Indiana Jones in the Quest of the Time Stone
Chapter 1
"Let's get those pry-bars in!" The fedora clad archaeologist watches as his hired men wedge the bars into a crevice. With the men doing their job, Jones notices a mountain of a man with long dirty blonde locks and a braided beard approach him. He dryly greets his friend sensing he is about to receive unwanted news. "Your source was correct. This is the old Norse temple you seek." The Norwegian watches his friend mischievously smirk. "Don't let Loki fill your soul just yet." Jorn tells him then watches his expression change.
"Now what?" Jones questions with calm vexation seeping out of him.
"We aren't the only ones digging in the area... But the good news is, they seek something else." The dirty blonde watches his friend roll his eyes. "It seems the Nazis are seeking the Eitr." The Norwegian condescendingly laughs. "They'll never find it. Do you know what it is?"
"The Eitr? Yeah, a liquid. Believed to be the origin of life. If you believe that kinda of thing." The fedora clad man awkwardly replies before returning his attention to the temple.
Jorn looks at the now open temple then looks at his friend and nods. "Like I said. They'll never find it. Not even with their odd woman's help."
"As long as they stay away from me I don't care. And they've always got someone odd with them. Their Fuhrer is a nut for anything that isn't realistic." He watches as the hired men suddenly run from the temple. "What's gotten into them?"
"They're spooked by the opening of the temple." He looks between the temple entrance and the archaeologist. "But listen. This odd woman the Nazis have... There is something powerful about her. I can't explain it." He points his finger at his friend. "She is tall, bald and wears yellow and orange medieval clothing. I tell you we need to be mindful of her. " Jorn tells him in concern.
"Great, just great." He takes a breath. "And what do you believe, Jorn?" Jones ask while getting a flashlight from his satchel.
The Norwegian smiles before clapping his hands together. "You have hired me to dig. That is what I believe. And you needn't worry about the hired men. They're but day laborers. I will find better men in the morning. But for now I will get us some lights for the temple."
The archaeologist nods. "I'm gonna take a look, see what we've got here." He adjust his fedora before entering the temple.
Waving his flashlight around the chamber he gleans some idea as to how big the chamber is. "I think I've got a much bigger find than I was expecting." The adventurer whispers while noticing piles of rubble. Without wasting any time, the fedora clad man goes deeper inside becoming lost in his find. After spending several minutes digging through a pile of rubble, the scruffy man jumps as the chamber is suddenly filled with light.
"Jorn!" He exclaims while remembering his friend had gone to get some lights.
"Sorry, my friend. You seemed busy and I didn't want to disturb you." The mountain of a man explains as the startled archaeologist turns to face him. With the his explanation out of the way, the dirty blonde struggles with another light.
"Let me guess. You're the only one brave enough to come in here."
"As I have said, I will find better hired men in the morning." He watches as the scruffy man approaches him. "But for now... There is work to do." Jorn states wanting to get the chamber illuminated before sunset.