There was a stool laid in front of the cart, allowing the customers to sit on them with an extended long table attached to the cart front for the bowels to be set on.

"Welcome! Have a seat," Izuku tore his eyes away from the piping hot udon, and focused on the owner who had a big warm smile.

Izuku nodded his head shyly at the stranger. As much as the food smelt delicious, he doesn't have enough money to afford it. Focus, he needs to find sensei and get hell out of this sweet hell.

Izuku turned away, to continue his search. However, at the corner of his eyes, he caught the sight of a lump of fur sitting on the stool.

His head shot to the cat that was sitting on the stool with chopsticks resting in front of him. What the hell is he doing now? He smiled nervously at the owner, and slid next to the cat who was drooling rivers at the sizzling ingredients.

He poked the cat's belly, "Sensei, sensei," Izuku called out, but the cat won't respond, Sensei was fantasizing about the fat noodles. He sighed and then looked at the owner who watching them amusedly, "The poor cat has been at it for a while now,"

Izuku stood up, looking alarmed, "Ah, I'm sorry, he must have been a nuisance,"

The owner chuckled and shook his head, "The poor thing must have been hungry if only I had cat food,"

"Ah, you don't need to worry about it, he prefers our daily food more than the canned cat food."

The owner seemed surprised by that, looking slightly worried, "Is it healthy for it to eat like that?"

"Well, he is not your usual cat, his previous owner always fed him a very unusual diet, so now he doesn't accept normal cat food,"

The owner chuckled slightly, "So that is why it is eying the udon so deliciously?"

Izuku's face warmed up, feeling quite frustrated, "I'm so sorry sir. I'll take him away right now."

The owner shook his head and smiled warmly at the boy, "No, no, he is no trouble at all. In fact, the cat is my first costumer for today, so take a seat!"

The teen nodded hesitantly, and slid back to his seat, sweat dropping at the drool that thickened as the delicious noodles were cooked. "Sensei snap out of it!" the boy hissed, he waved his hands in front of the sparkling eyes. Thankfully, that did the trick. "Huh, when did you come?"

Izuku sighed, rolling his eyes, "For a while now," He pinched the cat's chubby cheeks, the yokai swatted his hands, they soon went for another round of arguing not noticing the weird look coming from the owner.

"Is it your quirk?" the question broke off their fight. Oh shoot, "Huh?" Izuku paled, he totally forgot that Sensei's current form, humans can hear him.

"Umm...It u-um, I-"

At that awkward moment, he tried to wrack his mind for a perfect explanation on why the cat can talk, he looked at the yokai who was done arguing with him, and back to gazing at the noodles.

The arrival of the customers distracted the owner from them, Izuku sighed in relief.

'I told you it would stir trouble if you talked to me in public,'

'Then why'd you reply out aloud, you could've just talked in my mind,'

'That's your punishment for not dining at the mutt's home!'

'Kacchans? Sensei you are acting childish, won't you be in danger if humans discover that you are a yokai?!"

'Geh, I forgot about that, but the danger doesn't exclude you! You'd be the one to be hunted!'

And that caused for another fight to happen; however, this time they were not shouting their lungs' off. They were hitting the highest octaves in the teen's head. Soon, it rested on Izuku pinching, pulling the chubby cheeks, and the cat scratching his face, biting his cheek off.

"You guys sure get along," the owner remarked after taking the orders of the two customers.

Izuku let go of the cat as if he was burnt, bringing his hands to his chest. "I-I'm sorry!" he bowed his head.

The man shook his head, instead of an annoyed countenance, he looked amused, "It is nice to have energetic, interesting customers once in a while. They make the job more fun,"

Izuku smiled at the owner, nodded his head shyly. Thank god, that the man was understanding. Maybe, he was understanding since he can see the yokai. If he was talking to thin air, Izuku is sure that he'll be kicked out of the stall.

A bitter smile was drawn on his face, it was unfair, "Oi, oi, Oya-san (owner), I'm also energetic, so why don't you say that about me!"

The loud voice pulled him out of his dark thoughts, he looked at the people seated beside him. He nodded his head at the raven haired man who was seated beside him, and then his eyes fell on the blonde that was next to the dark-dressed male.

"Hisashi your only loud!"

The blonde laughed out aloud at the accusation, "Rude," he bellowed. Hmmm... he sounded familiar. Izuku shook his head, he can't really think on an empty stomach. Izuku grinned as two bowels were placed in front of him.

The cat didn't waste any second and dove into his meal, and Izuku didn't lose to him in that aspect.

Both of them disregarded proper etiquette for the sake of filling their empty stomachs. The chopsticks clattered against the bowel, slurping sound filled the ears of the costumers next to them.

Hisashi smiled warmly at the teen who was stuffing his face, "Woah, woah, calm down, nobody is after your food!"

"But..ish..too," gulping the thick needles down his throat, "DELICIOUS!" he grinned, pearly white teeth brightly showing.

The blonde chuckled, shaking his head and turned to the owner, "Oya-san, you got yourself a little fan!"

The owner rubbed his nose, flushed a little, "You are welcome here anytime, little one!"

Izuku turned to the man, grinning widely, "Osu!" before going back to the noodles. The cat and the boy slammed their bowels down on the table, both rubbing their bulged bellies, "Thanks for the food, Oya-san! This is the best udon I have eaten in my whole life!"

"That is the best compliment a cook could ever get" The owner rubbed the back of his neck, looking abashed. The blonde laughed, and patted the boy's back, "I think you were just hungry,"

Izuku turned to the blonde, "Nu-huh, it is the best, the most delicious thing I ate today," the grin grew wider, making the owner glitter with happiness. "It's on the house! Kid, you earned it!"

Izuku paused for a minute, face going blank. Gosh, how could he forgot that he didn't have money on him. God must love him, haha, 'You really have the luck of a devil!' Sensei cackled. The cat was shaking in hissed laughter.

'I thought that you had money!'

'How the hell will I have any cash, idiot. I'm a yokai!'

'That's true, but then you came here. How would you have paid the owner?'

The cat had a deadass look on his face, 'Brat, look at me. I'm a cat, how the HELL WILL I PAY HIM. WHAT KIND OF IDIOT ARE YOU?'

Izuku clasped his head, voice hitting his brain painfully, 'SENSEI, DON'T SHOUT AT ME, YOUR HURTING MY HEAD, I CAN HEAR YOU JUST FINE!'


" okay?" the owner asked, he was concerned for the wellbeing of Izuku who was clutching his head in pain. The voice snapped him out of his inner struggle. Izuku looked upwards, a nervous smile playing on his lips. "Ah yes! Thanks for the meal Oya-san, it was really delicious!"

The owner smiled before handing him a plate of cracker, "This also on the house too, you are at age where you should eat a lot."

Izuku smiled brightly, thanking him once again before sharing the food with the little cat.

"So, what is a kid doing at an Udon stall at this time of night?" A new voice popped out of nowhere, making the child choke on the crispy cracker. He slowly eyed the man who finally spoke, his eyes met narrowed, suspicious black orbs.

"Umm, why what time is it?"

"It just turned nine," the blonde checked his watch, "That's kind of true, it not an everyday scene to see a kid at an Udon stall,"

"Plus, it is dangerous for a kid to wander around at night," The black haired male added. Izuku fidgeted in his place, eyes going back and forth between the two males. "Uhhh, I-I,"

He grabbed the cat and shoved it to their faces, "I was searching for my cat and I found him here, so..."

Nyanko-sensei froze in his hold, Izuku was too busy panicking to notice the rigid form of the cat. The black haired stranger narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but then; call him crazy, but the hobo man's glare softened as it fell on the yokai.

Izuku smiled slightly maybe he can go home now, now that the guy was off his case, but there goes his chance, Sensei started hissing, more like growling at the scary man.

Izuku flinched at the murderous aura that was oozing out of the yokai, "Umm... sensei?"

The men were startled at the aggressive behavior, "N-normally, he is friendly. Uhhh... must be because its nearing his bed time, so EXCUSE ME!"

Izuku bowed to them, and then exited the stall, hugging the cat close to his chest. He turned one last time, waving at the owner, a huge grin on his face, "Thanks for the meal it was delicious!"

And then he finally left, running away from the still mouthwatering food, god he wished he had another serving, maybe next time.

Izuku slowed down once he was sure that he was on the street that leads him straight to his apartment.

He looked at the cat who was unusually quiet, "What was that sensei?"

The cat still was avoiding him, eyes troubled with frustration. The yokai must have been so deep in his thoughts to not hear the teen. Izuku knocked on his contractor's forhead, "Oi, sensei, you okay?"


"What happened over there?"

"...I don't know," the cat knew what the teen was talking about, "That hobo... when I was within that bastard's reach, a disgusting feeling gutted me. An emotion that I long since forgot..."

Izuku tilted his head, he doesn't get it. He didn't feel anything bad coming from the stranger. He looked fierce, but he can't imagine that he would harm him. He wasn't a bad guy if he dares to say, so why did sensei look... vulnerable?

Izuku tightened his hold on the cat, dropping the subject since the yokai didn't look like he wants to talk about it.

So, the boy let him have it. Whatever Sensei felt coming from that man must have threatened the yokai, and nobody loves that kind of feeling.

Fear is such a tiring emotion.

The duo arrived at their apartment in a span of five minutes, and Izuku smiled against the night breeze that kissed him good night. It sure has been a long day. He sighed as his body longed for the warm futon.

They headed for the stairs, but then the room next to the rail had its door opened. Stack of boxes laying in front of the unit. Is someone moving in? That's soooo rare. Why would someone come live in a run down, shady apartment?

He stepped slightly to the side to catch a glimpse of his new neighbor. Apparently, he didn't have to do that. A scarred man with shaggy black hair came out looking ready for death to embrace him any moment now, and a familiar yet unknown orange haired lady standing next to the new tenant.

Honey colored eyes fell on the teen as he was too busy observing them, "Well, if it isn't Izuku!"

Izuku stiffened for a second, he looked slowly at the woman, bowing ninety degrees at her, "Hello, Mito-san!"

The woman chuckled at the younger's antics, waving her hand in dismiss, "No need to be all stiff,"

"So, you are just coming home, huh? Acting all naught, I see~"

Izuku shook his head furouisly, eyes getting all wide, "NO, NO, I was eating outside! I didn't do anything that would be considered as naughty." He thinks.

Mito started shaking in laughter, "I'm just pulling your leg, kid, no need to get all fidgety!"

She smiled slightly before frowning, "by the way Izuku, it has been a while since I saw your mother,"

Izuku's eyes widened, his lower lips quivering as an immediate reaction, his mother was still a fresh wound, Nyanko-sensei shifted in his hold, 'Kid, calm down,'

He didn't know that one day Sensei's voice would comfort him in such a way. He looked up at the lady who had narrowed her eyes, looking quite suspicious of him. However, with the yokai having his back, the teen stood his ground and smiled.

"She's away for a business trip,"

The orange hair glistened under the moon, making her marmalade eyes look sharper, she stared for a while before sighing.

The smile on her face showed that she gave up on interrogating the child, placing a hand on her hip, "If you say so,"

Izuku wanted punch the air in victory, but refrained from doing it in front of the lady, but he couldn't stop the smile that lightened his face.

Mito ruffled his hair, and the action caused the teen to freeze in his place. That didn't go unnoticed by the orange haired lady.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Izuku bit his lips, he knew that he shouldn't blame the landlord since she isn't someone close to him, she wouldn't know what he had to go through, nor was she there to witness his mother abandoning him just for the sake of her happiness.

He looked down at his feet and bit his lips till they bled, but how nice would it be if he could blame someone other than himself.

He saw the shadow of her hand move, he squeezed shut his eyes, was she going to hit him? He waited for the blow, but it never came instead he felt fingers tracing his lower lips. Izuku flinched back, but the woman had a firm grasp on his chin.

His cheeks flared with color, "M-M-Mito-san?!"

Her dainty, delicate face became more clearer when she came into his personal space, "Oh, you poor little thing, your bleeding," she swiped softly at his injured lips, Her eyes fell from the flustered teen to the glaring cat that was hissing curses at the woman.

She chuckled before taking a step back and releasing the boy from his agony. She beckoned the boy to follow her, and step aside, revealing the dark-haired man that was watching them bemusedly.

"Dear, come here and let me introduce you to my new tenant," she had a smile that curled her lips upwards, looked more like a cat's mouth. Dollars were drawn on her eyes.

The stranger kept staring at the teen, 'Wow to think that hobo was a creep, then this one is the king of creeps,'

Izuku bit his lips, no he can't laugh, but he could feel his mouth quivering upwards. That didn't go unnoticed by the man standing in front him. He had his head tilted to the side, a questioning glare snapped him out his inner turmoil.

Izuku shook his head making the scarred man step back, his once curious stare turned into a disgusted one. He must have looked like a dog, with all that bush on his head.

He extended his hands, "Hello, I am Midoriya Izuku, I live upstairs, the last room. Feel free to visit me anytime,"

The guy was just staring at his extended hands, not planning to shake the boy's hand, he ate enough shit today. Izuku grabbed the scarred hand, making the older man flinch, "Nice. To. Meet. You." A fierce grin on his face, oh how he liked how the way the guy's face got pinched up, it was the face that one would make when they smell a nasty stench.

"Dabi..." he murmured before slapping the younger's hand away


Helllloo, thank you for reading and support. Please give me your feedback, so how do you like it so far?