Rain poured heavily. There was a slight chill in the air.

That's all Suki knew as she came to her senses. Her head hurt badly. Her arms and legs were sore. She tried to move...but that hurt too. So, she decided to rest for a while.

As the rain continued to pour, her memories came back to her. She remembered why she was cold and wet. She remembered why she was wandering in the wilderness. Most important of all, she remembered why she left Troll Village...or Pop Village. Everyone calls it that now.

Her name is DJ Suki. She lived in Pop Village where all of the other pop trolls lived. After the whole bergan thing, they all lived a happy life without the worry of being eaten. She lived a life of singing, dancing, and hugging all day everyday. Spending time with her regular group of friends; Poppy, Branch, Cooper, Smidge, Biggie, Guy Diamond, The twins, and even Fuzzbert. That was the type of life she lived. Just like all good things, that life came to an end one day.

That day...was when Legsly showed up. Legsly was cool at first. She would hang out with them and would basically have a great time. She was fun! Very fun! Maybe...a bit too fun. The longer Legsly hung around, the more Suki felt like everyone had forgotten about her. Eventually, it had gotten to a point where she would stay home some days and no one would even notice she was gone. Suki felt replaced, so she ran away.

Now that she thinks about it, it might have not been her best idea. Especially the part where she postponed the making of her good-bye note. She's not sure if she even finished writing it or not. Oh well...too late now.

She stretched her body a bit to relieve her sore limbs. A small sigh escaped her lips as she did this. Now that she was more awake, she noticed that the ground was dry where she lay. She felt the light wind, but she did not feel rain drops pelting her hot pink skin.

"Where am I?" She thought, wondering if she should open her eyes or not.

Little did she know, something was approaching her. Someone to be exact.

"Ah...Excuse me...are you awake?" He asked as he looked over the troll that he'd sworn had just moved.

At the sound of a voice, her eyes snapped open. Her head spun in his direction as she looked at him with wide fearful eyes. As soon as she caught eye of him, she froze. He was like nothing she had ever seen before. Her eyes swept up and down his body as she backed away slowly.

He appeared to have bio-luminescent neon colors with an aquatic biology, had fins instead of legs (the fins having pixel-like colors of pink, cyan, and blue) and gill-like ears. He had dark blue skin with neon green hair that resembled fiber optics held together in a topknot, violet, red, orange, yellow, and green bands of color on both arms. His bright green eyes with no whites and black pupils, and neon green and yellow mouth and teeth. He had pixelated freckles of lighter blue on his cheeks. Lastly, he had a pixelated pink heart symbol on his chest and a unibrow. He was also partially covered in mud.

"No! No! It's okay! I'm one of the good guys, remember?" He asked as he looked over the troll would run away from him if she could.

Suki slowly shook her head as she looked him over once more. "...I don't know you…" She said, her voice sounding raspy.

The luminescent troll looked at her with confusion. "You-you've never heard of me?" He asked and tilted his head.

"Maybe...I…" Suki said as she blinked at him.

"King Trollex?" He asked her with a smile. "Of the...Techno Trolls..?" His smile fell since she somehow looked even more confused. "I live in Techno Reef?"

Suki kept blinking at him. "Techno Trolls? There are other trolls? What?" She said as she thought aloud.

The luminescent troll, now known as Trollex, nodded. His glowing hairs swayed as he did this. "Yeah. Many." He looked to the side before looking back at her.

Suki's expression turned into one of amazement. "Wow…" She sat up with a wince. "I'm sorry. I...haven't been out in a while."

He looked confused at that, but chose to remain silent on the topic. "So...how much do you remember?"

"I don't remember much about how I got...here." She gestured to the small camp Trollex had made. It rested comfortably under a leaf so they'd stay dry. "But, I do remember why I...yeah." She looked down sadly.

Again, Trolled decided that it wasn't a good time to pry. Instead, he glided over to her and scooped her up into his arms. She silently looked at him in surprise as he placed her closer to the fire. Afterward, he calmly glided by the fire himself. Despite the situation, he had a pleasant smile on his face.

Suki greatly appreciated the warmth of the fire. Due to the light, she could finally see the shape of her clothing. She was very wet and muddy in some places. There were scratches and bruises on her arms. Some of her deeper scratches were still leaking sparkling liquid from them.

She needed a first aid kit...or at least a bandage. There was one in her home in her safety drawer. The only problem was that she had no idea where they both were.

She glanced at her companion. He had his elbow rested on his knee and his chin resting in his palm. Trollex looked into the fire with a slight frown. Out of boredom, he grabbed a fuzzy stick and began to poke at the hairy fire.

Suki finally gave into her curiosity and asked, "Where are we?" She looked at him expectantly.

Trollex looked up from the flames and met her eyes. "(Sigh) I have no idea. On top of that, it's dark. We will have to wait until daylight to get a glimpse. One thing I know for sure is that we are not near civilization. If we were I'd hear their music." He looked up at the twinkling sky. "I don't hear anything here."

Suki slowly nodded at that. "We are spending the night here?"


"We will be trying to find civilization in the morning?"


Suki blinked. "Umm...how did we get here anyway?"

Trollex looked at her in amusement. "You ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

Suki shrugged at that before giving him her full attention.

Trollex took a deep breath before saying, "Alright. I guess I'll start at the beginning?" He saw the exasperated look on her face. "What? It will make more sense if you heard my side of the story! Anyway…"


The screen ripples into the flashback.


Trollex woke up with one thing on his mind. That one thing could be described with one word. What was that one word? That word was…party.

This was going to be the party to end all parties. It was going to be extreme. There was going to be music and lights and laughter and fun. Plenty of fun. An overload of fun!

Not to mention, all of Troll Kingdom was invited. It was Beat Drop Button's idea to invite everyone. He had merely agreed to it.

Now there was going to be variety and he couldn't wait to see what the other trolls had come up with. He's not a selfish king. If any troll wants to take the mic and do karaoke, he wouldn't mind one bit. Like Queen Poppy said, 'More the merrier!'

There was only one thing.

"Oh, come on, Trollex. Whatever they said can't be that bad." Said Beat Drop Button as he glided beside a stressed out Trollex.

Trollex groaned in his hands and allowed his hands to cover his whole face. "BDB, you just don't understand. They want me to...to...to..!"

The small green Techno Beat Drop Button, or BDB for short, hovered in front of the techno troll. "What? Your royal advisors want you to what?" He tilted in confusion.

Trollex peeked through his fingers with a frown. "They want me to start...courting!?" He waved his hands around in a panic.

BDB blinked, he had no idea what courting was, before smiling. "Courting is a good thing, right?"

Trollex looked at him with halved eyes. "Dating. They want me to start dating."

BDB stared with his mouth agape. "Okay...now I gotcha. That is pretty heavy, man. So, what are you gonna do?"

Trollex sighed. "Well, they are my advisors. Their job is to advise. They said I needed an heir to the throne, and I do. I'm the king. I need someone to pass the crown to." He said, looking down.

BDB hovered in his line of sight to catch Trollex's attention. "Don't worry about getting a girl. You are the complete package! There is no way you would strike out." He said with a bright smile.

Trollex gave him a small smile at that. "Thanks, BDB. Even though everything you said is completely true, it's not about me getting a troll. It's about me finding the right troll for me. That might be hard to Do with my advisors advising me to pick the trolls that they want me to choose from." He said with complete annoyance.

BDB nodded at that. "You're the king though." He said before thinking. "Maybe if you go out and look for a mate yourself, they'll leave you alone? How long did they give you?"

"About a week." Trollex said with another sigh.

"A week!? That's not enough time for a decision like that!" BDB exclaimed in horror.

"Now you feel my pain." Trollex said with a shake of his head.

"Don't worry, man. I'm sure you'll find the perfect troll one way or another. Don't give up on destiny!" BDB said while regaining his smile to encourage his best friend.

Trollex looked at him before giving the button a pat on the head. "I hope so. If not, I'm going to be stuck with someone I don't care about for the rest of my life."

"That means you need to get a move on! Don't forget about the party tonight!" The button told Trollex. "There's going to be many trolls there. Maybe you can find a girl you like? Eh?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Trollex chuckled at his friend's behavior. "Maybe, but you're right. I'm not going to allow this mess to ruin the party to end all parties!" He said while pumping his fist in the air.

"That's the spirit!" BDB said with a chuckle.

After that (somewhat) encouraging conversation, the two of them went off to help finalize the party preparations. It took a number of days, but the new DJ booth is up and running. It looks exactly the same as the old one and it even has most of the same features. He nearly cried when he found out it came with a complementary 88 key MIDI keyboard. He really needed one of those…

The waters grew dark as the night came upon them. The Techno Trolls slowly began to pour in since they were early compared to all of the other trolls. Second, the Classical Trolls arrived. Something told him that they would be the first foreign trolls to arrive. They just give off that vibe. Next were the Country Trolls. Apparently they don't mind a good rave party. You can't forget the Funk Trolls. Trollex couldn't wait to see how the Hip-hop Trolls would complement his beats. The Hard Rock Trolls showed up. And finally! The fashionably late, but claims that they are early, Pop Trolls.

When all of them arrived, the real party started.

The beat banged as the sound waves bounced from place to place. The music was obnoxiously loud and spotlights roamed the sea floor. The Techno Trolls were gliding throughout the water enjoying their dance while the other trolls...let's just say they were having fun.

"What's up everyone! How we doing in the front?! How we doing in the back!?" He waited for everyone to cheer and applaud before speaking. "Alright! Tonight is about fun, friendship, and unity! Everyone show your fellow troll some love and let's party!"

Trollex spun a few tracks before handing over the stage to everyone else. He used this as a time to roam around and greet his party guests. Especially the ones out of town.

It wasn't hard to find Trollsart speaking with one of Trollex's subjects. Trollex greeted Trollsart with a wave. "How's the party, Trollsart?"

Trollsart turned his attention from the other techno troll to the glowing leader. "It's wonderful and so energetic! I feel alive!" He said, doing a flying somersault.

Trollex chuckled before moving on to his next guest. That's when he spotted Poppy, Branch, Cooper, and Barb with their large friend group. It seemed like they were all trying to get the hang of swimming. Ultimately, they were failing. Instead of swimming, they looked like astronauts floating about in outer space.

"What are you guys doing?" Trollex asked as he laughed.

Poppy, who was struggling, froze before posing. "...Swimming." Everyone else froze before posing also. "Hey, Trollex! Awesome party! I've been meaning to tell you that."

Branch floated over to Trollex and have him a sparkly high five. "Yeah, man! This is a rad party!" He exclaimed before pulling out a pair of binoculars. "Maybe a little too rad…"

"There he goes again." Smidge said as she floated in the background. Everyone looked at Branch with halved eyes.

"What?" Branch said as he looked around. "I just can't shake the feeling that something is going to happen. I mean, things are going well…" The screen zooms into his face. "It's too well."

Poppy rolled her eyes before pulling Branch aside. "Someone didn't have his coffee today, so he's a little paranoid." She explained.

Barb laughed at that. "A little? More like a lot!" She teased. "Chill out Firewood." She told Branch while doing a backstroke.

Branch frowned at that. "Paranoid? I call it having good instincts." He folded his arms.

That's when Cooper spoke up. "Every troll is living in peace and harmony. We don't have to worry about the bergans anymore. Times couldn't get better." He explained with his usual goofy smile.

"But, whoever it is they could just be waiting for us to let our guard down." He said as he shook his head.

Barb smirked once she saw the stage was open. "While you're doing that...I'M GONNA BE LIGHTING UP THE NIGHT!" She shouted as she swam over to the stage.

Poppy gasped dramatically. "Not without me, you're not! BARB!" She said as she swam after her and grabbed Branch in the process.

"Hey!" Branch exclaimed. "See ya, Trollex!" He hurriedly waved before Poppy yanked him elsewhere.

Cooper went up to Trollex. "Yeah. Just in case we don't run into you later, see ya!" He swam off to meet his friends speedily.

Before Trollex had a chance to shake his head at them, Biggie floated forth. "I just wanted to ask. Where is the snack bar? Mr. Dinkles and I are getting a bit peckish." He said as Mr. Dinkles mewed.

Trollex smiled and pointed the way. "Right over there. Oh. FYI. We've got cotton candy...and it glows in the dark." He whispered the last part into Biggie's ear.

Biggie gasped dramatically at that. "Glow in the dark cotton candy here I come! Thanks, King Trollex!" He said as he used to propel him towards the snack bar.

Trollex chuckled as he waved bye to Biggie. He looked around the party with a pleasant smile on his face until he thought about what BDB had said.

He glanced around the party and saw a lot of eligible females that he wouldn't mind talking to. There was just...something stopping him. It's not like he didn't think he couldn't get a girl. There was a group of techno girls glancing and giggling at him right now! The whole thing felt very wrong to him. Picking a random girl just to avoid his advisors? If he fell in love with the girl, that would be different, but…how was he supposed to do that in a week's time?

His fin like ears drooped as he shook his head. That's when he decided that he needed some space.

Not knowing how he pulled it off, he crept away from Techno Reef. After that, he kept swimming. He kept swimming all the way until the water met the sparkling sand.

He walked out of the water, using his fins as legs before flopping down in a sitting position. After that, he laid on his back. "What am I going to do?" He asked himself quietly.

After a few more seconds of silently watching the stars, Trollex heard a noise. It sounded like a help and the sound of someone running. That prompted the young king to sit up immediately and look around.

His glow in the dark eyes caught sight of the slightest movement in the grass. Whoever it was seemed to be running.

"Running from what?" Trollex thought.

His curiosity had gotten the best of him. Without a second thought, he courageously followed after the running person. He glided silently through the tall grass and kept his eyes peeled for any more movement.

Eventually, he found who he had been looking for, but what he saw surprised him. They seemed to be trolls. They had large hats and hoods and bandanas to cover their faces. They also had a large brown potato sack.

Trollex quickly followed his conscience and hid deeper within the grass while he continued to watch. He remained quiet as the tossed the sack into what looked like a rowboat.

"Just...let me go! ...Please?" Said a feminine voice from within the sack.

"Let me go! Please~!" Teased one of the raspy voiced trolls that tossed her into the boat.

Trollex's gaze hardened at that. "Trollnappers…" He whispered harshly under his breath.

He was about to jump out from the grass and give those guys a piece of his mind. Ultimately, that seemed like a bad idea considering he was just one guy vs both of those trollnappers.

Trollex nodded to himself as he came up with an idea. "I'll head back and get help." He said while backing up…until he backed up into someone.

His eyes became comically wide as he slowly turned around. He swallowed as he saw the third trollnapper. "Uhhh...que pasa?" He asked with a large glowing nervous smile.

The trollnapper looked at him in exasperation before effortlessly capturing him in the sack. Then the trollnapper proceeded to toss him into the boat as well.

When all of the trollnappers and captives had boarded, one of the bad guys pressed a red button on the rowboat's wall that activated four rocket jets. The jets propelled the ship up into the air before sloppily taking off in the direction of a much larger ship that was previously out of sight.

Inside the sack, Trollex could see perfectly due to his body giving off neon light. That's where he sat in a deadpan. "This is not how I planned for this day to go. Not at all."

Hey everybody I am SuperNova, and welcome to Lost! I surely hope you guys get Lost in the story. Heh...heh...get it? Okay, I'm sorry. My first few chapters are always short, by the way.

Anyway, Dreamworks inspired me to make this story. How? By not putting DJ Suki in the World Tour movie. So...I was left to my imagination as to why she wasn't included. I figured it was because of her appearance cuz...she looks like a few different type of trolls to me. So this is what I came up with!

If you guys comment, I will be sure to respond whenever I can!

Also, I'm not sure if I want to pair Suki and Trollex together. I don't know. They seem like a pretty good pair to me. Let me know what you guys think!
