"So what does it feel like? Does it just hurt you or does it feel good, too?" Ana asked, in a whisper as if someone else in their two person-populated vehicle could hear them.
She had been a bottomless pit of questions ever since their educational movie session last night. Even this afternoon, at family dinner, Ana had found the time to slip in the occasional dirty question. While Grace stepped out to call the rest of the family in from outside, Ana had quizzed Christian on the pros and cons of face sitting. When she volunteered Christian to go outside and clean the grill, she followed him out and inquired about choking. She even slipped in a question via text message when she excused herself to use the restroom.
As much of a turn on as it was, Christian was also at the end of his rope. Or at least, little Christian was. He had been hard since mid-day today. And with no free time available, the man felt as if he had been teased to the edge of sanity.
"It really only hurts, but baby that's the point. The fact that it hurts is what makes it feel good."
Currently, Ana had questions about post-orgasm hand jobs.
Ana breathed out a sigh through her nose that paired with her facial expression, resembled a "sure, ok."
"We can try it when we get home if you're up for it." Christian said, throwing out the bone.
"Ummm. Pretty sure you've got to be up for it, Grey. But ok" she smiled, finishing quickly, as if she thought he might change his mind.
"Just remember what I've told you." He began a hint of warning in his tone, "I'm going to call 'yellow', but it doesn't mean panic. It means you're getting to know me."
Christian and Ana had had a long talk in bed the night before about the safe words they would use. Christian did not feel comfortable changing them to anything he wasn't used to. So yellow, and red it is. He had made her very aware that 'yellow' didn't necessarily mean "we're stopping". Explaining it as a way of slowing down the scene to check in with each other. Ana wouldn't always know when something was too much. Not at first, at least. She needed to trust Christian to let her know when he needed a slow down. However, he could feel her nervousness as he tried to ease her into the discussion.
Now, almost a day later the nervousness was still there.
"Yes, well. See Christian, I've been thinking about this. And I just don't feel comfortable that you would be using one of your only two safe words so… willy nilly, just because I might not know your body well enough."
Christian thanked the stars that the moon did not provide enough lighting within the car for Ana to see his cracked expression at her colorful language. It was just another audible proof he had married the love of his life. A girl that would use the terms "safeword", and "willy nilly" in the same sentence.
"And I believe that… being that I'm kind of the boss right now you know," she began in her childlike convincing way "that I can make up a rule now and you should probably follow it."
He chuckled at her opening statement and encouraged her to go on.
"My rule is that since we are still using yellow and red, that there may also be a third safeword. Which will be green. You know, for the full stop light effect?"
"And what would the safeword green mean?"
"I'm getting there!" Ana huffed, with a stomp of her foot on the floorboard.
"The green safeword would mean "it's all good". Green for go. Continue"
Christian waited, making sure she was done speaking before asking his follow up.
"No offense, boss. But why, exactly would we need a safeword to know to continue?"
"So that can be your check in word, and you can have your yellow back for important things."
Christian had no response for this. He knew what she was doing. She was tearing him to pieces is what she was doing. She was reinventing the rules to take care of him.
"So, my rule is. If at anytime I ask you what color your stoplight is on, and you're ok to keep going, you have to tell me green. Or if you see that I might be worrying that I've done something you don't like, you say green to make sure I know. I know the point of a safeword is to take you out of the scene for a minute. But I really think the more we use it, it won't take us anywhere. It will just be our little thing. Where if I ask you what color you are, you must tell me. And if you feel like I need to know, you say it. And we can do it as many times as we need to. There's no limit. And I think I might like that we overuse it rather than underuse it because I'd rather know at all times that you're ok and you're feeling safe than just be left to wonder…" Ana's ramble trailed off into silence. The only sound was the tires hitting the road.
After a few minutes of heavy nothing, Christian sighs.
"You love me so much it scares me." He says so softly Ana barely hears him.
She turns her head towards her husband and stares at his beautiful profile. "I think I might love you even more than that." She whispers just as quietly.
By the time they hit the elevator, they are attacking each other. Violent kisses and ripping of clothes. They make it into the apartment and Christian picks Ana up to speed up their travels. At the door of the playroom, he places her down. Pulls his keys out of his pocket, and places them in her hand.
"How would you like me, baby?" He asks eyes cast down to the floor.
"Oh no, Christian," Ana jumps. She places a hand on either side of his face and forces his chin up in the air. "I don't want you to look at the floor. I've really thought about it and I don't like the idea of you not being able to look at me. I think I want to change that rule."
Christian was proud. Not even a step into the playroom, and Ana was already making her renovations. "What would you prefer that I do?"
"Look at me." He looked into her eyes. "I'd prefer that you look at me. Right at me. Right at my eyes."
Christian obeyed her without speaking. She smiled sweetly and leaned up to kiss his chin. Then she turned around and unlocked the door.
By the time Ana had Christian laying flat of his back, hands tied to the headboard, he was painfully hard. She used his wedding tie as a blind fold. Ever so gently tying it around his eyes. For every move she had made, she would lean forward to kiss him. Christian knew it was her nervousness but thought it perfectly 'Ana', nonetheless.
"Alright. Well, first things first… what is your color?"
Christian smiled as she enacted her first rule. "It's green, baby."
"Good." She said as she straddled his right leg. She was naked. He could feel her. Warm and wet on his thigh. Every movement she made was nearly his undoing.
"You're going to have to hold still, or I might explode before we get this party started" his laughter was cut short by a sharp pinch to the side of his ass. "Ouch!" He yelped, only to receive another.
"Don't talk." Ana commanded in as powerful a voice as she could manage. Really, it came out like a bratty girl playing boss in a game of pretend. But Christian obeyed, nonetheless.
"You only talk when you need to tell me your color, or when I ask you your color… got it?" Christian nodded.
"I said, do you got it?" She asked, petulantly.
After a pause, Christian tested the waters "do I talk?" He asked, deadpanned. Another pinch followed.
"No! I mean… yes!" He could feel Ana rubbing her hands on the side of his ass where she previously pinched.
"Sorry, buddy. I shouldn't have done that last pinch. Don't talk, starting now though" she said with a bit less confidence.
Christian didn't want to discourage their progress. But without the ability to speak, he couldn't reassure her that he wouldn't die from one mistaken 'pinch punishment"'.
"Green," he said. Hoping to communicate exactly why Ana wanted to use this new and improved safeword in the first place. He felt another wiggle of her wet pussy on his thigh, and then a kiss to his lips.
"Good boy" Ana praised him sweetly.
Then, it began. He could feel her hand on him. Just fingertips are first. Petting. Lightly tickling his shaft and gliding down to his balls. Within minutes she had him shaking. Then she stopped. She moved from her position on his thigh and judging by the weight of the mattress and the warmth of her body, got fully in between his legs.
"Pick your knees up, and spread your legs. And tell me what color you are."
Christian obeyed quickly, with a "green" declaration at the end of his completed task. At this angle, she began again. Pumping him slowly with a spit-soaked hand, using her other hand to squeeze and roll his balls. Before long, he felt a tongue. Licking and sucking his ballsack as if she were trying to get milk from him.
"I'm going to cum, baby"
This time there wasn't a pinch, there was a full-on slap to his dick. Followed by a surprised giggle at the bowing motion Christian tried to curl into. He was shocked to say the least.
"Don't talk, remember? If you need to cum… cum. It doesn't mean we stop."
After catching his breath from the slap, Christian realized something.
He was sold.
There was no going back. He was officially a switch for this girl. There would never come a day where he didn't enjoy bending her over and putting her in her place. But if at anytime she felt like doing the same to him… she would win by a landslide.
The shift in his head sent a shiver through his body that left Ana once again asking him what "color he was".
He was so green he might have been the grinch.
Something was three sizes larger, that day.
Her tongue continued its trail all over his balls, and then made a sharp turn south. His taint was being kitten licked in a way that should be illegal, all the while Ana kept her pace on his cock.
He was cumming. It was happening before he realized it. He was groaning and shaking and humping the air, but Ana allowed it.
He was covered in sweat, and cum, and by the time Ana gave him the order to be still and keep his legs up, he couldn't have moved if he wanted to. Yet still she continued.
"I'm going to try something, now. And if you kick me… I'm going to make you turn over and I'll spank you, Christian." She said, in the tone of a playground bully.
"Be still"
Her hand continued it's dance around his dick, and he waited for what was to come next. Then he felt it.
Felt her tongue on him.
Practically in him, but definitely on him.
Crying wasn't the word for it. Hysterical was more like it. His legs were cramped up and bleating, his dick abused and continuously milked and now… the most over-sensitive intrusion he could imagine was taking place underneath his balls.
Screaming. Was the word
Yes. He was screaming.
His memories of the next few minutes are hazy at best.
He's not sure if he came again, or if the relief of Ana's hand off his cock and her tongue off his ass was the overload of pleasure. But he knows he saw stars. Even underneath his grey silk scarf, he saw stars.
As he laid there and caught his breath, he felt Ana raise up to his face.
She removed the tie and allowed him the reward of seeing her beautiful face.
"You did so good!" She said, with a sweet smile. Christian was practically cross eyed with content. But he somehow managed a smile back.
"I want to do one more thing and then we're done, ok big guy?"
Christian wouldn't have denied her for all the money in the world. So, with a nod of his head, and a goofy smile plastered on his face, he signed his life away.
Ana straddled his chest and placed both hands on the sides of his face.
"Ok, now open your mouth, and show me your tongue."
Christian opened his mouth and let his tongue rest on his bottom lip.
Ana spit.
Quickly and directly into Christian's mouth. Just like she promised.
"Swallow it." She demanded.
He obeyed.
Open mouth and ready, this time it was slower. She bent her face much closer and let it drip from her tongue to his. He could taste himself on her. Taste what she'd done to him. How she'd made him bend to her.
"Swallow it." She said again. Softer.
"Good boy."
She reached up and set his hands loose with the skill that only a hardware store girl could.
"Ok. I'm done." She smiled, "you can talk now."
"Oh can I?" He asked slyly. "What about making love to you? Can I do that?"
"Making love? I thought you only fucked. Hard." She repeated his early words.
"Not with you, lovely. You'd be surprised at what I'm willing to do with you."