Ducktales Season 3 Episode 1 – Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks part 1

After watching this episode I was not that pleased with its ending so I thought I'd publish a three-part pilot to give the first episode of season 3 a much better ending for Huey! This is my pilot for season 3!

Warning: Contains some spoilers for some chapters in Season 2, especially Moonvasion. If your prefer to wait to read it that's fine.

If you want to read it now then ENJOY!

It's been 4 months since Donald, Della, Scrooge and the entire family defeated Lunaris. Peace was restored to the world, the Moonlanders made peace with the people of planet Earth, Lunaris himself is dead and as usual Donald was the hero who had done it all with help from his loved ones, including his world-travelling friends.

The Infinity Stones were now completely separated. The Power and Space Stone were sent to the farthest regions of space thanks to Xandra, the Time Stone was back in the Time Tub, the Soul Stone is back in Castle McDuck, the Reality Stone is inside Lena again and the Mind Stone has been safely embedded within Save the Queen (KH3+).

Donald and Della, the Duck Twins were reunited and the entire Duck/McDuck Family was whole again. And they couldn't be any happier as the triplets, even Louie are adjusting to their Mom. Donald and Della have reconciled their relationship once more and though Donald has lost his magic he won't let that stop him from being the father his nephews need and the hero his sister needs but now a new chapter of adventure is about to open up for the entire family.

We now go to a special Junior Woodchuck Island where Graduation day is being held. All members are standing proudly in front of a large audience in their Junior Woodchuck uniforms. Launchpad who is a Senior Woodchuck makes a huge speech and this is one of those times he's being wise.

Launchpad: Legacy…passing the torch to a new generation. The knowledge of the old mixes with the discovery of the new generation into that flavourable gumbo called…tomorrow.

Members of club stand in front of the audience smiling proudly at the audience. The line of Woodchuck's consisted of Hubert (Huey) Duck, April Duck and surprisingly Doofus Drake and Boyd who had been adopted into his family, Huey felt the proudest of all with his hands on his hips.

Sitting in on the benches were the parents and family of the Woodchuck members. At the front were none other than the hero Donald Duck (Former Mage of Thunder), Della Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Daisy Duck, Dewford (Dewey Duck), Llewellyn (Louie) Duck, Webby Vanderquack, May Duck and June Duck.

Sitting behind them were the Destiny Island Trio, Sora, Riku and Kairi who had come for a surprise visit. The three of them are wearing their KH3 attires.

Donald sat there with his special front pouch taking pictures with his camera, wearing his black sailor uniform and Della and Daisy were wearing their old Junior Woodchuck uniforms proudly smiling at their eldest son/niece. Della was close to tears, happy she is here to see this moment.

Launchpad: And you are that Gumbo. Welcome to the coulasoda Junior Woodchuck Graduation!

Della: Della shakes her head in absolute excitement and is laughing. Hoo-hoo! The legacy's alive!

Donald chuckles, god how he missed his sister's enthusiasm and energy and he looks up from his camera to smile at her.

Donald: You know Della; one of the things I missed was how you always energized that atmosphere.

Della: Della places a hand over her heart. Aww…thanks Donnie. And you know, one of the things I missed when I was on the moon was you complementing me.

Donald: Just like old times, huh, sis?

Della: Della roughly wraps her arm around her brother and bumps her shoulder. You bet it's just like old times bro!

The both of them laugh and Sora, Riku, Kairi, Daisy and Webby smile at what they have.

Kairi: It's really wonderful how close the both of you are.

Donald & Della: Thanks.

Sora: By the way, thanks for letting us come over with you guys.

Riku: Yeah, we really appreciate it.

Donald: Don't sweat it you guys. You three are practically part of the family too. Donald gets back to snapping photos of Huey.

Della: Yeah, and this is a great chance for me to get to know you three better.

Sora: So Della, you're a Junior Woodchuck like Huey.

Della: Yup, been one ever since I was 8 years old.

Kairi: What about you, Daisy?

Daisy: I became one a year after Della. She sister-figures give each other bright smiles. Della taught me everything I know.

Della: Of course I did. That's what sisters do.

Webby: Webby looks at Donald in confusion. Just out of curiosity why isn't Donald wearing his Junior Woodchuck uniform?

Della & Daisy: Oh…

The two are obviously embarrassed to answer that question due to the reason why Donald isn't a Junior Woodchuck.

Della: He was kicked out. This caught Sora and Kairi's attention.

Sora: Why? Was it because of his bad temper?

Daisy: Well…that and…

Della: He's got a…

Donald tries to swat away an annoying mosquito but ends up slapping himself instead. He angrily quacks as he tries to swat away the fly. Sora, Kairi, Della, Daisy and Webby watch as he ends up getting tied up in his own camera strap and he drops to the floor with the fly free to land on his tail feather.

Della: …Bad attitude about nature.

Donald: I hate nature so much!

Daisy: Daisy facepalms in embarrassment over her boyfriend's behaviour. Oh, Donald…

Kairi: That makes sense.

Sora and Kairi can't help but chuckle at the scene.

Sora: That's our Donald.

Donald: If I had my Mage powers I'd kill this thing with my eye beams.

Launchpad: Launchpad continues his speech and reads from the cards. These Woodchucks gestured a stage, are a part of a tradition of Woodchuck excellence like legendary explorer Isabella Finch, point to paintings.

Launchpad motions to a portrait of a female duck wearing a much older Junior Woodchuck uniform standing tall and pointing up ahead while holding a map.

Launchpad: Note: Launchpad, do not read these parts. Grape jelly stain.

He actually licks it off, enjoying the taste which weirded out Riku and Scrooge to say the least.

Riku: Let's just pretend we never saw that.

Scrooge: Agreed.

Launchpad: Today, Junior Junior Woodchucks become Junior Woodchucks. Junior Woodchucks become Senior Junior Woodchucks.

April fits in that category and stands proudly with her hands behind her back. Having been taught a lot about being a Woodchuck by Huey she has earned almost as much badges as he has and is now being promoted from Junior Woodchuck to Senior Junior Woodchuck. She gives her aunt and sisters the wave which they gladly return (June giving the thumbs up.) April gives Huey the double thumbs up and he returns. He then looks to Launchpad who prepares to say the part he's been waiting for.

Launchpad: And of course a Woodchuck's proudest achievement is making the rank of Senior Woodchuck. A Senior Woodchuck goes above and beyond to make themselves and everything around them better.

Huey: This is my moment.

Huey pumps his fist in excitement. He has worked insanely hard, earned as much badges as he could, upheld his oath as a Junior Woodchuck and followed the guidebook. This is the dream he had been training for and now it has finally come.

Launchpad: This year, I'm pleased to announce our star candidate. Congratulations to my close, personal friend…

Huey tightens his scarf and walks up to present himself as the star candidate. There's no one in this club who has more badges than him…until today that is…

Launchpad: …Violet Saberwing!

An embarrassed Huey sheepishly steps back, not wanting to make things more awkward for himself. Everyone watches his girlfriend Violet Saberwing (wearing her Junior Woodchuck uniform) appear with her two fathers Ty and Indy.

Both Dad's were wearing t-shirts that says "I'm with Dad", Ty looked muscular with black hair and Indy is scrawny with purpler hair. Lena Le Strange now renamed Lena Saberwing has also come to support her new adopted sister.

Violet hands over her backpack to Indy who proudly pats her head. The audience gives their applause as she walks over to join Huey and Violet.

Violet: Sorry I'm late. I was helping an elderly woman cross the street.

The audience give louder applause than before and are even shouting. But none could be louder than Lena who gets up on her seat with flags.

Lena: Woo-hoo! That's my sister from a couple misters!

Violet: Violet blushes from the praise of her new sister. Thank you.

Huey: Hi Violet.

Violet turns to her smiling boyfriend with a smile of her own.

Violet: Hello Hubert. She gives a quick peck on the cheek, making him blush a little.

April: Hey there Violet.

Violet: Good day April.

Huey: So're the Junior Woodchuck's star candidate?

Violet: As a matter of fact I am. I have been for 8 years.

Huey: This really throws them out of the loop. 8 years!? I've been a Junior Woodchuck for only 6!

April: I only started months ago!

Huey is incredibly confused and has realized something that he never thought of, if his girlfriend has been a Junior Woodchuck for so long shouldn't they have met sooner?

Huey: But if you've been a Junior Woodchuck longer than I have then how come I've never seen you in any jamborees or fun-time functions over the months we've known each other or before we first met?

April: I'm pretty sure I should've met you too.

Violet: I prefer to focus my time on the 'real' work of Woodchucking.

She grabs her sash and to Huey and April's amazement it opens to reveal two extra compartments that show she has three times as many badges as Huey.

April: Whoa…that's a lot of badges!

Huey looks at his sash and finds no extra compartment at all. He becomes gravely concerned; for years he believed himself to be the best of Junior Woodchucks, to hear that someone has far more badges and achievements than him is really doing a number on his confidence. It hurts more to find out the person who's a better Woodchuck than him is his girlfriend.

Launchpad: And this year we have a second candidate for Senior Woodchuck. And I'm proud to say he's also a star candidate and another personal friend of mine…

He immediately presents Huey.

Launchpad: My best friend Dewey's brother!

Huey quickly puts his hand behind his back and gives a wave with a nervous smile. People barely notice and everyone around him give their applause, especially his family and friends.

Louie: GO nerd!

Webby: We believe in you!

Dewey: Second is the best!

Donald: Way to go buddy! Donald manages to snap a photo despite his tied up situation.

Della: That's my KID! Della stands on the bench pointing at him before clapping.

Sora: Alright, Huey and Violet!

Riku: Well done!

Kairi: Good luck to both of you!

Launchpad: As is our solemn custom, in the event of two candidates our competitors will go head to head in the most intense, physical and mental trial of their skills: The Junior Woodchuck Wilderness Challenge! There can only be one Senior Woodchuck! Huh, neat.

The crowd roars in cheers and applause. Huey's family and friends all give their support to him by chanting his name but to his shock the entire crowd as well as Violet's family chanting her name, which drowns out the voices of Donald, Sora and the others. Violet happily waves at her fans and Huey desperately searches for anyone else supporting him but to his great dismay that isn't the case and he feels his confidence lower, not liking the competition.


Donald's staff and Scrooge's dime falls out of the sky. The dime rolls and the staff flies away from Donald and Scrooge who are smirking with confidence. Donald motions Della, Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby to follow his lead and they run after both items while running from all of their enemies.

Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg!

They now run in the city itself, everything zooms out to reveal multiple people to Della and Launchpad (the latter giving a salute) before Della yelps in fear and points out to the window while grabbing his attention. Launch quickly takes back control over the plane and Della falls to the floor.

Race cars, lasers, airplanes

It's a duck-blur!

Webby uses a flashlight to help search the dime and staff in the darkness but the kids gets scared away by Demonworth.

Might solve a mystery or rewrite history!

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Scenes shift to a room where Donald, Della, Scrooge and the kids relish with the treasure they've found but yelp in horror when a lobster monster arrives causing Louie to make a run for it but loses the gold he picked up in the process.

Every day they're out there making

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Donald is in his houseboat with a determined expression sailing it across a violent storm across the seas with Scrooge and Della right next to him and Launchpad placing the boys in one life jacket. Unfortunately a rope from a pirate ship ensnares Launchpad and swings him around.

Tales of derring-do

Bad and good luck tales! Woo-oo!

Beakely drives Scrooge through a safari where he fails to grab his dime. The kids and Della ride on a rhino with Donald being dragged a long rope and failing to catch his staff.

Scenes shift to a room where Dewey pulls out a sword and Della is bent down next to him, opening a cage that releases the Golden Dragon. Donald, Della and Beakely get into a battle stance and the fire on Scrooge's torch goes out.

D-d-d-danger! Lurks behind you!

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do, just grab on to some...

Scrooge is tapped on the shoulder and now the mummy of Toth-Ra is chasing the 6 ducks across the room. Webby fires her grappling hook which grips onto a pole. Everyone holds onto her and they fly up. They surround Toth-Ra, grab onto lose papers sticking from his body and pull. He spins until he's reduced to nothing but bones.

DuckTales! Woo-oo! They run back to the gold room.

Every day they're out there making

The Duck/McDuck family are surrounded by their enemies again. Donald holds out his hand and his staff comes flying back to him. He leaps up and a blast of lightning changes his clothes before casting a thunder spell that shocks the Beagle Boys and clashes with Merlock. Scrooge stops where he is fearlessly before flipping up and diving inside the coins. He comes back and Donald, Della, Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby continue fearlessly running across the floor of coins with the Sunchaser following.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Tales of derring-

Bad and good-

Not ponytails or cottontails, no

DuckTales! WOO-OO!

As he's chases by his enemies, Scrooge swims after his dime until he reaches the top of a formation where Beakely pulls the kids, and Donald up and Della catches Dewey. Donald points his staff at their enemies and the rest get into a battle stance while Scrooge finally catches his dime. Just as they were about to crash the Sunchaser crashes into 'DuckTales' signs, knocking their enemies off.

After the announcement the crowd had all dispersed. Della was trying to untangle Donald from his current situation. Eventually she does so and Donald is sitting on his back. Della helps her brother as he smiles.

Donald: Thanks sis.

Della: Don't mention it bro.

Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, April, May and June were gathered together in front of the fireplace. While Lena and Violet converse with each other the rest of the kids are trying to cheer up a disheartened Huey.

Huey: How'd this happen? If I'm not the best Junior Woodchuck, who am I?

Webby: You're still a great Junior Woodchuck. She sheepishly turns to Violet to avoid taking sides. You're also great.

May: May puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.Don't worry Huey, you'll win this easy, I'm sure of it.

June: Yeah, who cares if Violet has more badges and is possibly better than you? That's no big deal, buddy.

April walks up and puts another hand on his shoulder while glaring at June.

April: I think what June meant was that it doesn't matter that Violet has more badges. I mean I've come this far because of everything you've taught me. And remember what you taught me, Junior Woodchuck Rule 327…

Huey & April: "Nobody's perfect to become the best Woodchuck."

Huey: You know what, you're right! Huey feels his confidence return and he takes out his JWG from under his hat. Besides, nothing can stop me with my trusty Junior Woodchuck Guidebook-

The moment that's heard Launchpad snatches it away much to Huey's further dismay.

Launchpad: Nuh uh! No guidebooks allowed during the challenge!

Launchpad walks away leaving Huey feel worse than before and April attempts to cheer him up again and at the same time Scrooge walks up to a portrait.

April: Okay, so you don't have your JWG but you'll still win regardless.

Dewey: Eh, who needs a big book of rules, am I right?

Huey: Huey! Huey, needs a book of rules!

Louie: I think what Dewey's trying to say is that you were born for this. He steps up with a reassuring smile and puts a hand on his brother's shoulder. Now get out there and show the other nerds that YOU are king nerd!

Riku: He's right, Huey.

Huey looks next to him to see Riku bent down smiling with his hand on his shoulder.

Riku: I'm sure you'll do a great job. Becoming Senior Woodchuck has been your dream and trust me when I say nothing can ever hold you back from achieving them. Sora and Kairi stand near him with smiles on their faces.

Sora: And you don't need a book to help you Huey; you're a great Woodchuck with or without it. You just need to go out there and race with all your heart and skills.

Kairi: Kairi bends down with a sweet look. And don't worry if you lose. It's not whether if you win or lose but how you play the game.

Huey smiles gratefully at his brothers and friends for all their encouragement, giving him the confidence to put on his game face just as Lena (chanting Violet's name) and Violet proceed to leave.

Violet: Come on Hubert, a Woodchuck mustn't be late.

Huey and April follow them outside and Huey quickly gets next to Violet too.

Huey: Just so you know Vi, I won't go easy on you just because you're my girlfriend.

Violet: That's good, because I won't go easy on you just because you're my boyfriend.

Sora, Riku and Kairi watch in keen interest.

Sora: So it's gonna be boyfriend vs girlfriend.

Riku: This oughta be interesting. They're both almost equally smart.

Kairi: It'll be really fun to watch.

As soon as they leave Scrooge stands in front of and admires the portrait of Isabella Finch and then notices something very peculiar about the map she's holding just as Dewey walks up to him to look at the painting too.

Dewey: Ooh, who's this lady?

Scrooge: Isabella Finch!

Everyone walks up to Scrooge and just looking at the painting fills them all up with excitement (except for Louie), especially Della.

Della: Adventurer! Chief of Woodchuck exploration!

Daisy: And she's The Crackler of the Unknown!

Donald: She was the greatest adventurer in the history of adventurers before Uncle Scrooge was even born. Donald takes a photo of the portrait.

Sora: Wow! This lady sounds like a living legend!

Scrooge: She WAS a legend! A legend to me growing up!

June: Louie and June deadpan at each other. This is the part where he tells a lame young Scrooge story, isn't it?

Louie: Yup. Cue Scrooge as lad in 3, 2…

(A/N: This part's boring so I'll just skip it)

(Story skip)

Everyone is in awe of the portrait even more after hearing the story, even Louie and June impressed.

Webby: Wow…

May: That is so cool!

Kairi: She really is a legend.

Donald: You bet she is! Della and I also read her stories when we were 11!

The Duck Twins fondly smile at each other from those memories of their youth.

Della: We sure did!


11 year old Donald and Della are sitting on sleeping bags in their room under an indoor tent at night in their pyjamas happily reading the adventures of Isabella Finch.

Donald: After that stuff with the Gilded Man, Della and I were once again sharing a room.

Della: And we celebrated by staying up all night reading her stories.

Donald: Even now we still can't help but geek out about her! She's a role model to all adventurers, especially Junior Woodchucks.

(End of Flashback)

Daisy: I also read Finch's adventures! They inspired me to become a Junior Woodchuck in the first place!

Scrooge stands right in front of the portrait and continues admiring it.

Scrooge: This woman made history and deserves the utmost respect…

In just a split second he pulls out a paper that was stuck to the portrait that made it look like a painting much to the angered shock of Donald, Sora and the others.

Sora: What the heck Scrooge!?

Scrooge: What? He presents the paper to reveal it as a map. She hid this map here for future adventurers to find.

The gang becomes relieved, stunned and their interest levels had skyrocketed.

Della: Oooh! Twist!

Donald: Phew. For a minute I thought you were being a hypocrite.

Scrooge: Scrooge jumps down excitedly while a shadowed bird is cooing a rhythm outside. And here on Woodchuck Island Finch hid her greatest treasure surrounded by the deadliest objects she found on her journeys.

The bird's singing made everyone turn their attention to the window and Scrooge was getting increasingly annoyed but remains calm to speak with his family.

Scrooge: Her greatest adventure will become OUR greatest adventure. Who knows what the treasure could be. He rolls up the map in excitement but loses his patience from hearing the annoying song. OY! Do you mind!? I'm speechifying! The bird disappears down the window. That's better, where was I?Listen to the song of adventure calling you.

Unfortunately for him Dewey takes that literally and begins singing the song the bird was singing much to Scrooge's annoyance and it worsens when Sora joins in the singing, making the old man glare at both of them, making them stop sheepishly.

Dewey: What, it's so catchy.

Sora: Yeah, who could resist such a catchy toon?

Kairi, May and Webby can't help but giggle at how alike Sora and Dewey truly are.

Kairi: You two are so alike.

May: You can say that again.

Webby: It's so cute!

Riku, Louie, Donald, Della and June can't help but laugh as Sora and Dewey look to each other in confusion.

All the Woodchucks and their parents/guardians were gathered outside the cabin and near the starting line where Launchpad makes preparation. Violet was with her fathers and Lena putting all her supplies in her backpack. Huey was with Donald and Della who proudly watch with their hands on their hips as he puts everyone one of his supplies in his blue backpack albeit he's a little nervous.

Donald: You ready to race kid?

Huey: Yep, all my equipment is ready.

Della: Great! Good luck out there sweetie. We'll be rooting for you all the way. Huey smiles a little when he stands up.

Huey: Thanks. I'll do my best. His face drops and now they notice his lack of confidence which worries them.

Donald: Huey, are you okay?

Della: Yeah, you don't look so confident right now.

Huey: Huey has butterflies in stomach as he tensely rubs his shoulder. I was just wondering…do you guys think I have any hope of winning against Violet?

Donald & Della: WHAT!?

This shocked them to say the least because Huey was always so full of pride of confidence but now it seems he's losing some of that.

Della: Huey, of course you can win, what would ever make you doubt that!?

Huey: It's just that Violet has 3 times as many badges as I do, she has way more experience than I do and she does real Woodchuck work! He waves his hands in denial. Don't get me wrong, I love Violet and I'm happy for her but to hear she's better than me on the most important day of my life and when I find out she's been a Junior Woodchuck longer than I have, I…well…

Huey can't muster up the courage to explain his feelings but his mother and father-figure can see where he's going with this, prompting them to bend down with encouraging smiles.

Della: Oh, Huey…just because Vi has more badges than you doesn't mean she's better than you. Take it from me, I've met a lot of Woodchucks who had way more badges than me and I still did better than some of them. Plus, you're our kid, you can do anything! Us Ducks have the power to make the impossible, possible.

Donald: Yeah, that's right. Experience is important but it doesn't necessarily make you the best Huey. Donald places a hand over his heart. What really matters is having heart, determination, wits and above all compassion.

Della: Look at Sora. They look to Sora conversing and bonding with Dewey. He lost his powers when that Xehanort guy almost made him into a vessel from what I was told…

Donald: But despite that Sora kept fighting and he fought with all his heart for the people he loves, especially Kairi even when it almost cost him everything. Everything he does, he does with all his heart and that's why he's become a true Keyblade Master. Donald puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Della: And another important thing is to have faith in your abilities. Believe in yourself Huey, don't let anything get you down.

Donald: Look at me. People kept saying, "Donald, with a voice like yours there's no way you could possibly become a sailor." Donald motions to himself. But look at me now.

Huey: Huey feels more of his confidence return and pumps his fist. You know what, you're both right! I'm gonna take this challenge by storm and show them what a real Junior Woodchuck can do!

Della: Della takes his hat off for a bit and ruffles his hair, making him laugh. That's my boy!

Launchpad: Candidates! To your positions!

Huey walks over but not before giving his uncle and mother the thumbs up.

Huey: I'm gonna do my best guys!

The twins return the thumbs up.

Donald: Go get 'em tiger!

Della: Show them what a Duck can do!

Donald: Oh, and Huey…

Donald walks up him and bends down to put a sticker on his shirt, Huey looks to see a picture of trophy that reads "U da best!"

Donald: Knock 'em dead, kiddo. (1)

The eldest triplet smiles gratefully for the encouragement before running off to the starting position as Donald and Della watch proudly before looking to each other.

Donald: You know, you're getting really better at parenting Della.

Della: Well, I guess that's because I've learned from the best.

Della gives Donald a kiss on the cheek, causing him to chuckle and rub his face.

Huey and Violet are now at the starting line, ready and raring to go as Launchpad stands in front of them explaining the course.

Launchpad: This course will test every aspect of your Junior Woodchuck knowledge. He gets out a couple of red and purple flags from his pocket. You will place these flags on designated trail markers like so… He puts an extra purple fag on the pole next to them to demonstrate before giving 4 to both of them. …As you make your way north to the highest point on the island.

He points up to large cylinder-like mountain at the top of the island. Sora and Riku look to Scrooge who, surprised with Launchpad's eloquence.

Sora: Man, is it me or is Launchpad sounding wiser than usual.

Scrooge: It surprises me to lad. Though, I suppose he would have a moment like this since he knows a lot about being a Woodchuck.

Launchpad: At the mountain's peak, whoever plants their final flag first will become the next Senior… Classic Launchpad forgets one last simple word and looks at his guidebook. …Senior Woodchuck! Ready!?

Huey and Violet get their game faces on. Huey balls his fists, cracking his knuckles while Violet tilts her head, cracking her neck. They strap their bags on tightly before bending down and getting set.

Huey: I was born ready!

Violet points at him and suddenly acts mean.

Violet: If you are as prepared as a helpless baby I will beat you easily! She resumes her friendly demeanour. Apologies, Lena told me that friendly smack talk is expected in competition such as these.

Lena: Call him a clown!

Violet: Clown!

Lena gives the double thumbs up. When she pulls back Sora, Riku and Kairi glare at her for the rudeness.

Kairi: Lena, that was totally uncalled for.

Lena: Lena throws up her hands, not seeing any problem. What, it's just friendly smack talk?

Riku: Demoralizing your friend doesn't sound that "friendly" if you ask me?

Sora: And it's probably gonna hurt even worse that the insults are coming from his girlfriend.

Lena: I'm not demoralizing or insulting Huey. This is just playful teasing, nothing more than that. Huey's a smart kid, I'm sure he won't take it that personally.

Sora: Sora looks to the red-loving duck in concern. I seriously hope he doesn't.

Despite being annoyed with the smack talk Huey remains a good sport and stands tall, smiling at Violet with his hand held out.

Huey: Hey, may the best Woodchuck win.

Violet: Violet returns his smile. Likewise.

Violet holds out her hand but realizes it's the wrong one, putting them at an incredibly awkward position. They try a second time but get it wrong again and they get increasingly sheepish until they finally get it right the third time and have a friendly handshake. Their moment is interrupted when Launchpad yells in their faces while sound an air horn, causing them to shout and recoil in surprise.

Launchpad: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

They immediately start the race with a big rush and everyone behind them roar in cheers and applause. Huey follows one trail and Violet follows another.

Louie looks to Lena who was standing next to him.

Louie: Say, Lena, Uncle Scrooge is taking us on another insane adventure from which we're likely to die in. He jerks his thumb to the trail. Wanna come with us?

Lena: Thanks for the offer Lou, but I think I'll sit this one out and wait for Violet in the mountains.

Louie: Suit yourself. On the off chance we find something cool I'll send you a picture of it.

Lena gives her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush just as he walks off to join the rest of his family.

Scrooge begins his own adventure leading Donald, Della, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Daisy, April, May, June, Sora, Riku and Kairi while Launchpad waves them good luck and Donald tries to swat away the annoying mosquito that continuously pesters him. Scrooge takes a look at the map before leading everyone down the left pathway.

Huey runs along his path but stops to find himself at a dead end and is face with only trees and bushes. Of course he doesn't let that deter him because he takes off his backpack to take out a jar of water.

Huey: When you don't have a compass, make one.

He takes off his Woodchuck symbol on his sash, takes out a the bin and rubs a small magnet against it, giving it some static electricity before perfectly placing it on the centre of a leaf. He places his make shift arrow on the water and it begins to turn like a real compass.

Huey: Now, I just have to find north and… It stops at certain direction, much to his delight. …Place the first trail marker!

He follows the direction of his makeshift compass and moves some bushes out of the way to see the path again.

Huey: Good job Huey! The sun shines on the first trail marker and Violet was nowhere in sight. Already in the lead!

He slides down a log, jumps down the path and walks over to the marker to places his first flag, only to find a purple flag already there, much to his astonishment. Attached to flag was a letter which he took out to read.


Who is in second place and holding this letter?
You are!

Best Wishes,

Huey: What the-!?

Huey is looking quite insulted and it's worsened when Violet calls out to him from up ahead, revealing she's in the lead.

Violet: Was that good smack!? Do you feel appropriately razzed!

An angered Huey crumbles the paper; glares at his girlfriend who's just ran ahead.

Huey: Huey raises his fists in the air in fury. I'll show you GOOD SMACK!

Huey places his flag, throws away the paper chases after her but not before coming back to pick the paper back out of respect for nature.

Scrooge leads the family along the pathway based on the map. April had just been filled in on their adventure and she is brimming with excitement.

April: Ohmygosh! I can't believe we're following in the footsteps of Isabella Finch! I'm excited just thinking about what we'll find on this adventure!

Scrooge: Scrooge proudly smiles at April. That's the spirit lass!

Kairi: You really admire Finch, don't you April.

April: Of course I do. Isabella Finch is a role model to all junior Woodchucks. I've been a part of it long enough to know that almost every Woodchuck today are inspired to join because of the example Finch had set.

Daisy: And like I said, I was inspired to join because of her.

Della: Me too!

Donald: They hear Donald grunting and see him trying to swat away the same mosquito from before. Would somebody get rid of this annoying fly!? It won't stop following me!?

June: Maybe it's attracted to your temper.

Riku: That sounds pretty logical.

Donald: That's not funny! I already have a girlfriend!

Sora: Dude, it's just one mosquito, it's not gonna do anything to you.

Donald: Donald ignores that as he continues to swat it away. Then why won't it leave me alone! Cut it out you stupid fly! This is why nature is pure evil!

Dewey, Louie and Webby can't help but deadpan at their uncle's comical attitude to nature before looking back to each other.

Webby: I wonder how Huey's doing right now.

Dewey: Dewey dismisses that concern with a hand wave. Eh, I'm sure he's fine.

May: Yeah. Huey's a smart guy.

Sora: And he's a resourceful kid too.

May: Exactly, I'm sure he'll be fine.

April: April can't help but be concerned thinking back to Violet's smack talk. I don't know. I could tell he seemed a little hurt when Violet and Lena did their little smack talk.

June: June wraps her arm around his sister. Don't worry, sis. It was just one smack. There's no way Huey will actually let that get to him.

Louie: June's right. Besides, it's not like Violet's going to insult Huey with every chance she gets.

Sora, Riku and Kairi look to each other, feeling a little doubtful about that.

Meanwhile, after getting ahead of Huey, Violet is walking down a path that's headed downward somewhat like a hill with some curves along the way. She walks with a highly confident expression, already sure of her victory after getting past Huey.

Violet: Things are going rather well so far. This path should lead to the next trail marker. I'm one step ahead of Hubert, I have more experience and I have a lot more support. I'd say victory is already within reach!

Huey: You might wanna re-think that way of thinking, Vi!

Violet freezes in shock and looks behind her only to find no one there but a slanted boulder.

Huey: Look out below!

She looks up and gasp to see Huey joyfully laughing and dropping down on wooden board like he's riding a skateboard. Obviously he used it to slide down the pathway and used the boulder as a ramp.

Huey: Woo-hoo!

Violet shouts in fear of getting crushed and proceeds to make a run for it, only for Huey to land his board on a puddle of mud right in front of her. Huey excitedly laughs as he zooms down on his board and Violet shouts when the mud splashes onto her. She stumbles back and shouts again when she trips on a pebble and falls into a bush with her legs sticking out. She lifts herself up; her hat is covered in some leaves and her clothes with little patches of dirt. She looks to see Huey sliding down, making turns and having the time of his life.


Violet growls in anger at his smack talk and immediately chases after him, determined to not fall behind.

Violet: Alright, so Hubert is more creative then you thought. Only a minor setback, nothing you can't recover from!

A minute later she finds the path back to a normal slope and is delighted to spot a trail marker up ahead in front of a rock face but becomes worried when she sees a red flag and a letter attached to it, meaning Huey arrived first. She takes out her flag as she runs up to it.

Violet: Hubert got here first… She then notices the letter attached and takes it. Wait, what's this?

She takes it off and gives the letter a read.

Dear Violet,

Who's in second place and reading a smack letter NOW?
You are!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Best Wishes,

Violet lowers her eyebrows to see her own smack talk method being used against her.

Violet: Wait a minute, this is my smack talk! And was writing down the laughter even necessary?

Huey: How's that for good smack!? Violet looks in the up to see Huey has already climbed the rock face. Now whose feeling razzed? You ate my mud, now eat my dust Violet!

He runs off laughing and Violet squeezes his letter in rage.

Violet: Was that a challenge in smack talking!? Well, if it's a race you want, it's a race you'll get!

She throws down the paper, places her flag and begins climbing up. She double takes and jumps down to pick up the letter out of respect for nature and begins climbing again. Looks like Huey can't be counted out yet, even if he does have lesser badges.

Donald, Sora, Scrooge and the others continue walking through the other side of the wood in search of Finch's treasure with bright smiles on their faces but unbeknownst to them they were being followed by the same bird from the cabin and it was continuing to sing its tune. It's pokes its head out every now and then.

Scrooge: We're in the exact path Finch took in her very last adventure. Now let's stick to her-

They completely come to a halt when the bird appears in front of them in person. It is revealed to be a Tittertwill Bird and it's dancing right in front of them. The girls find its dancing cute (except for June).

Scrooge: What is this bird doing here!?

Dewey runs up to the bird in excitement and begins dancing with it.

Dewey: Giving me the irresistible urge to bust several moves!

Tittertwill song

He begins singing the Tittertwill's song and dances in sync with it, involving hopping, jumping, hand motions, moving its hips back and forth. Aside from Scrooge who's annoyed, everyone (even Louie and June) watch with wide smiles, the girls are finding it adorable. They're now circling and break dancing around everyone.

Della, Daisy, Webby, April, May, June & Kairi: AWWWW!

Donald: Donald raises his fists in the air and cheers with Sora and Riku. Yeah, bust those moves, kiddo!

Sora: Yeah! Go Dewey!

Riku: Those are great moves!

Louie: Ignore Uncle Scrooge and the adventure! Follow your lame love for dancing!

Webby: They're both cute!

Kairi: Dewey can be so adorable!

June: I gotta admit, this is kinda cute to watch!

May: Go Dewey, go!

Scrooge just rolls his eyes and turns back to the map.

Scrooge: Alright! Don't get distracted. Back to the real adventure-

(Music pause)

Dewey and the bird cut him off and slam into the old man on both sides. He gets squished a little before they drop to the ground, making the kids, Sora and Riku laugh at his misfortune. He gives all of them the death glare, making Sora and Riku innocently whistle and the kids to clear their throats.

Webby: This is sacred hallowed history. Louie: Not at a funny.

June: Who were the idiots laughing? April: We weren't laughing at all!

Just as Scrooge is about to get back to reading the map, May chimes in.

May: Hey, Dewey, let me join in!

Dewey: Sure! Why not May! Just follow the rhythm!

(Music Un-pause)

Now Dewey and May are singing and dancing along with bird, performing break dance moves. It was such a great sight to behold Sora pushes the annoyed Scrooge out of the way and gets out his Gummiphone. Daisy and Kairi have their hands clasped together.

Daisy: This just became three times cuter.

Kairi: You said it girl!

Sora: Keep dancing! I'm gonna make this internet famous!

May: Yeah! That's a great idea!

Dewey: There's nothing more I'd want than for people to see this dance!

The song gets louder and more moves are performed and Donald, Della, Louie, Webby, Daisy, April, May, June, Riku and Kairi are now clapping and singing along with them as Sora records the whole dance. Scrooge is getting increasingly vexed and is close to the breaking point as he painstakingly covers his ears but is saved when the mosquito comes back and annoys Donald again, making try to swat it away and making a run for it.


The dancing and clapping stops when Della goes after her brother and the bird follows them through a completely different trail instead of the one Scrooge wants to take them through.

Della: It's just a mosquito! You should give it some of your blood!

Sora and Dewey are not happy to see the bird leaving.

Sora & Dewey: Wait/Hey!

Dewey: We were just getting the flow going! Come back!

Sora: And I never got to finish the recording!

Sora and Dewey chase after them and soon everyone else follows much to Scrooge's unhappiness and dismay.

Scrooge: Where are you going!? That's not Finch's path!

He points to the other direction but his words fall on deaf ears when they get to far ahead. Scrooge sighs deeply, it pains him to have to do this but he doesn't want to leave his family alone so he puts away the map and follows after them.

As for Huey, things are going well so far. A slow start at first but now he's in the lead like he should be. The red loving duck walks up the upward path brimming with confidence again and humming a tune to himself, feeling good about getting ahead of Violet, back smack talking her and his chances of winning, though that soon goes away when he hears thunderclouds gathering.

Huey: He gasps but remembers his training. Junior Woodchuck Rule 38: When you hear thunder it's time to get under… He looks up to the dark clouds gathering and double takes, realizing what he's suggesting to himself. …cover. Hmm…but stopping would put me behind.

Lightning flashes and Huey seeing that it's too late to find cover resolves to just run through the rain.

Huey: No problem! He looks up not feeling deterred. A little rain never hurts any-! OW!

Unfortunately this rain does hurt anyone. A drop zaps Huey and soon now he's being showered by electrical rain that's stinging his face and entire body. His screams resonate through the forest.

Huey makes a dash through the rain and along the way ends up stepping on a puddle of lightning that shocks his foot. He bumps into a root of leaves and discovers they're Ficus Elastica.

Huey: Rubber Plant! Yeah! OW!

He gets zapped again and in a panicked attempt to use the root of leaves as an umbrella he tries to pull them off only to find that they're far to stretchy and stuck to the ground.

Huey: Stupid stretchy leaf! OW! OW!

Once again he's zapped and the leaf brushes against his arm which he now holds. Then to his shock he sees Violet run by him holding a makeshift umbrella above her head and wearing makeshift boots made out of these same leaves. She turns around to give some advice.

Violet: You need to sever the rubber leaf at the base!

She points at the base of the roots which Huey now notices. He's always known that, he was just too panicked to think clearly.

Huey: Yes thank you, very-OW! He's zapped in the arm and is now rubbing it. …Much, I knew that! OW!

Violet: Very well! Now eat MY dust! That was the smack talking!

She runs on ahead and Huey screams as he gets shocked again. Desperately not wanting to fall behind he quickly pulls the leaves off but now his whole body is getting electrocuted. He holds the leaves above his head.

Huey: Easy, Huey! The guidebook says that every setback is an opportunity for-Gah! It happens again and Huey feels his faith draining. …growth.

He sees that his umbrella can only provide him limited protection unlike Violet's whose umbrella was way more advanced. If he runs then the leaves will keep flapping and it'll get worse for him so he has no choice but to walk carefully.

As for Donald, Sora, Scrooge, Riku, Della, Kairi, Daisy, Dewey, Louie, Webby, April, May and June, they were hiding under a large log for protection from the rain. June is the last to get inside but not before stepping on a puddle that shocks her.

June: OW! She down on her face as she gets under the log with everyone else.

Kairi: Are you okay June?

June: June angrily looks up. Do I look okay!?

Louie: Louie shares her anger. Why would rain ever be made of lightning!?

Sora: What kind of crazy world even has a lightning rain!?

Riku: The Realm of Darkness had lightning rain. They look to Riku in surprise. It's a long story.

Scrooge: This is the lightning rain of Chimpopo. Old Isabella braved 183 day lightning rain with only, grit, determination and the hat on her head!

Louie: She had a hat!?

The destiny trio are beyond amazed.

Kairi: She fought through this rain for 6 months! That's amazing!

Sora: How can anyone withstand this kind of rain for 6 months!?

Scrooge: Because she's Isabella Finch! And we're walking in the footsteps of a giant! Webby gasps in excitement at the thought. Not a literal giant…

Webby: Oh… Webby slumps down in disappointment. June playfully comforts her.

June: Don't worry, Webs, I'm sure you'll get the chance to be crushed by a real giant, one day.

Donald is hugging his knees next to Della and he's not happy about their current situation but Della sure isn't feeling deterred.

Della: Yep! Rain water drops from the long and onto Della's hand, zapping her and making her yelp, though she tries to keep her cool. See Donald-! She gets zapped again. Nature's not so-!

This time she gets zapped in the tail feathers and her yelp becomes louder, causing her to lose her cool and hope around wildly while swing her arm.


Her fist comically slams across Donald's chin and his head bumps onto the log before he face plants. When Della comes down she cringes to see what she did.

Della: Oops. Sorry.

Donald: Donald looks up deadpanning. That's fine, I'm used to it. So, now will you agree that nature is pure evil?

Della: Della waves her hand in denial. Nope, never!

Daisy: Come on, Donald. Nature isn't pure evil. It can be really beautiful if you just learn how to respect it.

Donald: Maybe I'd respect it if nature didn't electrocute us with rain made out of lightning and personally annoy me with mosquito bites.

April: April looks to see more water dropping from the log. Well, whether if we respect nature or not this log won't be able to absorb all the water for long. More keep dropping.

Kairi: April's right. We need to find a way out of this rain before we're barbecued by it.

Riku: They say a little rain never hurts anyone. Too bad, this one does.

Sora: Man, toon adventures are more different than I thought from the kind of world-travelling adventures we've been on.

Everyone smiles at the destiny trio reassuringly since this is the first toon-type adventure they're going on.

Scrooge: That's because you aren't going around the world fighting beings that come out of the darkness in people's hearts.

Della: Yeah. You guys will get used to it.

Louie: Uncle Donald, can't you just use a barrier spell to shield us.

Donald: Louie, I've lost all my powers, remember?

Louie: Louie becomes a little sheepish. Oh, that's right!

Donald: Plus, even if I could cast a barrier spell it wouldn't work! It can only be casted standing still, not while we're moving.

Kari: The same goes for me.

All of a sudden the Tittertwill pokes its head out through a hole above Donald, much to Dewey and May's delight.

May: Hey it's the dancing–singing bird!

Dewey: Quiet everyone! I think my quirky new sidekick is trying to tell me something!

He gets on his uncle and touches its cheeks while Scrooge deadpans in annoyance.

Scrooge: Of course…

The bird sings and Dewey pokes his head through the hole to see it run through the log.

Dewey: What's that? You want us to follow you on a brand new adventure, well let's go!

And with that the kids are all the first ones to follow the Tittertwill Scrooge is completely outraged.

Scrooge: But, but, but, but, we're already on a perfectly good adventure!?


Huey, bruised, tattered and dirtied from the electric rain managed to find cover and healed himself with some herbs but finds out he got lost in the process. Desperate and slowly using his sanity he tries to think heard about his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook but what he didn't expect was for his guidebook to come out with a face on it. He calls himself JW Guidebook and he comes from his mind. Although weirded out and feeling he lost more of his sanity than he thought, JW gave him good advice for finding North and it worked. But just as he thought he was home free an enormous bear attacks him and now he finds himself running for his life only to be stopped by a giant tree dead end.

Huey: Come on, Huey! You know what to do! In panic he looks to JW. Book, what do I do?!

They both turn to see the bear stalking towards him on all fours and Huey steps back in fear but his imaginary book friend certainly isn't afraid.

JW: Me, Rule 8 No.43: If a bear you spy, string your food up high!

Huey: I don't have any food! A light bulb goes on in his head. Except…That's it! I'm the food!

He makes his way to the tree, first climbing up the rock and then the tree itself. He jumps onto a branch with JW following him before getting a rope out of his backpack. The bear is now climbing up too and Huey gasps, seeing that he needs to work faster. JW watches proudly as Huey swings his rope and tosses the other end, tying it to a branch much higher up. He climbs up the tree even further; the bear slowly catches up but ends up snapping a branch and sliding down. Huey continues his climb up.

JW: That a boy! That's some real senior Woodchuck thinking!

They both triumphantly reach the branch and spot the next trail marker on a rock path connected to a cliff.

Huey: Ha ha! There's the next marker! He confidently crosses his arms. Let's see Violet pull this…off…

He hears grunting and to his great dismay Violet is on the branch next to him, still in the lead and with an annoyingly overconfident smile, though she's still covered in some dirt because of Huey's mud stunt.

Violet: Hubert.

Huey: Violet?! No!

Violet: If it makes you feel better Lena says that first is the worst and second is the best, though factually that's wrong by any-

She's cut off when the branch she grabs snaps. Now she's falling and screaming down the tree, much to Huey's horror.

Huey: Violet, NO!

Violet shouts as she hits the branch far below Huey. She looks in fear and horror to see the giant bear climbing up towards her. At the same time she spots a wasp's nest, prompting her to get out her pocket knife and cut it loose. It smacks the bear in the head and it falls on its butt.

The wasps nest is split open and now the bear finds itself being attacked by hundreds of wasp, prompting it to run away.

Violet gets up and puts her pocket knife. Al the braches she could've used to climb up have been snapped and there's no way to climb down.

Violet: No more climbing points. I appear to be stuck.

Huey looks down in concern for his girlfriend and so does the JW.

JW: Me, Rule 17: A Woodchuck looks out for their fellow Woodchuck whatever the cost. You could toss down a rope or…ooh! Weave a cushion out of peep moss!

Huey is torn between his feelings and his desire to win no matter what. He loves Violet and would do anything to help his girlfriend. He is always willing to jump off a cliff to save her and even die for her after he witnessed her get killed by Lunaris right before his eyes. He knows he wants to save her but at the same time this race is incredibly important for him. It was remembering the way Violet "smack talk" and mockery since the beginning of this race that prompted him to make up his mind. He feels a tear drop from his eye as this goes against everything he stands for as a woodchuck and boyfriend but he must do this.

Huey: I'm sorry Vi…

JW: Huey?

Huey: He regretfully brings up his rope and lassos it. I bet if I make it to the final checkpoint first there'll be someone there who can help. I can win the challenge and look out for my competitor/girlfriend.

JW is not very reassured by that and shocked to hear Huey abandoning his fellow Woodchuck.

JW: I suppose there's no rule against it, but…

Huey tosses the other end of his rope and ties it to the branch further away,

Huey: Be right back!

JW: Hey! Where're you going!?

Huey jumps and expertly swings down the rope. He lets go and lands, grinding down on a larger branch tilting downwards to the rock pathway. He jumps and runs along the cliff, leaving Violet in shock to see her boyfriend/fellow Woodchuck abandoning her like this.

Violet: Hubert! Wait! Was it because of my razzing!? Curse my flawless slams!

She hears and spots a woodpecker bird pecking big hole in the tree. She puts a finger on her chin, an idea coming mind.

Huey has arrived by the trail marker and places his flag on it. He stops pant and catch his breath until he hears Violet's voice. He turns to see her climbing up using the holes the Woodpecker is making.

Violet: Junior Woodchuck Rule 732: Respect nature and nature will respect you!

Huey does not want to fall behind again immediately breaks for it.

Unbeknownst to them the shadow figures of what appears to be a witch and a large figure had been watching over them from the top of the tree. The tone of their voice suggests they're very intrigued.

Large figure: Well, well. Looks like red hat has a darkside to him and had the guts to abandon his little girlfriend.

Witch: Indeed, and it seems the hummingbird has been attacking his feelings without even knowing she has. Both the darkness in their hearts led us here and now it will bring about their end.

Back on Donald's side, everyone follows the singing bird out of the log and they escape from the rain. They jump down the log and watch the bird show them to a cave.

Donald: Looks like wherever that bird wants to take us, it's through this cave.

The twins stand next to each other and Della feels a stick beneath her foot. Seeing that it can be used as a torch she picks it up.

Della: Once again, nature provides. She wraps the top of the stick in a cloth while Donald crosses his arms rolling his eyes.

Donald: That's not nature helping us. That's just a mere coincidence.

Scrooge is not interested in following the bird and just looks at the map.

Scrooge: Alright, if we turn back now we can still brave the devil's teeth in the eternal quicksand, say the unfathomable phoenix guarding the treasure and be back before Huey finishes his challenge…unless that bird ruins our adventure again.

Dewey and May glare at Scrooge for his ungratefulness.

May: Hey, this bird is a hero!

Dewey: Yeah! He led us to safety!

Scrooge: From what, a bit of electrified rain?

Louie: Yeah…

June: Absolutely.

Sora: Pretty much old man.

Riku: I'd say that this bird just saved our lives.

Scrooge ignores and proceeds to lead everyone through the log only to be stopped by the bird, much to his anger.

Scrooge: Out of my way, you pasty, poultry…

Before he could even finish alliterating the giant bear that was chasing Huey and Violet comes by growling ferociously in anger and humiliation. It stands on two feet and it looks like it go stung by a lot of wasps because there are bumps visible on its face. Scrooge is in absolute amazement.

Scrooge: Is that…the Nandi Bear from Finch's cave of the bear clad!

He shows the map to reveal a sketch of a bear eating a duck and Scrooge is laughing in excitement. The bear attempts to gnaw only for Scrooge to effortlessly stop it with his cane.

Scrooge: Don't you want to fight the massive and ferocious bear with claws the size of a man!?

Everyone steps back, thinking the old man is crazy.

Louie: No…

June: Count me out…

Sora: Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer to fight if I have to, not for fun.

Riku: I concur.

Kairi: I think I've done enough monster fighting in 1 year.

Scrooge: But Finch herself fought this beastie! The bird flies around him before heading for the cave and Scrooge doesn't realize he's no longer holding the map. Oh, no you don't you avian agitator, not this again!

The bird gets next to Dewey and Scrooge pushes the bear off to notice something in the bird's beak.

Scrooge: What in blazes!? The map is in the Tittertwill's beak and it runs off into the cave. THE MAP!? EVERYONE FOLLOW THAT BIRD!

Donald, Della, Scrooge, Daisy, Dewey, Louie, Webby, April, May, June, Sora, Riku and Kairi all run inside the cave to follow the bird. The Nandi Bear gives chase only to be unable to fit through the cave.

Back on Huey's side, after ditching Violet and some painstaking climbing the red-loving duck has made it to the top of the mountain. He climbs up the ledge and his head falls a little. When he sees he's at the top, he stands tall with his hands on his hips, feeling pride and confidence despite being more bruised, dirtied and covered in some red patches.

Huey: Soon to be Senior Woodchuck summits the insurmountable mount- When he sees the final obstacle he becomes comically horrified. Oooooof course…

In front of him is a busted up bridge, big gaps between the wooden tiles and it leads to a pillar in the centre that has the final trail marker in the middle. Unfortunately the pillar is surrounded by lava and Huey is more distressed than ever. He double facepalms with a sigh and it only worsens when JW who is disappointed with his earlier action in leaving Violet appears next to him.

JW: Okay, Huey, no pressure. Huey pulls his eyes down from the pressure. Sure, you just abandoned a fellow Woodchuck but hey, you're about to win and that's all that matters, right?

Huey: Not helping book!

He proceeds to walk across the bridge only for JW to stop him in his place.

JW: Whoa, what are you doing? Rule 726: always check every bridge for stability.

Huey: I don't have time for RULES! The book from his mind gasps in shock. Are you coming or not!?

JW: No. JW looks down in disappointment for Huey un-Senior Woodchuck thinking. Where you go now, I cannot follow.

Huey: Fine! I don't need your help! Behind him Violet grunts as she climbs up the ledge. I'm gonna be a Senior Woodchuck-! He yelps to see Violet closing in and just runs. Just go!

Violet: Hubert!

Violet watches in horror as Huey runs across the unstable bridge. Due to its instability it snaps in half and Huey screams as he falls towards the lava.

The two bottom of halves of the bridge dip into the lava and Violet looks down in almost tearful horror, dreading that her boyfriend is dead. He abandoned her but she still loves him, she doesn't want to him to die.

Violet: Hubert!?

Violet drops to her knees to get a better look and she sees that Huey is hanging onto the top part of the bridge like a ladder, causing her to sigh and wipe her forehead in relief. She holds out her hand and Huey takes it as to avoid falling to his doom. She helps pull him up.

Violet: Junior Woodchuck rule 726: Check every-

Huey: YES, I KNOW!

Huey was getting so mad about Violet acting like she knew everything he didn't that he accidentally slips from the ledge. Violet grabs him again and pulls him up. The two of them drop to the mountain ground on their chest and both are panting in exhaustion. They both would've spoke to each other if they could but when they see the final trail marker in sight they exchange competitive expressions. Violet quickly runs over to a tree, pulling out a bunch of sticks from it. Huey whimpers, knowing she's already come up with something that'll ensure her victory. He sweats from the heat and his own desperation; getting out another rope from his backpack.

Huey: Okay, okay…uh…when you're between a rock and a hard place. He can't come up with an answer. Uh…I don't know, I'm gonna throw this rock!

Using some instinctive thinking Huey picks up a rock, ties one end of his rope to it before giving it a swing and tossing it across the pit of lava. He ties it to one of the bridge poles at the pillar and then ties the other end himself on his side, making his own tightrope. He gulps in hopes of his plan working.

Huey now walks on his makeshift tightrope and so far everything is going well, Unfortunately, though Huey's desperation, desire to win and become the best is completely destroying his sanity and mind. His expression is looking quite evil right now.

Huey: She might have more badges, but old Huey's put in the time! Huey' gonna be the senior Woodchuck, Huey has to be the Senior Woodchuck!

He stopped in place when he sees lava spew from below and grazes his rope. The volcano is boiling up and the heat is getting to his tightrope. Huey's twitches an eye, frustrated with how badly things are going for him.

Meanwhile, back on Donald's side the Tittertwill bird flies through the cave with map in its beak. Scrooge is chasing it and growling at the same time while Donald, Sora and the rest follow after him. Della lit the cloth on fire to make her own torch and light up the cave.

Scrooge stops to catch his breath and pant at the same time as everyone run past him.

Scrooge: Vexatious bird! Stupid bird! Ooh, I'm so mad I can't even alliterate!

Everyone finds themselves in front of three paths and the bird is nowhere in sight.

Webby: Which way did the bird go?

Kairi: We seem to have lost it.

Scrooge: Fantastic. We followed that birdbrain through an uncharted territory and now we're missing out on the ADVENTUUUUUURE!

They just turn to see him childishly on his knees.

Riku: Scrooge, you really need to calm down old man. You're starting sound like Sora whenever I beat him in our play fights when we were kids.

Sora: Hey!

Sora glares at Riku and Kairi, Daisy and Della can't help but giggle while Donald just laughs.

Louie: I'm cold and terrified. Sure, feels like an adventure to me.

Dewey: Or maybe it's just a different adventure.

The others kids all nod in agreement but is not pleased one bit.

Scrooge: Well, it's not the right one!

June: This adventure we're going on is perfectly with us, even me and Lou.

Louie: Yeah, totally.

Scrooge: But we're supposed to be following in the footsteps of greatness, following the map.

Webby: Adventure isn't about following the same old path.

May: Yeah. It's about discovering new things and going off the map.

Scrooge: Scrooge rebukes that statement by saying something Scottish. Whoever told ya that?

Everyone: The gang all deadpan at the old man. You!

Sora: Look, here's a recording.

Sora gets out his Gummiphone and plays an old recording.

Scrooge (recording): Adventure isn't about following the same old path. It's about discovering new things and going off the map.

The Duck Twins and Destiny Trio smirk as Scrooge stands their awkwardly.

Scrooge: Wait, you record everything we say.

Sora: Not everything. Just stuff I can use to awkwardly remind people of lessons that were taught.

Scrooge: Scrooge tries to contemplate their words but his pride won't allow him. But…but it's history.

Dewey: This just makes Dewey even more determined and raises a fist above his head, So, let's rewrite history!

Sora: Dewey's right. That's what this family does, right. Solve mysteries and rewrite history.

Donald: I agree, 100%!

April: Isabella Finch didn't become famous by following some maps. She became famous for making history.

Everyone smiles in agreement and pleadingly look to the Richest Duck in the World. Scrooge looks down frowning and contemplating their words. He walks away a bit and let's everything that was said sink into his mind. He's spent his whole life idolising Isabella Finch, wanting to go on the adventures she went on. But he never really did that because he went on his own grand adventures. He didn't make his name by replicating his hero; he became famous for making and rewriting history in his own special way.

He clears his throat and to everyone's surprise he does the singing and dancing of the Tittertwill which he's been so annoyed of this entire day. And he was doing a good job until he stops, thinking he's only making a fool out of himself. That thought disappears when the bird is heard from the cave on their right. He runs up to it before looking to his family with his classic Scrooge McDuck smile.

Scrooge: Whaddya think friends and family!? Should we follow this crazy bird to some unknown adventure!

Donald, Della, Daisy, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Sora, Riku, Kairi, April, May and June all pump and raise their fists in happiness and excitement to see he's come to his senses.

Everyone: Woo-oo! Yeah!

Meanwhile, Huey is really struggling right now. Although he's halfway down the tightrope the increasing heat wave is making the rope hotter which is a real burn for his bare feet and which are sizzling with smoke.

Huey: Yeowch! He whimpers as he sweats and loses balance from the rising heat. You never failed a Woodchuck test before; be better! He does his best to keep going and remembers his dream to keep him smiling. Almost there, you're going to be a Senior Woodchuck-

But then to his great dismay Violet literally flies by on her own handglider made from tree sticks and a large piece of cloth which puts Huey in great outrage and bemusement as he slowly begins to lose the rest of his sanity.


The bruised and battered red warrior triplet now begins to run on the tightrope as the heat waves from the lava keeps blowing the glider up. Violet gets next to Huey as she glides above the lava.

Violet: I deduced the most effective use of this rising heat is a handglider. Violet flies on ahead as Huey stops to pant in exhaustion. See you at the finish line…CHUMP!

Huey is incredibly hurt by what she just called him and has now lost all confidence in his abilities and chances for victory.

Huey: What do I do!? JW! I need your help!

He clutches his head and to his relief JW comes out of his mind.

JW: Well, Huey, the only person who can you is YOU. See, the true lesson is-

A spark of flames touches JW and he yelps begins to burn much to Huey's shock and horror since hallucination shouldn't touch or feel anything.

Huey: What's happening!?

JW: I don't know! Why are you imagining this!?

Huey almost slips off and watches as his spirit guide goes down in flames and shreds. More lava erupts makes direct contact with his rope, causing Huey to yelp as he sees his makeshift tightrope beginning to burn and split in half. He jumps to the other side and begins climbing horizontally towards the end but Violet is way ahead of him as she closes in on the final trail marker with a smile of victory.

Huey whimpers and watches his rope get burnt down to the last string. It snaps and he falls down screaming to his fiery doom. It was at the last second that someone flew by and caught by his shoulders, lifting him in the air. Huey opens his eyes and looks up in shock to see Violet who clutches his shoulders tightly with her feet was the one who saved him and was now gliding them both to safety.

Huey: Violet? But you could've-

Violet: Junior Woodchuck rule 162: A Junior Woodchuck looks out for their fellow Woodchuck's whatever the cost.

Huey looks down with his eyes welling up with tears but they aren't just because he failed the challenge. These are tears of shame, humiliation, guilt and regret. He abandoned Violet for his own selfish desire of winning when he should've saved her like a boyfriend/fellow Woodchuck would do. He left her behind but Violet didn't and instead saved him when she could've gotten back at him.

Huey: You…really are a better Woodchuck than me.

Violet lands them on the pillar. Huey clumsily stumbles forward on the pillar before dropping on his face at the edge while Violet has a more floating and graceful landing. She watches in concern as Huey lifts himself up and takes of his sash to see all the badges he earned. No longer does he feel pride but instead shame and dishonour in himself.

Huey: I broke the rules…I left you behind…I'm supposed to love you…I'm supposed to be your boyfriend…but today I wasn't being that at all… He's close to tears and Violet sympathetically comes up to place a hand on his shoulder. I didn't just fail the challenge…I failed my oath…as a Woodchuck and boyfriend. Violet lowers her eyebrows in misery for him as Huey looks to her and then the badges. I don't deserve you…or these…

He prepares to throw away his sash and every badge he earned into the volcano. Violet slumps down in sadness, the sight of her boyfriend in this much depression and guilt breaks her heart as it brings back memories from her own past. She looks away holding her other arm.

Violet: I too, have failed before.

Huey looks at her in surprise and Violet runs to point to a badge representing a picture of an animal falling from a cliff, meaning failure. This shocks Huey to know end who had no idea this badge even existed.

Huey: Wait, there's a failure badge!?

Violet: I tried to qualify for Senior Woodchuck 3 times before I was accepted this year. Yes, failure is a logical and natural conclusion for trying something new. She gives Huey and encouraging smile and he gains the courage to look at her in the eye. Junior Woodchuck Rule No.7: Work harder, make yourself better and try again. Violet compassionately takes his hand and helps Huey up. Come, let us finish together. Perhaps we can both be Senior Woodchucks.

As much Huey wants the title he doesn't feel like he has the right to have it anymore. He separates his hand, much to Violet's surprise as he looks down and turns in guilt.

Huey: No…you earned it, I haven't…yet.

His sadness turns into an accepting smile when he turns his head back. Violet takes out her final flag and the couple smile at each other before she attaches it to the trail marker. She steps back next to Huey as they wait for something to happen but become disappointed when nothing does.

Violet: Hmm…I thought this would be more climactic.

Literally seconds after she said that the flag is pulled back and rises to the top of the pole. A large rumbling occurs and the pillar begins sinking down the lava while creating a hole at the same time which astonishes them to no end.

Violet: Newton's Apples!

Huey: What the heck is going on!?

What stuns them the most is that when they get below enough they do not see lava but instead the Senior Woodchuck winners circle and in the stone spectator seats sat Lena (playing on her phone), Ty, Indy, other Woodchucks and their parents. When they arrive at the bottom Launchpad stands right in front of them.

Huey & Violet: Launchpad!?

At that exact moment Donald, Della, Scrooge, Daisy, Dewey, Louie, Webby, April, May, June, Sora, Riku and Kairi run inside one of the entrances following the bird and looks in surprise to see Launchpad, Huey and Violet.

Donald's Group: Launchpad!?

Launchpad: Hey, I'm Launchpad. He turns around jerking a thumb to himself as the couple walk up to him. You guys are just in time to see the winner.

They all sit down near Violet's family except for Della who raises her fists in excitement.

Della: Yes! That's my boy!

Violet looks at Huey in sympathy as he lowers his head in sad acceptance.

Huey: Actually…I lost.

Everyone gasps in shock with what they just heard, worried about how he's feeling. Della who is completely outraged runs up and gets in between them, pointing at Launchpad in anger.

Della: That can't be right! The challenge was rigged, my boy deserves to win!

Huey: No, Mom, I didn't and that's okay.


Sora: LENA!

Sora and Riku angrily cover Lena's beak and she could only muffle out her insult.


Feeling proud of his ability to accept defeat Huey walks up proudly to Launchpad.

Huey: Launchpad. I will take my failure badge please.

Launchpad is proud to see Huey hold out his hand with pride despite his loss. Impressed with his ability to accept defeat he bends down with a smile and grabs his sash.

Launchpad: Here. Take one of mine.

He opens it up to reveal 20 failure badges. He takes one out and hands it over to Huey who slaps it on his sash. Violet and Launchpad proudly watch as Huey turns and walks down the steps like a soldier. Although Della is still proud of her son she gestures she'll keep an eye on Launchpad before walking down with her arms crossed. Violet walks up and Launchpad gets on with the ceremony.

Launchpad: And now, welcome the newest Senior Woodchuck: Violet Apollonia Sabrewing.

Violet bows down on one knee just as her dads arrive and Launchpad places a new sash over her. She stands proudly as the entire crowd of Woodchucks and their parents give their applause. Violet giggles as her father's congratulate her with proud expressions, Indy pats her head and Lena runs in laughing to grab her sister and lift her up for a huge hug which she takes with enjoyment.

Huey is now in the spectator seats with the rest of his family and the ghost of his JW giving their applause too.


Donald, Huey, Dewey, Sora and everyone give their cheers, happy for Violet as they give their applause.

Violet raises her fist in the air as Lena wraps her arm around her.

April sympathetically sits next to Huey and places a comforting hand on his shoulder which surprises him.

April: Gee, Huey. I'm really sorry that you lost. I know how much this meant to you.

Huey: Huey smiles gratefully and dismisses the sympathy with a hand wave. Aah, it's fine. I can live with this loss. I'll get another shot one day in the next graduation day.

April is surprised to see how well Huey's taking this considering how disheartened he felt earlier.

April: Wow, Huey. You're taking this better than I thought.

Huey: Well, let's just say I learnt a couple of things about myself during the challenge.

Riku: Riku wraps his arm around the red wearing duck. You gave it your best shot today Huey. I'm sure you'll do better next time.

Huey: Thanks Riku.

As they all continue to applaud Violet until Scrooge feels and hears the bird singing next to him much to his absolute annoyance as he shakes his fist at it.

Scrooge: Would you knock it off with the song!

Huey: One look at the bird and Huey immediately recognises it. Wait! That song, is that the Tittertwill Bird of Knowledge?

Louie: The who-bada-bird of what now?

Sora: You know this bird, Huey?

Huey: It's the legendary mascot of the Woodchucks. Descendent from the personal pet of Isabella Finch, herself. Only Senior Junior Woodchucks and Senior Woodchucks are able to learn about it.

The bird runs over to a large medal attached to a large rock with the Woodchuck symbol on it. It dances about and slams into the medal, spinning it around and revealing a big secret. The medal twisting opens up a secret compartment hidden within the rock.

Dewey: It wasn't distracting us…It was guiding us to Finch's treasure!

Sora: So the bird was trying to help us this whole time!

Scrooge: I cannae believe it! Scrooge runs over to the symbol and looks to see a wooden box on a pile of straws. The last treasure of Isabella Finch!

The Tittertwill drops the map and Scrooge picks up the box just as everyone runs over to look at the treasure, gleaming with excitement.

Webby: It was right under our noses this whole time!

May: We just needed a quirky guide to help us realize that!

Kairi: Who knew?

Scrooge opens up the treasure and what he sees makes everyone open their beaks in happiness except for Louie and June.

Scrooge: It's more precious than I ever could've imagined.

Inside the box was an old brown book torn slightly and had Finch's initial on it. Scrooge takes it out while Louie and June are beyond disappointed.

Louie: The treasure is a book!

June: We risked our lives and almost got lost just to find some lame book.

Louie & June: BOOO!

Sora: Louie, it's not the book that counts. It's what's inside the book.

Scrooge: Sora is right. Its Finch's lost adventure journal. It contains all he adventures she had, advice she left for future generations.

Huey comes up to take the book and open it up while Donald, Della and Daisy look at the bird in amazement.

Daisy: To think that this bird is the descendent of Finch's personal pet.

Della: I know right.

Donald: I guess we really were following the footsteps of greatness after all.

Webby: She really did have the answer to everything.

Scrooge: Or almost everything.

Sora: So what's in that journal?

Huey: The missing mysteries? This is a list of legends Finch never found. The Stone of What Was, The Lost Harp of Mervana, The Fountain of Youth, The Third-Eye Diamond! This could help find the greatest lost mysteries of all time!

Everyone has their fists pumped in complete and utter excitement as Scrooge closes up the book. Even Louie and June are more excited than they've ever been in their lives.

Scrooge: Now that is an adventure! What do you say family!?

Everyone: YEAH!

The entire gang cheer, even Sora, Riku and Kairi exclaim in happiness for the start of a brand new adventure for the Duck-McDuck family.

Unbeknownst to them mosquito that had been bothering Donald all day looks on from ceiling above them and it's not really a mosquito. Its miniature spy-bot that captured everything they said. Its red eyes glow, someone is watching them.

While they remain ignorant of that Huey walks over to Violet who's talking with Lena.

Huey: Hey, Violet. The two sisters look to him but Lena puts on a sly smile.

Lena: Look who's come here to admit my sister is the better Woodchuck.

Huey: Huey rolls his eye at her for the smack. Yeah, yeah, Violet is better than me. He then smiles at Violet. I just wanted to say congratulations on becoming a Senior Woodchuck Vi.

Violet: Thank you, Huey. I'll look forward to the next graduation day when I'm sure you'll become a Senior Woodchuck. And I'll certainly look forward working with you when that day comes.

Huey: Thanks, me too Vi.

Huey's smile turns into a frown as he looks down in guilt, remembering his past actions which concerns both Lena and Violet.

Lena: What's wrong with you?

Violet: Hubert, are you okay?

Huey: Um…Violet, I just wanted to say that I'm so-

Before he could even finish a loud rumbling occurs within the volcano which is making everyone inside scream as they begin to shake off balance.

Huey: What is happening!?

Dewey and Louie hold onto their mother and Donald is comically shaking as Sora and the rest find something to hang onto.

Scrooge: What in the blazes is this!?

Sora: I don't know but I have a feeling we don't want to find out!

Donald: Donald comically clutches onto Riku's back. We're al gonna die! I've wasted my life!

Riku: Cut it out, Donald!

Ty and Indy hold onto their daughter to give her protection. Pebbles of rock fall from above and they look up to see the edge of the ceiling cracking. Then to their great astonishment the top of the mountain splits open and is telepathically lifted into the air. Luckily the lava doesn't drop down since it's blocked off by the ceiling but now the entire top part of the mountain is floating in the air.

The gang look to Launchpad in fear.

Daisy: Um…Launchpad…please tell me this is a hidden part of the challenge.

Launchpad: Launchpad frantically searches through his book but to no avail. It makes no sense! There's nothing in the rules about the top part of the mountain floating in the air!

April: We were afraid you'd say that.

Huey: Look!

Huey points up and everyone watches in horror as a brown rock dome is formed on the platform. The dome is open in a circle at the top and the clouds turn dark grey above.

Riku: What the heck!?

Dewey: What's going on here!?

Louie: Forget that! Why and how's this happening!?

A smaller platform made out of black rock floats above in the centre but below the mountain top and on it appeared sinister green flames and a blue cloud of smoke. The laughter of a familiar woman come from the green flames and the laughter of an annoying man came from the blue smoke. The other Woodchucks and their parents scream in horror and everyone recognised both of them and they weren't pleased.

Donald & Della: Aww…phooey.

Daisy: Quackers!

Kairi: Seriously!?

Riku: Why them?

Sora: Not these guys again…

Kids: Oh boy…

Launchpad: Uh oh…

Scrooge: Oh no…

Out of the green flames and blue smoke were none other than the evil fairy Maleficent and her lackey Pete who are still trying to take over other worlds. The both of them evilly grinned down at everyone below them, particularly the Duck-McDuck Family and the Destiny Trio.

Maleficent: Greetings my old friends.

Donald, Scrooge, Sora, Riku, Dewey and Huey glare at the witch the hardest and most hatefully.

Donald, Scrooge, Sora, Riku, Dewey and Huey: (Split Screen) Maleficent!

Violet has become a Senior Woodchuck and Huey has surprisingly taken it well in the end! But before a party can be held Maleficent and Pete return. What do they want this time!?

On the next chapter Huey must overcome his own darkness and a giant heartless in order to save Violet and his entire family! Can he succeed or will he end up destroying himself forever!

Coming up next: Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks part 2


(1) Gravity Falls - Golf War