So I have decided that I am going to be making a new story and this time I am going to be making yet another Highschool DxD story with an O.C. who is going to be the main character of said story seeing as it is more fun to create and mold someone from my mind compared to changing someone from said anime into someone who they aren't and believe me I have done so many times in the past when I was doing Naruto stories. I have decided that I am going to be giving my O.C. a Sacred Gear of my own creation and it is going to be an elemental based Sacred Gear and I am going to be using one of my favorite elements for said Sacred Gear and you will find out what element it is going to be in this chapter. Now just to let you know I am not going to be busting out the Balance Breaker in this chapter or even in the coming chapters as I want it to be a special moment when my O.C. gets even more powerful and turn the tide of the battle that I am going to place him in and don't worry I know what the Balance Breaker is going to be. For the pairing it is going to be a harem seeing as this is DxD so you ALWAYS have to give the main character a fucking harem of females that want to spend the rest of their lives together with. I will be listing them off at the end of this chapter so you will see who is going to end up with my O.C. so I hope that you like the females that my O.C. is going to end up with in the end. Beyond that I have nothing else to really say on this matter so without further ado I think that it is high time for me to begin the thing that must be done before anyone can even begin one of these stories to begin with. Disclaimer: I own nothing at all nor will I ever save for the O.C. and Sacred Gear I made for this story.

A handsome young man around the age of eighteen years old with raven black hair that reaches down to the back of his neck leaving some of his bangs to fall near his eyes, healthy pale skin color, and amethyst eye color. He is wearing the traditional Kuoh Academy uniform which consists of a white long sleeved button down shirt with vertical linings, a black blazer with white accents, the normal white ribbon is missing seeing as the young man HATED the thing with a passion, matching black pants, and black converse gym shoes. This is Levi Hatake the son of a local nurse who works in Kuoh and a man who pretty much walked out on his mother when she announced that she was pregnant.

Levi sighed as he walked down the sidewalk as he knew what was going to happen when he arrived at the academy, he would have to put up with the other students that like to badger him about random things and that was something he was not really happy about. Still he made his way towards the once female only academy that suddenly turned co-ed for some reason and while some males like Levi went there to actually learn something most of the males are perverts that only want to stare at the female body and drool.

Though a small smile crept it's way onto his face as he thought of the friends he made at the academy and it was funny that his friends were female which pissed off the perverted male portion of the academy. It was odd that he was friends with the people that he is but he still liked it nonetheless as it was a good change of pace for the young man as he was used to only being by himself. Soon he reached the gates of Kuoh Academy before he took a deep breath and moved forwards and he moved forwards ignoring the screaming fan girls and pissed off males.

As he got closer to Kuoh he spotted his two friends and with a smile he walked faster to get to them.

"Hey Akeno-chan, Koneko-chan how are you two" Levi asked happily.

Akeno is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, healthy pale skin color, violet eyes, very long black hair that is tied into a high ponytail that reaches down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and slopping backwards, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place. She is wearing the traditional Kuoh Academy uniform which consists of a white long sleeved button down shirt with vertical linings that shows off her large and plump F-cup breasts, a black ribbon on the collar, a black shoulder cape, matching button down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents that shows off her tight round ass, a pair of calf length socks, and brown shoes.

Koneko is a petite girl with white hair with the front of her hair having two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead while the back has a short bob cut, healthy pale skin color, and gold eyes. She is wearing the traditional Kuoh Academy uniform which consists of a white long sleeved button down shirt with vertical linings that shows off her low C-cup breasts, a black ribbon on the collar, a button down corset, and a magenta skirt that shows off her soft and spankable ass, and a black cat shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair, black socks, and brown shoes.

The two looked at the young adult and a smile graced Akeno's lips while Koneko showed one of the rare moments in which a smile graced her usually emotionless face. The girls walked over to Levi and the three began to talk before school actually started with Levi petting Koneko on the head behind her hidden ears which made the white haired girl purr while Akeno would tease the white haired girl about it though Levi would usually bring up different subjects so that the beautiful black haired woman wouldn't tease Koneko to much.

Levi met Koneko one day when he was walking back home from Kuoh Academy when he heard the sounds of an argument talking place and Levi not one to shy away from finding out what the hell was going on decided that he would look. As it turns out Koneko was surrounded by four jocks who yelled at her for bumping into them while Koneko was looking at the broken chocolate bar on the ground before Koneko shot back that they are the ones that bumped into her and caused her to drop her candy bar.

The jocks really didn't give a rats ass about that and marched over to the white haired girl intending on roughing her up a tad for bumping into them and for staining their jackets. Levi decided that enough was enough and stepped in between the jocks and Koneko and told them that if they wanted the white haired girl then they would have to go through him. The jocks laughed at that while Koneko looked at Levi wondering what he was going to do but what Koneko and the jocks didn't know was that Levi was trained in Shaolin Kung Fu so it was no problem for the boy in the slightest.

After a very short beat down the jocks were on the ground groaning in pain while Levi was just standing over them with a blank expression on his face befor ehe turned around and looked at Koneko who was once again looking at the candy bar on the ground. Lavi seeing this opened up his pack and brought out a box of chocolate covered Pocky sticks and handed them to Koneko. The white haired girl looked at the box in her hand before she looked back to Levi who smiled at her and told her that she could have them. Levi smiled at Koneko before he walked away while waving at the white haired girl though he did not hear Koneko say thank you nor ask for his name because he got farther away.

As for his meeting with Akeno it was interesting to say the least as Levi was walking through the halls of Kuoh Academy and as he was passing a classroom he spotted something. It was the Geometry teacher a fat tub of lard who is in his late thirties to early forties and standing across from said tub of lard was none other than Akeno Himejima one of the most sought after girls in Kuoh Academy. Levi's blood ran cold when he saw that the Geometry teacher move forwards and announce that he was going to make Akeno into his personal toy for pleasure.

Levi got pissed that he kicked the door down catching the attention of both the Geometry teacher and Akeno herself as she was not expecting someone to show up seeing as she would wait for the man to get close enough to her and then knock the man out before altering his memories so that he would forget about their encounter. The fat tub of lard only laughed when Levi demanded answers but the man only told Levi to 'fuck off and mind his own business' but that was something that Levi was not going to do.

Akeno watched in sadistic glee as she watched Levi beat the crap out of the Geometry teacher and even felt a blush appear on her cheeks when she saw Levi lift a full grown man into the air and threw him to the ground. Levi then walked up to the fat tub of lard and knelt down to the man and told him that if he EVER caught him doing something like that again than the beat down he just got would look like a slap to face compared to brutal beating that he would get from Levi and the man could only whimper and nod. After that Levi walked up to Akeno and asked her if she was alright to which the young woman said that she was indeed alright which caused Levi to smile at her and said that he was glad. Then looking at the time Levi took off seeing as he was going to be late for his next class and so he said goodbye to Akeno before taking off.

After both this incidents Levi gained two great friends that he would do anything to protect them from harm, after they were done talking they heard the bell ring and so they all went their separate ways.

(Lunch Time)

Levi sighed happily as he was sitting under a Sakura tree eating his food and he could hear the signs of the perverted trio screaming in pain most likely getting caught by the Kendo Club for peeping yet again. Seriously those three never learned that their reputation was already in the crapper in the academy and with their constant peeping they were digging themselves into an deeper hole. It made Levi chuckle that those three perverts would bitch and moan about not getting a single female but all they had to do was drop their perverted nature and show some actually human decency and then maybe a girl would be attracted to them.

It made Levi smirk, as Koneko and him bonded over their shared hatred for perverts as he bore witness to Koneko beating the shit out of them even with the perverted trio getting a chance to look up her skirt. When Levi noticed that he soon took charge of the beatings which made the perverted trio hate his guts even more but at that point Levi didn't give a rats ass about them hating him in the slightest. After eating his food he stood up once again and left the Sakura tree that he was under and if someone noticed they would spot scorch marks on the ground and a low glow appearing on the back of Levi's neck.

(Later that Day)

Levi walked out of the academy and headed back for his home and when he walked over the bridge he was utterly shocked to see a girl whom he did not recall ever seeing asked Issei Hyoudou the Harem King obsessed pervert to be her boyfriend and go out on a date with her on Sunday. Now Levi was skeptical about the whole thing as the whole meeting just didn't make a lick of sense but guessed that someone payed the girl to do this as some sort of cruel joke to the pervert and he kind of felt sorry for Issei but still he continued on with his walk.

When he returned home he spotted his mother sitting at the kitchen table sipping some tea and relaxing after working for most of the day and Levi smiled seeing his mother so at peace.

Mrs. Hatake is a beautiful woman around the age of thirty eight years old with a curvy form, healthy pale skin color, raven black hair that reaches down to her wide hips, and amethyst eyes. She is wearing a short sleeved blue shirt with a picture of a few flowers on the back which showed off her large DD-cup breasts, a pair of grey jeans with a rip on her right knee which showed off her fully developed round ass, and a pair of green slippers.

"Hello mother how was your day at work" Levi asked in wonder.

"It was alright, Levi-kun" Mrs. Hatake said honestly.

"Well why don't you spend the rest of the day relaxing and I make dinner for us tonight" Levi said honestly.

"Oh Levi-kun you are the best son a mother could ask for" Mrs. Hatake said happily.

"Just let me put my stuff in my room and get changed before I get started" Levi said honestly.

"Sure thing honey" Mrs. Hatake said honestly.

Levi turned around and walked away but his mother spotted the glow coming off of her son which made her bite her lower lip in worry as she knew what the cause of that glow meant and it was not a good thing in the slightest. She only hoped that nothing would happen to her boy that would cause her to call him and ask for help. When she heard footsteps once again she washed the worried look off her face as she knew her son would badger her about what was wrong and having Levi worry about what was wrong was not something Mrs. Hatake wanted right now.


For some odd reason Levi was feeling EXTREMELY sluggish and has been feeling it since Friday as he almost fainted when he was at Kuoh Academy which caused him to be sent home. The feeling only increased as time went on, as he couldn't even train for more than a few minutes before he had to take a break and usually he could train for a good hour before he needed to sit down and take five. When Mrs. Hatake saw her son in the state that he was knew that there was no more avoiding it she would have to call him and fast.

So for the past few days he was stuck in his house with nothing to do really which pissed him off but his mother pretty much told him to stay at home until she returned and getting his mother pissed off was the wrong thing to do as Mrs. Hatake was down right hostile when pissed. So Levi walked down the stairs before he blacked out and fell on the ground and now the glow that was on the back of his neck got brighter and brighter before it faded away. The door opened and Mrs Hatake and the one that she called for help saw Levi on the ground.

"I see why you called me here so quickly, the seal was supposed to last much longer than this" the helper said bluntly.

"Is there anyway for a new seal to be placed on him" Mrs. Hatake asked desperately.

"No the seal broke, so there is little to nothing we can do to stop it" the helper said honestly.

"I take it that our time has finally ran out" Mrs. Hatake said sadly.

"I am so sorry Miya-chan" the helper said honestly.

"There is no reason for you to feel sorry Odin-sama, you warned me the moment we sealed that away, that the seal would break" Miya said honestly.

"You do know what has to be done now" Odin said firmly.

"Yes we are going to have to help him control his new found power" Miya said bluntly.

"Well that shouldn't be to hard for you, after all you are the Elemental Mistress a powerful SS-Class wizard" Odin said honestly.

"Please Odin-sama, I haven't been called that for seven years" Miya said honestly.

"You may say that but you are still as beautiful and deadly the moment I saw you" Odin said proudly.

"If I recall you peeped on me when I was sitting in a hot spring" Miya said firmly.

"It was one of the greatest views I have seen in my entire life" Odin said in perverted glee.

"After all these years you are still a pervert" Miya said dryly.

A few hours later Levi groaned and noticed he was back in his bed and as he lifted himself up he could tell that the sluggish feeling was gone which raised a few eyebrows as the last thing he remembered was blacking out. Jumping out of bed Levi made it downstairs to see his mother talking to an elderly so Levi coughed pretty damn loud to get their attention.

"Levi-kun, I am so happy to see you awake" Miya said happily.

"Thank you mother, now then would you please explain why there is a strange man in our house" Levi asked firmly.

"Levi-kun I want you to sit down on the couch and let me explain" Miya said seriously.

Levi nodded and did as his mother told him to do as he sat across from Miya and Odin even though he didn't know the elderly man's name at the moment as he was cautious of the man looking at him.

"Now then Levi-kun allow me to introduce you to an old acquaintance of mine Odin the leader of the Norse Faction" Miya said honestly.

There we go folks and sorry for being silent for the longest time as work has been killing me seeing as I work almost every day of the week which only leaves me two and a half days to work on these and it is not easy when you are tired from work.

1. If you haven't figured it out already my O.C. is going to be part of the Norse Faction seeing as a lot of people make their main characters part of the Devil Faction so I thought that I would do something different for once for my main character.

2. This also helps with making original arcs for my main character to go on seeing as he ins't tied down by the Devil Faction nor apart of anyone's Peerage so I can have my main character go off whenever I want him to and do my own thing.

3. Also my O.C. is NOT going to get involved with Riser Phenex during his arc but he will be meeting other members of the Phenex Clan during an original arc.

Harem for Levi: Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, Ravel Phenex, Rossweisse, Kuroka, Yasaka, Xenovia

Question: Should I add Asia to Levi's harem along with Irina so that Levi gets the 'Church Trio' as a whole into his harem?