This first chapter is a simple one shot test. This may or may not continue.

Disclaimer: My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia is owned and created by Kōhei Horikoshi. Star Wars was created by George Lucas and is owned by LucasFilm and Disney.

Chapter 0: Prologue: The Bounty Hunting Hero - Mando.

Standing on the edge of a building overlooking an alleyway, a lone figure kept watch as he waited. The man was wearing what appeared to be a simple set of armor and a helmet with a T shaped visor. The man himself was a rarity. He didn't work with any other Agency, and instead of working as any normal hero or underground hero would do and patrol the streets. He instead choose the path of being a Bounty Hunting Hero.

This 23 year old man's name was Ryoshi Midoriya. He was the first Quirkless student to graduate from the Hero Course of UA and the fifth Quirkless hero to ever exist. However, he is the only one that is currently active.

"So you'll be coming over for dinner tomorrow?" A woman's voice could be heard from inside the helmet. "Izuku really misses you."

"I know, I've been trying to clear up some time for a few weeks now, but I've only got one more contract after this job. I'll be finishing both tonight." Ryoshi replied through the comms inside his helmet.

"Just take care of yourself, I'm just worried you might be overworking yourself sweetie." Inko replied. "I just want you to be safe. That's all any mother would ask."

"I know mom." Ryoshi replied. Seconds later he noticed that his quarry had arrived. "My target's just arrived here now. Gotta go. Love you!"

"Love you too." Inko replied before the call was disconnected. Ryoshi quickly shot a grappler from his right wrist to the edge of the opposite roof.

Jumping off the roof, Ryoshi swung down into the direct path of his quarry who was currently trying to open his car door. Unaware of what was about to happen. It was only when he left a powerful force crash into him that he finally realized the dangers he was in.

Groaning in pain as he lay face first on the asphalt, he turned to look up and only to find the Mando bearing down at him through his T shaped visor. "Ushi Takahashi, also known as the Villain Cow Cowboy. I'm here to take you in." Ryoshi stated as he pointed a blaster at the downed man.

"Why is the Mando, hunting me?.." Ushi weakly asked out in pain as he began to sweat. "I'm just a nobody?.. Really!"

"Is that so?" Ryoshi chuckled dryly before he continue'd. "A month ago, you broke out of Nami prison just outside of Osaka."

An audible click could be heard as Ryoshi clocked his blaster. "Five days later LSD, Methamphetamine and Heroin supplies in this area of the city all triple overnight. Just a day after you arrived here."

Ushi was now beginning to sweat more heavily. "I don't believe in coincidence... I know you've been acting as a supply man for the local dealers. You've also been dealing out these drugs as well. So, if I take you in, I'll be cutting the supply in this area dry."

Ryoshi quickly fired off a shot and hit the calf of Ushi's right leg. "Even small time criminals like yourself need to be put away. I'll let the other, more flashy heroes like All Might and Endeavor deal with the Sunday morning cartoon villains."

Ushi groaned as Ryoshi roughly turned him onto his front and hand cuffed him tightly. "Your bounty might not be high. I mean seriously, it's only 135,000 Yen to bring you back alive, half of that dead. But taking you away from this community will be worth so much more than any amount of Yen notes could provide."

Settings his blaster to stun, Ryoshi fired once more as Ushi who was knocked out cold upon impact.

After hogtying Ushi, Ryoshi moved towards the boot of the car. Opening the boot he was caught speechless. This wasn't the normal drugs he'd been dealing. What he found was Trigger. 'This aint good.' Ryoshi thought to himself. 'This hut'uun wasn't reported on having these drugs... Looks like I've stumbled into a bigger problem.'

Ryoshi then looked over at the unconscious Ushi. 'The question now is who gave you this Trigger.' However as much as Ryoshi wanted answers he needed to bring this guy in. Opening a comms link in his helmet he made a call out. "Call Naomasa Tsukauchi."

The call connected through to the Detective after a few moments. "I take it this isn't a social call?" Naomasa asked with a joking tone in his voice through the helmet.

"It's not no." Ryoshi replied back.

"Something happened didn't it?" Naomasa once more asked.

"Yeah. Cowboy's been captured but what he had with him has made things more... Difficult." Ryoshi uneasily replied back to the detective. "He's managed to get a hold of Trigger."

"Shit..." Silence followed Naomasa's statement.

"I'll text you my location." Ryoshi stated before he ended the call. "Sorry Izuku... Looks like I won't be able to make it to dinner."


Naomasa and the police force only took 30 minutes to arrive and quarantine the area. Because Ushi was an escaped criminal they didn't need to waste time to get a search warrant was they checked his hideout.

"We managed to find more Trigger, along with the other drugs mentioned in that tip provided to us." Naomasa stated to Ryoshi who was waiting outside on his motorcycle. The motorcycle was a Harley Davidson Street Bob.

"How much Trigger?" Ryoshi asked.

Naomasa seemed a little bit put off before he replied. "Enough to supply every criminal in Mustafu for a month."

"So... Someone must be planning something big." Ryoshi thought to himself out loud. "They are either trying to get our attention here or they didn't know he was going to be picked up, and will likely be on alert now."

"Yeah... Either one doesn't leave us with much." Naomasa agreed.

"You think you'll be able to get the name of his supplier?" Ryoshi asked.

"I'll try my best." Naomasa replied in confidence.

"Keep me in contact if anything comes up." Ryoshi stated as he got onto his motorcycle.

"So what's your next target anyway?" Naomasa asked with a smirk.

"It's in Hosu. And it's Taichi Shikuma." Ryoshi evenly replied as he started the bike.

As he stated the name of the Villain, the detective's smirk dropped as his eyes went wide. "Bearhead." Naomasa exclaimed in shock. "You're next targets are the Wild Beasts?! Those cannibals?!"

"I got lucky and managed to find one of there old hideouts. If one of them shows up i'll be able to deal with the rest." Ryoshi replied back before he took off.

(Wild Beasts' Hideout, Hosu)

The hour drive from Mustafu to Hosu was a smooth ride as Ryoshi attempted to avoid any major build up of civilians. While most heroes didn't know, Villains had there eyes nearly everywhere and they often messaged one another.

Very rarely did a Hero manage to catch the main Villain in a raid. They either got away or left before the raid even began.

So by taking these back roads and traveling through less populated areas it decreased the chances that a Villain would be tipped off.

Ryoshi's record in Hideout raids were near perfect. Only three times in six years did he not capture his target. And his current target was downright nasty. Bearhead, Leader of the Wild Beasts.

There is a little known fact around animal quirks. It's seen by the majority of the population that this is an urban legend but in reality it's far from it.

Animal Quirks tend to warp the minds of there users. For example. A simple Cat Quirk could cause the user to become more active at night and would sleep nearly twice as long as a Quirkless human. This was not always true though. Some people simply had stronger wills than others.

But for Bearhead, this wasn't the case. This Villain's Quirk is called Grizzly Bear. And it simply turned him into a Monster. Villains like these tend to scare away more Heroes than most... They don't want to be eaten.

Arriving near his destination he parked his bike and stated to walk up the dark alley leading to the abandoned hideout. However as he got closer he could hear noises coming from with in it.

Not taking any chances, Ryoshi grappled onto a nearby roof top and activated a tracker within his helmet's visor. He noticed that there were a lot of footprints going in and out of the building. 'So much for abandoned.'

He also noticed that there were three different sets of shoe sizes from the marks the visor was picking up on. Pulling out his phone he checked out the profiles of each Villain part of Wild Beasts.

Name - Taichi Shikuma (Bearhead)
Quirk - Grizzly Bear
Sex - Male
Height - 6ft 4ins
Crimes - 14 known Murders, 14 known Kidnappings, 41 known Attempted Murders & 41 known attempted Kidnappings.
Note - Leader of a group known as the Wild Beasts. Known to have killed the following heroes: Runner, Ultra Man & Absolute Zero

Name - Iena Madaraba (Last Laugh)
Quirk - Spotted Hyena
Sex - Female
Height - 5ft 8ins
Crimes - Same as Leader
Note - See Notes on Taichi Shikuma (Bearhead)

Name - Tora Shishido (Liger Bomber)
Quirk - Liger
Sex - Male
Height - 6ft 10ins
Crimes - Same as Leader
Note - See Notes on Taichi Shikuma (Bearhead)

'I'd guess these footprint match all members.' Ryoshi thought to himself as he activated a heat scanner in his visor.

Looking inside the building he seen roughly four signatures inside. However one of them was not moving at all. 'It's almost like they're...'

"Shit!" Ryoshi exclaimed out loud as he jumped down to the ground as he realized what the other signatures were doing. They were looking for someone.

As silently as he could, Ryoshi snapped the backdoor's handle and swiftly made his way towards the location the four were located within the building.

'There weren't any recent reports of any kidnappings. So this one would've been taken within the last hour or so.' Ryoshi thought to himself as he approached an open door. He could hear voices inside.

"Come out little one... Don't you what to play with your big sister?" A female called out. Ryoshi guessed that this was Last Laugh.

"Little bitch bit into my hand. Fucking things hasn't stopped bleeding yet." The largest one in the room commented. This was Liger Bomb.

Peaking in to take a quick view, Ryoshi noticed that Bearhead was frantically searching the most. After a watching for a few moments Ryoshi tried to think of a plan but suddenly Bearhead stopped and sniffed the air.

Someone's here!" Bearhead called out. Ryoshi quickly pulled back into cover.

'Shit!' Ryoshi cursed his luck but suddenly a door in the other end of the room burst open. Knowing everyone's attention will be on that door, he peaked his head in and noticed that Pro Hero Mirko was the one who burst through the door.

"I just got a report over a kidnapping and I track it down to here. Must be my lucky day if I get the change to capture you three killers." Mirko stated with a wide grin plastered over her face.

'Might as well use the distraction.' Pulling out his blaster, Ryoshi entered the room and fired a bolt onto Last Laugh's shoulder before firing a stun round, knocking her out.

"Three on one seems a little unfair if you ask me." Ryoshi stated out loud to the two remaining members of Wild Beasts before he looked over to Mirko. "Mind if I join the party?"

"What's with the bucket? You got an ugly face or something?" Mirko asked in confusion.

"I'll take the lack of answer as a yes then." Ryoshi dryly stated before he fired his grappler around Liger Bomb's neck. "Dips on the big guy."

Yanking his arm back, Ryoshi pulled Liger forward into an unbalanced position while the villain fought against the cord around his neck. Sending a pulse of electricity down the cord, Ryoshi hoped to shock the bigger Villain into submission.

However the Villain was still standing and slowly was moving towards him. "You're a tough son of a bitch."

"Hehehe... It'll take more than that to beat me Hunter." Liger responded through the pain and gritting teeth.

"I can arrange that. But tell me. Do you know the worst part about being covered in fur is?" Ryoshi asked with an innocent tone to his voice.

"The fleas..." Liger dryly responded but only heard Ryoshi chuckle in response but before stopping and raising his left arm towards him.

"No... Your flammable." Igniting the flamethrower attached to his wrist, Ryoshi set Liger on fire causing the Villain to scream in pain. His screams had even caused Mirko and Bearhead to stop fighting as they watched on.

As Liger rolled on the ground, trying to put out the flames. Ryoshi pulled out his blaster and fired three stun rounds until the villain stopped moving and was unconscious.

"So the rumors of you being tough on Villains was true." Bearhead stated getting Ryoshi's attention.

"Hey buddy I don't know why you're looking at me. I'm not your opponent." Upon hearing Ryoshi's comment Bearhead's eyes widened as he turned around to face Mirko. Only to receive a heavy roundhouse kick to his jaw, knocking him out.

"Did you have to kill that Villain?!" Mirko shouted at Ryoshi once she got to her two feet.

"I didn't kill him. He's still alive. I just made sure he wouldn't be getting back up again." Ryoshi responded as he placed binders on the three Villains.

"I didn't need your help." Mirko snapped back in anger.

"I was here before you even arrived." Ryoshi stated. "Prime-Time heroes like yourself gather too much attention. While that's good for getting fame and money it's not so great when it comes to operations like this. You were the one who wasn't needed."

"You got a problem with me ugly?!" Mirko growled as she got as close as she could to Ryoshi's helmet.

"No, but if you get in my face like that maybe I might Chibi-Bunny!"

"I'm 5ft 11ins bucket head!"

"Ear's don't count ya chibi!"

However as the two continue'd to butt there heads against one another a crash was heard behind of the the boxes in the room. Immediately both heroes turned towards the sound and readied themselves. Mirko got into her fighting stance while Ryoshi pointed his blaster.

Moving closer towards the sound, they were both stunned to find a little girl. She had short purple hair and appeared to be roughly around 4 or 5 years old. She was trying her best to hide and stay away from them.

'This is what they were searching for.' Ryoshi thought to himself.

"Hi there!" Mirko shouted as she smiled and waved at the girl. She was about to move towards the girl but Ryoshi quickly grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her back.

"I think it'll be best if you go a scoop the rest of this place out." Ryoshi stated to Mirko.

"Why the hell should I? Kids love me!" Mirko stated back in a slightly angry and snobbish tone.

"This kid was kidnapped by a group of Villains with animal features with the intention of eating her." Ryoshi whisper shouted to Mirko so the child would hear what he was saying.

After a second he calmed down and continue'd. "We don't know how she'll react to either one of us at this point, but I doubt she'll react well to a woman with animal features on her head... Even if they are Bunny ears."

Mirko was unable to argue with his point and reluctantly agreed. "Fine. I'll be back in a few minutes." Mirko stated before she moved out of the room.

With Mirko gone, Ryoshi knelled down in front of the kid. "Hello, my name's Ryoshi Midoriya. I'm also a Hero called Mando. What your name kid?"

The child nervously showed more of her face as she moved out of her cover. "Ichika... Ichika Hana."

"Ichika... That's a pretty name." Ryoshi chuckled lightly as he slowly extended his hand out to the girl. "I'm going to make sure we get you out of here safe."

"How do I know your not like them?" Ichika nervously asked. "That you aren't going to hurt me."

Ryoshi thought about this for a moment and slowly moved his hands towards his helmet. After seeing him taking off the helmet, Ichika was able to look into his face. She looked and seen a kind, warm, toothy and goofy smile looking at her. "I promise I'm not like them Ichika."

Looking up and seeing his slightly messy black/green hair, Ichika slowly moved out of her hiding spot. As she got a better look she thought he looked normal. Even with the light five o'clock shadow on his face. "Your not ugly like that other girl said you were." The girls stated out to Ryoshi who laughed a little.

"Thank you. But not many get to see my face kid. So you can't blame her for saying that."

"You said your were a Hero so... Do you have a cool Quirk?" The girl asked.

"I'm afraid I don't. I'm Quirkless." Ryoshi replied, keeping the smile on his face.

"You're like me then." Ichika's eyes became wide in joy. "So you're really a Hero! That's so cool!"

Upon seeing the changes on the girl's face Ryoshi chuckled in response. "I suppose it is." Offering his hand out once more Ryoshi continue'd. "Come on. Let's get you out of this place."

Giving the girl a piggy back ride Ryoshi put his helmet back on again. As the two left they didn't notice Mirko leaning against the wall just outside of the other door looking in at them leaving. 'A Quirkless Hero, huh... Damn.'

With the Police taking the three broken, burnt and beaten members of Wild Beasts into custody, The two hero watched from the sides as Ichika was reunited with her parents. They watched silently the three small family of three hugged and cried in each others arms.

"I often work alone, so I don't get to say this often but... Thanks for helping the kid back there." Mirko softly stated out as she watch the family with a soft smile.

"Likewise." Ryoshi replied. "I'm also sorry for what I said in there. Both before and in front of the kid. I didn't mean to cause any offence."

"None was taken... You were right." Mirko sighed in defeat. "I don't know if I would've been able to help that kid after what she went through tonight."

"So what made you do it?" Mirko suddenly asked. Ryoshi turned around to face the rabbit hero as she continue'd. "I heard what you said to the kid."

"You're that Quirkless kid from UA that vanished 6 years ago. It took some serious balls to do what you did... What made you disappear? And why'd you become a Hero?" Mirko asked with a serious look to her face.

Ryoshi was silent for a few moments before he answered. "Both answers are the same. My Family."

"Your family?"

"Before my dad passed away he would always tell me and my baby brother as kids that our family were from the stars. And that we were lost Warriors, away from the rest of our people." Ryoshi stated. "He would teach us how to fight and to watch our backs."

"He even taught us our people's language. It's something that both me and Izuku still do, to keep our memory of him alive." Ryoshi continue'd. "But, in Mando'a there is no word for Hero. And my baby brother is the biggest Hero-Otaku you could ever possibly imagine."

Ryoshi chuckled lightly. "So see, we're both Quirkless. I didn't care as much about it but... When Izuku got the same news as I did, it broke him. So I did this for him. I asked my dad to train me to become a Hero. It was all to prove to Izuku and others that you don't need a Quirk to be a Hero."

"And I vanished cause I didn't want the limelight on me... I worked too hard and forged my own path to becoming a Hero. I didn't want to be seen as a gimmick. So I took up my Dad's old armor and became Mandalore the Hunter. While I train my brother to become Mandalore the Hero."

Mirko couldn't help but grin up at Ryoshi once he had finished his story. "That's some deep stuff right there..."

"Say something." Mirko blurted out.

"What?" Ryoshi asked in a confused tone.

"Say something in Mando'a or whatever. I want to hear it." Mirko replied. Ryoshi looked down at her and softly chuckled before going silent.

"Meh Ni ash'amur. Bic'd guuror par bic at cuyir venjii ad'gotar ti gar." Ryoshi dryly stated before he turned and began to walk away. 'Thank god for helmets.'

"What did ya say?" Mirko asked with a raised eyebrow as began to follow after Ryoshi. "No, seriously what did ya say?"

And Cut!

Mando'a Translation


Meh Ni ash'amur. Bic'd guuror par bic at cuyir venjii ad'gotar ti gar
Translation - If I die. It'd like for it to be after sex with you

Character Ages

Ryoshi Midroiya - 23

Izuku Midoriya - 14

Inko Midoriya - 42

Hisashi Midoriya - 39 at time of Death (45 if Alive)

So I know I didn't give a great description over Ryoshi's Armor so i'll be doing it now.

Ryoshi's Beskar armor plates consist of two shoulder plates, a chest plate, a back plate, two hip plates, two thigh plates and two shin plates along with two vambraces. The suit under the armor is dark blue.

He does not have a rocket pack but his back is covered by a cape which goes down to his waist.

The armor itself isn't painted and is in it's basic chrome like finish. With the exception of his helmet which has a dark blue outline around the visor itself.

For the helmet the added modification is a rangefinder on the right side while a comlink is attached to the left side. There is a whipcord on his right vambrace and a flametrower attached on his left.

His blaster is a Glie-44 blaster pistol.

For Ryoshi's appearance just imagine Izuku's face but with no freckles, small bags under his eyes and a five o'clock shadow beard. His hair is a lot less messy as well.

Alright so that's all for this proof of concept/Possible first chapter. Let me know what you think of the story and if you wish for me to continue with the story. Until then. Good Luck, we're all counting on you.