Hi everyone,

This is a short story after several years of nothingness. It is my first time ever writing a Fred/Mione, and most importantly my first time ever writing in English. Please, be lenient but also do not hesitate to correct me by PM – and of course leave a review and put the story in your favourites if you enjoyed it ;)

Let's begin.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing that you recognise.

- Alice

"Hey there"

Hermione knew this voice, and did not want to think about him. She had enough on her plate already today, and would rather have a quiet afternoon head buried in some books. She hoped that he would get the message and not dare to approach her. Of course, he didn't.

"Granger, you can't avoid me forever."

Oh, she could. Really, and she wanted to, too. She heard his footsteps and felt the sofa she was on move as he sat down beside her.

"What are you reading today?"

Darn he was trying hard today. Usually, he left after the second question. She didn't look at him, but she didn't read her book either, and she had a feeling that he knew that, for he took her book and closed it before putting it on the small table in front of them.

"Granger, what is happening? It's been forever since I heard your voice."

She didn't want to look at him. She knew that if she looked, she would stare, and she would not be caught staring at this man. He would joke, make fun of her and it would not be pleasant.

It had been two months since the end of the war, two months since she made the "mistake" of saving his ass from a falling wall. Really, what was she doing here, even? She just returned from the Room of Requirement with Ron and Harry when it happened. First she saw Percy, and then Fred laughed – a wonderful sound in the middle of a raging war – and then the wall started to collapse. And she COULD. NOT. LET. IT. HAPPEN. She just felt this powerful surge of magic and she moved quicker than she ever did, towards him, wand in hand and spell on her lips. She managed to cast Arresto momentum in time and the wall pieces stopped flying towards Fred. He was saved.

Ok, so it was not a mistake, granted. But still. She suddenly felt a pang of sadness at the idea of him dying, and shook her head at her stupid thoughts. Of course it was not a mistake. How could she think that way? She would have been destroyed if she hadn't saved him, would have died from the inside if he died.

She always knew that she cared too much for him. Her feelings towards him were not – had never been – alright. And, they also would greatly sadden her current best friend who was trying to be her boyfriend – and wou inconveniently happened to be his brother.

She had tried to forget them with time, and she thought that she had, during the hunt. But when she saw him nearly die before her eyes, she knew there was more. She recognized them and reckoned that they never really left. If she was to be honest with herself, she could easily admit that she had never felt so strongly in her entire life. Even after, when Harry died, she didn't feel this despair, this tragedy. It was not the same raw desperate feeling that she had watching the wall explode. She absolutely loved Harry, and she would die for him, because it was her friend and brother. However, she knew that it could happen, hell, she even knew that it was to happen. She had never fathom, on the other hand, that Fred could die. Happy, funny, laughing Freddie.

Lost in her thoughts, as usual when he was around, she didn't see him move closer to her. He was watching her intently, trying to grasp the feelings he could sense in her. She was not looking at him, and he felt like she hadn't since she rushed to save her, a panicked look on her face, a determination he never saw anywhere else and the loudest spell he ever heard. He still didn't understand what happened that night. He remembered laughing because Percy made a joke and it felt so good. And the second later, he heard a loud BANG and, a smile still on his lips, saw Hermione Granger run, wand in hand, hair everywhere, screaming a spell he didn't hear because of the commotion behind him. And when the spell hit the wall, he turned and saw wall pieces just a foot from his face and he realised that, hadn't she been there at this time, he would have died within a second. After that, a Death Eater tried to ambush them and the Battle went on, as if nothing happened. He never got the chance to thank her. And she started to avoid him right after.

She felt him by her side, he tensed a bit as he, too, got lost in his thoughts. He had a worried look on his handsome face and his brows were slightly furrowed, as if he was trying to solve a very puzzling riddle. She sighed. She really was not brave, at the moment. What was happening to her? The Gryffindor Queen, not able to talk to a man, but perfectly capable in rushing in to save his life. She really should say something to him, at least to prevent him from seeking her company another time. He did that a lot lately.

She braced herself and said, her voice low, shy and sweet:

"Hi Freddie"

He was actually not prepared to hear her voice, and started a bit. Looking in her eyes, he felt a big grin taking over his face, his brown eyes sparkling with happiness. She never called him Freddie, and it really brought joy in his smitten heart.

"I never got the chance to thank you, you know? For saving my life. I mean, Merlin, girl, I could swear you're really avoiding me lately. Is it what you're doing?"

She blushed a pretty shade of pink at his comment. Man, wasn't he forthcoming.

"Yes, I am sorry about that… I was not really comfortable around you after what happened, and ever since then I just realised that hmm hmm hmm hmm" – she had clasped her hand on her mouth mid-sentence before saying something she knew she would regret.

Why was she saying that? The ginger's grin got bigger. He had a look full of mischief on his face, and she knew it was no good.

"What have you done Fred Weasley?"

"I may have spiked your tea with a little… something new"

Who had the time to make products just two months after a war? Really, she wondered. She rolled her eyes at the idea. If someone could do it, it was Fred Weasley – and his twin, of course.

"And you thought I would make a good guinea pig?"

He looked confused a second. "I do know nothing about pigs, but" and at that he smirked: "I know you make a pretty good test subject!"

She rolled her eyes again. Purebloods.

"And what is it this time? Making me ramble random stuff for 10 minutes?"

"Oh no, this we already have for sale in the shop – it is called Ramble Babble Bubbles – this, my dear Granger, is just a softer version of Veritaserum. More like a 'cmon you know you want to tell the truth'-serum. You cannot be forced to tell a truth that you do not want the other person to know. A bit tricky in the composition, long to make, but me thinks it is worth the shot!"

Hermione could not believe her ears. A truth serum, just that. She just hoped she would at least get royalties from that. A smile on her lips, she thought of all the times she stopped them from testing their new stuff on 1st Years (we paid them!) during Hogwarts. It was such a long time ago. She could not be mad at the Twins for their joke shop anymore. They were very successful and she knew that laughter was more than needed after the year they all had. She would rather NOT be a part of their adventure on the discovery of new products, but she was also glad they thought of her. Better that than 1st Years, anyway.

And at that, she realised. The smile fell from her face, and a worried and guarded look took its place. A truth serum in the company of Fred Weasley, who she was avoiding because she was in love with him and had been for the past 2 years. How bad was her luck today, really? He seemed to see her realisation for he began to talk again:

"Sorry, Hermione of my heart, lovely princess, what is it that you wanted to tell me? What is the reason behind these last two months of hiding from me?"

He could see her eyes widen and she clasped her hands on her mouth one more time, shaking her head as if to say 'please don't make me say anything embarrassing' but really Fred only translated it by 'put up a fight and make me talk, you gorgeous ginger'. And that, he could do. It was so long ago that she was embarrassed in front of him, what with the war and all, and that was one of his favourite hobbies at Hogwarts. Never mean, never in front of too many people, but Merlin she could blush.

Already closed to her, he advanced a bit more and put his hands on hers, gently pushing them apart so that her mouth was freed. She tried to fight him for a bit, even though he was quite gentle, and he ended up on her, her hands on her head and uncomfortably trying not to crash her down. When she realised their position, she blushed and tried to wriggle her way out. Hermione only managed to make the position a lot more comfortable and she was on her back on the sofa, him on her, her hands captured in his and their face quite close to each other's.

He spoke lightly "So, will you answer now? It's been two months already, love."

She blushed again and really thought she was going to wake up soon from this nightmare (dream?). The devious potion worked and she opened her mouth, her voice a bit shaky:

"I could not let you die, Fred. I really couldn't, because…" she bit her lips, trying not to answer but he freed one of his hand, reaching to her face and touching her bottom lip, a silent plea in his eyes for her to continue. She realised that he was not really playing her anymore, and she gather all her Gryffindor courage (she had plenty considering she didn't use it for 2 months) to go on. "because I have been in love with you for 2 years."

Her eyes dropped and her stance fell, a bit desperate. His thumb was still on her bottom lip and she felt it move, caressing her lips and gently pushing her chin up so that she looked him in the eyes. And what eyes! So brown, so beautiful and at the moment, so happy.

"And why, pray tell, did you think it was such a good idea to simply avoid me?"

Hermione was a bit lost and thought once again he was playing with her, but his eyes, they looked so relieved and happy. Like a child seeing a puppy for the first time. Awe.

"I thought you would not love me back, and I've been trying to avoid these feelings for such a long time that I thought they would leave now that the war is over and all."

She blushed again and Merlin she was so beautiful. In his eyes, the most beautiful creature he ever saw. And his sister-in-law was a Veela, so that is saying something. The thought of her loving him warmed his heart and he couldn't think of a time he was this happy.

"So, what now Granger?"


"Well, you love me, I love you, what now?"

He said that on his ever joking tone, but she could see from his blush that he, too, was a bit embarrassed at this point.

"You're joking? Please tell me you're not joking, Freddie" she was beginning to panic a bit.

"Love, I would never joke on something like that – I've loved you ever since you caught George and I trying to put our name in the Goblet of Fire, in 6th Year. And then the DA and Merlin you are so beautiful when you are bossy and when you are embarrassed and when you look at me with your lovely eyes, can I please please pretty please kiss you now?"

She chuckled a bit at his antics and nodded her head, a bit shy. His eyes carried all the love he felt and how did she never noticed that? Her heart melted, a warmth spread all over her as he leaned in and finally, finally, after two years of longing, they kissed.

And it was shy, and a bit awkward at first, and it was PERFECT. It was the beginning.

And they both lived for exactly that.