AN: I just want to say sorry for not getting this done sooner, but schoolwork for college has swamped me a bit so there was some delay. Nonetheless please do enjoy.
*Music Playing*
*Note Points
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Wells Fargo Center
The show opens with a deep, masculine voice* narrating over shots of things burning in a town. These shots are filled with cuts shown in the commercial advertising the show on prior episodes. Other shots show other wrestlers also burning things, not just Carmine. In the flames are shots of matches from the past couple of weeks showing the wrestlers on the card tonight.
"Fire. From the dawn of mankind, fire has driven us to new things. Fire brings forth new opportunities." The shot showed Carmine and Clancy winning over AKECHI and Clover respectively, then their staredown from the last Turmoil. "But fire also brings destruction. Leads to ruin." Shots focused on The Golden Guns matches and Tracey Pearson and General Brooks wrestling. "Fire is something that burns within us all. Drives us to the next step to conquer." Shots of AKECHI and Clover staring down. "And overcome the obstacles in our way." Shots focused on more cuts from Clancy and Carmine's matches, then showed them staring up at the title belt with the camera focusing on the belt at the end of the shot. "Tonight, the beginning of our history." Shots of Carmine saying worthless and Clancy saying blow it up. "Starts here." The shot showed the fire transitioning into lettering as shown at the end of the commercial. "S7W presents, Fire in the Sky."
*Let It Burn - Cold Kingdom Plays*
The camera cut to a lot of pyro, mainly based in straight up flames rather than colored fireworks and the such, as the crowd cheered. The camera then cut to the commentators desk after the pyro ended.
"Hello everyone and welcome to Fire in the Sky, the very FIRST pay-per-view for S7W," said Kendrick excitedly.
"I'm Patrick Alston here with my very hyped up partner Kendrick West."
"Of course I'm hyped up Patrick. We've got a great show ahead tonight."
"Yeah we do. We've got a HUGE main event in a ladder match to crown the inaugural S7W World Heavyweight Champion."
"That's not all though Patrick. We have a number one contendership match AND the crowning of the first S7W Tag Team Champions. It's gonna be fun."
The camera cut to the stage.
*21st Century Schizoid Man - King Crimson Plays*
Rhys Hoskins made his approach to the ring with the crowd booing and hissing at him. He walked out calmly down the ramp before he snapped and ran to the steel barricade and yelled at the fans to scare them back. The boos grew louder at this. Hoskins continued on his way to the ring.
"The following match is a No Disqualifications Match and it is scheduled for ONE FALL. Introducing first from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 220 pounds, Rhys Hoskins."
"Rhys Hoskins got this match made last Tuesday after he interfered and cost Bryce Vanderfleet a match against Evan Windsor. Kokonoe wasn't happy about that and punished him by forcing him to face off against Ascher Grey, where he would lose, and also put this match into place," said Patrick.
"Don't forget, Hoskins has to keep the fact that Vanderfleet is now out for blood so to speak in mind. Vanderfleet attacked Hoskins before he faced Ascher Grey in that losing effort as you said Patrick."
Hoskins got into the ring and did his claw hand pose towards the hard camera.
*Knocking On Forbidden Doors - Enigma Plays*
Bryce Vanderfleet walked out doing his usual trance-like entrance with a torch in hand, but he didn't set it down after "blowing" it out this time. Instead he continued to the ring with it in hand.
"And his opponent, from Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 208 pounds, Bryce Vanderfleet."
"Bryce Vanderfleet got to experience the Back to Zero from Evan Windsor twice on Tuesday because of Rhys Hoskins choosing to blame him for their loss in the main event of the first episode of Turmoil," said Patrick.
"Right you are and that prevented them from getting a shot at the tag team championships tonight, but what's happened happened and now we've got a No DQ match on the way right now."
Vanderfleet entered the ring and did his pose. He faced towards Hoskins quickly who had tried to sneak attack him, but stopped as his gaze met Vanderfleet's and he instead backed up to his corner.
The bell rang and Vanderfleet took his torch with both hands and nailed Hoskins in the head with it. Hoskins rolled out of the ring, holding the side of his head as he winced in pain for a moment after the shot with the torch. He shook his head as if to get the pain out of his head. Hoskins then went straight to looking for an item beneath the ring. Vanderfleet exited the ring onto the ring apron, but only got that far as Hoskins hit him in the leg with a kendo stick that he found. Vanderfleet fell to one knee as Hoskins hit him a few more times, long enough for him to reach down, toss in a good amount of steel chairs, a wooden baseball bat, and a toolbox into the ring, and pull out a couple tables, but left them at ringside for now. The Philadelphia crowd obviously popped at seeing the tables. Hoskins rolled into the ring and Vanderfleet got to his feet again. Vanderfleet faked springing off the top rope to reenter the ring, getting Hoskins to swing at nothing at which point Vanderfleet threw the torch right at Hoskins' head, stunning him, and then springing off the top rope for real this time into a diving DDT, sending Hoskins face first onto one of the many chairs in the ring. The crowd was cheering at the display.
"This match already starting off heavy on the weapons side of things," said Kendrick.
"Hey, it's Philly. Even a couple of decades since the demise of ECW, the memory of it lives on and this crowd is always gonna eat this kind of match right up when it's done right. And oh baby it's being done well so far," said Patrick. Vanderfleet didn't get into a cover, rather he grabbed one of the chairs, held it against his body, and delivered a moonsault to Hoskins' back with the chair. Then he rolled Hoskins onto his stomach for a pin.
2..Kick Out.
Hoskins was already reeling from the assault from Vanderfleet early on in the match. He tried to get to his feet but stumbled from the imbalance in the ring from all the chairs and fell to one knee, but got his hand on the kendo stick. Vanderfleet didn't see this and grabbed Hoskins for a reverse headlock at which point Hoskins hit him with the kendo stick. He finally got to his feet and swung the kendo stick again into Vanderfleet's stomach. Hoskins then hooked Vanderfleet's arms into a double butterfly lock, using the kendo stick to keep them hooked. He lifted him up for a butterfly powerbomb, sending Vanderfleet directly onto the pile of chairs. Hoskins, rather than go for a pin of his own, decided to go outside the ring and set up the tables, side by side by the side of the ring facing the ramp. He yelled to the crowd, "I know you want this so let me give you what you want!"
"Hoskins not even letting this Philly crowd shout 'WE WANT TABLES!' He's letting 'em get them now," said Kendrick. Hoskins finished setting up the tables and rolled back into the ring. Vanderfleet was on his feet again, holding the baseball bat and jabbed it into Hoskins's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He wound up for an actual swing and almost connected to Hoskins' stomach again, had Hoskins not grabbed a chair and blocked the swing with it, though the chair did still smack into his torso. Vanderfleet went to hit a dropkick and connected, sending Hoskins over the ropes and onto the ring apron. Vanderfleet ran to the opposite side of the ring, rebounding off the ropes, going for a spear through the ropes, but Hoskins stopped him by moving out of the way and nailed Vanderfleet with a leg drop to the back of the head onto the edge of the ring as Vanderfleet had grabbed the middle rope to not fling himself into the tables. Vanderfleet flipped limply out of the ring onto his feet and smacked his head right onto the table at ringside, semiconscious from the leg drop.
"Vanderfleet is out of it again. He's having trouble maintaining consciousness from what I can tell," said Patrick. Hoskins grabbed Vanderfleet from behind and lifted him for an inverted DDT onto the tables, but they didn't break. Hoskins got onto the ring apron and leapt off it towards Vanderfleet, hitting a frog splash on him, the tables still not breaking. Vanderfleet and Hoskins both rolled off the tables. Vanderfleet got to his feet and hit a hurricanrana to send Hoskins face first onto the edge of one of the tables. He began to place Hoskins onto the tables and went to climb the nearest turnbuckle to leap off it. Hoskins wasn't as dazed as Vanderfleet though and was able to climb to his feet, but he stood on the table looking right at Vanderfleet who was positioned to dive onto him. Vanderfleet leapt off the top rope, going for a diving crossbody. It would have connected had Hoskins not caught him in midair by leaping and catching the move into a DDT in the air. When they landed, the tables beneath them broke into many pieces, but both men were now kind of exhausted from this sprint of a match.
"That may have been the first time I've ever seen a counter like that. But what happens now? One of these men has to win and I'm certain that both these men are hurting and out of juice, so to speak," said Kendrick.
"I mean they've just gone for the quickest and most dangerous ways they could think of to win this match. I can't imagine that they'd be able to go on for much longer. This match has been a sprint, not a marathon," said Patrick. Hoskins started to stir and got up to his feet as fast as he could. Rather than drag Vanderfleet's deadweight into the ring, he entered the ring and sat up one of the chairs to sit on it, relishing in the "This is Extreme!" chants from the crowd. As Vanderfleet began to stir, Hoskins got up and began to drag him into the ring. Once in the ring, Hoskins turned Vanderfleet around and nailed him with a flatliner onto the chair. Vanderfleet popped to his feet holding his face in pain. Hoskins lifted Vanderfleet up into a powerbomb position, but Vanderfleet was landing blows to his head, this gave him enough time to scramble down Hoskins' back and counter the powerbomb into a Canadian Destroyer onto the pile of chairs. The crowd chanted "HOLY SHIT!" at this.
"This Philly crowd really getting into this match now," said Patrick. Vanderfleet began to wrap Hoskins' arms, setting him up for the Open Mind.
"I think we're about to see the end of it, Patrick," responded Kendrick. Hoskins was able to free one of his arms and stay on his feet where he pushed Vanderfleet into the ropes. He leapt over Vanderfleet on the rebound who stopped after being leapt over. Vanderfleet hooked his arms to go for a backslide maneuver, but Hoskins stood his ground and broke out of it. Hoskins turned around and began nailing Vanderfleet with chops and punches to the head, he kept doing so until he had hit Vanderfleet with enough blows that Vanderfleet was now sitting in the chair, still set up in the ring. Hoskins ran to the ropes, leaping onto the middle rope and coming off of it. Doing this, he nailed Vanderfleet with a flying knee to the skull. He rolled Vanderfleet into a cover.
The bell rang and Hoskins tried to get up and celebrate, but the toll of the match made this task very difficult. Eventually he got up and celebrated by taking one of the chairs and setting it up over Vanderfleet's unconscious body where he then sat in it, basking in the "THAT WAS AWESOME!" chants before the crowd actually remembered that he was the bad guy and begaan booing him.
"That was a very high intensity, mile a minute pace match," said Kendrick.
"It wasn't the longest match, but it didn't need to be with how hard they hit each other. What a violent display that was. Still. Rhys Hoskins got his first win here at Fire in the Sky with a Hyde Effect," said Patrick.
Rhys Hoskins continued to celebrate as he left the ring and went up the ramp.
"Well now that that's all well and done with, we've got another match right now as Gordeau Pierce has challenged Ascher Grey to a match," said Kendrick.
"I don't know what this kid thinks he needs to do to prove himself, but he MUST have a death wish to just challenge Ascher Grey. I still don't know how to explain the way he beat Hoskins on Turmoil last Tuesday. Ascher Grey actually kinda frightens me," said Patrick.
"In any case, that match is now."
*Stacked Actors - Foo Fighters Plays*
Gordeau Pierce made his entrance to the ring, the crowd actually cheering for him thanks to his match from last week. He made his way down to the ring.
"The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL. Introducing first, from Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, weighing "At Least 3", "The Infamous" Gordeau Pierce.
"Patrick, Gordeau Pierce is, as you say, a man with a death wish. He has two losses, both to Hibiki Nishikawa by the way, to his name. Why he chose to challenge Ascher Grey, is a mystery."
"Gordeau Pierce showed last Tuesday that he has potential, but this is just plain stupidity on his part. Hopefully Ascher Grey makes this quick."
Gordeau entered the ring and did his thumbs across the throat gesture before his music faded out. The screen and speakers in the arena began producing static and "I WILL BE ENTERTAINED" appeared out of it again. Music began fading in.
*Lo/Hi - The Black Keys Plays*
Ascher Grey walked out, cane in hand once again. He made his way to the ring.
"And his opponent, from The Lost Traveler's Cove, weighing at 0.52 Decibels per Kilogram, Ascher Grey."
"Where is the Lost Traveler's Cove, Kendrick?"
"You don't know. You have a wide variety of knowledge on soooo much in wrestling, and you don't know?"
"Do you seriously have any idea, Kendrick?"
"Do you?"
Ascher Grey made his way into the ring and pointed his cane at Gordeau saying to him, "Do entertain me." Gordeau stood firm, staring down Ascher Grey.
The bell rang and Gordeau went for a lockup almost immediately. Ascher Grey entered the lockup and got pushed back first into the corner slowly. Gordeau did a clean break but then hit Ascher with a straight chop who didn't react. Gordeau grabbed him into a waistlock and threw him back for a belly-to-belly suplex. Ascher got up without reacting. Gordeau tried to toss him to the ropes and succeeded, catching him off the rebound trying for the Récolte. Ascher flipped to the side to roll out of it. He hit Gordeau with a dropkick, sending him into the ropes. Gordeau held onto the ropes so he would stop moving. Gordeau then got hit again as Ascher went running towards him for a clothesline onto the ropes. Gordeau stumbled forward, still on his feet until Ascher came from behind, hitting him with a meteora and slamming Gordeau's face into the mat. Ascher helped Gordeau to his feet and turned him into a reverse headlock where he did a backbreaker followed by a neckbreaker. Then, while Gordeau was on the ground, Ascher hit him with a knee drop to the head. As Gordeau got to his feet, Ascher made sure that he was facing Gordeau's back. He grabbed him into another reverse headlock, lifted him up and hit an inverted DDT, then he locked Gordeau into a sleeper hold right away. Gordeau struggled, but soon tapped out.
The bell rang and Ascher got up, grabbed his cane and pointed it at Gordeau, saying to him, "You're not yet ready to entertain me. Do get better at this, you have such potential." Gordeau nodded at Ascher and both men left the ring, not together mind you.
"Well. That ended exactly how everyone expected it to go, Gordeau being taken down by RadioDead. Don't know why Kokonoe gave the clear to have that happen on our first Pay-Per-View, but Kendrick, you have a message about Pay-Per-Views for us?" Patrick asked.
"That's right Patrick, this isn't the only Pay-Per-View we've got this year of course, as we have OFFICIALLY received from Miss Kokonoe, our Pay-Per-View schedule for the year," said Kendrick.
"That's right Kendrick. Let's check it out."
A voice began to speak, this time a more feminine voice, slightly deep and also smooth*.
"A new year of new wrestling begins tonight, but Strong 7 Wrestling has more than just this to think about and get ready to watch as we have our full year Pay-Per-View schedule planned. If you want tickets, now is the time to start preparing because I guarantee that they won't last long once they go on sale. First, the next time we come to you on Pay-Per-View will be in June as on the 25th of that month, our next major show Edge of Extinction* will be coming to the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada for our first show that will be held outside of America. A night of brutality, the pushing of limits, and most of all, the will to establish oneself as the best in wrestling today."
As she spoke the background loaded up with the logo of each show she described flashed upon the screen with the date and city listed beneath it.
"Following that, our next Pay-Per-View won't be until August 13th when S7W presents Honor and Glory, a night where we assure that there will be nothing but clean wrestling for competitors to earn their stripes in the purest form. On September 17th, we bring One Night Ultimate Wrestler, a show where all profits will be donated to charitable causes, but of course a contender will be crowned for the heavyweight championship as eight wrestlers will compete in a one night tournament to determine who the best contender for the championship will be for our biggest show of the year. October 22nd, the final stop before our biggest show of the year. S7W presents Dissonance, where the final chance for many to make our final show of the year will be put on the line. Finally, our biggest show of the year, and also our last. On New Year's Eve, we bring you Final Showdown where the main event will be the winner of the One Night Ultimate Wrestler Tournament facing off against the S7W World Heavyweight Champion."
The display showed the big events in a list with the dates of the events and the days the tickets went on sale.
"We at S7W will be waiting for you all to join us for our shows for the rest of our first year in existence. Enjoy the rest of the show. Thank you."
The camera cut to backstage where Hibiki Nishikawa is sitting in the locker room. Gordeau walks into the locker room and sits down next to Nishikawa.
"DAMMIT!" Gordeau yelled. "THAT WAS TERRIBLE!"
"I agree. You have potential, but you need to work on a lot of things," said Nishikawa. Gordeau just turned and glared at him, but softened his gaze into a look of exasperation.
"You told me that. The radio guy told me that. Everyone says I have potential, but how in the hell do I get better?"
"How long have you been wrestling?"
"I've only been wrestling since last September," Gordeau said, somewhat shamefully.
"I see. I see. You've really only just started your career. I once was in your position you know. I used to be a fresh faced guy who walked into New Japan back from excursion and do you know what happened?"
"Lemme guess. You made an impact right away and made the main event picture almost instantly."
"You couldn't be further from the truth. I walked in as a member of the junior heavyweight roster. I never even got close to beating anyone of a main event caliber in that division until my second year there, but I had to work exceptionally hard to make it to that point. And then after the Super Juniors tournament I got a call saying I was going to become a heavyweight and enter the G1, but I saw it as starting back at square one. Eventually though, I proved myself enough to become the heavyweight champion there. Do you get what I'm saying?"
"You're telling me to work hard and eventually good things will come. How am I supposed to do that?"
"Rather than tell you, how about I teach you? For the next few weeks or so. I will be your guide. I will show you how to become the wrestler you want to be. From this day on for the foreseeable future, YOU, Gordeau Pierce are my protégé. This is non-negotiable."
"I understand. Thank you."
The two shook hands signifying an agreement to this proposition as the camera cut out.
"Kendrick, it's great to know that S7W has more great action throughout the remainder of the year."
"Oh, but of course, Patrick. But now we move on to crown our FIRST S7W Tag Team Champions as Tracey Pearson and General Brooks take on "The Golden Guns" Dario Pastrnak and Stephan Kriggs."
*Loose Change - Royal Blood Plays*
Dario Pastrnak and Stephan Kriggs walked out together, both wearing similarly colored gear, the gear being gold in the base and black on the extraneous designs. They both did their finger gun taunt as both walked down to the ring.
"The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL and is for the S7W Tag Team Championship. First on their way to the ring, Dario Pastrnak and Stephan Kriggs, 'The Golden Guns'."
"Dario Pastrnak and Stephan Kriggs are very keen tonight on crowning themselves the first tag champs in this promotion, they've made an impact already in the past two weeks, but how are they going to fare in these circumstances?" Kendrick asked.
"It's an important question to ask, Kendrick. Championship matches have a very different feel to them than a normal match, some can rise to the occasion, others fall back to earth, never able to reach that point of success. This is make or break time for both teams."
Dario and Kriggs both entered the ring together, went to the middle of the ring and faced one of the camera's standing back to back, pointing finger guns at the camera. Their music began to fade out.
*Howlin' For You -The Black Keys Plays*
Tracey Pearson walked out onto the stage where his music cut out with a familiar bassline.
*Motor Head from BlazBlue Calamity Trigger Plays*
General Brooks walked out and joined Tracey Pearson on the stage. Both men looked at each other and nodded, then they proceeded down to the ring together.
"And introducing their opponents. The team of Tracey Pearson and "The Stoneheart" General Brooks."
"This team is an interesting one. Both men working together with a common goal and no prior history now find themselves in contention for the tag titles. I will say I'm uncertain about Tracey Pearson as he's really not done much in what we've seen from him so far," said Patrick.
"While you're uncertain on Pearson, I for one still want to see what's in store from General Brooks. I will agree that we need to see more from Tracey Pearson though if they want those titles to be on their shoulders at the end of the night."
Both men entered the ring and shook each other's hand, staring down the Golden Guns. The referee grabbed the title belts from a ringside attendant. The belts had a dark, brownish red strap. There were no side plates on the belt, but the front plate was gold in color, the words "S7W Tag Team Champions" on it. Also on the front plate was a design embossed in the plate of two hands grasped in a firm handshake. The referee raised the belts to the sky showing them to each side of them ring for the audience to see. He then gave the belts back to the ringside attendant. Both teams went into their corners deciding who would begin the match.
The bell rang as Tracey Pearson and Stephan Kriggs started off as the legal men in the ring. Kriggs tried to start off with a running high knee, but Pearson dodged out of the way and countered by getting behind him with a leaping neckbreaker. Kriggs clutched the back of his neck in pain. Pearson already began setting into a pitching windup as he waited to hit his finisher.
"Pearson is setting up for the Knuckleball already," said Kendrick. Dario ran in and dropkicked Pearson from behind, sending him into the corner face first where General then made a tag to enter the match. General hit Kriggs with a penalty kick as he started getting up. He then hit Dario with a shoulder tackle, then picked him up onto his shoulder to start a powerslam. Dario got pulled down from behind though with help from Kriggs and he scurried back to his corner leaving Kriggs in the ring. Kriggs stared incredulously at his partner at this as he was now left to the metaphorical wolf in the ring with him. General easily deadlifted him to his feet and rammed him into a neutral corner lawn dart style. Kriggs was reeling already, because of course he was, he's a glass cannon. However, General wasn't keen on easing off on his assault, far from it, as he grabbed a Kriggs trying to get to his feet and threw him running towards the ropes. He didn't get a chance to attack him off the rebound though as Kriggs turned around while running towards him and slid underneath him, between his legs. He got up immediately and kicked General in the back of his left knee multiple times. General turned around, slightly wincing from the attack but still standing, but was caught off guard as Kriggs went in for a front waistlock, then went for a simple, but effective submission move in the form of a rolling kneebar to his left leg. He held firm as the much larger man in General was in pain, reaching out for a tag, but couldn't quite reach Pearson.
"I gotta say, Kendrick. Of all the moves in Kriggs arsenal, a rolling kneebar was not one I expected him to know. It's a very basic, old school move, but it's hard to argue it's effectiveness." As Kriggs continued to apply the submission, it became very clear that General, despite having a solid reach, could not get a tag on Pearson. Pearson wasn't oblivious to this and climbed to the top rope and delivered a diving crossbody to Kriggs to break up the hold. Dario jumped in and began to try and superkick Pearson who got to his feet remarkably quick and sidestepped him whilst also tripping him, sending Dario to one knee. Pearson then ran at him at full speed, drilling him with a shining wizard to the back of the head. General was back on his feet and during this sequence had locked Kriggs from behind, Pearson saw this and told General to get him into a wheelbarrow position. As General complied, Pearson got onto the middle rope and hit a leg drop to the back of Kriggs' neck while General was using the position for a facebuster. General got into a cover on Kriggs.
Kriggs didn't kick out, but his foot had rolled underneath the bottom rope, triggering a rope break. General then got off of Kriggs, a little irritated that he was still even able to stay in this match considering the glass jaw of Kriggs. General looked at the prone Dario who was trying to get to his corner and he and Pearson began to double team him, deadlifting him for a double vertical suplex. General lifted Dario to his feet, locking him in place from behind as Pearson began winding up for a Knuckleball. Dario ducked out of the way as the Knuckleball connected with General's face instead. General didn't go down, but Pearson looked at him apologizing profusely only to get nailed with an elbow to the back of his head, courtesy of Dario who then lifted Pearson into an electric chair position, curled Pearson into a ball, and drove him back first into Pearson and General's corner. General wasn't very keen on this turn of events and grabbed Dario's right arm with his left arm, wrapping it across his body, and pulled the arm to grab him into a front headlock and hit a snap DDT. Dario rolled to his feet and got dropkicked into his corner by General. Kriggs was starting to regain consciousness and grabbed the ropes to help him climb to his feet. He stared at General, leaning back onto the ropes.
"Dario and Pearson are down. Kriggs and General are the only ones standing right now," said Kendrick.
"This match has been great so far, but there's still no decisive edge on who will win here," said Patrick in response. Kriggs dodged to his right as General went for a running shoulder tackle. After the whiff on his attack, Kriggs rolled him up into an O'Connor roll pin.
2..Kick Out.
General pushed Kriggs off him during the kick out. Turning around, Kriggs saw General get up from the ground. He Irish whipped General to the ropes and, quite surprisingly given the size disparity, Kriggs popped the larger General up into the air with ease, hitting him with a dropkick to General's chin. That took a lot out of both men though as neither could make it to their feet, but their partners were standing in their respective corners, both reaching for a tag. Kriggs and General crawled towards their corners until they were close enough to leap a tag their partners in. Dario and Pearson entered the ring very quickly and ran at each other both nailing each other with blows to the head at the same time. Pearson, being a more natural striker, started to win out on this front and soon was able to nail more strikes on Dario, enough to work him into a neutral corner. Pearson nailed Dario with a thunderous chop, ran to the opposite corner, and ran back to nail Dario with a leaping knee to the skull. He then pushed Dario out of the corner who fell to the mat face first. With what little strength he had at that time, Kriggs got to the corner Pearson was in and held him by his leg to keep him from continuing his onslaught.
"Kriggs playing a smart move with the little bit of energy he has left. It's not a popular move, but it's effective," said Patrick. General came in from the side and grabbed Kriggs with ease and slammed him stomach first into the steel barricade. General then did a leaping double stomp to Kriggs' midsection. Kriggs was now essentially out of the match equation for the time being. Dario meanwhile had gotten to his feet and noticed the opportunity to strike was now, sprinting at Pearson who was still in the corner, and hit him into the corner with a senton which kept Pearson in the corner. Dario lifted him up onto the top rope and attempted to superplex Pearson, but couldn't as his opponent held firm, refusing to move. Pearson maintained a firm hold long enough to push Dario off the top rope, who rolled onto his feet as Pearson leapt off for a diving seated senton. Dario caught Pearson out of midair in a powerbomb position, but managed, by using his natural strength to transition Pearson into an Alabama Slam position. Though his enemy struggled with all his might, Dario slammed him down onto his knees for the AU. He got into a cover on Pearson.
General got into the ring and broke up the pin just in time. Dario stomped down on the back of General's head in frustration. Dario grabbed Pearson and threw him into the corner, lifting him onto the top rope once again, this time lifting Pearson up for a successful vertical superplex. Dario got to his feet and delivered a leaping knee drop to Pearson's face, but General was still in the ring and he quickly grabbed Dario into a side headlock for a trio of vertical brain busters that he called Stone Free. Dario was down for the count and Pearson saw this but wanted to be sure, so he climbed to the top rope, signifying that he was about to go for a double stomp to Dario as General kept him firm on the mat. This was the perfect time for Kriggs to reinsert himself into the match as he sprung onto the top rope right next to Pearson, and nailed him with a superkick whilst on balancing on the rope. General ran and grabbed Kriggs during this, sending him to the mat with a high angle released German Suplex. Kriggs took the impact, but in a moment of pure adrenaline rush, got up to his feet and hit a snap DDT before reality set in and all four men were left unable to attack.
"All the competitors are down! What happens now Patrick?" Kendrick asked.
"Whoever gets to their feet first has the edge and I don't know wh- wait a minute, Pearson's standing up on the ropes again! He's going to dive!" Pearson did indeed dive, going for a double stomp on Dario, who rolled away just in time for it to miss him by a couple inches. Pearson was incensed and grabbed the back of Dario's head, then slammed him face first into the canvas. Pearson then wound up for the Knuckleball, hopefully to connect with it this time. General got up to help Dario back to his feet before going to push him towards Pearson. However, Kriggs managed to get up and while Dario was pushed towards Pearson he ran towards his partner and pushed him out of the way, then while still moving speared General and followed by turning it around into a spinebuster.
"Blitzkrigg! Kriggs got the Stoneheart with his finisher!" Kendrick yelled. As this happened Pearson hesitated on striking and decided to go for Kriggs instead with the Knuckleball, but before he could connect, Dario got a double butterfly lock on Pearson, setting him up for a Tiger Suplex, but before he began the move, Kriggs superkicked Pearson, then Dario completed the suplex and bridged into a pin.
The bell rang and the crowd booed at the sight of the Golden Guns winning the match and the tag championships. Both Dario and Kriggs hugged each other, really hamming it up in their celebration like they were the good guys here after overcoming the insurmountable odds. The referee handed each man one of the tag belts.
"Your winners and the NEW S7W Tag Team Champions, Dario Pastrnak and Stephan Kriggs, The GOLDEN GUNS!"
"That was a great tag team match, and even though I wanted to see them get their teeth kicked in tonight, Kriggs and Dario both earned this moment tonight," said Patrick.
"I agree, but they did work in this match a lot more than I'm sure many of us thought they were capable of. Still they are the first tag champions in this company's history and that deserves some congratulations."
Both Dario and Kriggs slung their belts over their shoulders as they continued to celebrate, but Dario grabbed himself a microphone. Dario spoke up.
"You know Kriggs? This is a truly wonderful moment for us, let's bask in this for a bit because this is a GOLDEN experience." Dario set the mic down and both men began to pose in the ring before finishing by pointing finger guns at the camera, then walked to the back as their music played them out.
The camera shifted to a backstage interview area with a woman with a white dress shirt, a red ribbon tie, and a black pleated skirt appeared holding a microphone. She had ponytailed her auburn hair and had brown eyes. A nameplate appeared beneath her designating her name as Celica A. Mercury*. She spoke with a slightly elevated pitch and a tone of innocence.
"A big congratulations to the Golden Guns as our inaugural S7W Tag Team Champions. But now, please welcome my guest, Hazama Clover." The camera shifted to show Clover who was standing there waiting for her to continue. He was wearing white tights with purple designs on them and a matching suit jacket. He also had a tie of similar design over a black button up. His boots were the same.
"Greetings Miss Mercury, it is a pleasure to see you. Thank you for inviting me to this interview of yours." He grabbed her hand and kissed it. Celica blushed at this.
"U-um I don't think this is workplace appropriate behavior Mr. Clover," Celica stammered out in response.
"Think nothing of it. It is simply a polite way of greeting a young lady such as yourself. Now, I am certain that I was not invited here without good reason. So please, ask what you would like to know."
"O-of course." She cleared her throat. "So, tonight you face AKECHI in a match to determine the number one contender for our soon to be won world championship. What kind of strategy are you going to bring into this match so you can have your hand raised in victory?"
"Well, a question such as that is quite simple to answer. The answer is not for anyone's ears. I have faced AKECHI in my past back in Japan and despite his quiet demeanor outside the ring and his methodically destructive demeanor in it, I have found ways to defeat him. He of course has done the same to me, as is the way of wrestling. I have a respect for him and he does for me as well. However, this is about more than respect. It's about the chance to claim another prize to add to our legacies. You see I discussed this match with my wife, the Mrs. Clover if you will. She took the time to help me figure out a strategy for tonight by helping me in reviewing my previous matches with AKECHI and I will say that what I have in store will most certainly be most…" He stopped to breath in a deep breath through his nose before finishing, "Intriguing. Thank you for your time." Clover then walked off the interview set and the camera feed to backstage cut.
*Jaeger from BlazBlue Central Fiction Plays*
AKECHI calmly walked out onto the stage and continued to the ring, serious as he always is.
"The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL and is a Number One Contendership match, introducing first, from Fukuoka, Japan, weighing in at 272 pounds, AKECHI."
"Well, AKECHI is in this match as a result of what can basically be called a consolation prize," said Patrick.
"That's true. He and Clover made the semis of the tournament to crown our first world champion, both lost, but Kokonoe decided to let them get a second chance and earn a shot at it," said Kendrick.
"It will be interesting to see how AKECHI fares against Clover as they've had matches against each other in Japan, so they'll have to pull a few extra tricks out to get the win tonight."
AKECHI entered the ring and stood there facing a camera focused on him, waiting for his opponent.
*Gluttony Fang II from BlazBlue Chronophantasma Plays*
Hazama Clover walked onto the stage and did his pose at the top of the ramp. He casually walked down to the ring.
"And his opponent, from Virginia Beach, Virginia, weighing in at 240 pounds, Hazama Clover."
"Clover, a former world champion in other promotions, now fighting for a shot in this one," said Kendrick.
"That's true AND he's also a very smart wrestler. AKECHI knows this and has to know that Clover will likely do something unexpected to get the win tonight," said Patrick.
"He did say he had a plan for tonight so we'll see how this one goes."
Hazama entered the ring and posed before "playing his violin" along with the hook of the theme. His music began to fade away and he began to remove the clothes on the top half of his body.
The bell rang once both men were ready. They began with a lockup trying to gain control. AKECHI managed to gain the edge and worked Clover into a side headlock, but Clover was already starting to work his way out and AKECHI threw him towards the ropes. Clover rebounded off the ropes and leapt over AKECHI who dropped down as Clover rebounded off the ropes again and received a dropkick from AKECHI. Clover snapped to his feet and nailed AKECHI with a dropkick of his own, who took the dropkick, but stayed firm on his feet. AKECHI and Clover both ran to the ropes behind them and rebounded off them, colliding with each other, and hitting clotheslines, but not going down. Clover went for a knife edge chop and AKECHI didn't even flinch at it. Clover tried to repeat this and AKECHI backed away enough for the chop to miss him completely. AKECHI ran in and began striking Clover with stiff kicks to his left leg. Clover stood firm enough to grab AKECHI into a hammerlock and lifted him for a suplex with it and sent him down to the mat with force. Both men began to get to their feet again and simply stared at each other as the crowd was cheering at the display.
"The crowd is getting into this match here already," said Kendrick.
"It must be the Japanese style bleeding into this match here already. It's not common to see a match here in America like it is in Japan of this style," said Patrick.
"These two have fought on more than one occasion in Japan, a win-loss record tied at 3 wins a piece including an acclaimed match in the Tokyo Dome* and in the G1 Climax Finals*, but history means nothing now, this is a new start in a new company." AKECHI quickly grabbed Clover's left leg and nailed him with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip, then another, then began to work the leg some more with him pulling the leg back followed with an elbow drop to the leg. Clover clutched at his leg in a bit of pain. AKECHI got to his feet and stared down at Clover, gesturing in the subdued and serious manner people expected from him to Clover to get up. He looked up at the man standing over him for a second before nodding, slapped his leg a couple times, and got to his feet. Clover nailed AKECHI with a forceful elbow to the side of his opponent's head. This was enough for AKECHI to get stunned enough to turn around which led to both of AKECHI's arms getting wrapped around him as Clover lifted him back with a straightjacket suplex that he bridged into a pin attempt.
1..Kick Out.
Clover kept a grip on AKECHI's right arm with his left as both men began to get up. Clover maintained staying behind AKECHI and he pulled on the arm, causing AKECHI to spin towards him as Clover grabbed him and flipped him into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker with a ripcord flavor added to it. Clover then grabbed the back of AKECHI's head and turned it into a neckbreaker. AKECHI remained on the ground, face up. Clover took advantage of this and stepped back before leaping high and landing on his opponent's head with a knee drop. Clover then gripped AKECHI with a reverse headlock and hoisted him to his feet then lifted him into the air before quickly dropping him back first onto his left knee. This actually caused Clover to wince a slight bit in pain from AKECHI working his leg just a moment earlier in the match. This allowed the serious wrestler to recover enough to nail Clover in the back of his knee with a chop block which he took further advantage of by working it into a basic, but effective, heel hook. Clover was writhing in pain and struggled to get to the ropes.
"Clover is in a bad position in this match now. AKECHI has already begun an assault on the left leg of Clover since the near beginning of the match," said Kendrick.
"It's a good strategy from AKECHI. Clover uses a lot of moves that require leg strength, so that means Clover'll need to rethink his strategy on the fly which is going to be pretty difficult since AKECHI will likely be nailing him with blows to the head during that time. It's an uphill battle for Clover right now," said Patrick with a knowing tone in his voice. Clover was struggling to free himself of the hold by any means as the hold left him and AKECHI on their backs near the ropes. Clover desperately reached for the ropes, but wasn't able to. There was a silver lining though as Clover was able to start building enough momentum to at least turn him and AKECHI onto their stomachs which, while AKECHI didn't release his grip, did allow Clover to crawl the distance he needed to force a rope break. AKECHI released the submission hold and got up to his feet where he then began to stomp viciously on Clover's ankle, compounding the issue. AKECHI lifted his opponent to his feet and nailed him with a few stiff chops, backing him into the corner. Clover got lifted into a powerbomb position and AKECHI ran and carried him to throw him into the opposite corner successfully. He got into a cover.
2..Kick Out.
Clover was actively struggling to get onto his feet due to the damage to his leg, but AKECHI, perhaps out of respect, allowed him to at least attempt to get up, which he did. AKECHI ran in and attempted to grip Clover into a side headlock for a DDT, but Clover slipped backwards to the ropes to avoid getting hit with it. He lifted and tossed AKECHI over the top rope and onto the apron. AKECHI landed hard on his back on the "hardest part of the ring" but got up using the ropes. Clover nailed him with an elbow to the head to turn AKECHI around and he gripped him from behind with a full nelson, stepped onto the middle rope and hit him with a dragon suplex from the middle rope. He stood there and did a slow raising of his fist a la Kota Ibushi. He then dragged AKECHI back onto the apron, also getting on it, and nailed him with a German Suplex onto the apron and AKECHI fell onto the mat after the impact. Clover was sitting on the ring apron, gesturing for AKECHI to get up. The crowd chanted "Holy Shit" at this display.
"Shades of the man who inspired him to start wrestling, Kota Ibushi, with those suplexes," said Kendrick.
"I'm surprised he's even able to suplex right now giving the damage to his leg. He must be running on pure adrenaline right now," said Patrick. AKECHI grabbed onto the barricade at ringside to get up and Clover ran off the apron, leaping at him to nail him in the head with his left knee. Clover clutched at his leg in pain as doing all that made it hurt even more. The ref began applying the count.
8.. Where at this point both men began to stir and slowly began getting up.
14..Both men entered the ring, sliding under the ropes.
They both got to their feet quickly and began exchanging chops to each other neither going down. AKECHI, realizing this, decided instead to kick Clover's damaged leg, then grabbed it for another Dragon Screw leg whip. He dragged Clover's body to the ropes, pulled his leg through the ropes, went through the ropes onto the apron, and used the Dragon Screw again onto the ropes.
"Clover's leg is in bad shape right now. I'd be surprised if he can even put weight on it at this point," said Kendrick.
"It's looking pretty grim for him right now. This uphill battle is going to be even harder now for him," said Patrick. AKECHI reentered the ring and got tripped up by Clover who swept his leg out from under him using his right, non damaged, leg. Clover then managed to drag AKECHI away from the ropes as he began locking the legs around his right leg, bent backwards to grab AKECHI into a chin lock, and began applying a one legged Muta Lock. He began bouncing up and down to increase the pressure.
"I think we might be wrong about Clover's chances, Kendrick. He's still found ways to stay alive in this match."
"Clover's got that Muta Lock in so he can at least wear AKECHI down, hopefully enough to bring the match back to even," said Kendrick. Clover continued bouncing while applying the hold, which left AKECHI in a greater amount of pain from the continued fluctuations causing constant shifts in pressure within the hold. AKECHI struggled, but eventually after a bit of time, began to undo the chinlock by pulling Clover's arms off of him. AKECHI got to his feet and went for a side hook to Clover with his right arm who caught the arm, moved to AKECHI's right side, and snapped the arm down quickly. He then walked AKECHI around a couple steps to build enough momentum to move behind the arm, roll across AKECHI's back, and, thanks to the momentum from this, tossed AKECHI to the mat over his shoulder with force, never releasing his grip on the arm during the move. He got into a cover.
2..Kick Out.
"Clover using that multi-purpose throw that, in the past, has taken down many larger foes. It's the set-up for the Serpent's Infernal Rapture usually and it's called the Cloverfield*," said Kendrick. Like he said, Clover got up and attempted to stomp on AKECHI's head, only he rolled onto his stomach to the side and got to his feet. AKECHI then took Clover to the ground into a seated position with a snapmare takedown that he followed with a kick to the back. He kept Clover in the seated position as he ran to the ropes, and rebounded off them to nail Clover with a stiff penalty kick. He got into a cover.
2..Kick Out.
"AKECHI responds in kind with that stiff PK. Both men I think are trying to close this match out," said Patrick. AKECHI lifted Clover onto his feet, both arms hooked, ready to hit his finisher. Clover's damaged leg gave out though and he fell to one knee, which also prevented AKECHI from hitting Under Heaven Destruction. AKECHI released the grip and began stomping on the left leg. He grabbed Clover and nailed him with a spinebuster, then dragged him to his feet and tossed him into the corner. He walked to the opposite corner, sprinted at Clover, and hit a dropkick, then repeated this twice more, but sprinting to the opposite corner on the following repeats. Clover was now seated in the corner and AKECHI dragged him out by the legs and brought him to his feet again. He nailed Clover with a stiff chop, sending him onto the ropes, and lifted him into a powerbomb position off the rebound. Clover came to and began striking AKECHI in the head and slowly managed to get out of the situation, landing on the canvas. Clover's left leg gave out on the landing though, and he wasn't able to put weight on it. He gestured that he legitimately hurt his leg. The referee went to go check up on him and forced AKECHI to back off.
"Clover looks like he actually injured his leg on the landing," said Kendrick.
"It doesn't help that AKECHI had targeted the leg all match. It's not surprising that he injured it," said Patrick. AKECHI looked down at Clover, irritated at how things turned out. He turned his back to him. Clover pushed the ref away from him, got up to his feet, and rolled AKECHI up with a school boy.
2..Kick Out.
AKECHI rolled back onto his knees and was nailed with a kick to the side of the head from Clover. He began to stomp on the back of AKECHI's head many times, a few more times than normal. He let AKECHI get onto his knees himself and saw that he had a look of disappointment on his face. Unperturbed, Clover then superkicked him in the face, then walked past him and ran back to superkick him in the back of the head. Clover rolled AKECHI into a pin.
The bell rang as Clover got to his feet and celebrated by doing his pose to the cameras.
"Here is your winner and the number one contender for the S7W World Heavyweight Championship, Hazama Clover."
"D-did Clover FAKE an INJURY to win that?" Kendrick asked, visibly stunned.
"I think he did, his leg does look a bit hurt so it's not difficult to see him use that to give himself the edge at the end of the match. You don't have to like it, but it is a smart strategy."
"Nonetheless, Clover has won a title shot so he gets to be next in line for a chance at the top prize in our promotion and that is an undeniable fact."
"You mean, the FIRST in line for a title shot, but who he'll be facing for the belt still hasn't been decided yet because we've got one more match to go tonight," said Patrick.
Clover celebrated his big win on his way to the back as the lights dimmed for the following video package.
The scene cut to a dramatic video reel with the same narrator from the beginning of the show. The screen started in black with the words spoken appearing on the screen.
"A New Beginning."
"A Future in the Making"
The screen then showed shots of Carmine Io and Nolan Clancy making their respective entrances, going back and forth between each man as the narration continued.
"As a start to the legacy of the biggest prize in Strong 7 Wrestling. It's necessary for the first champion to make their impact immediately."
The camera changed to show Carmine posing towards one of the camera's. "Challenger One: 'The Blood Angel' CARMINE IO!" After saying his name, it showed highlights from both of Carmine's matches. "Beginning with a win over Evan Windsor and continuing by defeating AKECHI. Both with his dynamic finishing move, the Blood Angel. Now he seeks to claim the top prize as the first man to hold it."
The shot shifted to a scene of Carmine wearing his hoodie and jeans while sitting on a railing, the camera peering into an empty warehouse. He spoke as if being interviewed*.
"Being the first of anything always leaves a bigger impression. Being the first means everyone has no choice, but to look at you and say, 'I may have done it for longer or done it better, but he did it first'. The fans may want a happy ending," he shook his head. "Worthless. I'm the only one that can be the one at the top. Any other thoughts may as well be worthless."
The narrator spoke again, "He relishes in denouncing things as worthless. He feeds on the hate simply so he may show them how he thinks of them as worthless." The shots now focused on more of Carmine's highlights in matches, also putting in shots of him training in the warehouse doing various exercises. The shot finished with him staring at the camera in the warehouse. Carmine spoke again in the interview shot.
"Fans can think how they want, but they think like sheep. It's all herd mentality, going with what's popular to say and not what's correct. If they wanna doubt me they can, but it only gives me more pride when I prove them wrong."
The shot then cut to the first staredown between Carmine and Clancy.
"No path to the top comes easily. Every fight requires two sides of it."
The camera cut to a shot of Clancy doing his "pressing the detonator" motion from the end of the second Turmoil. "Challenger Two: 'The Detonator' NOLAN CLANCY!" The shots now showed highlights from Clancy's matches. "Defeating King Lokesh and then Hazama Clover then following week with the Blast Protocol. The challenge to become the first champion is clear to him."
The shot cut to Clancy wearing a normal plain green tee with blue jeans on. He was standing on the roof of a skyscraper overlooking his home city of Providence at midday.
"Being first as world champion isn't my concern, BEING champion is. Becoming the top champ in a promotion means you carry the weight of that promotion on your back. You become the embodiment of what your promotion stands for. I've seen a few before reach that point in other companies and crumble from the weight. I've never been given that honor before in my time wrestling so far, but I know that I can handle that pressure. Can Carmine do the same?"
"A man who brings explosiveness to the ring. Being champion isn't just his main goal, it's his only goal. But how will he compare to the skills of the Blood Angel?" There were more shots of his highlights in his matches interspersed with shots of him working out in a training facility on various machines. It cut back to the interview shot.
"My goal is to win. Plain and simple. Carmine is going to stand in my way and that's fine. I'm certain he wants that belt as much, maybe even more than I do. That said, is he skilled enough to warrant being champion when he lacks experience? This is a game to him, but he still has much to learn before he can call himself champion. I'll see to it that his chances of winning are blown to bits."
The narrator spoke again. The shot now focusing on dramatic shots of ladders and the title belt hanging above the ring "A match to crown the first champion needs to have a winner. The best way to crown the first champion is in a ladder match where there MUST be a conclusive winner." The shot focused on both Carmine and Clancy staring each other down before looking up at the title where the narrator's next words appeared on the screen over it.
"Everything hangs in the balance!"
The screen changed to show a graphic of Carmine and Clancy in their gear, nameplates underneath them, a large "VS." between the nameplates, and the words "S7W World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match" above the nameplates. The narrator announced the match.
The camera focused now on the ring. The championship belt was held by the referee in the center of the ring as he waited for both competitors to enter the ring. There were ladders on the ramp and around the ringside area.
*Sunday Rain - Foo Fighters Plays*
Nolan Clancy stepped out onto the stage and did his usual entrance, except that when he pressed his "detonator" there were many more explosions and pyro going off than the standard version of his entrance as he continued along as usual. He was wearing green tights with his logo on them instead of the red he'd worn in previous weeks.
"This is the final step to becoming the inaugural champion here in S7W and Clancy has made it very clear that he wants the belt, simply because he wants to win," said Kendrick.
"Winning is all that matters. Speaking from experience and Clancy gets this as his mindset for this ladder match. This is going to be his biggest challenge yet."
Clancy entered the ring with his remaining "detonator" and did his pose, pressing the button and setting off, once again, more pyro than normal. He went to one corner and waited for his opponent.
*All These Things I Hate - Bullet For My Valentine Plays*
Carmine Io walked out onto the stage wearing white tights and boots and featuring a logo on the tights with a figure, a silhouette of Carmine with wings that looked like they were made of liquid and, obviously, red, on the side. He made his way to the ring as normal.
"Carmine cares less about JUST winning and more about being the first champion. He claims being the first is more important than just being part of the lineage because everyone has to look up at them being the first," said Patrick.
"Buddy Rogers, Pat Patterson, Antonio Inoki, Harley Race, Shiro Koshinaka, Chris Jericho. All those men I listed were the first to hold some kind of championship that's grown to prestigious heights over the course of time, and there might be your Okadas and your Sammartinos and your Mizs who yes, may be better champions, arguably the best for their respective titles, but nothing will change who the first champion is and that is what Carmine wants to be more than anything," said Kendrick.
Carmine entered into the ring. He went up to Clancy, and with a big toothy grin, began to lightly smack him on his chest. He then walked to his corner and sat down, waiting for the match to start.
"The following match is for the S7W World Heavyweight Championship and is contested in a ladder match. Introducing first, from Providence, Rhode Island, weighing in at 235 pounds, "The Detonator" Nolan Clancy." Clancy held his right arm out and did his "pressing the detonator" motion as the crowd cheered. "And introducing his opponent, from Columbus, Ohio, weighing in at 203 pounds, "The Blood Angel" Carmine Io." Carmine did his hand on the face pose as the crowd began chanting "Edgelord" at him.
The referee walked up to each man and showed them the belt before holding it up in the center of the ring. A cable lowered down from above with a large metal loop at the end which the ref connected the belt onto as it was raised into the air. The ref then stepped out of the ring and stood at ringside, his presence only needed in case someone gets injured to the point of being unable to compete.
The bell rang and Carmine chose to forgo a typical lockup to instead start the match on his terms with a running single leg dropkick, sending Clancy back into his corner. Carmine keeps on the assault with a running back elbow to the face, followed by him pushing Clancy out of the corner. He hit him with a snapmare followed by a soccer kick to the back, then spinning and nailing Clancy with a penalty kick. He jumped onto Clancy's stomach for a double stomp and taunted him afterwards with his hand on the face pose. Carmine then proceeded to exit the ring and began to try and find a tall enough ladder that will reach the title belt.
"Carmine being selective with his choice in trying to find a ladder. Why is that Patrick?" Kendrick asked.
"We see so often in ladder matches that the first ladder brought in doesn't even come close to reaching the prize. Carmine must be aware of that and is searching for one that'll end it quickly." Just as Carmine turned a corner, seeing a tall enough ladder more towards the side of the ramp, Clancy had gotten up and went onto the ring apron, running towards Carmine and nailing him with a crossbody to the outside. He got up and did a short fist pump to the crowd who began cheering. He saw the same ladder Carmine was going to get and folded it up to bring it into the ring. He was carrying it sideways at his side while Carmine, who had gotten up in the meantime, ran at him and dropkick the end of the ladder, which sent the ladder out of Clancy's hands. Clancy grabbed Carmine by the shoulder and turned him around into a snap suplex onto the ladder. Clancy rolled The Blood Angel off of the ladder and began to bring it into the ring. He got into the ring and began to set it up. He started to climb the ladder on the side facing the ramp.
"Clancy's going up the ladder now! He wants to finish this!" Kendrick said with excitement. As he said this, Carmine got into the ring and pulled down Clancy before he could even get to the top. The Detonator landed on both feet and pushed Carmine back who responded by running towards him, stepping one foot onto the second rung of the ladder, and leaping off it to catch Clancy with a Tornado DDT. Carmine then brought his opponent up to his feet and tossed him over the top rope, though he stayed on the apron. Carmine nailed him with an enzuiguri followed by a sunset flip powerbomb to the outside. He then grabbed Clancy with a waistlock and rammed him into the barricade before getting onto the apron and springboarding off the middle rope and delivered a moonsault to his enemy. Carmine got up to his feet and basked in the chorus of boos from the crowd. He then turned to his opponent and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him to the nearest ring post, and hooking it around the post. Carmine grabbed a chair from underneath the ring and swung it at the arm, but didn't connect with it as Clancy pulled his arm back at the last possible moment. Clancy stepped back a few feet and then ran around the corner and dropkicked Carmine in the the chest. He attempted to lift Carmine onto his shoulder only for Carmine to slip down out the back and hit Clancy with a Snap Inverted DDT. Neither man was able to get up immediately.
"Both men have already turned this anticipated match into an all out fight to keep the other man down," said Patrick.
"Makes sense, you have to keep them down just long enough to actually get the strap down. How you do that is on you," said Kendrick. Carmine got up first and grabbed the chair near him and began to wail on Clancy's torso a few times. He took the chair and began to apply it on Clancy's throat as he struggled to get air. After Carmine finished his assault, he unfolded the chair and set it down so it was perpendicular to the ramp. He dragged Clancy onto the chair and shoved his head through the gap, face up so his back was on the chair. Carmine leapt up onto the ring apron and leapt off it for a leg drop on Clancy and the chair. It left Clancy down long enough for Carmine to walk back into the ring and attempt to climb the ladder, though he was going up slowly to taunt the crowd as well as to conserve energy. He took a good amount of time, but did reach the belt and slowly began to try and take it down. There was a small complication in that Clancy had gotten back into the ring. And he had the steel chair with him. And he was nailing Carmine's legs with it, not his back, his legs. Carmine was unable to continue trying to reach for the belt and due to the continued attack began to lose his footing, ultimately slipping off and taking a rough hit to the face, connecting with a rung of the ladder on the way down. Clancy grabbed him before he hit the ground into an electric chair position, having dropped the chair in order to do this. He then reworked him into an inverted Alabama Slam position and flung him up face first back into the ladder, which also knocked the ladder down from the sheer force.
"Excellent combination of the impactful move with the inverted Alabama Slam and the ladder. Really effective move," said Patrick. Clancy folded the ladder and set it in the middle of the ring. He dragged Carmine to his feet, hooked his leg, and nailed him with an exploder suplex onto the ladder. He then started to get up, wincing in pain because the suplex still caused him to land a bit onto the ladder as well, and began a series of stomps on Carmine. Carmine caught one of the stomps and gripped onto Clancy's heel and maintained the grip as he got to his feet, then leapt up and slammed the leg down onto the ladder. Clancy was on one knee clutching his right leg, the one slammed into the ladder, and Carmine ran and rebounded off the ropes and nailed him with a Shining Wizard, kept him from falling down, ran and rebounded off the ropes again and drilled Clancy in the face with a knee. Instead of setting the ladder back up, he exited the ring and searched under the ring for a table, found one, and began setting it up at ringside, then went to the opposite side of the ring where the ramp was and repeated the process. Carmine rolled into the ring and began to drag The Detonator out of the ring. He slammed Clancy's head right onto the table by the ramp, then set him face up on the table. Carmine hit him with a couple blows to keep him on the table, then he grabbed the nearest ladder and set it up by the table.
"I think we all know where this is going, but this could go very wrong for Carmine if he fails," said Kendrick.
"He's scaling the ladder and it'll be a rough landing even if he hits whatever he plans on doing," said Patrick. As stated already, Carmine was climbing the ladder and was now standing at the top of it. He backflipped off of it and nailed the Blood Angel onto Clancy that broke the table on the landing. Both men were once again down, but Clancy was clearly the one far worse for wear here. The crowd yelled, "HOLY SHIT!" from the display they just witnessed.
"I understand your excitement, but please don't yell. I'm right next to you and I'd like to have my hearing intact," said Kendrick with exasperation. Both men stayed down for about half a minute before Carmine began to stir and started to slowly crawl into the ring. He dragged himself to the ladder and got up so he could set the ladder up. He began the slow ascent up the ladder. As he started to reach the top, he could see Clancy slowly begin to enter the ring and he crawled to the side of the ladder and began trying to tilt it, but was unable to. Feeling slighted by this desperation from Clancy, Carmine dropped down off the ladder and began to connect a few forearms on his enemy's back. He grabbed Clancy by the chin and began yelling at him, "YOU ARE WORTHLESS! YOU WILL NEVER BE CHAMPION!" Clancy slapped Carmine hard across the face which sent Carmine back a few feet from shock.
"That maaaaay just be the last act of defiance from Nolan Clancy," said Patrick. Incensed, Carmine walked back quickly to Clancy and grabbed him by the back of the head and continually slammed his face into the ladder, sending the ladder down with one final slam. He pushed the ladder to a corner of the ring under the bottom rope so it was out of the way. He glanced over at Clancy who started to get up onto his knees, facing towards ringside, and ran and rebounded off the ropes to attack him again, but Clancy stopped him dead in his tracks with a turnaround clothesline. Carmine got right back up to his feet and swung for a clothesline of his own, but Clancy ducked and nailed him with a backbreaker, then dragged him over the top rope, leaving Carmine standing on the apron. Carmine then regained his senses and dragged Clancy over the top rope and onto the apron with him. They began an exchange of blows on the apron before Clancy stepped back and ran up to hit Carmine with a high knee. Taking advantage of the situation, Clancy lifted Carmine onto his shoulders and sent him right onto the apron with a Death Valley Driver. Clancy stepped off the apron to pantomime his button pressing motion to the crowd, facing away from his opponent. Carmine, in a burst of energy and adrenaline swung around, Tiger Feint Kick style to get down from the apron and he leapt up to nail Clancy with a poison rana, sending him neck first into the mat. Both men were down, unable to get up once again.
"And AGAIN in our main event tonight, both men are down ONCE AGAIN!" Kendrick said in shock.
"These two have beaten the hell out of each other, it's a miracle that both of them can still even stay awake during this match. Still, we have to see this end soon. Right?" Patrick asked with genuine uncertainty while the crowd chanted, "THIS IS AWESOME!" As both Carmine and Clancy both got up to their feet AGAIN, they turned and began to get up, leaning onto each other as they did so. Carmine pushed Clancy away from him as he stumbled back into the ring, Clancy followed him as he did so. The Blood Angel ran and rebounded off the ropes, then leapt into the air to nail Clancy with a meteora. Carmine grabbed the ladder and began to set it up again, he then climbed up the side of the ladder opposite the ramp. Clancy used the ropes to help himself get up and he stopped Carmine from climbing by lifting him into a powerbomb position. He went for an attempt at sending Carmine through the other table set up at ringside. The key word being attempt as Carmine, just as Clancy reached the ropes, reversed it into a basic armbar as a desperation move to keep his title hopes alive. Carmine released the hold and reentered the ring with a slingshot DDT attempt that got reversed into a cutter. Clancy threw Carmine out onto the apron. He began to climb up the ladder himself now. He was nearing the top when Carmine leapt onto the top rope and springboarded onto his back, trying to climb over him and barely having the title in his reach. Clancy also was trying to reach for the title belt now.
"Both men are reaching for the championship, who's gonna come out on top?" Kendrick asked.
"This match is about to hit a fever pitch. Something has to give here," said Patrick. Clancy tried to pry Carmine off his back, but was unsuccessful. Instead, he began to ascend the ladder further and, upon reaching the top, was able to transition it into a position where Carmine's right arm was draped over his right shoulder. He backflipped them both off the top of the ladder where his knee plunged into Carmine's back upon reaching the ground, hitting the Blast Protocol. He dragged Carmine underneath the ladder, then he stuck Carmine's leg through the second and third rung of the ladder, THEN he took the chair that was still in the ring from earlier and stuck Carmine's leg through it.
"This is ingenuity from Clancy, he's making sure that if Carmine does come back from the Blast Protocol, he won't be able to get his leg out. This is really smart here," said Kendrick. Clancy began to ascend the ladder once more. Once again near the top, Clancy began reaching for the belt while Carmine did start to see what position he was in and began struggling. This was in vain though as Clancy began unhooking the belt and pulled it down.
The bell rang as Nolan Clancy sat down atop the ladder, raising the belt high above his head and his music began playing. He descended the ladder.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner and the NEW S7W World Heavyweight Champion, "The Detonator" Nolan Clancy!"
Clancy was on the ground and helped Carmine out of his predicament. He then helped him to his feet and reached out his hand in a sign of respect. This was rejected by the Blood Angel who shoved him aside as he exited the ring and walked up the ramp. Clancy called for a microphone and began to speak.
"Hey, Carmine. Hope we get to do this again sometime." He was now addressing the crowd. "Everyone! PHILADELPHIA! THANK YOU! This match was probably the hardest one I've had to fight through in my career so far. I don't know if this was what you wanted. I don't know your expectations. HOWEVER! I promise to you all that this is only the beginning of something great." He lifted the belt high into the air "THIS is the pinnacle of our promotion and I am proud to be your champion. As for those who are still on the fence about what we do here at S7W, I promise you, I will lead us to greatness, to unbelievable heights, and I will blow you all away."
He held the belt up one final time before he began to exit the ring.
"Nolan Clancy gets to end our very first Pay-Per-View as our very first world champion. A huge congratulations to him on this accomplishment," said Patrick.
"I agree. On behalf of me and my partner Patrick Alston, I'm Kendrick West and well will see you Tuesday on Turmoil."
Clancy was walking up the ramp celebrating with the fans where he was greeted by Kokonoe on the stage. She stuck her hand out for a handshake which Clancy graciously accepted. She lifted his arm up in victory as the crowd cheered while the show ended.
Note Points
*Kokonoe basically made Tager do any and all narration.
*Bullet was also forced to do this narration.
*Actually volunteered to help. Look her up for a better image of her appearance.
*5 Stars from the Meltzer Equivalent of this time.
*Also 5 Stars.
*20 Count System, Basically All Matches are Japanese Rules.
*Whatever reference you think it's for, you're wrong. Also this is basically a signature move before the finisher.
*Took inspiration from NJPW's VTRs that they do before big matches. Look them up for an idea of the structure of them.