This is a dark one-shot. I feel that Liz has truly forgotten how evil Franco can be. I want her to see him how everyone else sees him. I do not own the characters; they belong to ABC and General Hospital.

Liz had been having dreams about her family getting hurt because of the feelings that she has for Franco. Each night is worse than the one before it. Last night she dreamt that Jason had come to tell her that he loved her. She was in shock and did not say a word. Franco heard what Jason had said and believed that Liz was just playing him for a fool.

He decided that he needed to take care of things before he let her know that she was a fool to ever have fallen for him, but by that time it would be too late. He made sure that the boys were somewhere else that night. Jake was staying with Jason and Aiden was staying with his grandma, Laura. Cameron was a bit tougher to get rid of, but he told Cam to go see a movie and have fun. He had a special night planned for his mother.

Liz came home and realized that the boys were gone for the night. She knew about Jake and Aiden. "I gave Cam some money to go see a movie with Joss. I thought that he deserved it for helping her out and giving Oscar the space, he needed. I have the bath ready for you and when you get down here, I will have on some soft music and a glass of wine. Take your time."

Liz looked at him a bit strange but kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs to take a bath. She came out of the bathroom with a robe over her and went downstairs. The music was playing, and she saw the wine. She took a sip of the wine and realized that something was off about it. She did not drink any more of it.

He looked at her and she wondered what it was all about. "Have I done something wrong. You are looking at me strangely."

"Do you still want to marry me? I just feel that with Jason back, you are wanting something else. I heard what he said to you. You didn't answer back, but I feel you are pulling away from me."

"I still have feelings for you. I am not exactly sure what they are right now. I am not ready for the wedding. I wish that I had not talked about it and we just be together like we are. I am sorry about that. I don't know what you want from me."

Cam had a bad feeling about Franco and his mother being alone. Cam and Joss went to his home when he heard Franco getting upset with his mother. He was yelling at her about her still being in love with Jason and that she was using him. He then heard Franco slap his mother across the face. He wanted to charge in, but he knew the smart thing would be to call 911 and Jason. "Joss call 911 while I call Jason. I cannot do both. Just tell them to hurry, I have a bad feeling."

Cam did not know how right he was. The wine was poisoned, and he forced her to drink it all. When she passed out, he started to tear up the place. Jason arrived the same time as Chase. Chase knew that Jason was her ex and Jake's father. When Chase went into the house, Franco was in a full rage. There was no backing him down. Chase saw that Liz was unconscious and then he saw Franco with the knife. Franco knew that he would be dead, but she would be too. It was too late for the both. He stabbed her twice before Chase shot and killed him.

Jason and Cam ran into the house and realized that Liz was still alive, but barely. He had Cam go get some towels so they could try to slow down the flow of blood. Jason prayed while the rescue was on the way. Jason called his mother and told her about Franco and Liz. She was already watching Jake for him. They had been hanging out having a great time at his mother when Cam called him.

"I will call back to tell Jake how his mother is doing. I just pray that she will make it, but it does not look good. She drank something according to Cam. When she would not drink anymore, he forced the rest of the drink down her throat. It must be either drugs or poison. Then he stabbed her. The rescue is here. I am going to take Cameron and Joss to the hospital with me. I have to call Carly, so she can get Joss."

"I will call Carly. I will meet you at the hospital with Jake. He deserves to be there, and I will call Laura for Aiden. Just be careful. I love you son."

"Thanks, I love you too mom."

That was when she woke up. She saw Franco and it freaked her out a bit after her dream. She got dressed for work and made sure her sons were ready for school. The boys always loved Friday, because when school was over, it was the weekend. The boys were loud, and it was just before their break for Thanksgiving. The boys planned on being with their mom. Jason had invited Jake to spend the day with Danny and Sam, but he felt like a fifth wheel there. Aiden was invited to spend the day with his grandma Laura, but he did not want to be away from his mother and brothers. Cam had even been invited to Joss's for Thanksgiving.

Liz knew that she was blessed to have such great healthy and happy sons. Aiden was finally trying to stand up for himself in class. Charlotte was going to be homeschooled until she learned that just because she is smart and rich, does not mean that she can get away with bullying. The class breathed easier after she left.

Liz watched the boys get on the bus. Cameron had his bike and rode it to the high school, not far from their home. She then gathered her things and went to work. Franco showed up a few hours later in a bad mood. His moods lately had been terrible. It was like he went back to be a moody guy like when he was first into his art. His art had changed too, and it was more like it was when he was younger. She felt that he was slipping to the dark side, but she did not realize that his mentor lately was not Dr. Kevin Collins, but his evil twin brother Ryan Chamberlain. Ryan was able to reach into Franco's mind and was able to switch him to the dark side without him or anyone even knowing.

"I was wondering why you didn't wake me up when you got ready for work. Are you trying to avoid me? You seem to be having bad dreams and you scream at me to leave you alone. Are you having second thoughts about our wedding or just me?"

"I am thinking both right now. I have been having unnerving dreams about us and I am not sure where it is coming from, so I think that maybe my mind is telling me to take a step back. I don't want to make things weird around us, but I just don't trust myself around you."

"Okay. I get it. I will take a break from here for a while. I was thinking of going to New York City and spend some time there painting. I am not sure when I will be back, but I will not be gone that long. Just think about us and give us a chance?"

Liz turned white when she realized that she had this discussion before in one of her dreams. He would be gone for Thanksgiving, but back for the first week in December. He will force his way back in the house and then all hell breaks out. She realizes that the dreams were more like premonitions. She knew that she would have to get more security when he leaves. She was also going to change the locks.

When she finished work, she gathered her sons and headed to Kelly's for dinner. Jason saw her with Jake and no Franco. "I thought he was attached to your hip. Is he on his way over or can I join you?"

"Wow, Jason. I am not sure about it. You need to ask these three young men here. They are my dates, today and for always. I would do anything for them, including laying down my life. I know that you would do that for Jake too. Probably half this town, but I am not in that category anymore." Jason could see that something was wrong with Liz. She always had the most beautiful smile, but for the past few months, it was like she was sleepwalking thru life.

"You and your sons are also on my list. I love you all. You are my family, just like Danny." Liz was shocked that he did not say Sam.

"Jake told me about your plans with Sam and Danny. We plan on going to a cabin I rented for Thanksgiving. It is going to be nice and quiet. I do need a favor from you. I plan on changing the locks and putting a new security system in the house. I broke it off with Franco and I just have been getting a strange vibe from him for the past few months. I am not sure exactly when it happened, but he seems to be in a much darker place than I am used to seeing him. He scares me in my dreams, but I guess that is just wedding jitters. Well no more wedding, so no more jitters."

The rest of the evening was nice. The boys talked about school, even Aiden. They felt comfortable with Jason, but they were starting to pull away from Franco too. "Dad, do you remember how I told you that Franco was acting strange. He gets upset for no reason. He does not like my brothers and me to go anywhere but he can. He tells us that no one would miss us if we disappeared. He included mom in that too. When mom is not around, he says terrible things about her and other women. It is like he doesn't like or trust them."

Liz was in shock and when she saw the look going between Cam and Jake, she knew it was true. "Did he say something so you wouldn't tell me this. This is something that I should have been told about. I am glad that I said goodbye to him today, but I think that when he comes back in a few weeks, it is going to be bad. I am sorry Jason. I think we have said enough. I know you have your family to go back too. Boys, say goodnight to Jason."

Jason looked at her and he realized that he needed her to know the truth. He still loved her, but he tried to put his feelings aside because of Franco. Sam knew in her own way, just like Jason knew that she still loved and missed Drew. He decided that he was going to have a talk with all the parties together. The sooner that is done the better.

Jason saw Liz was at the docks with the boys. "Liz, I need to talk to you, but there are two other people that need to be here too. Can you meet us at the Floating Rib in an hour? I will have a crew come tomorrow to put up a security system and maybe even get you a dog. It will make you feel better when the guys here are out on dates. It could be with their girlfriend, or grandmother."

"Okay. Yes, I will meet you. I guess the other two will be Drew and Sam. This should be a fun night. I hope you plan on taking your motorcycle. I need a ride to clear my head."

"That can be arranged. Should I pick you up then? I can take us to nowhere when the talk is over." Liz smiled for the first time that day. It was a real smile, not the ones that she puts on for everyone else. She got her boys together and they headed home. Jake knew that his father still had feelings for his mother. He just could not say anything because of Franco.

She got ready for Jason. When he knocked on the door, he had something that the boys had wanted. It was the new video system to play their games on and watch movies. He bought them a couple of games and a couple of movies. He looked at Cam. "Take good care of your brothers. This is for you all to share. That means you must let Aiden play too. Okay. If you need us, we are only a phone call away."

He handed Liz a helmet and the two took off to the Floating Rib. They sat down and Jason got a beer and brought a bottle of tequila for Liz. He had them bring the glass, salt, and lime. "You remembered. I miss those wild girls' night out. Your sister loved going to them. When she died, the tradition just fell away. Sorry. Thanks for this."

Sam and Drew showed up at the same time. Sam saw Jason and headed to the booth. She sat with Jason while Drew sat with Liz. "Okay, I called this meeting to clear up some things. I think that we all need to be honest with how we feel. When I first came back, there were so many different things going through my mind. It had been five years to all of you, but only a few months to me. I thought I should pick up where I left off, but Drew thought he was me. Helena has done some terrible things to our family. This is just one of the many. Drew, I am sorry that I have been such an ass. I can be a much better brother. I know that you are still in love with Sam. I also know that Sam is still in love with you. When she talks about you and Scout, her eyes light up. I know she feels that she should try to give us a try, but that would be wrong. I realized that when I first saw Liz with Franco, I was in shock. Then I was pissed. Not a good combination. I have tried to stay away from both of you, but I realized a while ago that I still love Liz. She is my heart and soul. Okay. Now that I have said my peace, it is time for the three of you to say what is in your hearts. Thanksgiving is around the corner and I feel we should start our lives where they should be as soon as possible."

Sam drank her beer down and so did Drew. Liz was on her third shot. Then she realized that she still loved Jason. She looked at Drew and Sam. She took Jason's hand into hers. "You are right. I still love you Jason. I am so confused, because I think that I have been holding on so tight to Franco, so I would not hurt when you went back to Sam. Things are bad between Franco and me. I fear him. He even threatened my sons. He told them that no one would miss them if they would disappear. He said the same thing about me. That no one cared and that he could do what he wanted to us and get away with it. Cam was not happy when Jake told Jason and I this tonight at Kelly's."

Sam looked at Jason and then Liz. She realized that he was right and that they were in the wrong spots. Sam looked into Drew's eyes. "I want you to know that if you need to help Kim, or if you don't feel the way about me, that I do about you, I will understand. I should never have let you go. I knew that you would always put our children first and our love. I felt so torn for so long, but sitting here now and looking at you, Drew. I feel alive for the first time in a long time. I just hope that you still feel that way about me."

Drew was shocked. He knew that he loved Sam. "I have never stopped loving you. Kim needed me, but not the way I need you. Oscar is a great son, and I pray that we can get through to him, so he will try to get better. I just do not know what to do. I missed us. Thank you for still caring and loving me."

Jason felt better. He knew that Sam and Drew were meant to be. He also knew that he and Liz were supposed to be together. Franco was an excuse that they all used to keep themselves from truly being happy. Liz was ready to go and take that ride to nowhere with Jason. Everyone said their goodbyes and left the bar.

Jason handed Liz her helmet and they took off flying up to nowhere. Jason and Liz looked out over the city and kissed for the first time in over six years. "I can't tell you how long that I have missed this. You were gone and then it seemed like you were back, but a bit different. I think that when everyone thought Drew was you, it was like a light in him went out. When he started to have your memories, he grew closer to Sam, Carly, and Sonny. It was like the boys and I did not exist for a while. Everyone treated me like I was nothing and Franco tried to make me feel better. He also helped with Jake. I thought I was in love with him, but I think that I was just using him because I felt that he loved me and no one else would. When you came back and I saw you in that jail cell, I knew that you were really Jason. My heart broke because I knew that you would go back to your old life and I would be left behind. Now, I am finally realizing what a mistake I made in staying with Franco. I am scared for me and our boys. Can you stay with us tonight?"

"I will stay with you every night if you let me. Let us go home and see how our boys are doing?" The two of them got back on Jason's bike and went home. They made into the house and the boys were sound asleep with the controllers between them. Jason and Liz woke Cam up to go to bed. Liz woke up Aiden and helped him to his room. Jason woke up Jake and helped him. Once the boys were settled in their beds, Jason and Liz ran down the stairs to play the video games that Jason bought.

It was well past three when the two of them passed out on the couch. Franco heard rumors about Jason and Liz getting together as soon as he left. He felt that he needed to go back and teach his ex a lesson she would never forget. He saw them in the window asleep next to each other. He walked in quietly and picked Elizabeth off the couch. She screamed and Jason woke right up. Franco pointed a gun right at Liz and dragged her out into the night.

Jason was at a loss for the first few minutes. He had not woken up quite yet and he was not used to having to protect anyone for a while. He just had himself to protect. Jason called 911 when the boys came running downstairs. They heard Franco yelling and their mother screaming. They saw Jason and knew that Franco kidnapped their mother. Jason called Spinelli and his friend said he would be on his way to Port Charles as soon as the airlines were open.

Dante and Nathan were at Liz's house before anyone knew it. They asked Jason what had happened, and Jason told them everything. "I need for you to help find Elizabeth. She does not deserve to be pulled into any of Franco's games. I thought he loved her, but her sons told us that he was just playing them. He told the boys that no one cared about them or their mom. If she just disappeared, no one would miss her. Franco really does not know Elizabeth at all. Everyone loves her and that she would be missed if anything happened to her. We just got back together."

Franco had found out about the cabin that Liz was renting for Thanksgiving that was in less than a week. She was supposed to take the boys that Monday. When Liz woke up after he had drugged her, she knew where she was. She just hoped that the boys would figure it out and tell Jason.

It was later that morning when Spinelli showed up. He found Franco's vehicle and the cabin that he had her at. He showed the cabin to Jason and he did not realize that was the cabin that she had talked about, but Cam knew. "That is the cabin that mom rented for Thanksgiving. We were supposed to go Monday. Which is in a couple of days. Mom wrote the directions to the cabin. She had them in her drawer. Jake found it and brought it down.

Jason called Dante and told him that they think they know where Franco took her. The drive was just over an hour away. Jason asked his mother to watch the boys at her place. Laura was going over there too. Laura picked them up to go and Jason, Dante and Spinelli took off for the cabin.

Franco tied Liz up to the bed. He had a bomb under the bed so when Jason tried to save her, they would both die. He put the bomb on a timer, and it was set to go off at nine. Franco left at seven and headed towards the Canadian border. He was not going to be anywhere near that cabin when it went off. He had raped and savagely beaten Liz before tying her up and leaving her to die.

Franco had reached the border around the same time that Jason got to the cabin. It was 8:30 and the bomb was set to go off in thirty minutes. She was unconscious when he got to her. Dante saw something under the bed just as Jason was about to lift her off the bed. "Stop. He put a bomb under the bed. He must have rigged the bomb to go off if you pull her up from the bed. Spinelli call the bomb squad and see if they can help us. The bomb is set to go off at nine which give us about twenty minutes now."

Spinelli called the bomb squad and he talked the three men into defusing the bomb. They had about thirty seconds left, when the bomb was diffused. They also had called a rescue because of the severities of Elizabeth's injuries. They were able to get her help and she was evacuated by helicopter to the nearest trauma center about sixty miles away. The helicopter would get her there in ten minutes and traveling in the mountains could be a couple of hours. They allowed Jason in the helicopter with her. Dante and Spinelli received directions to where they were going. Spinelli called Monica to tell her about Elizabeth so she could take the boys and meet them at the hospital. They were going to a hospital right outside of Buffalo.

Jason was so grateful for the helicopter. They almost lost her twice due to her injuries. She was sent straight to surgery. When everyone arrived, they saw the dark circles under Jason's eyes and the tears. Cam went up and hugged Jason. "Thank you for saving her. My mom loves you." His brothers went up to Jason, Spinelli and Dante and thanked them. Monica knew how hard this was for Jason and the boys. Sonny and Carly showed up with Joss. Joss wanted to make sure that Cam was alright. Sonny and Carly were there for Jason. Sonny took Jason into the chapel to pray for Elizabeth. Sonny knew that Jason had been in love with Elizabeth for a long time and he was glad that Jason finally tried to right the wrongs, by staying away from the ones he loved for their protection.

The police officers went to find any clues on where Franco might have gone. He left them right out in the open because he honestly believed that Jason would not get there in time and be able to defuse the bombs. They knew he went over the border into Canada. It would be a while before they found him. Sonny had called in some favors to go look out for Franco. If they found him, to call the Canadian Mounties. Then he could be extradited to the US.

It took three weeks before Liz was able to go home. They airlifted her to General Hospital a few days after she was beaten up. Jason was happy that they were in a hospital they all knew, and she was close to home. The Mounties found Franco and brought him back to Port Charles. He was sent to Pentonville until his trial.

Jason knew that Liz was going to have to stay somewhere other than her home. He spoke to his mother and she said that they could use the guest house on the property. They had one bedroom with its own bathroom on the first floor and the other three bedrooms were upstairs. This would make it perfect for them. The boys upstairs and Liz would be able to get in and out of the bedroom and bathroom. She just did not have to climb the stairs. Jason was going to have someone help with the cooking and cleaning, because Liz was supposed to relax until she healed completely. When she was cleared to go back to work, Liz was only going part time and the rest of the time she was going to home school her sons and go back to painting. Although, Monica and Jason were trying to talk her into just staying home and fully resting up until at least summertime.

Monica did not want to admit it, but she liked having the boys that close every day. She knew they would be there at least until spring, but she wanted more. She thought of Liz as a daughter. Liz was Emily's best friend and the two were like sisters, so it made sense. Jason was going to propose to Liz at Christmas. The guest house was so cute and the perfect size. Her home was just vacant and so Liz decided to put her home up for sale. They had hired a crew to pack up everything and put it in storage. Then they found someone to fix up anything that needed to be done and have the home staged for a quick sale.

She loved her house, but with everything that happened, it was just bad memories associated with it. Drew and Sam had been over to see her in both hospitals and they checked out their new place. Danny wanted to see where his brothers were living and his father. Drew was worried about Liz and the boys.

Christmas was a circus, but Liz loved every minute of it. Jason took Liz and the boys up to the mansion. Drew, Sam, Danny, Scout, Kim, and Oscar were there too to celebrate the holiday with Monica and Michael. The day was very festive and both brothers proposed to their girlfriends after their dinner. Monica was thrilled that she was going to have not one wedding but two weddings in Lila's rose garden. The gardens were perfect for the ceremony and pictures. Then they would have the reception in the ball room.

Liz was overcome by Jason asking her to marry him. She loved him so much and she felt the loss of her best friend so badly right then. Monica went over to see if she could help the young mother. "Is there anything that I can do for you? Are you hurting right now? You can take Lila's elevator upstairs and take a nap in Emily's old room if you want."

This made Liz cry even harder. She was embarrassed by how emotional she was and did not want to hurt Monica's feelings. She knew if she did not say what was wrong, it would be even worse. "I feel fine, just a bit overwhelmed. I would be honored to marry Jason here in Lila's rose garden. I miss Emily so much and most of the time, I am fine, but today she would have been so happy. She would have seen both her brothers propose to the women they love. She would be right here with me planning the wedding. It is also her favorite holiday, so I guess that is why I miss her so much right now. I did not want to say anything, because I know that you feel the same way. I just wish Drew had met her first. She would have adored him."

Jason could see how tired Liz was and he knew that it would be a while before she was truly back to herself again. Drew and Sam went to ask Monica about the best time of year to marry in the rose garden and what else would be great for the wedding.

Drew and Sam were married that June in Lila's rose garden. They had a great wedding and the best part was the family was there to see it. Oscar was in remission and back with Joss. Kim found a great guy and they were happy. He was a new doctor in neurology. He helped Oscar beat cancer.

Jason and Liz planned on getting married the middle of September. It was the perfect time of year and especially with the leaves starting to change. Jason did not go back to work with Sonny. He decided that he needed to do what was right for his family. He found the perfect home to fix up and Liz designed it. They moved in the spring after they were married. They had stayed at the gate house until then. The best part about the house was it was just down the road from Monica. Drew and Sam were still living in the penthouse. Sam had another girl to add to her growing family. Danny, Scout and Lexie after her mother Alexis. Oscar was doing great and he saw his brother and sisters at least once a week if not more.

Jason and Liz had one more child. They had a little girl name Isabella Lila Quartermaine. Jason had decided to go back to his original name and forget his time working for Sonny. They were still friends and five families loved his work, especially the security part of it. Spinelli was his partner in the security section, and he brought two friends back from Italy to help with the construction business. Francis and Johnny O'Brien helped Jason with his construction firm.

Liz homeschooled her children and did interior design for the new homes. She also went back to painting. Jason and Liz had the best life ever once everyone decided to lay their cards on the table and tell how they were feeling from the heart.