A.N: Just a wacky, crazy idea that popped in my head, one that I hope you all like!


"No associating with anyone who's a bad influence, no going out after six in the evening, no drinking, no smoking, and for god's sake… NO. FIGHTING. How many times do I have to tell you this!?" Ryu Rappa was a very, very strict father, who lived in a perfect and tidy household. A simple businessman with a simple Quirk, Wrist-roll, that allowed him to move his wrists and fingers at incredible speeds, he got work done quickly, neatly, precisely. His wife, Hanabi Rappa was very much a similar person: strict and hardworking. Her own Quirk, Snap, let her contract and relax her muscles all over her body in quick, snappy bursts. She too, used this to her advantage as a principal of a small school, able to complete large swathes of her work with time to spare. The two seemed a perfect match, and in near-truth, they really were: tidy home, tidy people, tidy life. Except… that was the near truth.

Their fifteen year-old son was anything but neat, or tidy, or well mannered. He wasn't mannered at all, come to think about it. "Like I give a shit!" Kendo Rappa barked at his father, gleaming yellow eyes attempting to bore holes into his father's face. "I can do whatever the shit I want! I don't need you fuckin' coddling me or trying to lock me up, or some bull-crap like that." Even at the hot-blooded and still-developing age of fifteen, Kendo was extraordinary: already standing at a solid six feet in height, a simple t-shirt and black long-pants slightly straining under the boy's muscular figure. Combined with the gleaming eyes, the teeth-baring snarl and the wild, light-brown and shoulder-length hair, he looked like a savage from the stone-age. It also did not help that he acted the way he looked, constantly in fights and brawls of disproportionate scales, a ten-to-one advantage against the boy on average: he always won, violently. This did not sit well with the rest of the Rappa household.

"Is it so hard to just be a good boy!?" His mother snapped, her open hand cracking onto his cheek. If he was hurt or even affected by it, he didn't notice, rolling his eyes and sneering at his parents. "Be a good boy this, be a good boy that… how many times do I gotta tell you, I really don't give a damn?"

"If that's the case, then how are you going to make a future for yourself? Did you ever consider that, through that thick skull of yours!?" His father shouted.

"I'm an idiot, but I ain't stupid enough to not see the writing on the wall, old man. I love fighting, I'm built for fighting, I was born for fighting. I can't do anything else, and you know that." There was silence in the house, and the burning hot mood turned sombre and cold. Kendo himself didn't really mind. He knew what kind of person he was, what he was and wasn't good at. Such was life. "…If you put all your effort into studying…" His mother started.

"Oh come on, you know that's bullshit. The best grades I've got are a C-minus, and that's after three months of nonstop studying." The large boy sighed, scratching his head idly. "Look, I know that I ain't useful to you guys anymore. I'm just a drain on your wallets, and I'm well aware you want the best for me, but I don't want you to waste all that money you worked for, especially on me. So… I made the decision to move out. I've already packed a suitcase of my stuff, and I'll be on my way and out of your hair."

"K-Kendo!" His father gasped, his mother's face in a similar expression of shock. They were silent for a moment, and Kendo's face twisted in annoyance. "I ain't changing my mind either, so don't try and stop me!" His parents looked ready to argue, but to anyone who knew Kendo Rappa, when he made a decision, he wouldn't budge, even at gunpoint. He already pulled out his suitcase from his room and made his way past his still silent parents. "For what it's worth…" He grumbled, placing his large hands on their shoulders, "I don't hate you or anything, never could and never will. You guys are great parents, so don't let this decision of mine change your minds on that, aight?" He gently kissed his mom on her forehead and pat his father's shoulder, walking towards the door.

"Kendo, wait!" He stopped and turned to see his parents walking towards him. He father sighed and pulled a debit card out of his wallet, along with 25-thousand Yen (over 200$). Kendo's eyes widened as he looked over to his parents, confused.

"Kid, look… we aren't going to stop you, can't really. So, might as well give you whatever help you need. The physical money won't last too long, but we'll refill the debit-card every month. You won't be able to buy a yacht or anything stupid, but… you'll be able to take care of yourself."

"…why are you doing this?" Kendo asked, thrown in for a loop. He hadn't expected help.

"Son… this your choice to make, we know," His mother said, her eyes a bit watery, "But we'll help you however we can. Not gonna lie, it's pretty refreshing seeing you make a mature decision like this," She laughed slightly wiping her eyes.

"Just know that whenever you're ready, our doors are always open for a delinquent like you, okay?" Kendo Rappa, for the first time in his life, openly cried. He wasn't sad, rather, he had never felt so happy. The three of them embraced tightly for a while before Kendo finally made his way into the world… and frankly, he had no clue where to go at first.

One hour later…

"Damnit… didn't really think this one through," He groaned. "At least I've got a decent meal." He tore into his sandwich, stacked with all kinds of meat naturally, and downed his drink in under a minute. Walking along the sidewalk was pretty peaceful for him, on account that his size and stature made him incredibly intimidating to be around. "Mmgh… I should probably just spend a night in a hotel and then rent an apartment later." He moseyed his way into a rather clear-looking park, sighing as he sat down on a bench.

"… damn, I'm bored." He groused, a familiar tingling in his fists and shoulders, his leg starting to sporadically tap the ground. He was literally itching to punch something at this point, his eyes darting around to find someone to hit. Fortunately, the park was empty this evening, empty besides… his eyes landed on a single target, also sitting on a bench a few meters away from him. Kendo grinned wide, his blood starting to boil: this one looked special. He got up and made his way over to the man sitting at the bench and called out, "Oi, you!" When he turned to look at him, Kendo slowed down, the hot feeling his chest fading. The man was easily taller than him, even while sitting down Kendo could tell. By far, he was even more muscular than him as well, his white t-shirt doing nothing to hide the man's raw power. Yet, what made Kendo stop wasn't his appearance. He had taken down far bigger man with a single blow after all. No, it was the sadness, the grief in the blonde man's blue eyes, slightly bloodshot and wet.

"Yes?" He asked, still deciding to answer Kendo. The boy himself sighed and scratched his head: he didn't want to randomly attack someone without the will to fight. That wasn't fair. "S-sorry old man. Was gonna pick a fight with you, but… you don't look like you're in the mood." The man's eyebrows went up before he burst into hearty laughter.

"Hey, the hell's so funny?" Kendo asked, scowling a bit. Strange though, he didn't sense any scorn or negativity coming from him.

"Haha, I have to say, of all the names I've been called, old man isn't something I'd associate with myself. I'm actually only thirty-six, after all."

"Hmph. Fair enough," Kendo grumbled, opting to sit beside the man. 'Damn, the dude is jacked,' He thought, giving him a once over.

"I must thank you for that," He man sighed, "I was feeling… down."

"No shit Sherlock. You were crying." The man chuckled, a bit more somber this time around. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "I… I had someone, a mentor that I… failed to protect, and though it was a long while ago... today was the day she died."

"…You're a hero, old man?" Kendo asked, curious. The man barked out a laugh, this one more scornful towards himself.

"I'm supposed to be. Yet, who am I if all my power can't save someone close to me? Much less the masses of people who'll trust me with their lives? How do I live up to being the Symbol of Peace that the world needs?"

"Pfft, that's easy! Grit those teeth, clench your fist and punch as hard as you can!" Kendo boasted, catching the man by surprise. "You're a hero right? You gotta be practical and know that you can't save everyone, just like you can't snatch every good business-deal. S'what my dad taught me, the strict bastard. But even if it's impossible, you try your damn hardest to save everyone, even if it kills ya!" Kendo looked at the man and grinned savagely. "Plus, you said you wanna be a Symbol or whatever. Smile like you mean it then!" The man was quiet for a moment, and the grief in his eyes was blown away like dust in the wind. The evening rays of light seemed to shine on the both of them, and Kendo could see that new fire that was lit under that man.

"… what is your name kid?" The man asked, holding an open hand out.

"Kendo Rappa, the toughest man in the world!" He said proudly, grasping the man's hand and shaking it firmly. "What's your name old man?"

"Yagi Toshinori," The man replied with a smile before getting up, dusting himself off and staring into the sunset. Gone was the crying man, and in his place stood someone ready to take on the mantle as the world's strongest. "Thank you Rappa-kun. You reminded me of what I have to do. I bid you a good evening, I've got some business to take care of." As Yagi Toshinori began to walk away, Kendo shot to his feet.

"Hey, old man! You good to go for a little tussle now?" Toshinori stopped, turning to look at him, his body tensing. Kendo shuddered in delight at the look.

"Hmm… so long as we don't destroy the area too badly, then…"

"Great, I've been dying for a god brawl, with a hero no less!" Kendo roared, immediately launching his body forward at full force. "Lemme see how a pro stands up against my Quirk!" His shoulder-muscles and joints grew hot, and his fists blurred in a barrage like a hail of gunfire.


Strongarm allowed Kendo to move his shoulders at incredibly high speeds, specifically the muscles around his joint-areas, and as such gave him the ability to throw out a storm of punches far faster than humanly possible. He threw over one hundred punches in under five seconds… yet none of them landed. Kendo's eyes went wide as he saw Toshinori easily matches his punch-rush with one of his own, knuckles crashing against knuckles with speed, power and precision. He batted away one of Kendo's strikes and slipped by another one, his body directly in front of Kendo. "Detroit… SMASH!" The next moment, a sharp *BANG* send Kendo hurtling through the air for a good few seconds, his stomach burning with pain before he crashed into the ground. He gasped and wheezed for some air, struggling to his knees. "Rappa-kun, are you alright!? I'm so sorry, I put a bit more power than I was supposed to!"

'Th-this guy… he's freaking amazing! Speed, power, technique… I can't hold a candle to him right now!'

"Sh-shit old man… you're the first person to ever beat me in a straight-up fight!" Kendo laughed, laying flat on his back. "You're definitely a pro, for sure!" Seeing that he was relatively alright, Toshinori laughed as well, holding out a hand and helping the teen up.

"Thank you young man, and I'm glad that you're relatively unharmed," He admitted. "Come to think about it… you'd make an amazing combat hero! You should consider joining when the next year at the hero academy of U.A starts. You look about sixteen as well, so you should be fine!"

"UA huh…" Kendo thought for a moment. Here was a soon-to-be hero, who was this strong beating him in a single blow. Not to mention, all the fights he'd be able to get into, to improve and get even stronger until… "Well shit, I don't have anywhere else to go right now, so I'll do it! When I graduate, mark my words, I'm gonna fight you and the result is gonna be different, you got that old man?" Toshinori only grinned wider, patting the teen on the shoulder.

"That's great! I used to be a student there, so I'll be sure to put in a good word for you, so definitely give it a go. And I'll be looking forward to our next clash when you're ready young man. Take care now, and ice that stomach!" Toshinori promptly leapt skyward, Kendo's eyes barely able to catch him. He really did cut the image of a perfect, almost western superhero as he flew away.

"Damn… can't wait to tell the folks all about this," Kendo laughed, patting his still-sore stomach. "Being a Hero… sounds like a load of fun. Can't wait to catch up to that old man already!" He stood in his moment of triumph for a solid three seconds before another, decidedly less-triumphant thought passed through his mind. "…Oh shit, where's the nearest hotel?"

This is the story of...

Rumble, the Punch-out Hero!