze. "Yes, I can stop mentioning them when we're together. I might slip every so often but I will try to remember that."

"It's just-you bring her up a lot. It seems like it happens unconsciously, but, I think that it'll be good for you, not to mention either of them. I know that I'm in a different position. Blaise and I never really had a real relationship so I know it's easier for me to do the same. I do think it will be helpful for you." She had stopped her food preparation in and effort to relay her thoughts earnestly.

"And, I'll be honest, I just don't really want to hear about your ex-girlfriend when we're spending time together." Daphne flashed him a small smile. Like other conversations they had when the topic turned more intense, she attempted to lighten the mood again.

Harry smiled back at her and nodded. "Deal. No more talk of exes."

As Daphne resumed her cooking preparations, he wondered if that agreement might extend to Theo as well. Daphne had mentioned that she had a long and serious relationship with him. It was the whole reason that her and Blaise had a thing in the first place.

He wanted to know more about her life up until now and from what he understood, Theo had been a big part of it before they broke up. Harry decided that it would just have to be a topic for another time. Daphne had announced that dinner was ready.

They enjoyed their meal together. He would never be able to admit to Mrs. Wealsey's that he found Daphne's chicken and ham pie to have a slight edge on her own. They moved into his living room after dinner, enjoying a glass of wine together and continuing their conversation. A few days prior they had shared a first kiss but hadn't taken it further than that. It was late into the evening when they once again found themselves in a position where they were the focus of each other's eyes. Harry could feel his heartbeat increasing as he took in the sensual gaze staring back at him. She was beautiful. He was enraptured by her emerald eyes, not blue, but green just like his.

Daphne cleared her throat and looked down at her hands which were currently fiddling with the knots on a blanket that she had used to cover her lap when she had been cold.

"Do you-do you want to give me a tour of your home?" Was the question she finally settled on.

She glanced back up at him. All he did was swallow in response to her question. Daphne bashfully smiled at him before returning her gaze back to the blanket she continued to fidget with. She seemed to be growing self-conscious by his reaction which he did not want her to take the wrong way. He quickly spoke up before she changed her mind.

"I'd love to show you around. Maybe…" Now it was his turn to clear his throat and struggle to make eye contact. "Maybe the bedroom could be the last spot on the tour."

He figured in some realm he could have made that suggestion sound sexier or, something, but that just didn't seem to be him. His attraction towards her had grown significantly based upon the fact that they both seemed to both turn into two equally awkward and blubbering idiots when it came to intimacy. He loved it. He felt like he could relate to her. He looked up when he saw Daphne look up to meet his eyes.

"That sounds like a plan."