The Ed's were quite the rambunctious group, talking loudly of the days events as always. Eddy berating teachers for how hovering and a nuisance they could be. Even though Edd could not share his sentiment since he had quite the admiration for the educational physically, he would still hear the shorter of the group out. Ed however was just happy to sit with all his friends and just talk. He of course didn't seem to care about school wither way. Though Edd would take it upon himself to help the lovable oaf out with school work. Eddy as well if he will actually try and not sit back and make Edd do all of it.

Edd smiled that cheery, almost dorky smile showing off the gap in his teeth and his pale blue eyes lighting up. To say Kevin had been glancing back a few times was an understatement. He was practically staring until one of the lettermen pointed it out. Which ranted him an annoyed huff from Kevin. He didn't need his team teasing him about this sort of thing. Granted light hearted teasing was better than alright throwing him out.

This still made the poor cheer leaders upset. How dare he just ignore him for some dork? Though it wasn't like they had much to offer in a combative stance besides ignoring him. Though things were of course not completely cheery and dreamlike. There will always be those adversaries that are not to keen on alternative ways of life or sexuality to their own. There was maybe two jocks that of course would make ill informed or derogatory remarks about Kevin and his new beau. Which for the most part Kevin would brush off or tell them to kindly 'Fuck off'.

Though this did not stop them from feeling they were still entitled to bother the trio of dorkdom. It was almost out of habit to get out their bent frustration on the trio. Though none of them really went after them with all three there. Sure the big lug was not the smartest but he had some muscle to him if he wanted to use it.

So as lunch was continuing on perusal Edd could feel eyes boring into him and the other's. The hair on the back of his neck stood at attention as those pale blue eyes lifted to see one of the larger jocks stroll past. Oh wonderful, he would almost half hope that with his new status of relations with Kevin would halt this sort of unruly behavior. Alas he was mistaken. The blonde pompous meat head strolled up with enough swagger to show the whole drama club up. Eddy was the second to look up as him and Ed pushed at one another in a playful banter.

"May I help you?" Edd asked in an annoyed tone, sure he was panicking on the inside but he kept a good front about himself for the most part. His voice speaking up did catch the attention of his read headed new found relationship. Edd however refuse to rely on Kevin for every little squabble among him and other's. At least not when he was also trying to protect his friends. The blonde proceeded to grab a seat and sit next to him with an almost sticky sweet grin that was probably the most fabricated and faux thing Edd has ever seen in his life.

"So you are the little dork Kevin is actually stooping so low to date?" This made Edd tense, he knew there would be backlash, that was much too obvious from the start. But this directly? Edd quickly regained himself.

"We are partaking in a romantic outing this evening yes. Does that really involve you however?" Edd said with a frown on his brow. "Now if you would excuse us we were in the middle of a conversation." Eddy's jaw about dropped, sure Edd has said some quips that weren't the nicest things to some people but this guy was huge and ghastly. Even the jock seemed a bit surprised. He gave a snicker that turned into an almost bellow of laughter.

"And here I thought you were some spinless dweeb. I guess I was only half right. I still can't see what he see's in you but I guess you aren't as pathetic as I expected." The jock shook his head before he moved to try and ruffle his head a bit, of course with the had on the other wasn't going to get to Edd's hair. This only jostled him but it was fallowed by the blonde getting up and walking back to the table. Edd sighed as he leaned back in his seat, adjusting his hat the right way. He glanced back to see the behemoth getting quite the tongue lashing from Kevin. Even some of the other's seemed annoyed.

Soon enough there were a few more words exchanged before the red head got up and marched his way over to the Edd's table. He looked at Edd a moment and then the other two before huffing through his nose and crossing his arms over his chest. He seemed almost awkward in his stance before he decided to just come out with it after a few awkward moments.

"I was going to invite Dee over to the table but Nazz insisted all of you can join." Kevin grumbled, he wasn't trying to tear Edd away from his friends but it would be nice to sit together and talk. Even if their date went sour and something happened he still liked talking to Edd. They could both relax around one another. He wasn't going to ask at all until Nazz got the table to agree to letting them all show up. Eddy however lit up to the mention of sitting near Nazz.

They more than happily agreed. Eddy moving to take a seat as close to the blonde headed cheerleader as possible while Edd sat next to Kevin with the larger ed on the other side. With conversation it was obvious that most of the team was not so bad, even sharing common interests like comics and some of Ed's b rated horror flicks that they could discuss. Even the tension between Kevin and Eddy seemed to waver a bit.